Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 367 There is something wrong with this child

After hearing Lin Xinyi's conclusion after some scientific analysis, Officer Feng Jian's eyes were filled with little stars of admiration.

But Officer Fangtani is much calmer.

"You can deduce the crime tool by observing the shape of the wound. The forest manager's vision is really admirable."

He asked thoughtfully while sipping the hot tea made by Bermod in his hand:

"But it shouldn't be possible to judge just the type of murder weapon. This case must have nothing to do with the organization, right?"

"Perhaps the hammer and kitchen knife were just temporary weapons used by the organization's killers at the crime scene, that is, at the deceased's home."

"For example, in order not to disturb nearby residents late at night, he did not use the firearm he carried?"

"This scenario is not impossible."

Lin Xinyi could see that the other party actually recognized his analysis.

But even so, the police officer Fang Gu remained cautious and did not let go of his seemingly useless suspicion.

This is an extremely rare quality for a police officer.

Lin Xinyi nodded in approval and explained at the same time:

"But that's very unlikely."

"That's an organization that can fly helicopters and drop rockets in Tokyo. Is it that difficult to equip a gun with a silencer when killing people late at night?"

"And, assuming that everyone here is a member of that organization."

"As a well-trained killer, besides a pistol, doesn't he carry some 'auxiliary weapons'?"

"This." Everyone thought along Lin Xinyi's train of thought.

"If I were the killer of the organization, I would carry an extra dagger with me." Replied Fangtani Rei.

"If I had to choose, I would bring an extra pistol as a backup." Belmod blinked.

"I know several toxins that work very quickly and are very suitable for self-defense." Lin Xinyi also gave his own answer.

"Yeah." Haiyuan Ai also stood aside at some point, and silently praised Lin Xinyi's idea in his heart.

Officer Feng Jian: "???"

Why do you all react so quickly?

He was still thinking seriously about the complex issue of "if he was an organizational killer, what should he choose as a secondary weapon?"

Lin Xin and others had already entered the next topic:

"Anyway, from my personal perspective."

"A well-trained killer, even if he does not use firearms to kill, must have a 'secondary weapon' suitable for committing crimes."

"Furthermore, there were three wounds on the deceased's body, 2 injuries from blunt force blows, and 1 injury from stabbing with a sharp instrument. Two types of weapons were used."

"This shows that the murderer's murder process was very unscrupulous."

"If it were a well-trained killer, I'm afraid he could solve the problem with just one blow, and he wouldn't have spent so much effort at all."

"And, more importantly:"

"Two blunt force injuries to the deceased's head were relatively minor."

"Let an adult hit someone on the head with a metal hammer. If he uses full force, not to mention skull fractures, even the brain tissue may be crushed on the spot."

"But the murderer hit him twice in a row, but only caused this kind of injury."

"This shows that either his own strength is too weak, or he deliberately held back his strength."

"If it's the former, the murderer doesn't even have the strength to kill, so he is not qualified to be a killer of a criminal organization."

"If it is the latter, it at least shows that the murderer's purpose was not to kill, which is far from the theory of 'criminal organizations killing people to silence'."

Lin Xinyi made some analysis.

Then he reacted belatedly:

"Wait a minute. With the capabilities of the police, it shouldn't be obvious that this case has nothing to do with that criminal organization, right?"

“Even if you don’t know how to analyze trauma patterns, you should still be able to see the ‘unprofessionalism’ of the murderer when he kills someone!”

His eyes looking at Officer Furuya became a little strange:

"In that case, why did you come all the way to ask me?"

"Would you like me to state the conclusion again?"

"Uh-huh. Haha." Facing Lin Xinyi's dissatisfied look, Officer Jiang Gu didn't show any embarrassment at all:

"Actually, we mainly want to take this opportunity as a starting point to gradually launch a long-term cooperation with you, Manager Lin."

"Moreover, without your detailed and scientific analysis, Mr. Lin, and just based on common sense and experience, our police are really not sure that this case must have nothing to do with the organization."

"More importantly, this case has been handed over to our police."

"It is impossible for us to give up investigating the truth and let the murderer go free just because the case has nothing to do with the organization - and investigating ordinary criminal cases is indeed not the specialty of our police."

"So, Forest Manager"

Officer Fangtani's smile gradually faded, and his eyes became solemn:

"Please help us find the murderer!"

There was fire in his eyes.

This is the persistence for justice and truth that most of the colleagues Lin Xinyi met in the Metropolitan Police have gradually forgotten.

"Don't worry, I will help to the end."

"But after I read the information, you can take me to the site to see it."

"There are still some doubts about this case. There are some things that I must go to the scene to verify in person."

Lin Xinyi's attitude also began to become positive.

He began to feel that this police officer Fang Gu was quite a good person.

But the good feeling only lasted a moment.

"No problem, Manager Lin, please read through the information first."

Officer Jiangu did as he was told and gave Lin Xinyi some time to read the information quietly.

But when Lin Xinyi was busy reading the information, as soon as Officer Fanggu had some free time, he turned around and ran to harass his girlfriend.

It was the real girlfriend who was harassing:

"Little Miss Haiyuan."

He showed a warm smile to Haiyuan Ai:

"You seem to be more mature than the average little girl."

"We were just talking about a murder case here. Miss, wouldn't you be scared if you came over and listened?"

Although the smile was indeed warm, there may not be any real temptation in his words.

But to Lin Xinyi's ears, it was quite dangerous:

As soon as Haiyuan Ai let down her guard and came over to listen to the case, someone noticed something was wrong - how could an ordinary little girl come over to listen to such a thing?

Her "premature" was noticed by this guy after all.

If the next step is not handled well, it may plant seeds of doubt in the mind of the observant police officer Faritani, which may lead to a disaster in the future.

"of course not."

"I have been following brother Lin Xinyi and heard about many cases."

"It's just a murder case, it's nothing to me."

I saw Haihara Ai acting in her true self, playing the role of a cold little adult:

"But I'm not here to hear the case."

"I'm not interested in the case or anything like that at all."

"It's amazing. You're just like an adult." Officer Furuya praised him with a smile: "So, little lady, what do you want to do when you come here?"

His expression is still so unpredictable, he looks like a big brother playing happily with the children, but also like some weird guy with ulterior motives.

Lin Xinyi felt a little nervous.

But Haiyuan Ai’s reaction was still so bland:

"I am the lord."

"As for what I am doing here, it has nothing to do with you."

She was completely speaking in the same manner as Miyano Shiho and her usual manner, making it impossible to see the innocence and childishness of a child.

Someone will definitely notice that this is wrong, right? !

Lin Xinyi didn't understand what Hui Yuan Ai was thinking.

He just felt that if things continued like this, Officer Fangtani would definitely pay special attention to this elementary school student with a unique look and temperament.

And right now.

I saw that little Miss Haiyuan, who looked like an adult in every move and gesture, suddenly took action.

She walked to the sofa where Lin Xinyi usually slept, squatted down, and opened the drawer under the coffee table.

"Wait. This?"

Lin Xinyi's mouth twitched:

He understood.

Haihara Ai’s acting skills are not good enough, so she needs props!

Hidden in the drawer of the coffee table is a limited edition treasure that he spent a lot of money to buy after receiving his first salary from the organization!

Belmode didn't even know about its existence, he only told Huihara Ai.


Officer Feng Gu was slightly startled:

"Miss Haiyuan, you."

"So you're here to get toys?"

"Yes." Haiyuan Ai hugged a big Ultraman doll and glanced at Lin Xinyi meaningfully:

"I'm just here to get 'my' toys."

"Haha." Officer Fangtani was amused by the contrasting cuteness of Miss Haibara:

"Didn't Miss Haibara say that she is an 'adult'? Why do you still like to play Ultraman?"

Lin Xinyi: "."

He silently moved his eyes away and concentrated on reading the case information.

And the "annoying" police officer Fangtani was still saying annoying words to himself:

"But it's so nostalgic."

"Is this doll the first generation of Ultraman, or Ultraman Zoffie? Anyway, I also liked watching it when I was in elementary school."

"This is not the first generation."

Haibara Ai still spoke in the style of "Miyano Shiho", with a calm and natural tone, clear and smooth articulation, and a kind of coldness and intellectuality unique to a genius scientific girl.

But at this moment, no one will feel that there is anything wrong with this child:

"This is Ultraman Jack."

"Zoffie's chest has rivets, but neither the first generation nor Jack had them. The first generation Ultraman's neck is red, and his chest is larger. Ultraman Jack's neck is silver, and his chest is smaller."

"It's easy to tell."

Officer Fangtani: "."

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