Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 333 The strength of a master in love

Lin Xinyi's trick of "drinking more hot water" has outstanding results.

Even Suzuki Sonoko was touched.

She looked at Lin Xinyi and Haiyuan Ai subtly, as if asking:

This kid has water to drink, why don’t I?

"Mr. Lin is really amazing."

Kyogoku really didn't know that Suzuki Sonoko's eyes were not as resentful and sentimental as he imagined.

She was actually secretly guessing:

Lin Xinyi cares so much about Haihara Ai that he even gives this precocious elementary school student the same treatment as "Miss Chris", his real girlfriend - is there some illegal secret hidden behind this?

Miss Suzuki's eyes are not charming at all, but instead carry a danger that can lead to social death.

But Kyogoku didn't understand.

He just saw:

He diligently poured hot water for Miss Suzuki, but ended up making people angry.

Lin Xinyi didn't even pour water for Miss Suzuki, but it made her care.

"Is this the strength of top masters?"

"If Mr. Lin hadn't already had a girlfriend and rejected Miss Suzuki, I wouldn't have had a chance at all, right?"

Kyogoku discovered that the simple trick of "drinking more hot water" actually contains a lot of knowledge worth studying.

He used the wrong move before and doubted his master's skills, which was too unaware.

With such emotion, Kyogoku continued to observe carefully:

I saw Belmod and the little lady from Haiyuan. They all listened to Lin Xinyi's words and were seriously drinking the hot water that they had originally rejected.

Belmod drank the water boldly, then pursed his wet lips and smiled warmly at Lin Xinyi.

As if responding to Lin Xinyi's concern.

And Hui Yuan Ai is more like a arrogant little girl.

She held the big teacup, sipped the warm tea, and murmured:

"Except for people with irritable bowel syndrome, who would have stomach problems when they drink cold drinks?"

“Using so many alarmist medical principles as excuses”

"It's not honest at all to express myself in front of girls."

Haiyuan Ai used her "precocious" calm tone to criticize Lin Xinyi's poor flirting techniques without mercy.

But she was still turned on.

Her once cold little face was flushed with pink. I don't know whether it was the residual heat from the hot spring bath or the hot water in her hand that warmed her heart.

The two beauties, one big and one small, were moved by it.

The atmosphere is so cozy.

Kyogoku was even more impressed.

Until Lin Xinyi couldn't help but answered Haiyuan Ai's question:

"You're right. Not everyone has irritable bowel syndrome. People with good health can actually drink some cold drinks."

“But you still have to pay attention to your health from the beginning.”

"Especially the elderly and children whose stomachs are not well developed cannot ignore these dietary details."

Belmode: "."

Haibara Ai:"."

Somehow, that warm feeling suddenly disappeared.

"Am I very old?"

Belmode gently pushed her steamy silver hair behind her ears, showing off her youthfulness and sex appeal.

"An underdeveloped child?"

Hui Yuan Ai raised his head, his face turned cold.

"This" Lin Xinyi looked strange.

There are outsiders who don't know the truth, and there are some things he can't say directly.

So he answered very tactfully:

"Don't you know it yourself?"

Belmod and Haihara Ai: "."

Kyogoku really couldn't react.

He vaguely felt that something was wrong with the situation, but he still struggled with it, wondering if this was another incomprehensible move made by Master Lin.

And Master Lin is indeed Master Lin.

Even if he said something like this, which made Kyogoku realize that something was wrong, his girlfriend was not angry:

"Forget it. This is the man I know well."

Belmode sighed softly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again:

"As old as you are, be older!"

"That's why I like being with you"

"I never need to pretend to be myself in front of you."

She said such meaningful words with a sincere affection in her voice.

This fake girlfriend is not angry.

The real girlfriend was not angry either.

Even after reacting, Miss Haiyuan was very happy:

"Old man? Ha"

"Sure enough, Lin Xinyi's impression of that bad woman is just that of an old woman."

Hui Yuan Ai no longer cared about Lin Xinyi's evaluation of her.

Anyway, "children who are not well developed" will develop well sooner or later, but "old people" will only get older and older.

Which one is higher and which one is lower can be known at a glance.

As long as Lin Xinyi still worries about Belmod's true age in her heart, the exciting plots that appeared in her nightmares will never happen in reality.

After realizing this, Haihara Ai was not only not angry, but also felt a sense of security suddenly soared.

Even the cold face became sweet, white and greasy, like milk-flavored ice cream.

"Master, master"

Kyogoku really sighed:

If those words had come out of his mouth, the girl would have been shot in her heart.

Unexpectedly, Master Lin actually took such dangerous words as fun and made his beautiful girlfriend and the arrogant little girl happy.

What kind of operation is this?

Kyogoku really couldn’t understand anymore.

At this time, Belmode had already dropped the topic.

She used her fingers to play with a strand of wet silver hair hanging down by her cheek. Sometimes she curled it into curls between her fingers, and sometimes she kneaded it and spread it into threads.

With such a casual attitude, she concealed her inner expectations:

This kind of immature emotion is not what Belmode should have.

But she was really looking forward to going on an ordinary trip like an ordinary woman.

"Shinichi, let's go!"

"Where to go?"

"Fireworks display." Belmode replied naturally: "I have never been to such a lively festival."

"Be with the one I love," she added in a low voice.

The atmosphere became warm again.

And it’s a little charming.

Because Belmod's beauty is enough to turn the air.

She had just finished bathing in the hot spring, her cheeks were rosy, her skin was supple and tender, and her snow-white neck had wet silver hair hanging around, looking very interesting.

Being invited to go out by such a bathing beauty is simply a treatment that can only be found in comics.

Most men can't stand it.

Even a calm and honest man like Kyogoku would look away immediately after seeing Belmod.

It seems as if just one more glance will make me feel sorry for the goddess in my heart.

I’m afraid no one can refuse Belmode’s invitation.

Except Lin Xinyi:

"Fireworks display? It's better for you to go"

"I also made an appointment with Kyogoku-san to compete in martial arts and exchange traditional kung fu!"

Belmode: "."

Her fingers that were playing with her hair stopped, and she forcefully broke up the wet silver hair that was tied into a bunch.

"Uh, no."

Lin Xinyi seemed to react:

"Chris, you might as well not go to any fireworks display."

"I forgot to tell you that Kyogoku-san is one of the top players in the world."

"You'd better stay and watch our fight. It's very good for mastering fighting skills."

"Furthermore, I also want you to witness Kyogoku-san's strength with your own eyes."

"Find out the organization. Is there anyone as strong as him among the people you have met before?"

Belmode: "."

She was silent for a while, her expression hard to read.

Faintly, he looks a bit like a resentful social beast who was woken up from bed by his boss's life-threatening overtime call at midnight.

However, Suzuki Sonoko was considerate and took the initiative to speak out for her sister Chris:

"Mr. Lin, let's come out and play together."

"Don't be a spoiler!"

"Can martial arts competitions and kung fu exchanges be more interesting than making unforgettable memories with the girl you like at a fireworks display?"


Lin Xinyi first confirmed that this was a rhetorical question, not a declarative sentence as it should be.

Then he thought about it seriously:

"The fireworks show was quite nice, but the venue was packed with people and there was no room to stay."

"If I go to the fireworks display with a girl again, the situation will be even worse."

"Because the queue for the women's restroom is so long, I can't even wait for half an hour."

"Last time in Tochigi Prefecture, Xiao Ai drank too much water and had to wait in a crowd for a long time."

"If I hadn't seen the team walking too slowly, noticed the situation was not good in time, and ran her back to the hotel bathroom, Xiao Ai would have almost died."


Hui Yuan Ai's little face turned purple.

Lin Xinyi finally stopped the unbearable memories:

"all in all."

"Watching a fireworks display, where is the fun of fighting and sparring?"

"Right, Kyogoku-san?"

Kyogoku Makoto: "."

In fact, he would rather go to the fireworks display.

If Miss Suzuki goes too, she agrees to let him go along.

Hmm. He is just an outsider. Can Ms. Suzuki agree that he should go too?

Do you want to ask?

However, if we are not familiar with each other, would it be too abrupt to ask?

By the way, what on earth is Mr. Lin doing?

Why can't he understand these tricks more and more?

Kyogoku is really confused.

As a good student, he couldn't help but review the notes he just took from beginning to end.

In the end, it was not clear which move Master Lin used.

And just then.

I saw Miss Suzuki suddenly put her hands on her hips, carelessly picking up the injustice for her beloved sister Chris:

"Mr. Lin, you are really going to piss people off!"

"You don't want to go to the fireworks display, but you want to take Sister Chris with you. What kind of martial arts competition are you staying here to watch?"

"Since you like competing with Kyogoku-san so much..."

Suzuki Sonoko turned her head angrily:

"Kyogoku-san, why don't you go to the fireworks display with us?"

"If you're not here, let's see who else he can spar with!"


Kyogoku was silent for a while, like a stone.

"You also think sparring is more interesting?"

Suzuki Sonoko raised her eyebrows, as if she was angry.

"No, I'll go."

Kyogoku was really like waking up from a dream, and he responded slowly.

I was nervous and hesitant, something I wanted to think about but was embarrassed to bring up, was actually brought up by Suzuki Sonoko on her own initiative.

Suzuki Sonoko is actively inviting him to the fireworks display!

I see

I see!

"Is Mr. Lin using this method to fulfill my wish that I am ashamed to say and to connect me with Miss Suzuki?"

"He actually accurately predicted my hidden thoughts and Miss Suzuki's reaction."

"Is this, is this the strength of a master in love?"

Kyogoku looked at Lin Xinyi quietly, his eyes full of reverence.

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