Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 451 Xiaolan has really become...perverted

Chapter 451 Xiaolan has really changed. She has become abnormal.

Despite Uncle Maori's heartbroken lamentation, Miss Suzuki took over this arduous task.

But as soon as she agreed, she began to regret it.

Because Suzuki Sonoko doesn't know what to do.

After all, she almost broke in just now, how could she stop Xiaolan from making a mistake?

Now go over and talk to Xiaolan. What if Xiaolan confesses to her again?

Who can resist those big watery eyes?

This needs to be done accidentally.

She is about to feel sorry for her boyfriend!

The more Miss Suzuki thought about it, the more nervous she became, and the more she thought about it, the more guilty she became.

His face was hot and steam was rising from his head, like a red-hot boiler.

"Yuanzi, don't hesitate anymore."

Mouri Kogoro urged anxiously:

"Xiaolan will only listen to these words if you, a good friend, tell her."

"Please, you are the only one who can save Xiaolan now!"

"I" Suzuki Sonoko gritted her teeth: "Okay."

She gritted her teeth, moved step by step, and walked forward with difficulty.

At this time, Xiaolan was at the door of the locker room.

She was holding the door handle of the dressing room with one hand, and holding a skirt she had just chosen in the other hand, as if she was about to enter the dressing room and change into it.


Suzuki Sonoko mustered up the courage and called out her best friend's name.


Mao Lilan stopped.

She looked at him with her empathetic eyes and read the confusion and tension on Yuanzi's face.

Thinking again of Yuanzi's cute performance of being "jealous" because she was too close to Belmod, Mao Lilan roughly realized something:

"Do you have something to say to me in private?"

"Yes." Ms. Suzuki nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Okay" Mao Lilan sent a warm smile.

She turned around and looked at her surroundings:

This shopping mall is very busy, and there are many people inside and outside the store. Strictly speaking, there is no place suitable for quiet conversation.

"Then just go in and talk."

Mao Lilan took Suzuki Sonoko's hand.

Before Ms. Suzuki could react, her best friend used her strength that could pull an ox's tail backwards and was dragged lightly into the dressing room.

Snap - the door closed.

There was only a pair of orphans and a widow left in the locker room.

"Hey, hey, hey hey?"

Suzuki Sonoko was so scared that she groaned.

The two of them have been best friends for more than ten years. Not to mention entering the dressing room together, the bathroom and the bedroom together, it's not just once or twice.

Now I just go into the locker room to be alone

It stands to reason that this is normal.

At least, Xiaolan didn't think there was anything abnormal about this.

But Miss Suzuki started to panic:

"Xiaolan, you...what do you want to do?!"

She subconsciously covered her chest, holding the open button of her collar with both hands, wondering whether to fasten it.

Mao Lilan noticed the "defensive posture" subconsciously adopted by her best friend towards her.

This is distrust and a sign of alienation.

"Yuanzi, don't be nervous."

"I just want to find a quiet place to have a good chat with you."

Mao Lilan's voice suddenly contained a deep apology:

"Sorry, I really didn't expect that"

"What happened between me and Miss Chris will have such a profound impact on you."

"I shouldn't have ignored your feelings like this."

Mao Lilan first apologized sincerely.

As she spoke, she blinked her big watery eyes again:

"Yuanzi, I just told you:"

"No matter how good my relationship with Miss Chris is, the most important person in my heart will always be you."

With these gentle and sincere words.

Mao Lilan stretched out her hand and gently held Suzuki Sonoko's shoulders, letting the other person gaze into her eyes with infinite tenderness.

In this small and airtight space, there was suddenly a charming and ambiguous atmosphere——

At least in the eyes of Ms. Suzuki, the atmosphere is ambiguous enough:

"Confession. Sure enough, she confessed to me again!"

"I just said that I can't persuade Xiaolan!"

Suzuki Sonoko's heart was beating unsatisfactorily.

Smelling the faint aroma wafting from Xiaolan's body, she couldn't help but swallow nervously, and her breathing became a little heavier.

Damn it, she is almost falling now!

no no..


Don't be fooled by Xiaolan's words!

At this critical juncture, Suzuki Sonoko remembered the painful lessons she had been deceived by countless scumbag men on the road to pursuing love.

It was these valuable experiences that allowed her to remain clear-headed in this exciting and ambiguous atmosphere:

"Xiaolan, you said that I am your most important 'friend'."

"What about Miss Chrissy?"

"Can you make up your mind to sever ties with her?"

Suzuki Sonoko issued a soul question.

Speaking of which, her mission this time was to persuade Xiaolan to break up with Chrissy.

Although her stance in saying this, she had gone from the idea of ​​persuading her friend to go back to being a best friend, to a strange place.

However, this crucial question was still firmly asked by Miss Suzuki:

"Xiaolan, you can promise"

"Can I stop interacting with Miss Chris in the future?"

"Huh?" Mao Lilan was slightly startled:

Yuanzi actually asked her to stop interacting with Belmode?

How could she make such an exorbitant request?

Could it be that the jealousy among girlfriends really distorted Yuanzi's psychology?

This is too ruthless, too cold, and too unreasonable, right? !

"I can't do this."

Mao Lilan hesitated several times, but still gave a firm answer:

"You are my friend, and Miss Chris is also my friend."

"There's no way I'm going to cut off contact with her."

"Just like Yuanzi, I can't live without you."

As he spoke, Mao Lilan paused slightly, and his voice was a little warmer:

"Miss Chris is not here to ruin our relationship."

"She's here to join us."

"Yuanzi, can't you accept the existence of Miss Chris and let the three of us live together and be best friends together?"

Suzuki Sonoko: "???"

Why does this sound so weird?

Those scumbag men I met in the past who tried to have two pairs of wings at the same time seemed to say this when they used sweet words to fool her, right?

"Xiaolan, you."

Have you really changed? !

She has become a terrible female villain who destroys other people's families and wants to step into two different families!

Suzuki Sonoko felt despair in her heart.


She quietly took a step forward, bringing her face closer to the other person.

It also makes those big, watery eyes appear brighter in the eyes of the other party:

"Think about it more carefully."

"Miss Chris, isn't she also your good friend?"

"We can obviously have three people together, so why do we have to have this unnecessary conflict and let one person out?"

"Hiss" Suzuki Sonoko took a breath of air.

The scumbag radar she had honed over the years was sounding the alarm.

Xiaolan has really changed.

She is no longer the pure, kind and innocent little angel.

Now, she can actually speak such lines full of tea art without changing her expression.

This attitude and skill are enough to make him appear in TV news reports and give him the title of "Green Tea Immortal".

"Xiaolan, please stop talking."

"I will never interfere in your relationship again."

Suzuki Sonoko embraced despair, turned around and wanted to break away from Xiaolan's hand, push the door open and leave the fitting room.


Mao Lilan shouted anxiously.

She never expected that her best friend would be so "sick".

This is no longer ordinary jealousy, this is a psychological problem!

If Yuanzi is allowed to leave in anger, then her best friend of more than ten years and the most important friend in life will probably leave her forever.

"Don't go!"

Mao Lilan hugged Suzuki Sonoko.

Before Ms. Sonoko could leave, she fell into the warm and melting embrace of her best friend.

Those big, flickering eyes were also turned on at full power at this very close distance.

"Stay, Sonoko."

Mao Lilan no longer said any words of advice.

Because she knew that Yuanzi had completely lost her mind because of her "illness".

It is impossible to reason with this best friend who makes unreasonable and excessive demands.

It's better to play the emotional card more realistically.

Therefore, Mao Lilan didn't say much, but hugged Yuanzi tightly, preventing her from leaving him.

And Miss Sonoko.

Miss Sonoko really likes this.


In her mind, she recalled every bit of her acquaintance with Xiaolan over the years.

Yes, Xiaolan is her most important friend.

More important than a boyfriend.

No matter what Xiaolan became, I couldn't be angry with her.

"Well" Miss Sonoko's words came out in a cute and shy murmur.

She knew she was making a mistake now.

But being held in Xiaolan's arms so tenderly, she really didn't have the strength to break away.

Time passed bit by bit in this charming air.

The two girls were still hugging each other tightly.

Suddenly, Belmod's confused and confused voice came from outside the door: "Xiaolan, Xiaolan. Where are you?"

"Have you changed your clothes yet? Are they inappropriate?"

"I" Mao Lilan raised her head and called back to the door: "Miss Chris, I'm here!"

"Oh?" There was a sound of footsteps getting closer and closer outside the door.

The footsteps stopped at the door of the locker room.

"It's been so long, why haven't you come out yet?"

Belmod stood in front of the door and tried to pull the door handle.

The locker room door was unlocked.

She just tried to pull it gently, and the door opened.

Two lovely girls hugging each other unexpectedly appeared in front of them.

One of them, Miss Suzuki Sonoko, had rosy cheeks, as if she had drunk too much fake wine, and she fell limply into the arms of her best friend.

Seeing her "real girlfriend" Miss Chris appear, she blushed in embarrassment and subconsciously buried her face in Xiaolan's chest, hiding it and not daring to see anyone.

"Hmm" The corners of Belmode's mouth raised slightly.

She said jokingly:

"It seems I came at the wrong time."

"No" Mao Lilan shook his head slightly.

She realized that this might be a good opportunity to mend the relationship between Sonoko and Belmod.

So, Miss Maori stretched out her hand and gently pulled Belmode over.

Let three people hug each other tightly:

"Miss Chrissy"

"You came just in time."

Suzuki Sonoko: "????"

The second is later

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