Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 415 Special Ambiguous Techniques

Hui Yuan Ai covered her mouth and yawned, looking very tired.

Seeing her yawning and pitiful look with tears in her eyes, Lin Xinyi certainly couldn't leave her alone and go talk to others about some case.

"Well, let's go back and rest."

As Hui Yuan Ai got her wish, Lin Xinyi held her hand and took her back to the room.

She looked as usual, but her heart was racing:

Some of the tricks Belmode taught her were really inconvenient to use in front of outsiders.

Even if she could, she would be embarrassed to use those tricks in public.

The little trick before was just a small trick.

The real offensive can only begin after returning to the room.

And the most important thing is

This time, Belmode strictly limited Lin Xinyi's funds for this trip by controlling the family's financial power.

Miss Haiyuan used her strong mental arithmetic ability to accurately control the amount of consumption during the day's journey, ensuring that at night, Lin Xin only had enough money to buy a room.

In this case, he would probably choose to open only one room half-heartedly.

And being able to live in the same room with this boyfriend who usually "keeps her distance" is a victory in itself.

Even though she still failed to win over this dull man.

At least she could lie in his warm arms and sleep soundly for one night.

Haiyuan Ai is secretly looking forward to it


Lin Xin took her back to the room:

"I rented a double room."

He pointed to the two single beds in the room and said slightly proudly:

"I only found out when I booked a room:"

"The double room in this hotel has a discount today, which is much cheaper than the double room."

Haibara Ai:"."

asshole! Don't save money in a place like this! !

She was about to cool down her face to release the cold air, but Lin Xinyi gently touched her head:


"I see you like the cakes from the dessert shop during the day."

"If I save the money for the house, I can buy you some more before I leave tomorrow."

"Well" Haiyuan Ai stopped talking.

She was eating cakes in that dessert shop desperately, but she was actually trying to take the opportunity to let Lin Xin spend all the extra money, so she could only buy a single room!


"never mind."

Somehow, Hui Yuan Ai couldn't get angry even if he wanted to.

She could only sit down on her single bed with a complicated expression, looking at her boyfriend sitting on the other bed, feeling depressed and dazed.

No. We can't just let it go.

I haven't used any of the tricks Belmod taught me yet.

Miss Haiyuan quietly encouraged herself in her heart:

She thought of all the killing moves her teacher had taught her.

The supreme secrets and core concepts of those killing moves actually only have three words:



Hui Yuan Ai pondered for a long time, and finally spoke with a slight uneasiness:

"you you."


Lin Xinyi turned his head curiously.


Hui Yuan Ai suppressed the shyness in her heart and finally used this trick:

"Come here and smell me. Is there any smell on me?"

"If the smell of sweat isn't strong, I won't take a shower today."

This move is actually not very subtle.

He just found an excuse to let the other person get closer and smell his scent.

Just like a dog likes to smell the smell of its owner, this behavior can make the other person get used to the smell of his own body, and invisibly deepen the emotional connection between the two parties.

For lovers, this is nothing out of the ordinary, but it can be called a little fun that transcends friendship and can create an atmosphere of ambiguity and charm.


Lin Xinyi will realize that she is not some little devil.

As long as there is ambiguity, he will gradually treat her as a real lover.

Hui Yuan Ai endured shyness and used this tentative move, and then nervously waited for Lin Xinyi's response.

Lin Xinyi’s response was:

"You can just smell it yourself, why do you want me to go?"


Haiyuan Ai was silent for a while, and his voice became slightly colder:

"Because olfactory cells tire easily."

"So it's difficult for people to accurately identify the smell on their own body."

"I'll smell it, it's not accurate."

"All right."

Lin Xinyi agreed.

He walked over slowly, walked up to Hui Yuan Ai, and leaned down slightly.

Hui Yuarai pursed her lips nervously.

She was waiting for Lin Xinyi's warm breath to blow onto her cheek, waiting for the distance between the two parties to close.

In fact, according to Belmod's teachings, this move is actually a combo of moves.

The aim is to deceive the boyfriend first.

Then secretly kiss the other person while they are sniffing.

It’s a harmless little joke between couples that does a great job of adding interest.

However, Haiyuan Ai was still embarrassed to use the second half of the move.

She was just looking forward to the effect of the first half of the move.

In this way, in the expectation that she dared not express, Lin Xinyi kept approaching, approaching, approaching her.

Then it stopped abruptly.


Hui Yuan Ai's face froze.

I saw Lin Xinyi accurately stopping at the top of her head, about 20 centimeters away.

Then, he stretched out his hand and gently flapped it on Haiyuan Ai's head, slowly fanning the faint fragrance from her body into his nose.

Standard laboratory fanning method.

Haibara Ai:"???"


Little Miss Haiyuan gritted her teeth:

"What are you doing?"


Lin Xinyi was slightly startled:

"Sorry, I'm used to it."

"I usually smell corpses and other people's scents like this at work."

Haibara Ai:"."


Lin Xinyi rubbed his nose again:

"You still smell quite heavy from sweat."

"It's better to take a shower."

A moment later, the bathroom.

Little Miss Haiyuan stood under the dripping shower head and rubbed herself angrily:

Double room, fan to listen to Dharma.

It’s a shame this guy can do it!

And how could such a cute little girl like her smell like sweat!

The more Hui Yuan Ai thought about it, the angrier he became, and then he applied bubbles to his body for the seventh time.

In this way, she showed her meticulous spirit of washing the dishes for a long time.

After washing until white light reflected off her body, Haihara Ai finally turned off the faucet angrily, turned around and stood on tiptoe to reach for the towel hanging on the shelf.

As a result, I moved too quickly and didn't pay attention. I accidentally slipped on the wet floor of the bathroom:


Hui Yuan Ai couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.

"What's wrong?!"

Lin Xinyi's anxious concern came from outside the bathroom:

"Did you fall?"

"Yeah" Hui Yuan Ai hummed back subconsciously.

Then, I heard Lin Xinyi’s footsteps about to push in the door.

She just turned red and reacted shyly:

She slipped while taking a shower, and she still had unrinsed bubbles on her body.

How could Lin, Lin Xinyi come in at this time?

Doesn't this mean he's been exposed? !

When she thought about what was about to happen, Miss Haiyuan's cheeks suddenly felt as hot as fire.

She subconsciously wanted to speak out to stop Lin Xinyi's reckless intrusion.

But somehow, at that critical moment, maybe because of the expectation hidden in her heart that she was embarrassed to express, she suddenly hesitated.

In the end, Huihara Ai failed to send a reminder in time.


The bathroom door was opened.

"Well" Miss Haiyuan, who was sitting on the floor, blushed.

She is now just a little sheep whose wool has been shaved off, and she is too embarrassed to be seen.

Then, the next second.

A man's hand reached through the crack of the door.

Click - the light switch was turned off.

The bathroom was pitch dark.

Nothing can be seen.

Hui Yuan Ai couldn't see Lin Xinyi, and Lin Xinyi naturally couldn't see her either.

The embarrassing and embarrassing scene in my imagination did not happen at all.


In the darkness, black lines appeared on Haiyuan Ai’s head:

"Why did you turn off the light?"

"It doesn't matter."

Lin Xinyi's confident words came to him.

The next second, Hui Yuan Ai was wrapped tightly in a thick towel as a hood.

Three circles inside and three outside, wrapped into rice dumplings.

In the darkness, Lin Xin slowly picked up the little rice dumpling from the ground:

"Don't worry, I've practiced."

"It's just a matter of hearing the sound and identifying the location. It's very easy."

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