Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2180 2183 [Hopeless Plan]

The curly-haired man had already predicted it, and pointed to the shore with a hint of pride: "I guessed that you wanted to use it, and I just brought it along with you."

However, this flattery was slapped on the horse's hooves. Oiso Nagami scolded: "Then you didn't tell me earlier! Isn't it fun to watch me struggle to find something!"

Curly-haired man: "..."

After Oiso Nagami scolded her fiancé, she turned to her half-sister and said, "And you, you are such an eyesore! I'm looking for something to wear in a bikini and swimsuit. If you're not bothered by dangling around, give it to me right away. Get out and get out where I can’t see you!”

Sister Oji was so wronged that she defended in a low voice: "I was wearing a swimsuit like this when I came here. I can't change it temporarily when I go into the water to look for things...and compared to fighting, I bend down to look for things in front of you more often. ."

Oiso Nagami: "You still dare to call him by his first name? Ha, it's really close enough."

The hotel manager was looking for it, and when he heard a quarrel behind him, he had to come to smooth things over again: "Well, one more person means more strength. This pool is very big. It will be faster if we all search together."

Oiso Nagami was completely angry: "I'm so annoyed. What kind of power do you trash have? Maybe it's because you three muddied the water that I haven't been able to find the necklace - go out and find it myself!"

Her roar echoed throughout the venue.

The other three people did not dare to disobey, climbed ashore silently, and dragged away the water.

Suddenly there was only one person left in the huge swimming pool, and soon even that person could not be seen clearly - Oiso Nagami dived in with an oxygen bottle on her back.

People who eat melon: "..."

Suzuki Sonoko narrowed her eyes speechlessly: "Could this guy just want to play diving and come up with such a trick?"

Jiang Xia looked at her watch: "She shouldn't be able to finish such a big swimming pool for a while. It just so happens that the hotel has a special set meal today. I have nothing to do. Let's go and have something to eat together."

A few people stopped staying at the swimming pool and went to the restaurant to order food.

Judy happened to be sitting opposite Suzuki Sonoko.

Suzuki Sonoko glanced at her and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed: there was something wrong with the place she had carefully chosen. Maybe it was just an accident that she couldn't swim the first few times. She seemed to have wrongly blamed Teacher Judy.

Thinking of this, Suzuki Sonoko comforted: "It's okay, there are diving equipment, and such a small swimming pool can be searched quickly. When Oiso Nagami leaves, I will tell the manager that you can just do it without guests in that area." Pool competition!”

Judy nodded, but murmured in her heart: "..." Can it really be compared?

For some reason, she gradually began to lose confidence.

After the meal, we finished our desserts happily. Suzuki Sonoko enthusiastically took a few people to the swimming pool, intending to see if Oiso Nagami had finished looking for the necklace.

However, as soon as I arrived near the swimming pool, before I could get in, I saw several hotel security guards trotting back and forth in a hurry.

Suzuki Sonoko's heart skipped a beat.

But Jiang Xia quickly entered the detective mode. When another security guard passed by, he stretched out his hand to stop him and arrested someone skillfully: "What happened?"


The security guard didn't know whether to say anything, but he happened to see the hotel manager and his friends passing by. The security guard said quickly: "Manager Toshima! These guests have questions to ask."

The manager thought it was another customer who was protesting because of the body search, so he quickly put on a business smile. But looking over here, he recognized it: "Miss Suzuki?"

Sister Daji heard Jiang Xia's question just now, and she said uneasily: "Sister disappeared suddenly."

"Missed?" Suzuki Sonoko pointed to the swimming pool, "Didn't she just look for the necklace alone in there?"

Manager: "Theoretically, it should be like this, but we just looked there and didn't see anyone. The security guards searched the hotel, and I asked Miss Hamaxiang to help look at the women's locker room and bathroom, but she was never found. ."

The fiancé also said: "I called home to ask, but she didn't come home, and she didn't go to a few familiar friends."

A group of people were walking in the corridor at the entrance of the swimming pool, walking towards the swimming pool according to their inertia while talking. At this time, Jiang Xia raised her head and saw the water, her eyes paused: "There seems to be someone under the water."

Several other people were shocked: "What?!"

Jiang Xia raised her finger and pointed: "Look, it's right in the middle of the swimming pool."

Several sets of eyes followed his direction, and sure enough they saw a vague black shadow under the water. The black shadow had long and slender limbs, and it was indeed a human figure as it swayed slightly with the water waves.

Suzuki Sonoko breathed a sigh of relief: "No wonder you can't find anyone - did you forget to look for the bottom?"

"..." Judy, "She looks wrong, like..."

It's like you've drowned.

The group of people quickened their pace and walked to the edge of the pool.

Now I could see it more clearly - Oiso Nagami was pressed under the water by the heavy oxygen tank on her back, her head was lying down, the respirator had fallen off from her mouth, and no air bubbles came out of her mouth for a long time.

This is already a dead man.



Sister Oji and Mao Lilan screamed at the same time, and then Oji was stunned on the spot, while Mao Lilan took out her mobile phone and pressed 110.

Suzuki Sonoko dialed the emergency number simultaneously.

The stunned fiancé and the hotel manager were shaken to their senses by the noise. They quickly took off their coats and jumped into the water, running and swimming over.

Judy looked at this and that: How come I, a well-trained FBI, have become the slowest to respond?

It shouldn't be, and it's not reasonable.

Judy thought for a moment and had an idea: "..." By the way, it must be my body's instinct that wants me to pretend to be an ordinary foreign teacher - this is the best response, it's perfect!

When ordinary passers-by and foreign teachers adjust their mentality.

In the swimming pool, his fiancé arrived first. He lifted Oiso Yongmei out of the water with force and called anxiously: "Miss Yongmei, cheer up! Yongmei, Yongmei——!!"

Although the few people on the shore did not come closer, they already felt something when they heard the call - the people were probably gone.

At this time, Jiang Xia's ears twitched and she heard the two security guards next to her muttering something.

It sounds like there's something hidden.

The keen-eyed detective then walked over to collect clues: "What's wrong?"


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