Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 279 Complete defeat with Miss Ye

Hattori Heiji fell into deep confusion.

And his father, the head of Hattori Heizo Headquarters, also looked excited and nodded repeatedly:

"Manager Lin is right!"

"With the development of criminal science and technology, and the subdivision and standardization of criminal investigation procedures, the future will never be an era where one person can fight alone."

"Heiji, it's time for you to wake up."

"I don't want to see my son having to rely on investigating affairs and cheating for a living."

Hattori said it very strongly.

Heiji looked troubled, as if he was still reluctant to let go of his dream.

But Lin Xinyi relentlessly continued to export the ideas of the new era to him:

"Actually, to put it bluntly:"

"This is where productivity determines production relations."

"Huh???" Hattori and his son were slightly startled.

They all cast strange glances at Lin Xinyi at the same time, as if asking him if he had read any strange books.


Lin Xinyi coughed twice in embarrassment.

He restrained his successor temperament that he had cultivated over the years and changed it to a way of saying something that was easier for Japanese people to understand:

"This is the 'Black Ship Attack' in the criminal investigation world!"

"The powerful generals of the Warring States Period could turn the tide of battle with their personal bravery."

"But when war technology develops, individual bravery will no longer play a decisive role in the face of strong ships and artillery manufactured by industrialization."

"And so does the detective."

"With the development of criminal science and technology, solving crimes will also take great strides towards an 'industrialized' division of labor."

Lin Xinyi gave a conclusion that made Hattori Heiji despair:

"Once separated from the full 'industrial criminal investigation' system provided by the police, detectives can't do anything."

"This is already evident now."


The corners of his mouth curled up, and there was a lot of helplessness in his tone:

"It's just that now the Japanese police's forensics class, scientific search and research, these cutting-edge scientific and technological departments that should take the lead, are still stagnant in the past."

"To be honest, seeing their performance, I don't want to believe this was in the 1990s."

Compared with the real world, the level of criminal science and technology in this world seems to have been stuck in the 1890s.

That was the era of Sherlock Holmes.

But now it's 100 years later, and a Sherlock Holmes-style detective is still needed to solve the case.

"Obviously the technology has been developed, but it is not used in criminal investigations."

"That's why criminal detectives are so marketable!"

Lin Xinyi sighed sadly.

“Manager Lin’s words are really to the point!”

Hattori Heizo admired from the bottom of his heart:

"Our Japanese police have stayed in the past for too long, and it is time to move towards the future."

"In the future, I will definitely follow the concepts of the forest manager and vigorously promote the introduction and application of criminal science and technology to completely change the face of the Osaka Prefectural Police."

"Ah this."

Hattori Heiji felt his scalp numb when he heard:

He didn't know the situation in Tokyo.

But here in Osaka, his father has the final say.

If only his father could really build the Osaka Prefectural Police into a new era police force with advanced technology and standardized division of labor, as Lin Shinichi said.

As he is mainly active in Osaka, he may not really be unemployed.

If you want to avoid losing your job, you must cooperate with the police and use the power of various police departments to solve the case.

"By the way, there's one more thing."

Hattori Heiji was still pondering in his heart.

Lin Xinyi gave him a really heart-wrenching fatal blow:

"Mr. Heiji, have you ever thought about:"

"The police need to be responsible for many tasks including external investigation, investigation, practice, and appraisal. As a detective, you only do the central coordinating work."

"You're not even a police officer, why should the police ask you to take charge?"

Hattori Heiji's heart was stabbed hard:

Yes, why?

Now, because the police have limited capabilities, they have to rely on his personal wisdom.

But if the police were upgraded and strengthened through criminal science and technology, most cases could be solved by themselves, so why should they go to him, an outsider, to cooperate?

After much deliberation, I can only rely on

Thanks to his police surveillance father!

"I" Hattori Heiji's dark face was slightly hot.

The last thing he wants is to rely on his father's power and become a second-generation official who fights against his father.

But now, he discovered:

If he wants to stick to his dream of being a detective, he will probably have to rely on his father's reputation to get a job in the future.

"I see."

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but feel a little lost:

"The path of detective may really be dead."

"Then become a police officer!"

Lin Xinyi helped Hattori Heizang to advertise to the Japanese police:

"The police community is also a vast world, and there is also much to be done."

"Since you are all doing criminal investigation and reasoning work, why do you insist on being a detective instead of a police detective?"

"Oh, Mr. Lin"

Hattori Heiji showed a pair of lifeless fish eyes:

"You won't understand my pain."

"Oh?" Lin Xinyi was a little curious: "What worries you?"

"There are so many worries."

As if he was carrying a heavy burden that could not be relieved, Hattori Heiji's expression was very painful:

"If I become a police officer, I will rely on my family's connections."

"I will definitely increase my income by a small amount every three years and a large amount every five years. I will fly upwards like a rocket."

"Maybe in my early 30s, I will be promoted to the Minister of Criminal Affairs who can only sit in an office - how boring would that be?"

Lin Xinyi: "."

He discovered that this boy simply needed a beating.

The second generation of officials is the second generation of officials. They obviously enjoy the benefits brought by these invisible wings, but they are always unwilling to openly admit and accept them.

This seems a bit pretentious.

But in the end, Hattori Heiji figured it out:

Anyway, he can't get out of his father's shadow no matter what, so he can only choose the path that can keep up with the times:

"I want to be a police officer."

"Also, Mr. Lin."

Hattori Heiji turned to look at Lin Xinyi with extremely serious eyes.

"Huh?" Lin Xinyi felt that something was wrong.

The air suddenly became warm.

"I want to learn criminal science technology!"

Hattori Heiji solemnly knelt in front of Lin Shinichi:

The three of them had always been sitting on the tatami in the Japanese room, originally kneeling.

"Now that you have chosen a new path, you should seize the time and start walking now."

"So, please accept me as your disciple, Mr. Lin!"

Hattori Heiji expressed his thoughts openly.


Hattori Heizang was the first to agree:

"The forest management officer is now the first person to promote criminal science and technology."

"You will definitely gain a lot from studying with him!"

Toyama and Ye are still fighting.

After hearing that Miss Mourilan actually followed the manager Lin and lived in Hattori Heiji's house.

He and Ms. Ye were even more nervous:

"Meet the parents, meet the parents already!!"

"If that woman were to capture both Uncle Heizang and Aunt Jinghua"

The consequences are unimaginable.

With this terrible worry, he and Miss Ye rushed to Hattori's house in a hurry.

She wanted to see how that terrifying woman with so many treacherous plots would cause trouble in the Heiji family.

As soon as Toyama and Ye arrived at the Hattori family's mansion, walked through the door and came to the living room, they happened to meet Hattori Heiji's mother, Hattori Shizuka.

Like Mi Mi, Yukiko, and Bermod, Ms. Hattori Shizuka wears a simple kimono and has her hair tied in a dignified bun, but she is still so beautiful that one cannot tell her age.

Of course, in Lin Xin's mouth, she was still an aunt.

At this time, Aunt Shizuka Hattori was busy serving dishes from the kitchen.

"Aunt Jinghua!"

Yuan Shan and Ye greeted him sweetly.

She knew that although Shizuka Hattori was the wife of a wealthy family, she personally loved cooking and always insisted on cooking for her family.

Even tedious tasks such as serving dishes and washing dishes are done by oneself.

She perfectly meets the traditional Japanese definition of "wife" and is a standard Yamato Nadeshiko woman.

And Ms. Ye has grown up eating Aunt Jinghua's food since she was a child, and has a very good relationship with her.

Therefore, when she saw Hattori Shizuka bringing out the food, she naturally went up to it and picked up a fried shrimp from the plate with her fingers:

“So delicious~”

"Aunt Jinghua, the food you cook is even more delicious than before!"

Yuan Shan and Ye clumsily flattered their future mother-in-law.

"You kid...why do you feel a little weird today?"

Hattori Shizuka felt keenly that something was wrong with this little girl.

The small mouth looked as if it had been smeared with aspartame, it was unnaturally sweet.

"However, this dish is indeed more delicious than mine."

"I really didn't expect that."

Hattori Shizuka sighed to herself:

"That beautiful forensic girl from Tokyo is not only a Kanto karate champion, but also an excellent chef."

"This time she came to help me cook, so everyone can have a feast tonight."

Toyama Kazuye's smile instantly froze:

"This, Miss Mori did this?"

"Yes." Shizuka Hattori said, "I heard that I was going to cook at home in the evening, so the Mori lady offered to help."

"At first, I was worried that this little girl's cooking skills would be very immature. Unexpectedly, her cooking skills are at the level of a master."

He Miss Ye: "."

Oops! !

Aunt Jinghua usually likes to study cooking.

The woman actually liked him and used cooking to quickly get closer to Aunt Jinghua.

Now not only Heiji has fallen, but even Heiji's mother is about to fall!


Yuan Shan and Ye's mood became increasingly heavy.

She bid farewell to Aunt Jinghua temporarily and wanted to find the whereabouts of Miss Maori and see what this terrible opponent was doing now.

Mao Lilan is no longer in the kitchen.

Yuanshan and Ye Yifan searched for it, and soon ran into Mao Lilan in the aisle at the door of the Japanese room.

Not only was there Maori Ran, but also Hattori Heiji, and a brat with glasses who had a bad face.

They were standing at the door of the Japanese room, seemingly discussing something enthusiastically.

Yuan Shan and Ye approached quietly, trying to hear their conversation clearly.

I saw Mao Lilan looking at the big-headed primary school student with a dark face beside him, with a meaningful snicker on the corner of his mouth when he spoke:

"I didn't expect you to be so decisive, Mr. Hattori."

"I thought you would be as 'stubborn' as Shinichi!"


That boyfriend of Mao Lilan?

She actually spoke ill of her boyfriend in front of Heiji. What was this woman hinting at?

Miss Heye criticized Mao Lilan's "shamelessness" in her heart.


Hattori Heiji smiled heartily:

"People can't dwell too much on the past."

"Miss Maori, from today on, we are a 'family'!"

Toyama Kazuye: "."

Silence, still silence.

Yuan Shan and Ye Zaiqi can't.

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