Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 360 Trustworthy Mr. Lin

"Lin Xinyi"

This famous administrator of the Metropolitan Police Department made Kenzo Masuyama deeply afraid:

He had clearly cleaned up all the traces he could think of, but Lin Xinyi was still able to manage to pull him out from the crowd in such a short period of time.

It's not a good thing for the Metropolitan Police Department to have such capable people.

Masuyama Kenzo could only barely maintain his composure on the surface. Facing the shocked and surprised eyes, he smiled and assumed the aura of the chairman of a large company:

"Manager Lin, is this something wrong?"

"I am Kenzo Masuyama, chairman of Baling Motors."

"My company and the Suzuki Group have been business partners for many years, and there has never been any discord between them."

"They say I am a murderer, but why should I assassinate Miss Suzuki or do it myself?"

Kenzo Masama reveals his identity and proves his innocence:

How could a big and dignified entrepreneur do such dirty work himself?

What's more, on the surface, the chairman of Fanshan did not have any motive for killing.

"Did the police dog recognize the wrong person?"

Everyone present was moved by Masuyama Kenzo and couldn't help but cast suspicious eyes on the big fluffy black-backed dog.

Caesar completely ignored these stupid humans and just barked at Kenzo Masama without mercy.

Masuyama Kenzo's face sank slightly, as if he was annoyed because he was wronged by a dog:

"There may be errors in police dog identification. If you want to identify me as the murderer, please show me the evidence."

"Don't get excited, Mr. Ganshan."

Lin Xinyi's tone softened slightly.

Seeing that the other party did not reveal any flaws under Caesar's identification, he was not too disappointed:

As the other party said, police dog identification cannot serve as decisive evidence. It can only help investigators point out a goal and a direction.

Lin Xinyi never thought that Caesar alone could understand the case:

"I will find a way to continue to investigate further and look for evidence."

"However, although the results of Mr. Fanshan's police dog identification are not reliable evidence, they can also be used as an important reference for the investigation."

"Since Caesar has smelled you, please cooperate with our police investigation and clear yourself of suspicion as soon as possible."


"If you have anything to ask, just ask."

Masuyama Kenzo still maintained his composure.

But he couldn't restrain the cold sweat from breaking out on his forehead.

In fact, he was not afraid. Lin Xinyi would find irrefutable evidence that he assassinated Suzuki Sonoko.

What he was worried about was another, more serious and inevitable thing:

"Ms. Suzuki, wake up!"

What are you afraid of?

Suzuki Sonoko, who had been knocked unconscious before, slowly came to the venue with the support of her best friend Mao Lilan.

She touched her neck dizzily, with a hazy look in her eyes as if she had just woken up from a coma:

"I-I fainted again?"

Miss Suzuki, who had just received a lesson from Yonehara-sensei a few days ago, and then walked in front of Masahiko Michowaki's blade, had developed a strong brain at this time.

She had just woken up from a coma, and she was not even confused and frightened by her previous experience. She quickly cheered up and carefully looked at the situation at the scene:

"Mr. Lin, Caesar."

"Have you found the murderer?"

"A suspect has been found."

Lin Xinyi answered truthfully, then pointed at Kenzo Masayama and asked:

"Miss Yuanzi, please identify it carefully:"

"Is he the murderer who attacked you in the bathroom?"

"Is this Mr. Masama?" Suzuki Sonoko narrowed her eyes and tried hard to recall the situation at that time.

Her answer brought no surprises:

"I don't recognize it."

"At that time, the man was wearing a mask and a hood. Only his eyes were exposed and his face could not be seen clearly."

"However, judging from the eyes, they do look a bit similar."

"But, I...I'm not sure either."

Suzuki Sonoko's answer was ambiguous and could not be used as evidence to identify Kenzo Masayama.

But Kenzo Masuyama was still in a nervous mood.

Because what really scares him is yet to come:

"By the way, Mr. Lin."

Suzuki Sonoko recalled for a moment, and then told the public about her experience at that time:

"The murderer's target should not be me."

"He just got the wrong person!"

"Wrong person??" Everyone present looked surprised.

And Suzuki Sonoko was so angry that she didn't even care about her fears:

"That's right——"

"The man called me 'Shirley' as soon as we met, and then he strangled me without any explanation."

"Shirley?" No one responded.

Even Lin Xinyi was stunned for a moment.

Because his girlfriend left her job a long time ago and became a full-time primary school student at home, and the English name she used when she worked in that multinational company has long been used.

Subtly, Lin Xinyi almost forgot the meaning of the word "Shirley".

Seeing everyone's confused expressions, Suzuki Sonoko described in a grumble:

"Yeah, he probably thought I was a woman named 'Shirley'."

"And what's more, this is the 'organization's' greeting."

"It's really baffling."

"What does this all mean?!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became a little weird.

Lin Xinyi finally reacted.

At the same time, several senior officials from the Ministry of Public Security present had strange expressions on their faces.

When they heard the words "organization" and "Shirley" appear together in Suzuki Sonoko's mouth, their gazes towards Kenzo Masuyama suddenly became extremely dangerous.


Kenzo Masama's scalp felt numb for a while:

This is what he's afraid of——

Because he had to deal with his old friend's daughter with his own hands before, he sighed in his heart and said two dirty words before killing him.

Originally, he wanted to make "Miyano Shiho" understand, but unexpectedly, these words actually killed him.

"Damn it. These officials from the Ministry of Public Security really know something about the organization!"

"I've been targeted by them now!"

If you are targeted by the secret police of the Ministry of Public Security, then the evidence is not that important.

You must know that the predecessor of the Japanese Public Security Bureau was the Special Higher Police Division that fought against Yan Shuangying.

When arresting someone in a special high school class, when does one need evidence?

Although things are a little more civilized and formal now, they are the secret police after all, a bunch of spies!

Even if there is no evidence, there is no way to detain him and put him in jail.

But secret tracking, surveillance, investigation, and secret control are absolutely indispensable.

And as long as he is suspected by these secret police, the Baling Motor Company, which is managed by his organization, will soon be found out by the police.

This kind of white-glove company that helps criminal organizations make money only needs to start investigating financial issues to ensure an accurate investigation.

"no solution anymore."

Masuyama Kenzo still didn’t give up:

"Manager Lin, Miss Suzuki, what 'organization' and 'Shirley' you are talking about have never been heard of before."

"This matter has absolutely nothing to do with me!"

He still refused to let go and refused to admit that he was the murderer.

Of course, this could not dispel the suspicion of the spy chiefs:

"Minister Odagiri."

An official from the Ministry of Public Security stood up and whispered a few words into the ears of Criminal Affairs Minister Odagiri Toshiro.

Minister Odagiri's expression became more solemn.

He pondered for a moment, and then said to Lin Xinyi and all the criminal department police officers present:

"From now on, this case will be handed over to the Ministry of Public Security to take full responsibility."

"No one in the Criminal Division will be required to participate in the subsequent investigation."

"The next step is to assist our colleagues from the Ministry of Public Security and escort the suspect Kenzo Masama back to the Metropolitan Police Department. Our mission today is over."

"This" everyone suddenly realized something:

The case was handed over to the Ministry of Public Security with full responsibility, which meant that the nature of the case had been upgraded from an ordinary criminal case to a major confidential case.

Everyone shut their mouths knowingly, suppressed their doubts and curiosity, and carried out the orders honestly.

Kenzo Masuyama, who had not even been fully identified as a suspect, was now handcuffed and treated with the highest security standards.

"Wait. What do you mean?"

"You want to arrest me because of a dog? This is too much!"

Masuyama Kenzo is still trying his best to pretend to be innocent.

He had no illusions that he could get away with this method. He just hoped to lower the police's vigilance against him as much as possible, and then find an opportunity for Gin to help him escape.

The police, especially those officials from the Ministry of Public Security, obviously did not take it so lightly.

They were still watching Kenzo Masuyama closely and escorted him away from the engagement ceremony venue to the Metropolitan Police Department.

As for what happens next, naturally it has nothing to do with the police officers of the Criminal Department.

Tonight's noisy farce seems to be ending with such an open ending.

"This, this old man"

Lin Xinyi finally woke up from the shock:

"Is he also a member of the organization?"

He never expected that a murderer he caught at random would turn out to be a cadre of the organization.

And the old man not only attacked his friend, but what he really wanted to kill was his girlfriend!

Regardless of whether it was for justice or personal reasons, Lin Xinyi caught him as a matter of course.

But after all, this is a member of the organization.

He had been undercover for so long, and before he had even performed any tasks for the organization, he had already delivered one of his "people" to the hands of the secret police.

Whose undercover is this?

"Hiss" Lin Xinyi had a headache.

He could almost hear Boss Gin's sinister questioning voice on the phone.

But Gin's voice certainly doesn't appear here.

What really appeared in his ears were the gentle and enthusiastic praises of several senior officials of the Ministry of Public Security:

"Officer Lin is indeed the signature of our Metropolitan Police Department."

"If it weren't for you, the star manager, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to catch this big fish today."

"Haha. That's an award."

Lin Xinyi was in no mood to be polite.

But the other party was even more enthusiastic:

"This is not an award."

"The ability of Forest Management Officer is obvious to all. Even in our Ministry of Public Security, he is respected by everyone."

"Actually, our Ministry of Public Security has been considering asking you to help us investigate some confidential cases."

"I do not know you."

"Not interested!" Lin Xinyi refused decisively.

"I'm just assisting in the investigation. I'm not working on the front line. There will be no danger. As for the salary and allowances"

"That won't work either, no matter how much you give me, I won't do it!"

"I'm just a detective in the Criminal Department. I don't want to do anything other than my duties."

Lin Xinyi certainly didn't want to get involved in the Ministry of Public Security's troubles.

Because the undercover path designed by Ginjiu is to continuously gain the trust of high-level police officers through work and strive to find opportunities to intervene in the affairs of the Ministry of Public Security.

Because the Ministry of Public Security is the enemy that confronts the organization on the front line.

Only when the undercover reaches in here can he get the most valuable things.

Therefore, Lin Xinyi certainly couldn't let Ginjiu get his wish.

Now he is only responsible for investigating ordinary criminal cases, and his ability to help the organization is limited. In addition, he has only been in the Metropolitan Police for a limited time, and his foundation has not yet been firmly established, so he has been barely able to maintain peace and quiet.

But if I get involved with the Ministry of Public Security.

So why shouldn't Gin let him go to the secret police to steal information and cause sabotage every three days?

Lin Xinyi didn't really want to be a criminal.

"I really can't do a secret police job."

"Please also ask Gao Ming and don't disturb my life."

He had already made his words somewhat unpleasant.

As for those senior officials of the Ministry of Public Security, you look at me and I look at you.

But on the contrary, he was even more satisfied with Lin Xinyi:

I personally captured a cadre of a criminal organization.

Then he retired and handed over the case without any intention of taking this opportunity to interfere in the work of the Ministry of Public Security.

This forest manager

Very trustworthy!

The second is later

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