Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1669 1669 [Vodka: What happened to the plane? 】

At this time, the people in the plane were not at all peaceful.

It was difficult to control a plane that was caught in the airflow. Even with a seat belt, Jiang Xia could not sit comfortably. And if the chassis is unstable, it will be difficult to pull the joystick properly.

Jiang Xia glanced at the two cadres who were staggering and said from the corner of his eye: So it is important to wear seat belts when driving... Alas, these two people can't be counted on.

While the two colleagues had no time to pay attention to him, Jiang Xia secretly piled up puppet clay and reinforced it like an exoskeleton.

Then he stretched out his strengthened hands and steadily pulled up the joystick.

Before hitting the tower, the plane finally lifted smoothly without a head-on collision.

But as it passed by, one of its engines plowed through the top of the tower, cutting a deep ravine in the top.

The tower shook violently, but fortunately the building was very strong and did not collapse in the collision of this disaster.

The two missed each other and the plane rose into the air, but the huge friction caused the engine to fall off and crash to the ground.

As soon as the staff in the tower opened their eyes from the dust, they saw a huge black shadow falling from the window.

She was startled: "Something fell..."


The cannonball-shaped engine hit the ground, and the fuel inside made it explode like a real cannonball.

The shuttle bus and various vehicles parked at the airport were lifted high into the sky by the strong airflow, and then fell heavily to the ground. One of them rolled far away and hit the oil tanker parked next to the aircraft. The flames burned all the way up the pipe between the tanker and the aircraft, and instantly burned to the fuel port.

A few breaths later, the plane that was parked there and half refueled exploded into a firework.

The windows were illuminated by the firelight, and everyone in the tower got up in disgrace. They looked at each other and found that none of them were injured.

"It's simply a miracle." Captain Shimaoka's legs are still a little weak, but his strong confidence has returned. "Thank you to the enthusiastic passenger. He can not forget to operate in this environment. His psychological quality is no less than that of a professional." Driver."

The director of control was so frightened that his legs weakened. He hurriedly held the walkie-talkie and communicated with staff in other places. After a moment, he breathed a heavy sigh of relief and sat back down on the ground: "No one was injured or injured - fortunately, we urgently pulled back the ground crew just now, and no one was left. I knew it wouldn't go so smoothly..."

Captain Shimaoka looked at him accusingly: "You are such a crow's mouth."

Control Minister: "...?" I haven't scolded you for setting up flags randomly! !

The staff in the tower were rejoicing.

In the aircraft cabin.

Okiya Subaru clung to the window, looking at the sea of ​​fire below. The blazing firelight reflected on his whitened face. This graduate student from a prestigious university with a high IQ looked slightly dull at this time.

——He had always thought that he could survive because Jiangxia, Ireland, and the others were all on the plane. An ordinary air crash was not worthy of this luxurious lineup.

But now, the hellish chaos of the airport seems to be a perfect place for anyone to be cremated in it.

"Haha, let me tell you, how could your boss be satisfied with a small murder case." Subaru Okiya was overly shocked and his brain stopped for a moment, "Fortunately, I wrote a suicide note a long time ago."

Just thinking about it carefully, he felt that his suicide note was a bit pale: his parents were dead, his relatives and friends were also dead, and those in jail were in jail. In addition, he had no wife and children, and he didn't know who should leave the inheritance.

In fact, a long time ago, Okiya Subaru also thought about finding a girlfriend and starting a family.

But for the first time, he was heartbroken. When he mustered up the courage to confess to the beautiful class beauty, the class beauty was ruthlessly taken away by a police car - it was said that she stabbed the school idol next door more than ten times, and she seemed to be a scumbag. Pass.

The second heartbeat, the crush was late on the date. Subaru Okiya waited with a bouquet of flowers and melted ice cream, and finally the police arrived - the girl died in the toilet of the amusement park. As his date that day, Subaru Okiya unfortunately became One of the suspects.

Fortunately, he was quite attractive and had dressed up well for the date. Several girls at the nearby booth were very impressed with him, and he had a hard-as-iron alibi. Another passing detective extended a helping hand, and in the end, Okiya Subaru narrowly escaped being taken to the police station.

The third girl finally got a date successfully. But when they entered the restaurant, before their buttocks were still warm, the store manager suddenly died at their table. The old man’s blood coughed up from the poison spread all over Subaru Okiya’s trousers and stained his polished leather shoes - in the store It happened that there was another detective, and according to the detective's reasoning, the murderer was the goddess opposite Subaru Okiya. This is a tortuous story about revenge for his father.

From then on, Subaru Okiya finally gave up on love and never had a heartbeat again for a long time.

When he saw the beautiful girl, his first reaction changed from "Wow!" to "Is this the murderer or the victim? Stay away and don't get involved."

Not long ago, after many years, his long-lost heart beat again, but before any results came out, he discovered that the person was the messenger sent by Uzo to claim his life.

Subaru Okiya leaned back on his seat uneasily, with tears of regret filling the corners of his eyes: "...Wait a minute, thinking back on it, although I am a graduate student at Tokyo University that many people envy, what on earth have I been doing? What a day.

"If there is still a chance, no matter who is the murderer or not, I must find a lovely girlfriend so that I will have no regrets in life. If three doesn't work, then thirty, three hundred... I don't believe that none of them are normal and good citizens. !”

It's time for Subaru Okiya to start his life's revolving door.

On the other side, the airport scene that shocked his soul was frozen in a picture with a click.

The intern reporter who came to pick him up at the airport wiped away tears for Master on the plane, while his fingers were flying and he excitedly tapped on the keyboard, writing this breaking news quickly. Passed out.

Not long after, it was night in Tokyo.

Vodka is not idle today either. While Brother Gin was discussing important matters with someone, he stood by the car and scrolled through his cell phone.

I originally wanted to refresh my mind, but my phone suddenly vibrated, indicating that there was a message related to "Jiang Xia".

"It's strange. Isn't Uzo still on the plane? Where's the new news about him? Could it be that he created another case when the plane was about to change?"

Vodka muttered in confusion, and soon he slapped his forehead and remembered something: "By the way, I updated in real time before and included his flight in the capture conditions. Now at this time...could it be that the flight has landed? Uzo returned to Japan?”

Thinking of this, Vodka's heart instantly became heavy.

He thought about the quiet and beautiful life of the past few days, and casually clicked on the message that just popped up.

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