Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2094 2094 [Infighting among cadres] Please vote for me

Chapter 2094 2094 [Infighting among cadres] Please vote for me ()

Below, Curaçao watched this scene from a distance, feeling sad for a moment: In the situation just now, although it cannot be said that there is no way to survive, but if the response is just a few tenths of a second, big problems will occur.

Curacao: "..." Wait, speaking of which, why is Ireland in Nagasaki?

No wonder Uzo suddenly ran so far, it turned out to be hunting.

A closer look revealed that Maya Hashimoto was also on the hot air balloon.

Curacao was silent for a moment, and his eyes moved on Maya Hashimoto and his old and new bosses: "..." What happened here when he didn't know it?

...I always feel like I missed a big show.

On the one hand, she felt that she had missed it, but on the other hand, she was a little worried and curious.

Aware of his own thoughts, Curaçao quickly took a deep breath and suppressed all the unwanted thoughts: Curious? Don't be curious!

——Is temporary pleasure as good as eternal life? Of course not. This should have been a very easy multiple-choice question.

Amid everyone's complicated thoughts, the hot air balloon finally landed.

Grandma Dahe walked down with weak legs. When she saw a group of juniors running towards her, she quickly straightened up as if nothing had happened and said, "You guys came in time."

Behind her, Maya Hashimoto walked down as if floating in the air. He glanced at Conan with a complicated expression: "..." It turned out that this colleague was not here to save him, but to kill Ireland.

And it almost succeeded!

Maya Hashimoto: "..." His famous former boss almost died at the hands of a primary school student... Master Usa's subordinates are really hidden dragons and crouching tigers. How can I be among them?

After experiencing these things, Hashimoto Maya was exhausted physically and mentally, and wanted to retire where he had never been before.

Next to him, Ireland landed earlier and was surrounded by staff like giant pandas.

He originally thought that this group of people came to comfort him, but when he looked up, he saw the security guard glaring at him angrily.

Park security guard: "Why do you throw objects from high altitudes to hit tourists on the ground? Do you know how dangerous it is to throw objects from high altitudes!"

Another person looked at Maya Hashimoto: "Your companion has a mental problem, why are you fooling around with him! You dare to hang a golden hook upside down on a hot air balloon, do you take the safety of the park seriously? Even if you are VIP customers , this is too much!”


Maya Hashimoto: "?"

The two looked at each other and realized something belatedly.

——The bomb that was dismantled and thrown out didn’t seem to explode?

... Conversations at high altitudes cannot be transmitted to the ground. No wonder in the eyes of these people, they are just a few tourists who are going crazy and being funny in a hot air balloon!

Jiang Xia came over and said to the park staff: "It seems that someone has installed a bomb on the hot air balloon. The two of them should have been dismantling it just now - I remember that the dismantled things fell nearby. You can block it In that area, then call the police to investigate.”

The park staff was stunned: bomb? On a hot air balloon? And it was casually removed by two passing passengers?

Everything was like filming a movie. They looked at the young high school student in front of them and couldn't help but said: " are kidding."

Jiang Xia: "..." Sure enough, the people of Nagasaki still lack the awareness of Tokyo. If it were Tokyo citizens, when Maya Hashimoto and Ireland performed the upside-down golden hook on the hot air balloon, someone might have called the police.

Fortunately, at this time, an employee looked familiar to him. After staring for a long time, he finally recognized him and said to his colleagues: "This seems to be the detective who has been on TV, from Tokyo!"

Other employees: "!"

Everyone finally became suspicious and sealed the place as Jiang Xia said and called the police.

Not long after, the police car arrived.

Police professionals prioritized the bomb disposal.

"There is no timer function, so you can only manually detonate it." The young police officer went to the bomb and simply said to them when he came back, "The beeping sound you heard should be just the sound indicating that it is ready - this bomb The functions are very simple and inferior, as if they were improvised.”

As he said that, he glanced at Maya Hashimoto and Ireland, and listened to the staff talk about the "feat" of these two people just now. He admired and felt a little embarrassed: "Actually, after knocking out the bomber, all you have to do is wait for the hot air balloon to land normally. ——But you didn’t know this at the time, so it’s understandable that you overreacted a little.”

Mao Lilan heard about the bold move of these two people and was also scared for them: "Actually, when you threw the bag, Jiang Xia was already very close to Mr. Takahashi, and there was no time to stop him from pressing the detonation button... Alas, But the staff is right, you don’t know this after all, so it’s understandable if you overreact.”

The comfort of the two people was like a sword stabbing the two acrobats in the heart.

Maya Hashimoto's mood was extremely complicated: "..." It turned out that Uzo didn't lie, there was really a "hero" on the way. I misunderstood the meaning.

Ireland's mood was even more complicated, and a vein popped out of his forehead: This kind of vicious method of using ordinary people's grievances to set up a fatal trap, but then telling others "Haha, I didn't expect it, it was just a little joke" after others desperately escaped, is really damnable. familiar.

My encounter with Maya Hashimoto was purely accidental, but Uzo actually set such a natural trap in such a short period of time?

As Ireland thought about it, his eyes fell on his confidant, and his mood was a little complicated: his side should not have been exposed, so the problem probably lies with Maya Hashimoto.

After thinking about it, he realized that he was careless.

When organizing cadres to travel far away, they need to report to their superiors, so that when they have something to transfer, they suddenly find that all the local cadres have gone elsewhere, causing things to go wrong.

Therefore, Ireland subconsciously felt that Uzo would not come with this kind of temporary trip of a few days.

but now……

"Could it be that Uzo is near Maya Hashimoto and Jiang Xia?" Ireland's thoughts raced in her mind, "I finally lured him out, but..."

But it seems to be of no use.

——Looking around, there is no one like Wuzuo around. Even if he were to lure him out, he wouldn't be able to catch anyone at all.

"No, this time it was just because of the lack of communication between Maya Hashimoto and I. We took it too much for granted for a moment, so we were suddenly at a disadvantage." Ireland quickly adjusted her mentality, "When I am ready next time, I will definitely I won’t lose so embarrassingly again.”

The police officers working hard next to them did not know that there was an outlaw who was secretly plotting an internal fight.

Although they received the police to dispose of the bomb, they were confused about the current situation.

They approached Jiang Xia without any knowledge and asked, "Tell me more about what happened? Why did this person put a bomb on the hot air balloon?"


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