Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 193 The murderer who stayed at the scene

“Are you using the ‘body size restriction’ that spans the gap at the top of the cubicle to exclude yourself from suspicion?”

Lin Xinyi thought about it carefully and nodded in agreement:

Indeed, after Mao Lilan's analysis, the murderer's confusing behavior of clearly strangulating people to death but having to kill him again seemed to have a reasonable explanation.

"Miss Maori, your analysis is correct."

"You were of great help this time."

Lin Xinyi sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Mao Lilan has now learned the techniques of scientific investigation from him, as well as the imagination developed by being around famous detectives. Gradually, she has surpassed the role of a rookie student and become his indispensable right-hand man.

Just like this case, if this assistant lady hadn't helped analyze it, Lin Xinyi would have had to work hard to understand the murderer's fancy operations.

"These are all the traces you found, Mr. Lin. I just made a random guess for you."

Mao Lilan's attitude was still so humble, but the joy brought by the sense of accomplishment could not be hidden on her green face.

As a good student who loves learning, she appreciates the praise and recognition from her teachers.

Now Mao Lilan was already familiar with Lin Xinyi's rhythm of handling cases. She quickly suppressed her little pride and took the initiative to express his thoughts without waiting for the teacher to give orders:

"Mr. Lin, next we just need to protect the scene and wait for our colleagues to arrive for support, right?"

"Yeah." Lin Xin nodded:

They had already roughly surveyed everything that could be seen with the naked eye at the scene.

If you want to do further detailed investigation, you have to ask colleagues from the forensics department to bring various investigation equipment to the scene.

As for the investigation of the social relations of the deceased, that was a search task and did not require Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan to bother themselves.

"But..." Lin Xin thought for a moment and opened the wallet that he had found on the deceased during the autopsy.

As he expected, there was no cash in the wallet, and it might have been disposed of by the murderer who wanted to fake the scene.

But there is still a certificate in the wallet, with the name of the deceased written on it:

"Himeno Yayoi, 23 years old."

Lin Xinyi took the certificate, turned to Mao Lilan and said:

"Come on out, let's go outside and meet the customers in the cafe."

"This" Mao Lilan was slightly surprised: "Mr. Lin, what do you mean?"

"After the murderer finished killing people, maybe he still stayed at the scene?"

"Maybe." Lin Xinyi's expression was also a little strange:

To stay at the scene after killing someone was obviously overconfident in his own resourcefulness.

But based on what he saw and heard after coming to this world, those murderers who like to design fancy tricks seem to like to stay at the scene and pretend to be good people, waiting to confront the police.

"That's right"

Maoli Lan nodded slowly:

The prisoners she and Kudo met before seemed to like doing this.

It was just that after staying around Lin Xinyi for a long time, I began to subconsciously feel that this was strange.

"Anyway, let's go check it out first."

"It would be easier if there were really suspects among these customers in the cafe."

Lin Xinyi said this, then turned and walked out of the bathroom.

Mao Lilan also took off his gloves and prepared to leave the scene.

At this time, she suddenly covered her nose in discomfort, and her shoulders shook unnaturally, as if she was preparing to sneeze with great power.

"Ah - ah -"

With quick eyes and quick hands, Lin Xin quickly handed the tissue he carried with him to the assistant.

"Ah sneeze!"

Mao Lilan hurriedly took the tissue and covered her mouth and nose in time before the volcano erupted.

Then, she hurriedly wiped her nose and cleaned it up for a while before she finally turned back into the clean and beautiful girl she was.

When she raised her head again and saw Lin Xinyi who had a clear view of her embarrassed appearance, she couldn't help but blush and whispered: "Thank you, Mr. Lin."

"You're welcome." Lin Xinyi thoughtfully handed over another tissue:

"Next time, remember to bring a mask with you, or bring your own tissues."

"Otherwise, if you sneeze at a crime scene without adequate cover, it may interfere with the investigation work."

Mao Lilan: "."

"Ming, I understand." She said with some embarrassment: "The main reason this time is that my nose suddenly felt uncomfortable. I will pay attention to it in the future."

"Yeah." Lin Xin nodded:

And when he said this, he also felt that there was an increase in secretions in his nose, and it seemed a little itchy.

"Get out quickly."

"The air in this bathroom is bad."

As he spoke, Lin Xinyi sniffed the bathroom thoughtfully, the smell of blood, the strong orange scent of chemical essence, and a slightly pungent smell mixed in the unpleasant air.

He no longer stayed here, but took Mao Lilan out of the bathroom and came to the coffee shop.

At the entrance of the coffee shop, Fei Miles was helping to seal off the scene.

Although she did not have any police ID to show, with her fierce temperament that made people dare not look directly at her, Feili easily maintained order at the scene and kept all the guests and employees in the cafe at the time of the crime. The leakage was intercepted at the scene.

As soon as Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan walked out of the bathroom, the guests and employees who were left here cast curious glances:

"Mr. Police, how is the situation? When can we leave?"

"Don't worry, please cooperate with us a little more."

Lin Xinyi casually calmed the crowd's emotions and then asked them straight to the point:

"The deceased in the bathroom was a 23-year-old woman named Himeno Yayoi."

"Excuse me, everyone here, does any of you know her?"

"Is this Himeno Yayoi?"

Everyone looked at each other, but no one took the initiative to stand up.

But Lin Xinyi added very rudely:

"If anyone here knows the deceased, I advise you to come forward."

"After all, we have basically confirmed that this case was not a robbery or murder, but a crime committed by an acquaintance!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Lin Xinyi say, "It is confirmed that an acquaintance committed the crime."

Among the crowd, a burly middle-aged man suddenly felt his heart sink:

Why the hell was it discovered so quickly that an acquaintance committed the crime?

Was the scene that he had faked been seen through so quickly?

His expression became extremely ugly, and Lin Xinyi continued:

"So, we will record the personal information of everyone present in the coffee shop today."

"If during the subsequent investigation, it is discovered that someone present here actually knew the deceased and did not take the initiative to come forward when I asked."

"In that case, wouldn't it be self-inflicted?"

There was silence in the air.

Finally, in the silence, the tall and burly middle-aged man stood up.

"Are you really there?"

Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan looked at each other, each seeing surprise in the other's eyes.

Then, Lin Xinyi narrowed his eyes slightly and asked the strong man meaningfully:

"Do you know Miss Himeno Yayoi?"

The strong man nodded cringingly, and before he could speak, he showed a sick look that was incompatible with his burly figure and coughed violently:

"Cough, cough, cough, cough."

After a violent cough, he raised his head and said in a hoarse voice:

"My name is Dianshan Shisan, and I am a rugby team coach by profession."

"And Miss Himeno, she is my lover."

Dianshan Shisan’s eyes were a little dodgey, but in the end he still hesitantly told the truth——

There's nothing we can do if we don't talk.

The police have already discovered that an acquaintance committed the crime, and they will find out sooner or later.

If you don't say it now and are found out later, it will be just like Lin Xinyi said, it is self-inflicted.

"Oh, lover?"

Lin Xinyi's tone became more subtle:

Abnormal lovers' relationships between men and women are most likely to cause violent conflicts and become an inducement for murder.

Now, we have a suspect and even a motive for the crime.

"Since she is your lover, why didn't you come forward when I asked you for the first time?"

Lin Xinyi asked pressingly step by step.

"I" Dianshan Shisan kept hesitating, and finally said bravely:

"I'm not afraid. If I stand up now, will I be suspected of being a murderer?"

"Furthermore, my extramarital affair with Ji Ye is not easy to see. If I come out to cooperate with the investigation, I will definitely not be able to hide this matter from my family."

He made up a pretty good reason.

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Lin Xinyi to question, Dianshan Shisan defended himself:

"Today Jiye and I made an appointment to meet in a coffee shop. She went to the bathroom to use the toilet, and I followed her to the bathroom to wash my hands."

He knew that the police might find his footprints in the toilet, so he simply admitted that he had been to the toilet.

And when exactly did he go there and how long did he stay there?

Dianshan Shisan believes that those customers who only focus on drinking coffee and chatting, as well as employees who are busy at work, will not notice it.

So, following the made-up story, he continued:

"But I didn't kill Jiye!"

"I just came out of the bathroom first and let her stay there to smoke."

"But I didn't expect that not long after, Ji Ye died in the bathroom."

"I-I didn't expect this either!"

Dianshan Thirteen compiled it, but he felt confident in it:

He believed that even the small tricks in the fake scene were seen through.

The little trick he devised can still help him get rid of suspicion.

And Dianshan Shisan thought this in his heart, which seemed to make Lin Xinyi relax a little bit of vigilance:

"Don't worry, we will definitely investigate clearly."

"If you were really not the murderer, the police would not have wrongfully accused you."

Lin Xinyi's tone slowed down slightly and he chose his words very carefully.

But Miss Maori on the side received a suggestive look from the teacher.

She immediately showed a cold and stern expression and played the role of the bad policeman in unison:

"Mr. Dianshan Thirteen, I advise you not to resist stubbornly any longer!"

"Are you thinking now-"

"Because the gap above the toilet cubicle is narrow, only people with weak stature can pass through."

"So using this, you can clear yourself of suspicion?"

Mao Lilan revealed Dianshan Shisan's little thoughts with one word, catching him off guard.

And as his face became increasingly pale, Mao Lilan simply described the murder trick he used to create the secret room in full.

"You didn't kill people in the compartment at all, but threw the deceased into the compartment from the outside."

"This little trick can't fool us Tokyo police at all!"

At this moment, Mao Lilan was like a high-spirited detective under the spotlight.

Just like Kudo Shinichi described her before, like a shark that smells blood, it pushes the prisoner step by step into despair.

"This this"

The carefully designed ruse was easily exposed, and Dianshan Shisan no longer had any trump cards to play to clear himself of suspicion.

His face suddenly turned green and red, and layers of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Finally, under Mao Lilan's staring gaze, Dianshan Thirteen let out a long sigh:

"This seems to be very similar."


He raised a livid face and said, "Where's the evidence?"

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