Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2355 2359 [Bourbon suffers]

In the middle of the night, everything is quiet.

"Dong, crunch——"

"Dong, crunch——"

The dull sound of impact, as well as the rough and strange sound of being pushed and ground hard after the collision, sounded faintly under Belmod's bed.

Belmode opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling: "..."

...What the hell is that bastard of Vodka doing downstairs? !

Or what exactly was Uzo sending his actors to do in the vodka house? !

The veins on the back of Belmode's hands popped out, almost crushing the edge of the quilt. For a moment, she wanted to punch through the floor with her fist, jump down to see what was going on downstairs, and then pack up all the bastards who disturbed her dreams and sink them into the lake.

But in the end, her formidable reason stopped her.

"Calm down, don't you just need to sleep less." Belmod closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled, "According to the tour guide, in two days at most, the travel agency's bus will come to pick you up. In other words, after I get through tonight, I will only need to survive for a day or two at most to be relieved. "

"One or two days, plus tonight it will be three days...three days, or I'd better go downstairs and kill..."

His thoughts wandered for a moment, but he was quickly pulled back by Belmod: "It's just three days, don't I usually stay up too many nights? It'll be over after I endure it."

"As for now..."

Belmod looked at the current situation and fell silent for a moment.

This weird knocking sound tonight came much earlier than last night.

Today is earlier than yesterday, then if tomorrow is earlier than today, and the day after tomorrow is earlier than tomorrow... With such a tense spirit to get through night after night, even if she is used to staying up late, it will be difficult for her to leave the island alive.

But if you ignore this sound and sleep, you may not be alert enough and fall victim to this weird mechanism in your sleep.

"Forget it, let's stay up for one more day while my energy is still good."

Belmode finally made a decision. She moved her body into a position that allowed her to stand up at any time to deal with various crises, then wrapped herself in a quilt and yawned uncontrollably from exhaustion.

"Think optimistically, if vodka dies tonight, then there won't be such weird noises tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

The figure of Jiang Xia appeared in Belmod's mind: "I hope Wu Zuo can succeed soon... However, if Vodka dies, will his next target be me?"

Chaotic thoughts flashed through his mind, and Belmode sighed softly. For some reason, he suddenly remembered Bourbon from back then, and Bourbon's slightly thinner face after returning from his trip.

"I seemed to have laughed at him at that time." Belmode raised his hand to rest his forehead, feeling complicated and unspeakable for a moment, "The situation is really changing, and I never want to go out with Uzo again."

"But it seems that this is not something I can decide. That guy must have seen that I care about Angel and Cool Guy, so he always uses them to seduce or threaten me to go out."

Thinking of those two lovely children, Belmod fell into a sweet trouble: "Since I can't escape, I have to think of other ways... Why not bring a few more people over next time to distract Uzo from me? ?

“For example, this time, if Bourbon had been there, it might have been his floor that got knocked.

"But correspondingly, the more people you bring, the greater the threat they pose to me. And if the people you bring are too useless and can't get into Uzo's eyes, it won't have any effect... Tsk, just Isn’t there a way to get the best of both worlds?”

In the silent night, Belmode listened to the annoying thumping sound and fell into deep thought.

Early the next morning.

Vodka got up refreshed, his face looked much better than yesterday, and the dark blue under his eyes had also faded.

He finished the sealed can hidden in the room in a good mood, and then set out to the living room to pretend to have breakfast. As soon as I arrived, I was startled by a ghostly murderous intent.

Vodka raised his head suddenly, just in time to see the "new doctor" looking away as if nothing had happened.

Vodka: "..."


As they were both fallen from the world, there was no need for Belmod to be so hostile to him.

While Vodka comforted himself, he couldn't help but be a little more wary of Belmode.

When the cadres of the two organizations are wary of each other.

Next to them, the high school students were discussing business.

Toyama and Ye Tuochi looked out the window: "The woods here all look the same. I don't know if Senior Tono found the hotel successfully... I hope he didn't get lost."

Suzuki Sonoko touched her chin: "I seem to have heard that he has participated in some cross-country activities, so he should have some experience."

Mao Lilan thought of the two previous murders and suddenly lost her appetite: "It would be great if we could catch the villa destroyer earlier. That person's murderous methods were too cruel."

Hattori Heiji took a bite of toast and whispered to Jiang Xia: "Do you think the murderer was really the 'villa destroyer'?"

Jiang Xia: "Probably not."

Hattori Heiji, who was about to propose a subversive new point of view: "..."

Conan: "..." Hehe, he actually used this sentence pattern to ask Jiang Xia a question. It would be too much to solve the case with him.

Hattori Heiji was silent for a moment in embarrassment, and then continued his words as if nothing had happened: "Well, I don't think so either - the 'villa destroyer' in the news obviously doesn't frequent this area, but this time the murderer can actually burn it accurately. Broken the suspension bridge, trapping us all in the camp.

"In addition, for a wanted criminal on the run, the most lacking thing should be food. But the murderer clearly stuffed the second deceased's body into the refrigerator and knew where the refrigerator was, but he didn't take anything from it.

"The same goes for the deceased's suitcase, which was filled with money. This kind of suitcase should be an irresistible temptation for an outlaw, but the murderer didn't even look at it, and just destroyed it in the living room - - What do you think this means?

Suzuki Sonoko: "It shows that the murderer is a careless pervert, and the pleasure of killing is higher than his need for food!"

"Huh, stupid!" Hattori Heiji found some confidence in the female high school student, "This shows that things are not as simple as we seem - the two murders this time are by no means just the impulsive behavior of a villa vandal. He There must be a clear purpose, but we don’t know that purpose yet.”

Suzuki Sonoko studied this passage carefully.

Then he rolled his eyes in disgrace: "It's the same as not saying anything."

"?" Hattori Heiji said, "How can it be as if this is not mentioned? This is obviously a staged progress!"

Suzuki Sonoko recalled Jiang Xia's usual case-solving process and asked simply: "Tell me, who is the murderer, where is he now, what does he want to do, and when can we catch him?"

Hattori Heiji:"……"

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