Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 371 The Disappearing Juvenile Delinquent

Mrs. Yamazaki, who had been temporarily invited to have tea by the police, was quickly invited to the crime scene.

This is what Lin Xinyi requested.

Now the murderer’s criminal profile has been roughly revealed:

The minor, under 1.5 meters tall, is presumed to be a junior high school student and had a grudge against the deceased, Mr. Yamazaki.

After checking here, the case will almost be over.

With these specific details, it shouldn't be difficult to find the murderer.

When Lin Xin invited Mrs. Yamazaki over, he wanted to understand the situation with her face to face and ask if the deceased had provoked any gangsters during his lifetime.

"A junior high school student who has a grudge against my husband?"

Mrs. Yamazaki looked very haggard.

Her eyes were red and swollen, and her face was stained with dried tears, as if she had been crying all night for her husband's death.

But at this moment, perhaps because she had cried enough, the sadness on her face had completely turned into calm, a lifeless calm.

"I do remember there was such a person."

Mrs. Yamazaki replied calmly:

"That's a 14-year-old punk."

"About a year ago, that guy was blackmailing elementary school students with a knife on the street. My husband happened to pass by and took him to the police station."

"I heard that he was sent to a juvenile reformatory, but he was released after half a year."

"After he came out, this guy kept coming to harass our couple for a while. Later we called the police and contacted his parents before he stopped."

"If you want to find him, I can provide his home phone number."

"I understand." Lin Xin nodded.

He didn't call directly to ask - if he wanted to catch the murderer, how could he call first.

"Officer Furuya, Officer Kazami."

"It shouldn't be difficult to find the suspect's address. I ask you to bring someone to the door and bring that little bastard under control."

"no problem."

Fukitani Rei and Kazami Yu also nodded in unison.

The two of them led the team, and the secret police of the public security came to check the water meter. The little gangster would definitely not be able to escape.

Lin Xinyi safely left the arresting matter to professionals like them.

Then, apart from the police officers who stayed behind, only him and Mrs. Yamazaki, who looked dull and depressed, were left at the scene.

Mrs. Yamazaki seemed reluctant to stay in the house where her husband died.

She walked out of the villa looking uncomfortable and stood blankly at the door.

"Mrs. Yamazaki."

Lin Xinyi walked up to her quietly and asked confusedly:

"Last night, from 0 o'clock when the izakaya closed, to 1:20 when the police called to contact you, where were you?"

"Huh?" Mrs. Yamazaki frowned tightly: "Didn't your police ask these questions?"

"I want to double check."

Lin Xinyi tried his best to sound gentle.

But his inquiry still made the widow very unhappy:

"I stayed in the store and didn't come back."

"When I got the call and rushed back, my husband..."

Mrs. Yamazaki choked up and couldn't speak any more.

Lin Xinyi carefully remained silent, giving the other party time to mourn.

But in the end he couldn't help himself and asked something that was incomprehensible:

"Mrs. Yamazaki, do you have a gun at home?"

"What's the meaning?"

Mrs. Yamazaki’s reaction suddenly became intense:

"What do you want to imply by asking me this?"

"Do you want me to kill someone?!"

"No, no, no," Lin Xinyi's voice contained an unprecedented sense of weakness, as if he was at a loss.

It seems that the investigation he is doing at the moment is not a good thing.

But he still persisted in investigating:

"I just want to know the truth."

"Mrs. Yamazaki, if you and your wife are legally armed, even if you don't say it, we can quickly find it in the file."

"So, I hope you can"

"Cooperate with you?"

A hint of sarcasm emerged from the corner of Mrs. Yamazaki's mouth:

"What's the use of cooperating with you?"

"If the murderer is really the little gangster you said, can you still arrest him and put him in jail?"

"Well if this worked, he should have been in jail a year ago."

"That scumbag who robbed elementary school students with a knife"

She quietly gritted her teeth:

"My husband acted bravely and delivered this scumbag to the police."

"But what can you police do with him?"

"This scumbag didn't receive any punishment at all, but we still have to endure this scumbag's endless harassment!"

"If you could have caught him in jail earlier, would things like today still happen?"

"I am sorry."

Lin Xinyi didn't dare to speak.

He didn't know how to face the family of the deceased, so that he couldn't even continue the normal investigation.

But in the end, Mrs. Yamazaki replied:

"My husband has one of the guns you mentioned."

"But it was his thing and I didn't like guns and didn't understand the situation at all."

"Yeah" Lin Xinyi sighed deeply: "I understand."

After a long time.

Officers Fangtani and Kazami, who were responsible for arresting the gangster at his home, ultimately returned without success.

Because the guy wasn't even at home.

"His parents said that their son went out last night and never came back."

"And they didn't tell us where that guy went."

Officer Feng Jian said somewhat angrily:

"What it is, their son is often out and doesn't come home, so they don't know where this guy is -"

"I think that kid must be absconding out of fear of crime and doesn't dare to show his face."

"And those heartless parents are still protecting this scumbag!"

"Yeah, I don't think so."

Lin Xinyi shook his head slightly:

"A minor doesn't worry about punishment at all, so why is he escaping?"

"I'm not afraid of going to jail, but I'm also worried about going to a juvenile reformatory!"

"That kid has been in once before, and now he's breaking into a house and killing people. It will probably take him several years to reform before he can get out."

"Although living in a juvenile reformatory is much more comfortable than prison, for this kind of scum, he may not even be willing to bear this punishment!"

Kazami Yuya's voice was filled with uncontrollable annoyance.

He obviously suffered a lot from the suspect's parents when he came to arrest someone:

"Manager Lin, you don't know how annoying those scumbag parents are!"

"They actually said that their son was innocent and a good boy."

"He said that he was wronged by Mr. Yamazaki for robbing an elementary school student before. He also said that if our police slander their son again, they will sue us in court!"

"Damn it, these bastard parents!"

"No wonder I raised a son who looks like such a piece of trash!"

Officer Feng Jian became more and more angry as he talked, almost to the point of bursting with anger:

They are the police!

A group of secret police, plus Rei Fukiya, the Japanese captain.

Being blocked at the door by the parents of a juvenile delinquent, pointing and scolding him?

No organization dares to be so arrogant!

"Calm down."

Lin Xinyi calmed Feng Jian's mood a little:

"In other words, that little gangster never came back after going out last night?"


His expression became a little subtle.

Officer Furitani on the side seemed to be able to read minds.

Without Lin Xin asking again and again, he took the initiative to mention:

"I have had people contact several of the suspect's friends, and the result of the telephone investigation is that they don't know where the suspect is now."

"In other words, our suspect has disappeared."

"And more importantly"

"When we were investigating at the suspect's house, we saw the wallet he left in his room."

"There was cash and identification in the wallet, and he didn't take any of it."

"This" Lin Xinyi was slightly startled.

As soon as he heard it, he knew that this police officer Fangtani might have thought of him.

So Fangtani Zero paid special attention to the traces in the suspect's home.

"He didn't take his wallet with him, which means that guy really didn't go home last night."

"There is a high probability that he is not absconding out of fear of crime."

"Otherwise, he should always go back and bring the cash and documents."

"Judging from the distribution of blood spatter at the scene, the murderer should have been stained with the blood of the deceased - even if he didn't go back to get money and documents, he should have gone home to take a shower and change into clean clothes."

Lin Xinyi made this analysis, and Jiangu Ling secretly nodded in agreement.

But Officer Feng Jian disagreed:

"Isn't it right? He has killed someone and there is blood on his body. How dare he go home?"

"Maybe." Lin Xinyi sighed softly:

"You have said it yourself. The suspect's parents clearly knew that their son was suspected of murder, but they continued to speak for him regardless."

"With parents who dote on their son like this, I'm afraid that kid will dare to do anything, right?"


Feng Jian Yu also nodded fiercely:

"Those parents are just weird."

"In order to protect the murderer, they even dared to scold us, the police!"

"OK OK."

Lin Xinyi sighed helplessly:

"There's no need for you to get angry with those weird parents."

"They will have their comeuppance."

"Retribution?" The righteous police officer Feng Jian could only smile bitterly at this moment: "What can we do to make them get retribution?"

"Juvenile reformatory?"

"No" Lin Xinyi shook his head.

He and Rei Fukiya looked at each other, and then fell silent for a while.

"Feng Jian, I have some bad news to tell you."

Lin Xinyi suddenly said this without thinking.

"What bad news?"

Feng Jian Yuya was nervous for a while:

First I met an untouchable juvenile delinquent, and then I met a pair of weird parents. Could today be worse?

"Send someone with police dogs to search nearby parks and alleys."

"Prioritize the search for relatively remote and desolate places not far from this villa."

Lin Xinyi first gave an incomprehensible order, and then said in a complicated tone:

"Our little suspect"

"Probably dead."

"Huh?!" Officer Feng Jian was slightly startled.

He was stunned for a long time before blurting out:

"Is this bad news?"

"Isn't it great that that scumbag was killed?!"

"Uh" Officer Feng Jian covered his mouth in embarrassment.

He finally realized that as a police officer, he was not suitable for saying such pleasant things.

"Of course it's bad news."

Lin Xinyi's voice was full of difficulty:

"We are the police."

"But we can only applaud such a criminal act."

"Isn't that sad enough?"

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