Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 374 Master Lin Xinyi

The next day, Jin came to the door of the cinema.

On this day, Didan Primary School, which had not attended classes seriously for a few days, was on holiday again.

And this holiday was rare and there were no outings. Conan came out of the cage and had nothing to do for a while.

So, Dr. A Li, a senior nanny, gave him a bunch of free movie coupons and asked him to take several children from the Junior Detective Team to the cinema for a pleasant day-long movie trip.

Of course, this wasn't pleasant for Conan:

"Gomera! Gomera!"

Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta, the three friends shouted with great determination:

"It's rare for us to come out to play, so we must watch the Gomera series!"

"Well, aren't we a young detective team?"

"The detective team should watch "Onimaru Murder Case", a mystery movie like this, right?"

Conan hung a black thread and worked hard to speak out for his hobbies.

But his independent views are obviously no match for the fierce public opinion:

"No more mystery movies"

"When you go on vacation, you must watch a movie that is relaxing and enjoyable!"


The friends said confidently:

"We have 3 votes here, Conan, you only have 1 vote."

"I'm going to watch Gomera today - the theater has re-screenings of the Gomera trilogy series, which is enough to watch for a whole day!"

"One, a whole day?" Conan's mouth twitched:

Was his precious whole day going to be ruined in a children's movie like this?

"Huiyuan, and brother Lin Xinyi"

Conan, who is at a disadvantage in the election, still wants to fight to the death.

He placed his hope on the other two companions present who had not expressed their opinions yet.

These two are adults.

You wouldn’t choose a movie for kids, right?

"Gomera." Lin Xinyi replied without hesitation.

He reacted a little and added: "I mean, today's protagonist is you, so let's watch some movies that children like to watch."

"." Hui Yuan Ai rolled her eyes helplessly.

She immediately agreed unconditionally: "I also want to see Gomera."

"Okay!" the friends cheered excitedly.

The vote was 5 to 1, and Conan no longer had any room to struggle:

"Okay, let's look at Gomera."

He walked into the cinema dejectedly.

Lin Xinyi, Haihara Ai, and the three children from the Youth Detective Team also walked in immediately.

This cinema is not too big in scale, and although the decoration is considered high-end, it has an old-fashioned smell everywhere.

Such old and small cinemas have obviously been slowly eliminated in the fierce market competition.

When Lin Xinyi and others came in, they saw that there were only two staff members at the front desk, and there were even fewer guests who came to watch the movie. They could almost be counted on one hand.

There are also tripods, wires, and various construction tools in the corner. It is not only about to be renovated, but also about to be relocated and demolished.

But these problems naturally have nothing to do with Lin Xinyi.

He was just a customer and had no need to worry about the fate of an old movie theater.

In fact, the fewer people there were in the cinema, the more relieved he felt:

"With fewer people, it shouldn't be that hard to guess the murderer and the victim."

Lin Xinyi looked at the several guests and employees in the hall silently, but in his heart he was very impolite, thinking about the hideous scenes of them killing or being killed.

No way. Who let Conan be here?

He didn't come here to watch a movie today.

It was only when he heard that Conan was on holiday again and organized some "holiday activities" that he was extremely worried about skipping his job at the Metropolitan Police Department and working as a nanny for a group of children.

If something happens today, maybe I can stop it in advance.

No matter how bad the situation is, the investigation can be launched as soon as possible after the incident to gain a time advantage.

If nothing happens today, then

Then treat today as a date with your girlfriend.

Lin Xinyi lowered his head and glanced at the little Miss Haiyuan beside him - she was holding his hand and looking up at the poster of Gomera on the wall.

Although the helplessness in her eyes already revealed her almost non-existent expectations for the movie.

But looking at the slightly raised corners of her mouth, her interest didn't seem to be low.

Speaking of which, this was their first time watching a movie together.

"First think of a way to investigate the possible 'hidden dangers' in this cinema."

"If nothing happens, just concentrate on watching movies with Shiho."

With this thought in his mind, Lin Xin concentrated his attention and carefully observed the guests and staff present.

This is not an easy task.

Most of the time it depends on luck.

And just when he was about to get closer and try to discover some signs that might trigger the case through eavesdropping and chatting.

Suddenly there was a loud noise in the hall:

"Hey, boss Muramatsu!"

"Since there aren't many guests, let's just stop delaying it."

"Let's close it today and demolish this shabby movie theater!"

A middle-aged man with a fierce expression started making a lot of noise as soon as he entered the door.

He had a cigarette in his mouth, blowing out choking smoke, coupled with that ferocious smile and ugly face, he looked like a villain who attracted hatred.

The person he called "Boss Muramatsu" was an old man on crutches, whose identity was naturally the owner of this movie theater.

"Mr. Zhang Tian. Cough cough cough cough."

Seeing that the boss Muramatsu, who was 6 or 70 years old, was coughing violently, he said in a difficult tone to the unkind Mr. Zhang Tian:

"As promised before, it will be demolished tomorrow."

"Today is the anniversary of our cinema, and we hope it will be the last day of our operation."

Old man Muramatsu looked a little pitiful in his low voice.

But Mr. Zhang Tian just sneered:

"Haha. There are only a few guests in total. What else is there to commemorate?"

"It's really deserted. If I had known better, I should have spent less money and bought it."


A tall staff member stood up from the side.

He cursed at the aggressive Mr. Zhang Tian with a look of disgust on his face:

"Obviously it was you who arranged for the gangsters to come over and destroy the place, so there were so few customers, right?"

"You rogue businessman!"

"Hey, hey, don't talk nonsense." Mr. Zhang Tian spread his hands arrogantly: "You said that I arranged those gangsters, but you can provide evidence?"

"You!!" Several staff members present turned pale with anger.

"Okay, okay. Stop talking." Boss Muramatsu came out a little lonely to smooth things over:

"Our old movie theater has been gradually losing customers."

"I took the initiative to sell this cinema. It doesn't matter whether Mr. Zhang Tian makes trouble or not."

After hearing this, Lin Xinyi roughly understood the relationship between the characters:

Mr. Zhang Tian should be a real estate businessman, and Boss Muramatsu's movie theater is not doing well, so he intends to sell it.

In order to suppress the purchase price, Mr. Zhang Tian hired local gangsters to come and cause trouble, while urging Muramatsu's boss to sell the theater and agree to demolish it.

This plot.

It seems familiar?

When Lin Xin looked at Mr. Zhang Tian, ​​his expression suddenly became strange:

He remembered that the former director of the Miwa Art Museum, Ochiai, killed the owner of the real estate developer Manaka because he did not want the museum to be acquired by a real estate developer.

Also, the last time producer Kamei wanted to disband the Gomera crew, he was taken away by Mr. Matsui, the actor in Gomera's holster.

With these two lessons learned, let’s take a look at what Mr. Zhang Tian did.

Look at Conan next to him who looks innocent. He has experienced so many times but has not noticed the problem yet.

Today’s case is easier to discover than any previous case:

"The 'victim' seems to have been identified"

"As for the 'murderer', he is probably the same as the previous Director Ochiai and Mr. Matsui. He is an employee of the unit who does not want the unit he has worked for many years to be disbanded, but does not have the right to speak or make decisions."

Lin Xinyi could basically see clearly that the death omen star on Mr. Zhang Tian's head was flashing.

He thought about it and didn't know how to prevent the possible tragedy in time, so he simply stood up with a serious face:


"Please restrain yourself, Mr. Zhang Tian."

"Who are you? Why are you interrupting!" Mr. Zhang Tian was stunned for a moment, then looked over rudely.

"I'm doing this for your own good."

Lin Xinyi said in a mysterious tone:

"I advise you to leave this cinema today, otherwise you may encounter a bloody disaster."

"Huh?" The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little strange.

Mr. Zhang Tian was so angry that he grinned:

"Who are you cursing? Bastard!"

"Want to scare me? Do you think I will be afraid of you?"

"You don't have to be afraid of me."

Lin Xinyi's voice was still so calm:

"I just advise you to be careful. There is nothing wrong with being careful."

"Otherwise, if someone kills me, it won't be me, but you."

"You" Hearing Lin Xinyi's calm statement tone, Mr. Zhang Tian wanted to curse but couldn't.

Suddenly I was caught by a stranger saying such strange things, and the other person didn't look like a charlatan asking for money.

This feeling is quite weird.

"Bah! Bad luck!"

Mr. Zhang Tian glared at Lin Xinyi fiercely, and finally chose to walk away with a curse.

Although he looked very angry and didn't listen much, Lin Xinyi's goal had been achieved:

If he gives such a pretentious warning, the other party will become more or less sensitive and cautious.

The most important thing is that these words can scare the theater staff present - that is, the potential murderers.

Unlike several murderers who were successfully stopped before, the murderer’s motive for killing this time was very special:

The theater where I worked was bought at a low price

This can hardly be called a blood feud.

What's more, boss Muramatsu himself said that the cinema was not well managed and he took the initiative to find someone to sell it.

As for the purchase price being maliciously suppressed by Mr. Zhang Tian

The boss is not in a hurry, why should the employees be?

Even if Mr. Zhang Tian doesn't come to cause trouble, the purchase money from the extra sales will not be used to increase wages for workers!

To give up everything and kill for revenge is obviously an unnecessary and extreme act.

The murderer's choice to kill was probably just an act of impulse and went to extremes.

That's why Lin Xinyi did not choose to wait for the murderer to commit the crime and then take action to stop it, risking the murderer's success and the victim's death as he did before.

Instead, he stood up in advance and explained the interests to the potential murderer.

Because the motive of the murderer in this case is not firm enough, if he is frightened by such "unpredictable" information, he may be frightened into calming down and give up the action forever.

As long as he could think rationally and figure it all out, he would never think about killing anyone again.

In this way, a murderous tragedy may be completely nipped in the bud.

"I advise everyone to calm down."

Watching Mr. Zhang Tian walk away to smoke with an ugly face, Lin Xinyi turned back and said to the theater staff:

"No matter how bad your mood is, killing people can't make you feel relaxed."

"And it's a fact that movie theaters are not doing well."

"Boss Muramatsu has decided to sell the theater to stop losses."

"Even if you kill Mr. Harita this time, Mr. Kameda and Mr. Honda will still come out and buy the land of the cinema."

"So, this kind of extreme method can't save your cherished theater at all, it will only destroy your own future."

His lengthy persuasion made the air feel even weirder.

Several employees looked at each other, and each of them saw a question mark in the other's eyes: "Should I call a mental hospital?"

Boss Muramatsu was even more confused:

"Um, sir?"

"What are you talking about? Killing?"

"We have already discussed the matter of selling the cinema, and we are waiting for its closure and demolition tomorrow. How could we kill Mr. Zhang Tian at this time?"

Everyone looked confused.

But in the crowd, the tall male employee who just stood up and angrily criticized Boss Zhang Tian said with a pale face:


"Huh?!" Everyone looked over in surprise: "Guqiao? You..."

The middle-aged employee known as "Gu Qiao" was shocked into a cold sweat.

This was something Lin Xinyi didn't expect.

He just wanted to make the stakes clear and let the murderer think for himself whether it was worth ruining his future for something he couldn't stop.

Unexpectedly, this speech directly scared the murderer himself.


Mr. Furuhashi was incoherent for a while.

He looked at the enigmatic Lin Xinyi with respect and fear, with a very uneasy expression.

After a silent look at each other, he finally clenched his fists tightly and said with difficulty:

"I don't want this movie theater to be bought."

"As for Haruda Masaji, this bastard who hired people to come to the cinema to cause trouble and drive the guests away from the screen, I can't tolerate it either!"

"So I, I did plan to secretly kill him today, the last day of business for this theater."

Under Lin Xinyi's meaningful gaze, Mr. Guqiao admitted everything with a guilty conscience.

He just felt that he had met some otherworldly master, a god who came to stop him from committing stupid things:

"I'm sorry. I've thought it through."

"Master, thank you for stopping me from doing such a stupid thing!"

"This?!" Everyone present was extremely surprised.

None of them expected that this crazy young man actually had the ability to see into the future!

He prevented a murder in advance!

Before the case even happened, the murderer was made to cry bitterly by what he said. He became enlightened and determined to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately.

"Who is this young man?"

"Why does it look familiar?"

Everyone was in awe and talked about it:

"Oh, I think I saw him on TV before!"

"Really? What show is it?"

"I forgot. But I remember, it said on TV:"

"He seems to be a magician?"

"What? He is a great mage who has been on TV, so young?"

Boss Muramatsu, Mr. Furuta, and everyone else looked at Lin Xinyi with expressions full of reverence:

"Master, you, you"

Judging from this meaning, they seem to want to make a pilgrimage in the future:

"Which temple do you practice in?"

Lin Xinyi's mouth twitched and he replied:

"Metropolitan Police Department."

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