Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1481 1481 [Drip, murderous labor-inducing machine] Please vote for me ()

"Huh?" Conan's eyes quickly fell on a long notebook.

After discovering something of concern, he couldn't help but say loudly: "This is a checkbook, you actually carry something like this with you. Uncle Edward, you are so rich - who is this money going to? Shouldn't it?" Maybe he wants to buy some film with the handle of a big shot printed on it or something like that.”

Inspector Asaph: "!!"

Jiang Xia secretly stretched out her hand and touched classmate Conan's head happily: Yes, it's this yin and yang energy.

Conan spends a lot of time abroad with his parents, and his English is very good, so there is no barrier to communication.

Edward looked at the first grader in surprise.

But what is disappointing is that the foreigner seems to have a good temper. He calmly defended: "I happened to want to go to Tokyo to auction art, so I prepared a check. But I didn't find anything I wanted, so I couldn't use it."

Inspector Asa nodded repeatedly: "There is indeed an auction in Tokyo this time. Well, since there is no problem with Mr. Edward's luggage, let's check the next one."

The only suspect left was the male photographer who was not suspected at first.

Saunuma Noboru snorted and muttered: "Just because of that foreigner's words, I have to be inspected? Then if he said that everyone on the plane has been to the toilet, is it possible that you still have to check everyone on the plane?" Did everyone check it out?”

Although he seemed very reluctant, he was a Tokyo native who had seen many murders after all. Noboru Saunuma still cooperated with the investigation.

He pushed the tray with luggage forward: "Check it as you like."

The bulky luggage has been checked in, and there are not many items in Saginumasheng's bag.

In addition to the necessary attire for going out, he only has cigarettes, airsickness medicine, watches, film and other things here.

Inspector Asaph's eyes instinctively fell on the bundles of drugs.

He frowned and picked up the medicine to check, and found that it seemed to be just some ordinary medicine.

"...Why are you bringing so many motion sickness pills?" He carefully observed the drug particles through the transparent plastic film, "You must be secretly selling drugs, right?"

"I'm a law-abiding citizen!" Saginuma Noboru said angrily, "I get dizzy easily on any means of transportation, but because of my job, I have to travel every day, so I brought extra motion sickness medicine. If you don't believe me, just take it for a test. It's absolutely true. They are all serious drugs!”

Jiang Xia ignored the medicine.

He looked down at the film in his luggage and secretly poked Conan's head with his finger.

Conan received the signal: "..."

...Abuse of child labor, right?

However, it is undeniable that giving full play to his strengths as a "child" can indeed speed up the process of solving the case a lot, and it can also give him a good sense of participation.

——In the past, Conan didn't care about these things. Because the cases he encountered at that time were all his own, and the difficult puzzles were also his.

But a while ago, after Jiang Xia suddenly became interested in "being a detective", the world suddenly changed.

"..." Conan sighed, silently encouraging himself, hoping that one day, after honing his crime-solving skills to the extreme, he could get rid of Jiang Xia's terrible influence.

But before that, if you encounter a case, you still have to try your best to solve it.

So soon, Conan picked up the sealed film in Saginuma Noboru's luggage and unfolded it to look at it.

In this way, the content captured above can be blurred.

Looking at it this way, I really saw the problem.

Conan said in surprise: "Wow~! There is a British uncle and a beautiful aunt in the photo, and the hotel behind them is so gorgeous!"

Inspector Asa's heart thumped: "..." Don't spread the scandal of a big shot here! He doesn't want to know! !

Fortunately, someone was more anxious than him.

Before Inspector Asa could do anything, Noboru Saginuma jumped up in surprise, grabbed the film, and said fiercely: "Don't touch the things that belong to you!"

However, the key information had already been revealed loudly by Conan.

Next to him, Tachikawa Chizuru looked shocked.

As a member of a small team of photographers, she knew exactly what this meant: "This, isn't this the 'big man's scandal' that Da Ying photographed! Why are his negatives here with you?! Don't you... …”

"This is not his material, it is mine!"

Saginuma Noboru gritted his teeth and could only say:

"You also know that for this kind of important material, two people must take turns to stare at it, so that no gaps can be left and more valuable footage can be captured - this scandal was captured by Da Ying and I in ambush in the hotel!

"It's just that the shooting angle I chose at the time was not as good as his, and I couldn't clearly capture the face. So in the end, he took the photos he took to negotiate with the people being photographed. I was forced to use these films Idle.

"There is no one to blame for this kind of thing, I can only blame my own bad luck. But seeing that he is about to get such a large sum of money, how can I be willing to do it? Although I, I am just a back figure, I can still go out and earn a lot of money. I needed some money, so I took them with me when I came out this time. I planned to contact the newspaper myself after landing in the UK to see if I could sell them."

As he spoke, he noticed that Jiang Xia had a thoughtful expression next to him.

Saginuma Noboru suddenly seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw and looked at him expectantly.

Soon, the high school detective said hesitantly: "Aren't you a photographer who specializes in photographing crime scenes?"

Saginuma Noboru: "...?"

...What does this have to do with this case?

He wanted to point this out loudly and ask Jiang Xia to hurry up and get down to business.

However, being stared at by Jiang Xia with a hint of reproach, Lu Nuosheng suddenly had the illusion that he had done something wrong.

In addition, his innocence is probably in the hands of this high school student...

Saginumasheng lowered his voice in frustration: "Well, I have to earn some extra money from time to time. I can't capture the right scene every time... Anyway, the murderer is not me! If you don't believe me, feel free to search my luggage. I There was no murder weapon at all!”


Inspector Asaph felt dizzy when he heard this.

Indeed, the most critical murder weapon could not be found, and no matter how suspicious it was, the evidence was still a little weak.

Jiang Xia looked away without interest and decided to move the case to the next step quickly.

He casually found an explanation: "By the way, has the deceased's luggage been searched? If the murderer is an acquaintance of the deceased, then he might hide the key items there with the idea that it would be dark under the light."

"!" Inspector Asa nodded with deep understanding. If the murderer was an acquaintance of the deceased, it would be much easier and there would be no need to involve big shots. "Go and have a look!"

The group of people walked along the dim aisle towards the seat where the deceased had sat.

In the cabin, other passengers who had nothing to do with the murder noticed the movement here and looked over curiously.

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