Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 349 How difficult is it to choose a “color number”?

Odagiri Toshiya, not the murderer?

Everyone looked at each other:

Obviously all doubts point to this rebellious young minister.

Why is he suddenly no longer suspected?

Is it too hasty to come to such a conclusion just by looking at two photos?

Everyone was puzzled, and the thoughtful Officer Shiratiao couldn't help but cast a subtle look at Lin Xinyi:

You, Forest Manager, will not say that you will enforce the law impartially.

In fact, he was sent by the minister to divert the direction of the investigation and clear his son's name, right?

If this is the case.

Then we can only let him, Shiratori, be the knight of justice, and let Miss Miwako see who is truly upright.

Mr. Shiratori Rensaburo, the more he thought about it, the more he felt his blood boiling.

But Lin Xinyi's expression was not strange at all.

He had no guilt at all to exonerate the minister, but explained calmly:

"The proof is in these two photos."

"You'll know just by looking at it."

As he spoke, Lin Xinyi arranged two photos from the pile of information.

One is a close-up of the murder weapon, the blood-stained scalpel.

One is an overall photo of the surgical instrument box and its surroundings.

The surgical instrument box was placed on a wide table not far from the living room, which seemed to be used as a practice table by Dr. Nino.

In the photo, the lid of the box is wide open, and there are all kinds of knife handles, pliers, and scissors with similar shapes that people can't name, neatly arranged inside.

What everyone can tell at a glance is that there is one missing knife handle in the box.

There was also a torn wrapping paper for a disposable scalpel blade.

And on the table outside the instrument box, there was a pair of strange-looking long-handled thin pliers placed casually.

"What's wrong with this?"

Everyone looked at each other with confusion in their eyes.

They obviously didn't understand what Lin Xinyi wanted to express.

"Well" Lin Xinyi was a little helpless: "Qai Jing, didn't you see anything?"

Narimi Asai is now a forensic doctor who deals with scalpels every day, so he should understand.

But his performance was not much better than the three amateurs: Sato, Shiratori and Takagi:

"What, what's wrong?"

"These two photos can only show that the murderer took the scalpel from the deceased's home, right?"

"And the surgical instrument box is placed in a more conspicuous position. You can notice it at a glance——"

"Even Toshiya Odagiri, who only had an extortion relationship with the deceased, could easily be found without being familiar with the circumstances of the deceased's family."

"This does not mean that Odagiri Satoshi is not the murderer!"

Asai Narumi's mind is very active.

But his focus and thinking direction were wrong.

"Okay." Lin Xinyi sighed softly: "Come with me to the autopsy room of the forensics class."

"What are you doing in the autopsy room?"

"Let's do an experiment."

Lin Xinyi did not directly answer everyone's doubts, but instead kept it secret.

Because he also wanted to pass an experiment to verify whether his guess was accurate.

In this way, under the leadership of Lin Xinyi, a group of people curiously walked from the search class to the forensics class, and followed them into the instrument room of the anatomy room.

Lin Xin took them to the instrument cabinet where various surgical tools were stored and asked:

"Imagine if you were the murderers:"

"If you want to cut someone's neck open with a knife, which scalpel would you choose?"

"Which scalpel to choose?"

Except for Asai Narumi, the three police officers all replied in confusion:

"Scalpels are pretty much the same thing, right?"

"Can't you just pick one?"

"Okay, then you can just choose one." Lin Xinyi said this, turned around, put on medical latex gloves, and took out the stainless steel surgical tray.

Then, in the blank eyes of Sato, Takagi and Shiratori.

Lin Xinyi placed five scalpel handles of different lengths on the tray.

In another tray, 24 disposable surgical blades of different shapes were selected and placed.

"The scalpel is not one piece."

"The handle of the knife can be used frequently, but the blade needs to be replaced every time."

“According to different surgeries and different parts of the knife, the knife handle and blade selected are also different.”

"There are 24 blades here now, namely No. 10, No. 10A, No. 11, No. 25A, and No. 36 blades."

"The five knife handles are No. 3, No. 4, No. 7, No. 3 extended handle, and No. 4 extended handle."

"You just think of yourselves as the murderers. At this time, Ninoho is drunk and lying on the sofa, waiting for you to chop him."

"You have to choose a handle and a blade from them, and combine them into a scalpel that is convenient for cutting the neck."

"This" Sato, Takagi and Shiratori were completely stunned.

Especially Miss Miwako Sato.

The blades that shone with a cold light and looked similar to each other reflected in her eyes, which made her dazzled:

What are you doing? Aren’t they all the same?

Why is this scalpel model harder to recognize than the lipstick model? !

"Don't think too much."

"Put yourself into the identity of the murderer and choose a scalpel to commit the crime."

Lin Xinyi encouraged and urged again.

The three police officers, Sato, Takagi and Shiratori, were all confused. They had no choice but to follow their instinctive reaction and randomly select a combination from the pile of knife handles and blades.

Only Narumi Asai reacted calmly:

"If you want to use a scalpel to kill people and cut open the neck with one knife, it is better to use a large round blade."

Although the 24 blades looked the same to Sato and others.

But Narumi Asai, as a professionally trained doctor, can see the difference at a glance:

Under normal circumstances, the "moon scimitar" blade is mainly used for velopharyngeal surgery in the Department of Otolaryngology.

Small round blades are used for fine cutting in ophthalmology, hand surgery, etc.;

Sharp blades are used to cut blood vessels, nerves and heart tissue;

The No. 10 medium-round blade and the No. 20-23 large round blade are used to cut skin, subcutaneous, muscle, periosteum and other tissues.

To kill someone, you need to cut off the target's neck with one knife. Naturally, you have to choose No. 20 to No. 23. These have longer and sharper blades and are generally used in general surgery and orthopedic surgery.

"I choose a No. 23 blade with a No. 4 ordinary handle."

Asai Narumi expressed her choice.

As soon as he said these words, he immediately realized that something was wrong:


"The murder weapon used by the murderer in the photo just now"

"It's a No. 23 blade with a No. 4 ordinary handle!"

"How could he choose the right combination from so many blade hilts?"

Asai Narumi suddenly reacted:

"The murderer also has medical knowledge?"

At this moment, everyone finally knew why Lin Xinyi said that Odagiri Satoshi was unlikely to be the murderer.

Odagiri Satoshi is also an underground rock singer and a proper medical layman.

How could he find the right combination among the dizzying array of handles and blades?

This is like asking a straight man to find the shade his girlfriend wants to buy from different brands and series of lipsticks. It is a job that can drive people crazy.

"Could it be a coincidence?"

Takagi Wataru tried to object.

Although both Sato and Shiratori chose the wrong combination just now, he accidentally selected the combination of No. 4 handle and No. 20 blade, which can be regarded as the correct answer.

"Because the blades No. 20 to No. 23 have longer edges, I subconsciously chose one of them."

"If you add a handle with a suitable length, it doesn't seem to be very difficult to guess the answer."

When Gao Mushe said this, he overturned Lin Xinyi's speculation.

This is why he insisted on doing the experiment.

Experiments have shown that one out of three laymen gets the correct answer.

This probability is not low at all.

"Maybe, maybe the murderer is just like me, choosing the right one at random?"

Takagi Wataru expressed his analysis nervously.

This big leader even scolded the lovely Miss Miwako. As the junior behind Miss Miwako, he was even more restrained when he stood up to sing the opposite.

And Lin Xinyi will not be unhappy just because he is questioned:

"Your doubts are very reasonable."

"If it's just the right combination of the handle and the blade, there's still a good chance it's a coincidence."


Lin Xinyi paused for a moment and looked at Gao Mushe with encouragement:

"Officer Takagi, try to install the blade you selected on the handle."

"Yes." Takagi Wataru nodded, then wanted to reach out to grab the handle and blade of his choice.


Asai Narumi stopped his dangerous operation in time:

"Takagi, don't grab the blade directly with your hands."

"That's not how the scalpel blade is installed."

"Uh?" Takagi Sheba was slightly startled:

In his opinion, the scalpel handle and blade are similar to the razor handle and blade.

Can't you just grab the blade with your hand and insert it into the slot at the head of the handle?

"You can't use your hands directly."

“Because the scalpel blade is extremely sharp, it’s easy to scratch your hand during installation.”

"Follow the correct operating procedures, you should hold the end of the blade side of the handle with your left hand, hold the needle pliers with your right hand, clamp the back side of the upper section of the blade hole at a 45° angle, hold the handle of the knife with your left hand, and apply downward force toward the hole groove. "

Narumi Asai suffered an occupational disease and carefully explained to Takagi Wataru the standard operation of installing a surgical blade.

As he spoke, he also demonstrated how to pick up a pair of needle-holding pliers needed to install the blade from the cabinet of surgical instruments.

"Wait. Needle pliers?"

Asai Narumi suddenly reacted:

"In that photo, isn't there a needle-holding forceps placed next to the surgical instrument box at the scene?"

"If the murderer took out the needle pliers, wouldn't that mean..."

“Not only did he choose the right handle-blade combination, but he also knew how to install the scalpel blade correctly?”

"That's right."

Lin Xinyi nodded approvingly:

"And the suspicion doesn't end there:"

"Asai, you are used to distinguishing surgical instruments, so you haven't noticed anything strange yet."

"But for a layman, correctly identifying the 'needle-holding forceps' from a pile of surgical instruments is a challenge in itself."

Surgical instruments look similar and come in many varieties.

Just "pliers" include:

Sponge forceps (curved, straight), needle forceps (thick needle, thin needle), hemostatic forceps (straight full teeth, curved full teeth), mosquito hemostatic forceps (curved, straight), tissue forceps, cloth forceps.

The murderer was able to find the needle pliers used to install the blades among so many "pliers".

This in itself is highly questionable.

Not to mention, every choice he made was the right one, including the hemostat.

"You said the murderer was chosen randomly, but he was not chosen randomly."

“The handle, blade, and needle holder are all selected correctly, and I even know how to install the scalpel correctly.”

"This is obviously prepared!"

Lin Xinyi paused for a moment and solemnly concluded:

"If my guess is correct, the murderer should be the same as the deceased Ninohoho."

"He's a doctor!"

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