Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 365 Police Officer Jianggu’s home visit

The secret police of the police came knocking on the door early in the morning?

Lin Xinyi was caught off guard and thought that because his identity was exposed and the incident was revealed, he would be invited to the Metropolitan Police Department for tea by these special agents.

But then I thought about it, the police usually use the excuse of "delivery delivery", "checking the water meter" or "sending warmth" when inviting people to drink tea. They would not directly announce their home address.

"People from the police?"

Lin Xinyi didn't rush to open the door, but pretended to be confused and asked loudly.

This would allow Belmode, who had not yet gotten up in the bedroom, to hear the situation clearly and allow her to prepare quickly to avoid being discovered by the secret police.

"Yes, Manager Lin."

"I am Yuya Kazami from the Ministry of Public Security. You saved me yesterday. Do you still remember?"

The public security policeman outside the door introduced himself to his home, with a hint of gratitude in his tone.

Lin Xin was relieved for a moment, and then he randomly tore up the collar he had arranged, and shouted in reply:

"Okay, just wait."

"I'll put on my clothes and come and open the door for you."

In this way, he bought some time for the people in the bedroom.

But opening the door too late always makes people feel something is wrong. Lin Xinyi delayed it for a while, then pretended to be hurriedly putting on clothes, and stepped forward to open the door.

The person standing outside the door was indeed the young police officer he rescued yesterday, Yuya Kazami.

Next to the Feng Jian police officer, there stood a tall, ordinary-looking middle-aged man in a suit whose face was hard to remember.

"Hello, I am Kazami's colleague, Fangya Rei."

"Manager Lin, just call me 'Jianggu'."

Fang Guling introduced himself politely and bowed slightly to Lin Xinyi.

He also goes by the name "Jiang Gu Ling".

But compared to Mr. Furitani who appeared in front of Officer Kazami yesterday, he had a completely different face.

Lin Xinyi was still carefully looking at the face he had never seen before. The public security police officer who called himself Fangtani Rei took Yuya Kazami and squeezed into the room very familiarly:

"Can we go in and talk more about it?"

As he asked this question, his body was already squeezing in on its own.

Lin Xinyi naturally couldn't drive these two colleagues out, so he had to bite the bullet and greet them with a smile:

"Come in, you two."

He staggered his body and allowed the two police officers to enter his home.

That officer Kazami was okay.

His gestures were full of admiration and respect for Lin Xinyi. After entering the house, he was even more polite and restrained, looking very shy.

But that police officer Fangtani was a bit annoying.

As soon as he entered the door, he looked around, his eyes seemed to be restless, and he glanced here and there.

"Ahem." Lin Xinyi frowned slightly: "Officer Fengjian, what's the emergency when you came to my house early in the morning?"

"So there is."

Among Fengjian and Fangtani, police officer Fangtani was obviously respected.

He calmly helped Feng Jian answer the question:

"When we come to see Mr. Lin this time, we first want to thank you for your life-saving grace and express our gratitude to Feng Jian."

"Secondly, there is indeed a case. I would like to ask Manager Lin to assist our police in conducting a secret investigation."

"Is there a case?"

Lin Xinyi frowned:

He was polite to the leaders of the Ministry of Public Security last night and said, "I can help if there is a chance." But he actually came to visit him the next day?

"What kind of case is this that requires my participation?"

Lin Xinyi refused without even asking:

"Forget it, don't talk about any cases with me. I'm not interested in your police cases."

"As for the reason, it's very simple -"

"I don't want to experience something so exciting yesterday. I don't want to experience it again."

He almost got hit by a rocket yesterday, so now he is using this reason to refuse the invitation from the police, which can be said to be justified.

But Officer Shiratani and Officer Kazami were just like the leaders of the Ministry of Public Security yesterday.

The more Lin Xinyi refused, the more relieved they became:

"Forest Manager, please trust us."

"We certainly won't let you do anything dangerous."

"Even if you participate in the investigation, it will be as you requested. The entire process will be kept strictly confidential and no outsiders will know that you are assisting our police."

The other party first patted his chest to ensure the safety of assisting them.

According to the routine, it’s time to talk about benefits, talk about beliefs, and sing an exciting high note.

But at this time, there was a soft sound of footsteps in the bedroom, interrupting their conversation.

"Is there anyone else in the house?"

Officer Fang Gu pretended to be surprised and asked again:

"Oh, right."

"Manager Lin also has a lovely American girlfriend, Miss Chrissy, right?"

"That's right." Lin Xinyi heard that this guy was inquiring into his privacy, but there was nothing to hide: "You guys came too early."

"My girlfriend was still sleeping in the bedroom and didn't even have time to get up."

As soon as he finished speaking, the bedroom door was pushed open.

A cute primary school student walked out of the door wearing a light camisole, large round glasses, ill-fitting men's slippers, and a pair of white feet.

"Brother Lin Xinyi." The little girl covered her mouth and yawned, and asked lightly: "Is there a guest at home?"

Jianggu, Fengjian: "."

The atmosphere suddenly became weird.

The two police officers launched a righteous look at Lin Xinyi.

It seems that as long as he cannot give a reasonable explanation for this, he will face a severe trial next.

Lin Xinyi felt helpless:

It was already late at night when Haihara Ai came yesterday, and it was inconvenient to go back, so he simply stayed here.

Who would have thought that I would be blocked by the police the next day.

He had no choice but to find a reason to explain:

"This is the house of my friend's relatives, a little girl who has a good relationship with us. Her name is Haihara Ai."

"She played too late with Chrissy at my house yesterday, so she simply didn't go home and stayed here overnight."

"Is it."

The police officers’ pursuit of justice is not over yet.

Because they could clearly see that there were faint strawberry marks on the fair and tender cheeks and neck of the young lady from Haiyuan.

The appearance of such marks on a primary school student really made the righteous police officers suspicious.

This doubt was quickly dispelled.

Because Lin Xinyi's "real girlfriend", the beautiful Miss Chris, also walked out of the bedroom shortly after.

As soon as Belmod appeared, he picked up Hui Yuan Ai without any explanation, and then caught her lips off guard. Put it tightly on that soft little face:


There was another sound of a shovel sucking the toilet.

Belmode planted a new strawberry mark on Miss Haiyuan's face. If that wasn't enough, he also put his face on Haiyuan Ai's face, hinting intimately:

"Xiao Ai, why did you forget to say good morning to your sister~"

Haibara Ai:"."

She was so angry that she wanted to kill someone.

But now that two police officers are watching in front of her, she has to forcefully pretend to be affectionate as a "sister and sister", rounding out the persona that she has a good relationship with Belmode now:


She pecked Belmod on the face.

Then he disguised his face that was flushed with anger as blushing, and hurriedly straightened the round-framed glasses that were tilted by Belmode:

"Good morning sister Chrissy."

"Good morning, little Ai." Belmode kissed her mischievously again, tilting the glasses that Haiyuan Ai had finally straightened up again.

"Haha. Miss Chris, she looks very popular with children."

The two police officers were finally relieved.

They finally confirmed that it was not the forest management officer who committed the crime.

The police officer Fang Gu looked back and forth between Belmod and Haibara Ai, and then smiled and said to Lin Xinyi:

"No wonder I saw before that the pillows on the sofa had been removed to make room, and there were large wrinkles on the sofa surface, as if someone had just used it as a bed to sleep on."

"It turns out that Mr. Lin slept here alone yesterday and gave the bedroom to the children of Haiyuan and Miss Chris."

"Yes. Officer Furuya's observation skills are really strong."

Lin Xinyi smiled reluctantly:

This guy was looking around just now, he must be taking the opportunity to pry into the privacy of his life!

Fortunately, Belmode is careful enough and pays attention to the details of creating "two people living together" at home.

The teacups, toothbrushes, towels, and bathrobes at home are all in pairs.

On the sink, women's cosmetics and men's razor cleanser were scattered together.

The changes of underwear and clothes were not separated, they were all naturally placed in the same laundry basket.

These details look very lifelike.

According to Bellmode, even if she investigated it herself, she would never find out that they were a "fake couple."

"Okay, let's get back to the topic!"

"I'm really not interested in your invitation from the police."

Lin Xin brought the topic back.

And the police officer Jianggu didn't say any more empty words, he just said in a neither humble nor condescending manner:

"Manager Lin, let's not talk about long-term cooperation for now."

"Strictly speaking, the case we brought today should be your forensics department's responsibility."

"Because this case cannot be determined yet."

"It's just because the victim was a mid-level cadre of Baling Company, and he happened to be killed last night after Kenzo Masama's identity was exposed. The identity and time are relatively sensitive, so he was handed over to our police immediately."

"But at present, we are still unable to confirm that this case is related to Kenzo Masayama and that mysterious criminal organization."

Lin Xinyi roughly understood:

If it can be confirmed that it was an organization that did it, then the case should naturally be investigated by the police.

But now it is impossible to confirm that this case is related to the organization, so this case is likely to be an ordinary criminal case, and Lin Xinyi, the forensics department manager, should be responsible for it.

Although the other party's reason was reluctant, it did make some sense.

It seemed that the police were determined to get him to help.

This time someone was sent to his home, first as a lobbyist and then to "visit the thatched cottage".

Secondly, they probably wanted to take the opportunity to observe him and his family life up close to further confirm his reliability.

In short, he was targeted by the police.

Although it is not "staring" in a negative sense, it is still troublesome enough for him.

At this moment, what Lin Xinyi didn't want the most was for the police officers to have too much contact with Hui Yuan Ai.

Especially the "thief-faced" officer Jiang Gu.

Belmode always shows herself as "Miss Chrissy" after her disguise, and her acting skills are enough to cope with the crisis. But Haihara Ai is just wearing a pair of glasses to disguise herself, and her acting skills have not been professionally trained. Over time, something may be discovered that is wrong.

Thinking of this, Lin Xinyi immediately stepped forward to help attract attention:

"Okay. Officer Furuya."

"You guys tell me the facts of the case first, and then I'll consider whether to take it."

Lin Xinyi reluctantly made concessions:

"But even if I agree this time"

"Just this time, it won't happen next time!"

PS: Both of them were disguised, so they didn’t recognize each other. Moreover, Chris and Chris Wynyard are not the same “holster” in setting, and they look different.

After looking at this chapter, I said, I’d better just add annotations_(:з」∠)_

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