Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 425 A belated apology

Lin Xinyi explained the cause of death of Ritsuko Usui in detail.

Subsequent autopsies can verify whether his view is correct.

And with the existing clues and evidence, it is difficult to give other explanations.

Therefore, before the autopsy results came out, the inference given by Lin Xinyi was the most likely conclusion.

But everyone still had doubts in their eyes that were hard to get rid of.

What they doubt is.

"We just have to wait and see if the autopsy can prove whether Miss Ui Bing died of positional asphyxia."

"But here's the thing."

Some people expressed their doubts bluntly:

"Is this positional asphyxia necessarily caused by an accident?"

The implication was that they suspected it might be homicide.

What if someone deliberately put Ms. Usui Bing in this position so that she could die from positional asphyxiation?

And as long as this could be homicide, Fei Yingli's suspicion has not been cleared.

"It's very unlikely."

Lin Xinyi gave an explanation in an orderly manner:

"I have said before that orthostatic asphyxia is a suffocation death caused by the body being restricted in an abnormal position for a long time, which blocks respiratory movement and venous return."

“The emphasis is on this ‘long time’.”

"For a person to die from positional asphyxia, it takes a long time for breathing to be blocked."

"If the murderer wanted to kill someone in this way, how could he ensure that the deceased would be obedient and maintain this specific position for such a long time?"

Give me sleeping pills?

Extracting blood from the deceased for toxicological testing is a necessary procedure for autopsy, and this trick cannot fool the police and forensic doctors.

Forcibly suppress it?

The deceased was not a vegetative state who would not resist. There would definitely be corresponding resistance injuries and restraint injuries on his body. Doing this will still mean that there is no three hundred taels of silver here.

Get the target drunk?

This sounds feasible.

Ritsuko Usui happened to drink so much wine, it seemed that there was a real possibility that someone might take advantage of her and deliberately pose that way.

But the problem is that positional asphyxia takes too long.

People and their constitutions cannot be generalized, and the degree of drunkenness varies.

What if Ritsuko Usui was lying on her stomach like that until she was about to die, and then she suddenly sobered up a little and turned over?

If so, could the murderer get her drunk again and let her lie back exactly where she was?

This contingency simply cannot be ruled out.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to apply the principle of positional asphyxia to murder.

People who die from positional asphyxia are almost always accidental.

"That's why I am the one who believes that this case is 'most likely' due to an accident."

Lin Xinyi specifically emphasized the word "high probability" this time.

Forensics are not omnipotent.

If someone really had a brilliant idea and used this method to kill people, he was really lucky to have done it without leaving any other evidence at the scene.

Then the police can't do anything. There is no evidence. If they don't assume that this person does not exist, what else can they do?

But this possibility is extremely low.

Therefore, Lin Xinyi judged the case as an "accident" and there was no problem at all.

"The truth is almost clear:"

"Ritsuko Usui had a conflict with her aunt last night, and because she was in a bad mood, she drank alone in her room to relieve her boredom."

"After being drunk, she accidentally fell to the ground and fell asleep. As a result, she suffered positional asphyxia and lost her life forever."

Lin Xinyi sighed softly and said helplessly:

"This case is actually very simple."

"It just seems complicated because of Mr. Saku."

If Hoshi Saku hadn't done those little tricks and set up that extra secret room, I'm afraid this case wouldn't have gone in the direction of murder from the beginning.

Relatively speaking, Fei Yingli will be less suspicious.

"Sorry." Saku Hashi apologized with a complicated expression.

This apology is more directed towards Fei Yingli:

"Lawyer Fei, I made things worse."

"I just wanted to protect you, but I didn't expect that it would cause you so much trouble."


Fei Yingli snorted coldly, but her expression became slightly gentler.

And Hoshi Saku turned his head again and took the initiative to say to Lin Xinyi:

"Now that the truth is out, I'm relieved."

"Mr. Lin, send me to the police station!"

Although he did not kill anyone, he was indeed charged with destroying the scene, falsifying evidence, and obstructing the investigation.

I definitely want to go to prison to experience it.

But Hoshi Saku didn't care at all, and even looked a little carefree.

It seemed that as long as Fei Yingli was safe and sound, he would be satisfied.

"Humph, this guy."

Mouri Kogoro gritted his teeth:

"Why do you act cool in front of other people's wives?"

"Who wants you to care?"

He hated Saku Hoshi so much that his face turned green.

But my heart is feeling weak:

Because no matter how crazy, extreme, and irrational Saku Hashi's actions are, his concern for Fei Yingli is true.

And Mouri Kogoro

An outsider tried his best to blame his wife.

But this husband is flirting with women in front of his wife, even his wife's colleagues.

This indirectly led to the conflict between Fei Yingli and Usui Ritsuko, and they were inexplicably suspected of murder.

Compared with that excellent spare tire, his real husband can simply be thrown away.

The more Kogoro Mouri thought about it, the more ashamed he became.

At this time, Nasaku Hoshi asked Concubine Yingri jokingly:

"Lawyer Fei, after what happened this time."

"Do I have no chance at all?"


Pooh! Thief Cao, what opportunity do you want? !

Mouri Kogoro was furious and green.

But he still felt guilty.

He himself did something wrong and behaved so poorly, which not only made his wife sad, but also made her suffer.

Who knows if Fei Yingli will completely lose all illusions about him after this incident and choose to draw a clear line with him?

If things go wrong, the separation will turn into a divorce.

The more Mouri Kogoro thought about it, the more uneasy he became, fearing that Fei Yingli would really give a positive answer to the poacher.

Fei Yingli's answer to Saku Hoshi was:

"You still don't understand, Saku."

"Although your stupid behavior this time is touching, but"

She smiled and shook her head.

Then he quietly sent a gentle look to Moori Kogoro beside him:

"People who really love me will never believe that I am a murderer from the beginning."

"Because they know me and know that I can't kill anyone."

"And Saku. From the moment you suspected that I was the murderer and wanted to take the blame for me, you already lost."

"." Sakubo Hoshi was silent for a while: "Yes."

"I totally lost."

He sighed with relief:

"Lawyer Fei, I wish you and Mr. Maori eternal happiness."


Fei Yingli calmly responded to this blessing.

In Mouri Kogoro's view, this seemed to be hinting to him:


He muttered something he wanted to say.

But because of the grown man's face, he was hesitant and embarrassed to speak.

His old face was almost turning red, and he couldn't hold back what he wanted to say.

In the end, it was Fei Yingli who looked at him first:

"Kogoro, I have to say thank you this time."

"When you stood up and reasoned for me, I was indeed a little moved."

"Well" Mouri Kogoro finally mustered up the courage: "Eri, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry?" Fei Yingli raised her eyebrows slightly: "Why do you say you're sorry?"

"Because of what happened this time."

"Is this the only thing you're sorry for?"

"Uh" Mouri Kogoro suppressed his blush, lowered his head, and pinched his fingers nervously.

He looked like an unlucky child who was forced by his parents to admit his mistakes.


"I shouldn't go around flirting with women and acting so immoral in front of that person."

"anything else?"

Fei Yingli crossed her arms, as if expecting some good show.

"And... uh... I shouldn't drink, bet on horses, and play mahjong every day, and always lose everything."

"anything else?"

"I shouldn't have done no housework at all and left you busy after get off work."

"anything else?"

"Well" Mouri Kogoro thought of something else:

"I shouldn't have been going to nightclubs and drinking and chatting with those girls."

"What else?" Fei Yingli seemed still dissatisfied.


Mouri Kogoro couldn't hold it in anymore.

He scratched his head and thought for a long time before finally biting the bullet and holding back a sentence that was extremely contrary to his will:

"I shouldn't say the food you cook tastes bad."

"I hope you can come back and cook for me and Xiaolan again."

Mouri Kogoro tried his best.

He lowered his head and admitted his mistake to his wife. His sincerity in repenting and apologizing even moved his daughter who was waiting nervously at the side:


Mao Lilan was moved and advised:

"Dad, he even dares to take the initiative to eat the food you cook."

"He must be truly repentant this time."

"Just forgive him!"

Fei Yingli was silent for a while.

Judging from the slightly raised corners of her mouth, she seemed to be in trouble this time.

But under the expectant gaze of Mouri Kogoro, she finally smiled and shook her head:

"I've been waiting for this apology for ten years."

"This is not enough, Kogoro."

"You?!" Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but blushed.

For a traditional man like him who has machismo engraved in his bones, it is really not easy to apologize to his wife in such a low voice.

"You don't agree. Why are you forcing me to say those words?"

Mouri Kogoro still had a shy blush on his face, but his attitude became tougher.

It seems that he wants to save a little bit of his masculine face.

But Fei Yingli gave him another fatal blow:

"Ha ha."

"How could I get such interesting material without forcing you to say those words?"

As she spoke, she casually took out a voice recorder from her arms.

Click the button.

Mouri Kogoro's hesitant apology sounded again:

"Yingli, I'm sorry."

"Yingli, I'm sorry."

"Yingli, I'm sorry."


Fei Yingli also replayed this paragraph several times.

"you you"

Mouri Kogoro was so embarrassed that he wanted to plunge into the floor:

"When did you prepare the recorder?"

"It's just a lawyer's tool."

Fei Yingli put the recording pen back lightly.

Then he smiled meaningfully:

"Oh, right."

"Don't you still want to eat the food I cooked?"

"I can give you a chance."

"Hiss" Mouri Kogoro's face turned pale.

"Dad." Mao Lilan encouraged in her ears: "Go, you must go."

"This is an opportunity given by mother. Just bear it and pass it."

"Xiaolan?" Fei Yingli raised her eyebrows: "You come too!"

"Hiss" Miss Maori's face also turned pale.

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