Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2083 2083 [Illusion]

Oga Shinya's brother-in-law didn't pay much attention to the guests. He joked: "I didn't expect Shinya to get married first - Mihua, you are outdone by your brother."

Sister Dahe snorted coldly: "What can I do? Who told me not to love buying bargains like him?"


Curacao silently lowered his head and glanced at the dining table: "..." If someone in this explosive family poisons, I hope it won't accidentally end up on her plate.

Grandma Dahe ignored the verbal disputes among the juniors. She looked at the glassmaker on the side and said, "Let's make it this way. You will also come to the wedding tomorrow."

Takahashi Junichi said politely: "This is not good."

The brother-in-law who was very good at making friends spoke again: "What's wrong? It's an honor for you to attend the wedding of the future heir of the consortium. There will be no loss at all."

Takahashi Junichi sighed: "You don't need to provoke me, I will just participate."

Uncle Dahe: "...?" Wait, isn't it right to say "I won't go" at this time?

He was stunned for a moment and snorted in his heart: Forget it, he is an outsider, it doesn't matter whether he participates or not.

But the old lady, the eldest brother is incompetent, and the eldest brother's son insists on marrying a commoner woman who is of no help to the family... No matter how you look at this family, it has no future, why can't you consider her second son and give the inheritance rights of the consortium to her? What about him?

Uncle Dahe took a sip of wine to moisten his throat and did not give up. He was always ready for the next fire fight.

The people who will attend the wedding are decided.

At this time, Dahe's mother saw that everyone was no longer arguing and the atmosphere was pretty good. She took the opportunity to take out a ring box and put it in front of her fiancée.

"Xiao Qian." Dahe's mother smiled softly, "You can wear this at the wedding tomorrow."

The fiancée looked over curiously, picked up the box and opened it. A ruby ​​ring the size of a quail egg caught her eye.

Dahe's mother: "This is the heirloom of our Dahe family, which will be passed down to the wives of each generation of family heads. The ancestors of the Dahe family started their business by shipping in the early years of Mingzhi. This ring was bought by our ancestors when they first traveled to Europe. souvenirs."

The fiancée thanked her in surprise: "Thank you, mother."

In the joyful atmosphere, Grandma Dahe suddenly spoke. Her patience with the glassmaker disappeared and she said in a deep voice: "It's too early to give her the ring now."

Dahe's mother froze and whispered: "But when I got married, I also entered the marriage hall with this ring given by my mother."

Grandma Dahe smiled: "How can you be the same? You are the most suitable wife for our family. The wedding was only held after everyone recognized it - if you really want to give her the ring, at least you should wait until she truly becomes When we were our daughter-in-law.”

Suzuki Sonoko looked left and right, then cut a piece of steak lightly, took advantage of Jiang Xia's cover, stuffed it into his mouth with a groan, and swallowed it in a hurry.

Jiang Xia: "...Are you hungry?"

Suzuki Sonoko was busy cutting off a piece, and whispered to him: "I have been shopping all day today, so of course I am very hungry. And I don't know why..."

She was worried that if she didn't eat now, she wouldn't be able to eat later.

Mao Lilan glanced here and inexplicably understood what her best friend meant. So while looking at the situation on the table worriedly, she quietly filled her mouth with a spoonful of salad.

Seeing this scene, Maya Hashimoto suddenly became alert: "..." Suzuki Sonoko...this woman really knows Usa's script! The evidence that she is Uzo's minion increases!

Curacao looked at the two female high school students next to Jiang Xia who were eating heavily, and looked at his own plate hesitantly: Poisoned? Not poisonous? Can it be eaten? can not eat?

While she was struggling, there was a loud bang on the dining table.

Curacao's eyes twitched, and he raised his eyes suddenly, thinking that he would see a man covering his throat, groaning and falling on the dining table, and then shouting "The food is poisonous!"... However, he didn't.

——The table was banged by a living person.

Ohga Shinya was so angry when he heard what his grandma said: "What do you mean! Don't you admit that Akane is my wife?!"

Everyone at the table was silent for a moment and avoided looking at him: even his father and mother didn't seem to fully support him.

Ohga Shinya froze on the spot in embarrassment, and became even more angry at the same time.

Grandma Dahe laughed twice: "Well, it's just an insignificant ring anyway. Since you insist, let her bring it into the marriage hall."

An exquisite and expensive dinner was finished in a strange atmosphere.

The elders of the Oga family left one after another. Oga Shinya held his head and sighed deeply. When he straightened up, he found that several guests had not left yet. He gave a helpless smile and said, "Sorry, I made you laugh - you must have been scared."

Curacao: "..." That's not true. I'm just curious about how everyone got off the table alive.

Maya Hashimoto feels the same way.

Others could pretend not to hear, but Suzuki Sonoko, the guest who was personally invited by him, could not. She rubbed her belly and said, "It's okay, it's okay! Today's food is so delicious, I didn't even bother to listen to what you were talking about, that...preliminary I wish you a happy wedding and I’m looking forward to your wedding tomorrow!”

Maya Hashimoto's eyes changed: "..." It turns out that the highlight is tomorrow. It seems that I can sleep peacefully tonight.

Then I felt something was wrong: it was that woman who said this! Perhaps this is just a method used by Suzuki Sonoko to paralyze everyone, and should not be taken lightly.

But I haven't slept well these past few days, I'm really tired. Today he was even so tired that he felt dizzy while visiting the attractions. He almost thought he saw Mr. Ireland... He had hallucinations. If he continued like this, would he die suddenly?

Maya Hashimoto pinched her forehead and fell into deep thought for a moment.

Ohga Shinya didn't stay too long, and soon let the guests go to their own devices, and he left with his fiancée: The night was not too dark now, so he just wanted to find a place to take her for a walk to comfort her, and asked Xiaoqian not to think about those things. Take making things difficult for you to heart.

When they left, the guests breathed a sigh of relief.

Mao Lilan was still frightened and said to Suzuki Sonoko: "Now I believe what you said before that they 'kept quarreling until the eve of the wedding.'"

Before, she thought Yuanzi was a bit exaggerated, but now it seems that those words really didn't add any moisture at all: if they continue like this, let alone the eve, I'm afraid they will continue to quarrel until the wedding starts.

Suzuki Sonoko sighed: "I heard that in order to marry Miss Katori, Shinya once said that if his family did not agree to their marriage, he would run away from home and sever ties with the Oga family.

"The Dahe family only has one grandchild. The youngest of the other immediate family members is over fifty, and the powerful Grandma Dahe is almost eighty, so we can only compromise - it is better to not have a grandson-in-law with family support. It’s better to lose even your grandson.”

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