Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 236 Belmod’s temptation

The next day, morning.

Lin Xinyi, who was sleeping on the sofa, woke up from his sleep.

In the hazy state, he only felt that his whole body was immersed in warmth, as if he had returned to his mother's arms when he was a child.

And when he opened his eyes, he realized.

This warm feeling is not fake.

Because what appeared in front of him was not the ceiling, but Belmod's charming face, and the strands of silver hair with a delicate fragrance that fell on his face.

What was resting on the back of his head was not a pillow, but two full and soft thighs tightly held together.

Belmode was like a mother coaxing her children. She sat upright on the sofa and let Lin Xinyi fall asleep on her lap.

At this time, she was still gently caressing his hair with her soft and warm hands.

It’s like a poop groomer stroking his cat’s fur.

"Good morning, Boy."

Belmod smiled and greeted him.

"." Lin Xin was suddenly startled awake by this scene.

He straightened up like a carp, ejected from Belmode's arms, and quickly sat upright.

Then, he subconsciously touched his chest:

Fortunately, the clothes are still there and the buttons are tightly buttoned.

Belmod probably didn't do anything strange to him while he was sleeping.

"What are you doing here?!"

Lin Xinyi turned around and asked with an ugly expression.

"Alas" Belmode sighed softly:

"When you were little, you loved sleeping with me holding you like this."

"Teacher, I just want to review the past time with you, what?"

"Didn't you remember anything?"

She looked at Lin Xinyi quietly, a glimmer of expectation quietly flashing through her elusive crystal eyes.

"I" Lin Xindu was speechless for a moment.

Of course he couldn't remember anything, let alone accompany Mr. Belmod to reminisce about the good old days.

"Stop making trouble, teacher, I'm really not a child anymore."

"You should pay attention to your behavior."

Lin Xinyi had a cold face and skipped the topic with a tone that told people he was thousands of miles away.

"Okay. You've grown up too."

Belmod looked hurt again.

But as soon as she turned her head, she picked up a small plate from the coffee table next to her with a smile:

"Come and have breakfast."

"I went out specially this morning to buy the ingredients to make your favorite peanut butter sandwich."

Lin Xinyi's eyes glanced over the sandwich:

His girlfriend also likes to eat this stuff.

But this rice-style breakfast is bursting with calories and incredibly sweet.

Ever since Xiao Ai personally cooked it for him once and almost lost his teeth, he lost his appetite when he saw this kind of sandwich.

"Well, leave it for now, I'll eat it later."

Lin Xinyi nodded calmly.

Then, he deliberately ignored the teacher Belmode who was frivolous and cared too much about him, walked off the sofa and went to the bathroom to wash up.

"Didn't you remember?"

Looking at Lin Xinyi's back, Belmod's eyes became a little complicated:

She just wanted to recreate the scene where Lin Xin got along with her when he was a child, so as to stimulate him to think about the past.

In theory, this could help people with amnesia regain their memories.

But Belmode's attempt this time obviously had no effect.

The "motherly care" she displayed was disgusted by him, and the breakfast she made for him, his old favorite, was easily ignored by him.

Lin Xinyi didn't react at all, he just treated her with a cold face as always.

"It seems that he really forgot about me as a teacher."

"He can't even remember those memories."

Belmod's expression was a little complicated.

At the same time, she frowned quietly again, her eyes becoming solemn:

"Then how much does he remember about the past?"

Judging from Lin Xinyi's current performance, he should still remember that he is a member of the organization and know that he is doing undercover work for the organization.

But what if he forgets too many things, forgets his bond with her as a teacher, forgets how the organization trained him, and even forgets his loyalty to the organization.

That situation can be very troublesome.

After all, Lin Xinyi hangs out with the police every day now.

There is also an angel lady with her own "influence" aura accompanying her.

Even Belmode himself couldn't stop Angel's big watery eyes, let alone Lin Xinyi who had lost his memory.

What if Lin Xinyi loses too much memory and becomes a malleable blank sheet of paper.

Maybe, he would be influenced by that pure angel lady and be led to the right path unknowingly by her.

If this is the case, Lin Xinyi may even become an enemy in the future.

Became the enemy of her teacher.

"No, we must not let this happen."

"He can't be a 'good guy.'"

"It just puts him in danger."

Belmode couldn't help but think of his good colleague, Mr. Gin, who suffered from undercover PTSD.

If that man knew that Lin Xinyi was out of control, he would definitely come to the door with his Beretta 92F, which was perfect for hitting his own people.

At that time, as a cadre of the organization and Lin Xinyi's teacher, how should she choose between the two?

As he thought about it, Belmode's eyes became deeper and deeper.

Lin Xin washed up and looked at the time carefully:

It's already past 9 o'clock in the morning.

Because I was too busy at work yesterday, it was already late at night when I got home.

In the morning, Belmode turned off the alarm clock set for him in order to let him sleep well in her arms.

So it's actually long past the time to go to work, but the sky is a bit gloomy and it doesn't look like the sun is rising.

Lin Xinyi hurriedly packed up his belongings, and then he discovered...

Belmode had also put on the "Miss Chrissy" outfit, put on her little hat and high heels, holding the keys to the sports car in her hand, and stood at the door waiting for him to come over:

"Let's go, it's time to go to work at the Metropolitan Police Department."

"You" Lin Xin felt bad for a moment: "Teacher, do you want to come with me?"

"Yes." Belmode smiled slightly: "It's been so long, teacher, I just want to spend some time with you."


As if to hint that the annoying salesman should get out of here, Lin Xinyi said in a restrained and dissatisfied tone:

"Teacher, don't you have anything else to be busy with?"

"No." Belmode stepped forward and took his arm without any explanation: "What else is more important than accompanying my Boy?"

Lin Xin felt his scalp numb when he heard:

We eat together, live together, and stick together even when we go to work.

Then wouldn’t he be stared at by Mr. Belmode 24 hours a day?

Lin Xinyi wanted to get rid of this dangerous woman.

But Belmode showed no sign of leaving.

She held his arm intimately and led him out of the house, preparing to go to work at the Metropolitan Police Department with him.

And just after Lin Xinyi couldn't help but get into the rich woman's sports car again.

A phone call came and it was Officer Megure.

Usually when he called Lin Xinyi, it was when there was a murder somewhere and asked him to come and call the police.

This time is no exception.

However, this time, something bigger happened.

"Teacher, there's no need to go to the Metropolitan Police Department."

"Send me directly to the Rice Krispies Hotel!"

Lin Xinyi hung up the phone and said to Belmod in a solemn tone.

"Popcorn Hotel?"

Upon hearing this location, Belmod's originally casual gaze suddenly became a little serious:

"What happened there?"

"Well, something big happened."

"I heard that the new product launch conference held by Mantiantian Company there was attacked with a powerful bomb."

Lin Xinyi's eyes became extremely solemn:

It seemed that the security situation in Tokyo was worse than he thought.

The dealer who shot in broad daylight last time had refreshed his knowledge. Now, even the lawless gangsters who threw bombs in the city center appeared.

He was feeling emotional in his heart, but Belmode, who was sitting in the driver's seat, tapped his fingers on the steering wheel thoughtfully:

“The Rice Krispies Hotel, Mantian’s new work launch conference.”

"It seems that this may have something to do with our organization."

"Uh?" Lin Xinyi's face froze: "Did our organization install this bomb?"

"No." Belmode shook his head:

"According to plan, Tequila should go to the Rice Krispies Hotel this morning to conduct a joint transaction with a guy named Nakajima Hideaki."

"But now, there was an explosion there."

"Maybe Tequila is in some danger."

When he said these words, Belmode completely changed his appearance.

In the past, she was like a clinging girlfriend and a gentle big sister to Lin Xinyi. Now when she talks about the work of the organization, her temperament suddenly becomes cold and mysterious.

As he spoke, Belmode took out his mobile phone and tried to make a call:

"Sure enough, Tequila's phone number can't be reached."

"Maybe this explosion was aimed at our organization."

Belmode turned his head and ordered with a serious expression:

"Boy, go find out about this case."

"Your current identity can help us figure out the ins and outs of this attack."

"Yeah" Lin Xinyi nodded slowly, feeling a little shocked:

This case is actually related to the organization.

He had a colleague he had never met, who might have been killed?

While Lin Xinyi was still digesting the huge amount of information in Belmod's words, Belmod suddenly asked after some thought:

"If Tequila Really Dies"

"Boy, don't be too sad."

"Uh?" Lin Xinyi was slightly startled:

What are you sad about? Do I know that guy?

I saw Belmode sighing deeply, with comfort and care in his eyes:

"You also learned fighting from him for a while when you were a child, and we had a pretty good relationship."

"Losing this old friend will be a blow to you, right?"

"I" Lin Xinyi was silent for a while.

He didn't know how to answer, and he couldn't perform the difficult drama of "mourning an old friend" at all.

So, he had to keep a cold face, imitate Gin's appearance, and play the role of an "emotionless killer":

"Sadness is too much."

"The most important thing is to find the enemies that are harmful to our organization as soon as possible."

Lin Xinyi replied indifferently.

"Well, that's good if you think about it that way."

Belmod's heart sank:


Tequila and Lin Xinyi have never met.

In fact, Lin Xinyi originally played a small role, and Tequila had never heard of his name at all.

But she deliberately mentioned that Tequilan had a good relationship with him, but Lin Xinyi didn't even refute.

"I don't even remember my past situation in the organization."

"He seems to have forgotten too many things."

"Then his heart is still with the organization and with me?"

Belmod's expression remained as calm as water.

But deep in his eyes, there was already a little bit of ripples.

Chapter 2 later

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