Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 395 The male protagonist with a kissing scene

Conan's desire to grow bigger certainly didn't come out of the blue.

From the first day he became Conan, he had been thinking about changing back to Kudo Shinichi.

But the idea of ​​dating Xiaolan suddenly popped into his mind, which can be regarded as "stimulated".

This matter has to start from yesterday.

Last night, Maori Detective Agency.

Mao Lilan, who used to study forensic textbooks by herself until late at night after returning home, was uncharacteristically not reading in the room this time.

Conan also got a rare break from the hard work of sweeping and mopping the floor. The current head of the family, Miss Maori, allowed him to be exempted from housework for a day.

Because they have something to do,

Busy working on the script:

"Not just once, but even the second time. Who are you who saved me?"

"Oh! The unknown knight in black, if you can fulfill my wish, please take off your black mask and face me with your true face!"

Mao Lilan plays a beautiful and pure princess.

She blinked her big, pure and clear eyes, looked at the little "knight" in front of her, and spoke the difficult and difficult lines with emotion on her face.

Mr. "Knight" standing in front of her immediately responded softly:

"Oh! If this is the princess's wish, I"

"I cough cough cough"

The little knight couldn't hold it any longer.

Conan put down the script in his hand and helplessly covered his face, which was slightly red from shame:

"What are you doing?"

"Who wrote this script?"

Conan touched the goose bumps on his arms and his body was shaking uncontrollably:

Because the school festival of Tedan High School will be held in a few days, every class has to perform at the school festival.

The show that Xiaolan and her class are going to perform is the play, "The Black Knight and the Princess."

In order to practice the play well before the performance, Mao Lilan specially took Conan and rehearsed with her at home.

Of course Conan is happy.

Put aside the fun of rehearsing a show with your girlfriend.

Being able to have a few days without doing housework and being a househusband was enough to make him happy.

Didn't expect

After getting the script, Conan discovered:

The lines in this play are like the Mr. Zhang Tian he saw during the day who had his muscles paralyzed due to electric shock. He was going to die of numbness.

"You can't write love scenes so boringly."

"Only a love-minded nymphomaniac would write such a script, right?"

"Not at all!"

Mao Lilan angrily stopped Conan's complaints:

"How can you say Sonoko is a love-minded nympho?"

"Uh," Conan looked weird: "I didn't say who the love-minded nymphomaniac is."

Mao Lilan: "."

"Ahem. Anyway, the script was written by Yuanzi."

"I think her writing is pretty good and there are no problems."

"It is indeed her."

Conan sighed helplessly:

"How can I act in this kind of script?"

"Be serious!"

"In order to write this script, Sonoko also spent a lot of effort."

Mao Lilan tried hard to defend her best friend's position, and then urged:

"And, speaking of it"

"The heroine 'princess' of this drama is me."

"And the male protagonist 'Black Knight' was specially designed by Sonoko based on Shinichi you."

"Does this mean that I am the prototype of the male protagonist?"

Miss Yuanzi has always been a staunch supporter of him and Xiaolan. Even when rehearsing a play, she never forgets to bring them together through the air.

After knowing this, Conan finally found a sense of empathy:

"Okay. Although the lines are a bit strange."

"But Xiaolan, I will try my best to be your 'knight'."

Conan unknowingly said love words that were even more disgusting than the lines in the script.

It's a pity that with his current body of a primary school student, it is really difficult for him to make the atmosphere charming.

Mao Lilan didn't show any touch, but nodded seriously:

"Go ahead and start, Shinichi!"

"Yeah." Conan picked up the script and rehearsed the play.

As the acting continues, the script is coming to an end.

"Mr. Knight."

"If you haven't forgotten the promise you made when you were young, please put it on my lips."

"Prove it."

Mao Lilan closed her eyes, raised her head slightly, and assumed a kissing posture.

"This" Conan was dumbfounded.

His hands holding the script were trembling slightly:

It turns out that the male protagonist I played also had a kiss scene with the heroine!

Now Xiaolan has performed well.

All that's missing is a kiss from the leading actor.

Should he follow? ?

Conan's heart was beating fast.

The well-known actor Yukiko Kudo once taught him: If you want to perform well, you must treat every rehearsal as an actual battle on the stage.

Never be careless

Gotta do the trick well!

Follow the script!

Conan's heart was racing, his lips pursed, and then he looked up.

Mao Lilan stood in front of him.

Hey, hey, it's so dangerous.

I can’t reach it at all! !


Conan hurriedly brought a stool and stepped on it.

Snapped! !

A hand knife struck the big head.

Conan's attack came to an abrupt halt.

"W-Why are you so close?!"

Mao Lilan opened her eyes with a blushing face.

Her eyes were full of shyness, and her cheeks were so red that she could squeeze water out of her mouth.

If Conan hadn't already had a big swelling on his head, she would have looked more like the one being bullied.

"I am acting"

Conan covered his head and replied with an aggrieved look.

He is the male protagonist, so what happened to kissing the female protagonist?

Even if we don't talk about acting, he is still her childhood sweetheart boyfriend!

"No." Mao Lilan's face was flushed with shame, but her tone was firm:

"Shinichi, you can't be like this."

Don't tell me if she was embarrassed or not, if she filmed a kissing scene with Conan, she would just feel like she was committing a crime.

"Well" Conan's expression suddenly darkened.

At this moment, his desire to transform back into Kudo Shinichi became stronger than ever.

But he has no choice but to accept the reality now.

"Okay. This play is not according to the script."

Conan reluctantly put down the script, looking disappointed.

Then after calming down, he reacted belatedly:

"Wait a minute. Why is there a kissing scene in the script?!"

"Who is the guy who plays the knight then?"

He is just rehearsing privately with Xiaolan now, so he doesn't have to kiss.

But when it comes to the school festival stage, that bastard who plays the male lead will definitely kiss Xiaolan!

Conan's face turned green and he almost jumped up on the stool without holding it back.

"Don't get excited"

Mao Lilan smiled softly, seeming to be amused by Conan's reaction:

"Actually, you also know the guy who plays the leading role."


"It's the garden."

"It's Yuanzi." Conan breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Mao Lilan said thoughtfully:

"However, there was really no suitable candidate in the class, so Yuanzi played the leading role by herself."

"She is both a director and a screenwriter, and she also plays the leading role. She has been a little busy lately."

"According to Yuanzi."

"She is still looking for a suitable person to replace her in the role of the knight."

As he said that, Mao Lilan looked at Conan and couldn't help but feel a sigh of relief:

"Shinichi, it would be nice if you were still here."

Yes, it would be great if I were still Kudo Shinichi.


Is now the time to lament such a thing? !

Conan's kid's face turned even greener as he was suppressed:

Damn it, what do you mean by still "looking for a suitable candidate"?

Don't find weird people to kiss Xiaolan!


"You just want to take the antidote, grow bigger, and kiss Miss Maori yourself?"

After hearing the whole story, Lin Xinyi and Haiyuan Ai looked at Conan and couldn't help but become strange.

"Ahem. You can say that."

Conan admitted with a blushing face:

"It would be great if I could return as Kudo and complete that scene with Xiaolan."

“What a superficial reason”

"Are you willing to take risks and try medicine just for this kind of thing?"

Haiyuan Ai sat comfortably in her boyfriend's muscular arms, criticizing Conan's lustful behavior.

Conan looked envious——

Lin Xinyi would at least hug Hui Yuan Ai.

But because of his dark history of pretending to be a primary school student and taking a bath with Xiaolan, his true face has been completely exposed, and Xiaolan treats him as a little pervert.

Let alone hugging her now, Xiaolan wouldn't even let him hold her hand.

Even because of the huge height difference.

As long as he came a little closer, Xiaolan would cover her skirt vigilantly.

Just don’t let them touch you.

Now that his identity as an adult has been exposed, he no longer gets the preferential treatment he received as a child at home.

After Mao Lilan changed her job to a beautiful forensic doctor, she had no time to do housework because she was too busy studying.

It was his poor elementary school boyfriend who took on most of the housework at home.

He's like a schoolboy when it comes to making out.

When it comes time to work, treat him like an adult.

Being a kid is so hard!

The more Conan thought about it, the sadder he became, and the more eager he became to grow bigger.

"Hmm" Seeing Conan's miserable situation, Haihara Ai couldn't help but feel some sympathy:

Lin Xin took care of her as a child at every turn.

Why isn't she like this?

"Okay." Haiyuan Ai sighed softly.

Anyway, the experiment happened to lack a white mouse.

Now that the guinea pigs have come to her door on their own initiative, there is no need for her to refuse:

"You can give it a try."

"But you have to note that even if this antidote can make people bigger, the effect is likely to be temporary."

"no problem!"

Conan nodded, indicating that he was mentally prepared.

At this time, Belmode, who had been listening silently, suddenly appeared and spoke:

"One more thing to note:"

"Conan, even if you change back to Kudo Shinichi, you can't participate in any school festival performances."

"I" Conan lowered his head helplessly:

He knew what Belmod meant.

Appearing on the stage as a "knight" and having a true love kiss with his princess.

After all, this was just his instinctive expectation.

But the objective reality is that Kudo Shinichi, who has disappeared, is not suitable to appear in front of everyone in such a high-profile manner.

You can go on a date in private if you want to be intimate, there is no need to perform on stage.

A kiss like that might mean more.

But it will affect everyone's safety.

"I see."

"Even if I get older, I will keep a low profile."

"Well, it's good that you understand."

"This is probably part of the reason why I don't want you to play the leading role."

"Part of the reason?"

Conan vaguely heard something.


"There is a more important reason."

"Miss Sonoko has decided to ask me to play the leading role."

Belmode blinked expectantly:

"So, the princess's kiss is mine."

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