Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2089 2089 [Uzuo’s sisters] Please vote for me

Chapter 2089 2089 [Uzuo’s sisters] Please give me your monthly ticketヽ(〃〃)~

While they were chatting, Mao Lilan, who had just gone to visit the bride, suddenly ran over in a hurry. She said anxiously: "Katori... Miss Katori is missing. She is not in the lounge! She also changed her wedding dress. I went to look nearby. But I didn’t see her figure at all.”

"Gone? Did you run away from the wedding in anger, or..."

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly remembered something, and she slapped her palm: "Speaking of which, wasn't there a single photo of Miss Katori hidden by the thief under the empty ring box?"

"The background of that photo is hydrangea. I remember that the flower language of this kind of flower means 'change after seeing something different'." Suzuki Sonoko suddenly turned to the groom and asked the young man, "Is it possible that one of your exes is obsessed with you, so she wanted to How can I get rid of the ring and then use this photo to ridicule you?"

Ohga Shinya cried out: "I don't have that kind of unreasonable ex!"

Jiang Xia: "Why don't you go look for someone first? Just find her and ask her."

Oga Shinya came to his senses at this time and quickly called his fiancée, but the call was not answered.

At this time, someone passed by - it was the glassmaker Jiang Xia and the others met by chance on the Shinkansen.

The dark-skinned man saw his new friend, the groom, looking dejected. He came over and asked with concern: "Zhenzai, what are you going to do with the wedding now? Are you still going ahead?"

He was not present as an outsider in the large family quarrel just now.

Jiang Xia glanced at him: "I'm afraid I can't continue without a bride."

The dark-skinned man was shocked: "What?! What can we do... There is strength in numbers, I'll help you find it together!"

Everyone dispersed, Jiang Xia thought for a while and followed Conan.

——There are so many people here, maybe you can make some extra money and feel happy when you are looking for someone.

Conan knew nothing about his classmate's efficient tricks, and he only followed Jiang Xia because he was worried that a child like him would be inconvenient to move alone.

The two of them searched all the way and passed an exhibition hall on the way. Conan suddenly had a flash of inspiration and captured a clue.

Jiang Xia lowered his head and looked at his phone, and suddenly said: "Sonoko and the others found clues about Miss Katori at the windmill."

He turned his phone around, and a photo that came with his mailbox popped up - a white high-heeled shoe lying on the red brick ground, looking like something was wrong.

Immediately afterwards, Suzuki Sonoko called: "Did you see the photo I sent? What should I do? Her shoes have fallen off. She must not have run away on her own. She may have been caught by someone!"

Jiang Xia looked around and found their approximate location: "Pay attention to your surroundings." Be careful not to beat the kidnapper to death in a moment of excitement, "I'll be there right away."

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Yuanzi stood by the shoes with solemn faces, waiting for Jiang Xia to come over.

Jiang Xia arrived at the place and skillfully took photos to collect evidence. Then a group of people picked up the shoes and took them back.

"We found this in the windmill cabin." Jiang Xia, "It looks like it may be a kidnapping case. Do you have any intention of calling the police?"

"Kidnapping?" Sister Dahe snorted coldly, "Do you think the security guards here are just decorations? In my opinion, she probably remembered some story like Cinderella, and wanted to leave a glass slipper to lead Shinya around. Find her, and then the two of them will reunite emotionally and hold the wedding as a matter of course... Oh, she is very self-aware of her identity as Cinderella."

Grandma Dahe also suddenly said: "As far as I know, that child had a fiancé whose parents helped her settle down since she was a child. Although I don't know why they separated later, but after so many years of friendship, they might still be in touch secretly - maybe Just before the wedding, they suddenly understood each other's feelings under this heavy pressure, and excitedly made an appointment to elope. Then because they were too excited during the elopement, the man accidentally left one behind when he picked her up and left. shoe."

Curacao: "..." The two grandfathers and grandsons tell stories better than the other. They must have watched a lot of movies.

The brain circuits of the two people were indeed very similar. Sister Dahe immediately felt that her grandmother's story was better than hers, so she abandoned her own story and chose this version.

She laughed loudly: "That's great. I told you to keep your eyes open when looking for a girlfriend, but you refused to do it. Now, it's good that your fiancée ran away with someone else on the wedding day - love is really blind."

The groom was so angry that his fists were hardened, but facing his almost 80-year-old grandmother, he could only be patient and reasonable: "The ex-fiancé you are talking about is the apprentice of Xiao Qian's father. Although such an incident did happen, but that It was already ten years ago! That apprentice left her home ten years ago, and there has been no news since then, and he has never had any contact with Xiao Qian."

Uncle Dahe has no interest in these messy feelings of you love me and I love him.

At this time, this man who was single until he was in his fifties stood up, straightened his tie proudly, cleared his throat, and spoke solemnly:

"Anyway, since the bride is missing now, the wedding will of course be cancelled. Shinya had previously trumpeted the news that he was getting married, but now he has not been able to get married. This kind of childish behavior that goes back on his word may affect our celebration. The credibility of the consortium.”

He smiled meaningfully: "In this case, Shinya's promotion to vice chairman needs to be carefully investigated - you are right, mother."

Grandma Dahe didn't pick up on him. Although she couldn't stand her grandson, she couldn't stand her son even more.

It's okay that Uncle Dahe didn't say anything. But when he said this, Grandma Dahe changed her mind: "Just wait until before the wedding starts in the afternoon. If she hasn't come back by then, we will cancel the wedding."

Uncle Dahe: "..."

Humph, forget it, it’s just a few hours, that’s not enough time.

When I left the lounge of Dahe's house and went out to find someone.

Suzuki Sonoko finally couldn't help but said: "The relationship between this family is too complicated!"

It's better for her family, everyone has their own hobbies. Uncle Jiroji is obsessed with grabbing headlines with Kidd. The gentle and good-tempered sister has no interest in family business, and she is getting married soon.

But the worst thing is that Suzuki Sonoko herself has no interest in the family business. Instead of fighting for property, the family is worrying about who should handle this consortium with a lot of work in the future.

Maya Hashimoto heard this in a daze and couldn't help turning her head to look at her: "..." Are you worthy of talking about others? You and your sister are already minions of Wuzuo. According to Wumen tradition, you should be fighting among yourself now.

……Um? By the way, it may be because of this that Suzuki Sonoko gets emotional when seeing other people's siblings tit for tat - it must be because she reminds her of herself.


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