Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2255 2259 [Gin traps vodka incident]

When his eyes fell on the doctor who was smiling at him through the window, Gin chuckled and snorted in his heart: "But in my opinion, this guy won't live long. Although his temper seems to be good, his attitude is too tactful. The more flattering the superior is, the easier it is to find other places to vent, and the character observed by the organization may not be the true character.

"Tsk, at this time, I actually hope to see a doctor with Wu Zuo. A course of treatment only takes one time. Next time, I have to wait until I find the next doctor, and the right doctor is not that easy to find..."

...However, bringing Uzo to the doctor without authorization is obviously not respectful to "that adult" and is suspected of provoking him.

Gin regretfully suppressed this thought and drove away.

After taking a detour and getting rid of possible tracking, Gin thought of something and took out his phone - he felt his phone vibrate just now, as if an email had arrived.

I turned on the screen and saw that there was indeed a letter from Vodka. Looking at the time, Gin felt that he understood: this should be a report after completing the task. If I remember correctly, the transaction was very simple, and the vodka was easily completed.

With this thought in mind, Gin opened the email.

Then, facing the messy format and rushed tone of the article, he remained silent for a moment.

"What is it?" Gin frowned and summarized based on his first impression, "Suicide note?"


Jiang Xia parked his motorcycle in the corner and glanced at the office buildings in front of him.

Conan also saw those old signboards: "Kakuda Construction Consulting Company, Tamamoto Construction Company... Dr. Agasa said that the Yin and Yang Book belongs to Mihua Construction Company. There is no one on this street, but..."

Jiang Xia looked at the "Dragon God Economic Research Institute" not far away and knew what he wanted to say: "But the internal accounts are lost, and they are definitely not the only ones who are worried. Anyone who has transactions in the accounts may be arrested and silenced. For example, this company Research Institute—I just checked with Dr. Ali, and it is also on that list."

Conan also looked over immediately, his eyes as sharp as a scanner. Soon he discovered the problem and his eyes fell on a black car at the back door of Longshen Economic Research Institute: "This car should have just parked here not long ago. Is it the vehicle used by the kidnappers?"

Jiang Xia: "..." No, the kidnapper's car should have been parked in the garage. This car has nothing to do with them, but it looks familiar.

……Um? This looks like a black car used by Gin and Vodka?

When he got closer, Jiang Xia took a closer look and was immediately more sure: Yes, it's this one. He had previously thought about how to make the car break down reasonably, and was impressed by its details. So even if the license plate was changed now, he still recognized it.

This thought flashed through, and Jiang Xia's mood skyrocketed: Gin and vodka are also nearby? But why didn't I feel murderous intent? Did they walk somewhere else after getting off the bus?

...or is the car sometimes used by others?

Just as I was thinking about it, there were suddenly a few dings coming from upstairs. The movement was not big and quickly subsided.

"?!" Conan suddenly became alert. He carefully identified these sounds and whispered to Jiang Xia:

"Is there a fight upstairs? Why did it end so quickly... Damn it, the hostages must have resisted, and the kidnappers easily took care of them. This group of lawless gangsters are so arrogant, they treated innocent citizens so roughly! We We have to go up and have a look as soon as possible.”

Jiang Xia came to his senses and nodded: Since the specific location of Gin and the others cannot be found for the time being, the most important thing is to capture the colorless murderous aura in front of them first.

The two people sneaked into the house one after another, quickly found the stairs, and followed the sound to the second floor.

——The noise just now came from here. This is probably the specific place where the hostages are held.

They were about to touch it along the way, but at this moment, Jiang Xia was shocked and received a message on her phone.

Jiang Xia: "..." Sent by the organization?

He didn't waste any time and immediately took out his phone and took a look.

I saw the email came from Gin, with a few simple words on it, which seemed to be a warning:

[Be careful. ]

Jiang Xia thought of the car just now and immediately determined one thing:

[Are you nearby? What a coincidence. ]

Gin received the reply: "..." Oh, Uzo is still so good at pretending. I don't know how he found out about Vodka's whereabouts... This guy Vodka seems to have learned the anti-tracking skills. It's time for him to make up for it.

But apart from the occasional stupidity, I have to admit that vodka is mostly a versatile and worry-free assistant.

Gin had no choice but to endure his impatience and typed a few more words:

[Vodka is on a mission, don't interrupt - you have to make sure he's unharmed]

After a pause, Gin silently removed the somewhat forcible word "unscathed": [You must ensure that he can get in the car and leave without any serious problems, and leave your sphere of influence safely. ]

Jiang Xia, who received the email, read the content and nodded thoughtfully: "..." It turns out that the car was really used by Vodka, rather than changing its owner.

The reason why I didn't feel the murderous smell of wine just now was that Gin was not nearby and was doing other things. Vodka was the only one to handle this task.

"Can't Vodka learn from his colleagues and be more murderous? He really doesn't look like an organizational cadre."

Jiang Xia sighed in his heart and shook his head with hatred.

Immediately, he remembered Gin's instructions just now, and his mind moved slightly.

“I thought the car had changed owners, so I was busy rescuing the ‘hostages’ and had no time to find its new owner.

"But since Ginjiu has confirmed that the car was driven by Vodka, I'd better go say hello to him. After all, we are familiar colleagues. It would be rude to pretend we haven't met him. And Ginjiu also specifically said Please let me escort him to the car...I am really a kind and enthusiastic colleague."

Jiang Xia put down her cell phone, poked Conan next to her, and whispered: "I just received the intelligence. The kidnapper's brutal accomplices are coming to support me. I'm going to hold them back for a while. This way..."

"Leave this to me." Conan already had an idea after reading the structure here, "You have to be more careful."

Jiang Xia nodded, and while letting the ghosts go out to search, he climbed out of the window, landed silently on the windowsill, and then quickly walked away along the eaves.

He is not worried about Conan's safety at all - if I feel right, the only one who is still active in the kidnapper's lair is Akai Shuichi.

Although Akai Shuichi has limited conscience, at least he will not attack an innocent elementary school student. It's really reassuring to leave the scene to them.

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