Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2170 2173 [Failed to throw]

This newly opened fitness club looks unremarkable from the outside, but the inside is bright and spacious, with various professional facilities gathered together, making it eye-catching.

There's just one small problem.

——It is so new that it has not officially opened yet.

...If the group of people hadn't rushed over, the owner of the fitness club happened to pass by the door and recognized Suzuki Sonoko, they might not have been able to get in today.

Judy was embarrassed, but also felt that this seemed to be a good idea: a fitness club that had not officially opened yet, even "that person" must not have started his arrangements.

Suzuki Sonoko saw her complicated expression, and thought that the teacher's invitation to them to come out to play was considered a good intention after all, so he comforted Judy: "It would be better not to open a business. This way there are fewer people, and there are only internal staff, and the environment is cleaner."

While listening to their chat, Jiang Xia turned around and looked inside the venue.

It is not appropriate to say that there are "only internal staff" here, because for the sake of future customer experience, the curator has issued some experience quotas. Now there are employees taking guests to experience various equipment and venues.

A group of high school students were also assigned an employee by brushing Suzuki Sonoko's face, but they felt uncomfortable with outsiders following them, so Suzuki Sonoko sent them away with a few words.

There was no staff watching, and although there was a risk of guests damaging the equipment, there was nothing here that the Suzuki Consortium couldn't afford to pay for, so the club chairman didn't insist anymore and let them go.

After playing with the latest equipment for a while, Suzuki Sonoko got a little tired.

Judy still remembered her game plan and took the opportunity to ask, "Go to the pool?"

When Suzuki Sonoko heard this, her eyes lit up and she remembered one thing: Jiang Xia had no objection, so he really planned to compete with Teacher Judy in swimming today?

Since it was a swimming competition, he definitely couldn't wear his nasty black shirt in the water anymore. Could it be...

The enthusiastic female high school student who likes to take photos of her classmates felt in her pocket, took out her all-purpose waterproof camera, and forced her lips down - it wasn't that she had any ill thoughts towards her classmates, it was just that all human beings were curious, and Jiang Xia's increased covering up made her curious. The more people want to see it. It was a rare occasion when I caught a classmate in the water, so I had to take 180 photos of him as a souvenir!

Suzuki Sonoko looked upright and waved her hand: "Let's go to the game."

Almost at the same time, Noah waved his hand above Jiang Xia's head: "Don't worry, Master, it's absolutely safe!"

So when the group of people rushed to the swimming pool with their own thoughts, they ran into a dry pool that had just been filled with water.

Judy: "..."

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

What's going on with this fitness club? Bad review!

The staff noticed the movement here and rushed over to apologize: "I'm really sorry, this swimming pool is not open to the public. It is used for training professional players - and in tomorrow's opening ceremony, this will be the key area for display. So we’re putting out water to clean.”

They wanted to do business, so it was not easy for them to get entangled and they withdrew from the swimming pool.

Jiang Xia sighed happily: "It seems that it came at an unfortunate time."

Judy had a headache: It was unknown whether the strategy of "temporarily setting a location" had calculated "that person", but it seemed that she had calculated herself first.

...Speaking of which, is it so difficult to swim in Tokyo?

Suzuki Sonoko refused to give up. She touched her chin and remembered something: "I remember before I came in, I saw through the window that there was a swimming pool on the other side of the building. How about..."

Judy's eyes lit up: "Let's go and have a look!"

Two people who were wary of each other before briefly agreed on the same goal and happily rushed to the other side.

Just halfway, there was suddenly a noisy sound from the equipment room next to it.

A few people were startled, stopped, and looked through the open door. They saw a middle-aged female president in a suit speaking in the midst of a group of reporters and subordinates.

Reiko Saeki told reporters in polite official language: "Because I am a diver myself, I have always paid close attention to the development of the diving industry - opening this diving-themed club has been my wish for many years.

"In addition to diving, other sports can also bring benefits to people's lives, so I simply opened this theme club and added various venues and facilities inside. I hope to contribute a little to the cause of improving public health. force."

The polite remarks were meaningless. The group of people at the door passed by quietly, looking for their pool.

Arriving at the place Suzuki Sonoko was thinking about, she opened the door and saw that there was really a swimming pool here.

And compared with the one just now, the current one looks extremely gorgeous - not only does it have bright glass walls, but even half of the ceiling is paved with glass. At first glance, it looks like an outdoor swimming pool, with bright light and low cost. Not cheap.


"This should be a special place for diving." Jiang Xia remembered the president's speech just now, looked left and right, and pointed diagonally upward, "If you go in to swim now, I'm afraid you will be hit by someone above."

Several people followed his direction and saw a diving platform more than ten meters high standing beside the pool. A strong, tanned man was stretching on the stage.

The next moment everyone looked at him, the man suddenly jumped up. He drew a parabola, spun twice in the air, and submerged into the water. The water splash was so small that if you hadn't watched the whole process, it would be unimaginable that he jumped from such a high place.

"Wow!" Mao Lilan looked at this scene with admiration. When she saw the dark-skinned man climbing to the edge of the pool, her star-chasing DNA suddenly started to move. "I remembered! Isn't this Naoya Saijo, the man who is in the limelight? A diver!"

She happily touched the autograph book, but before she could step forward to sign, she saw the dark-skinned man turning to stare at the next person climbing onto the diving platform, and said with a smile: "Naruse, it's your turn - dance well, Don't embarrass our club."

The man who had just come on stage was already nervous, but when he said this, his movements when he jumped down became extremely stiff, and finally he made a huge splash in the pool with a loud bang.

"Hahahaha!" Saijo Naoya laughed mercilessly, "A pretty boy like you can actually sneak into the representative team. I think our team is really in decline."

Naruse Kei, whom he called a "little pretty boy," snorted coldly: "I just haven't practiced recently, and some of my hands are raw."

Saijo Naoya said in a strange tone: "Really? Is it really just a lack of practice? - I think if you do what you did just now, even if you train for another 100 days, you will still have this result."

The pretty boy said angrily: "What did you say?!"

The two men quarreled.

A few meters away, Mao Lilan was weak, pitiful and helpless, holding her autograph book: "..."

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