Baijia in Heron Mountain,

In a huge cave,

This is the forbidden area of ​​​​the Bai family. Unless you are in a high position, or are powerful, or a strong foundation builder, you are not allowed to approach this place. Here, there are restrictions, formations, and even spiritual talismans left by the ancestors of the Bai family!

These are full of powerful power! And the lethality, it is no exaggeration to say that even an ordinary foundation-building expert who dares to trespass here will be instantly overwhelmed and killed, and will die without a burial place!


There is also the most intense spiritual energy in the entire Bai family here! It is a holy land for cultivation! Whether it is the realm of Qi training or even the realm of foundation building, practice here!

Everything will be great with each passing day! It is of great benefit... But today, some lights are shining brightly in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Bai family! Very lively. Almost all the senior executives of the Bai family have arrived!

Especially those four foundation-building experts!

In the middle stage of foundation building, Bai Rongcheng, in the early stage of foundation building, Bai Ziyue, Bai Zhengxiong, and Bai Canghai,

They are all here!

However, it can also be clearly seen that the looks on their faces and even the atmosphere here seem to be a bit depressing! There is a haze hanging over everyone's heads!

This is because ever since Bai Ziyue saved her life and ran back!

It's always been like this,

That day, in the battle at Langcang Mountain, one against five, they actually succeeded in killing three people and scaring two of them away. Such an astonishing record could be said to have put great pressure on the entire Bai family!

It can also be said that they have trouble sleeping and eating now.

Afraid of being beaten for revenge,

if that is the case,

I'm afraid they really may not win...,

"Did you buy the news?"

"Can you tell me why it's been so many days and I still haven't received any information about that guy? Who is he? Does it mean that even the Golden Silkworm Society doesn't know his origins and identity?"

Bai Rongcheng was a little angry and kind.

His face is very ugly!

Ever since it happened, he has been thinking of ways to remedy it!

But it’s all in vain! Because he couldn't find the Liulin people at all! What worries him even more is that this time, the Bai family can't even get any news? !

Whenever they send people to the Golden Silkworm Association to buy news,

But they are all like a stone sinking into the sea,

There was no response at all.

This is undoubtedly very bad news...

After all, whether the Golden Silkworm Association is unwilling to sell to them, or even the Golden Silkworm Association, or even they don't have specific information about that guy... wouldn't this be even more ruined? !

Since these days,

They are all under tremendous pressure,

And now,

Finally they couldn't bear it anymore.

Ready to face the problem,

No matter what, this matter must come to an end!

"Great Elder, I went to the Golden Silkworm Association in person!"

"But they are avoiding us. In short, this matter may be really troublesome!" At this moment, someone spoke up. It was another strong person in the early stage of foundation building from the Bai family! Bai Zhengxiong!

Having said this,

He couldn't help but stare at Bai Ziyue fiercely,

He said angrily!

"Bai Ziyue, look what trouble you have caused to my Bai family! You dare to attack others without even understanding it. Are you a fool? You are really a brainless pig!"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Ziyue's neck felt thick! Get angry.

"How do I know he is so powerful?"

"He is obviously only in the qi training realm, and I am not the only one. Didn't they do it too?!"

Upon hearing this, Bai Zhengxiong was also angry! Ridiculed.

"What, you're still not convinced? If you're not convinced, why are you hiding here?"

"If you have the ability, go and solve this matter yourself!"

"What did you say?!

"shut up!"

Bai Rongcheng scolded,

Then he said coldly with a gloomy face!

"You guys have started to cause civil strife before anyone comes to fight? Okay, is this what you are capable of?!"

"Otherwise, we should just stay away now. Let's all do our own thing! When that guy comes over, who will die! Then whoever will die will be fine! What do you think, Bai Ziyue?!"

As soon as this statement came out,

Bai Ziyue's face suddenly turned blue and purple!

Very ugly,

But he still endured it and apologized.

"I'm sorry, Great Elder..."

"It's my fault"

Obviously, of course, he didn't know that he was wrong, but the situation was stronger than the person, and he was afraid! Without the protection of the Bai family! Once Liu Lin seeks revenge on him, he may really have no choice but to die!

But at this moment, someone spoke again,

But it was another strong man from the Bai family who was in the early stages of foundation building! Bai Canghai.

"Great Elder, everyone, if you ask me, this matter shouldn't be so serious..."

He glanced at everyone, narrowed his eyes and said! "With one against five, he killed three in reverse. I admit that his strength is indeed very powerful, but it should only be around the middle stage of foundation building!"

"Great Elder, your cultivation level is also in the middle stage of foundation building!"

"Can he still be as powerful as you? I don't think so, right?"

Speaking of this, he changed the topic and said calmly! "So, I don't think he dares to come to our Bai family to cause trouble. We should all overestimate him! And even if he does come, it doesn't matter! The four of us will take action together, and everyone! Plus our Bai family We can still kill him, we just need to pay some price..."

"Okay, okay, okay."

Hearing his praise,

Bai Rongcheng's face looked better. In fact, he felt that the opponent's strength was almost the same as his! In this case, for his sake, it shouldn't be a big problem.

It's just that you need to pay some price,

Just to calm things down,

This should be nothing...

Thinking of this,

He also breathed a sigh of relief, and then said coldly to Bai Ziyue! "Bai Ziyue, you are the one who caused this incident, so you should prepare some gifts yourself! Just treat it as an apology! Is that okay?"

As soon as he finished speaking,

Before Bai Ziyue had time to answer,

At this time,

A sudden change occurred!


Suddenly, the cave door exploded! This is their family's forbidden area, and there are many restrictions, formations, and even the power of spiritual talismans on the gate, but now, it is still as if it is made of paper.

Exploded instantly!

Torn to pieces.


Everyone was shocked,

Their expressions changed drastically and they became nervous!

They all stared at the scene outside the gate,

At the same time, footsteps sounded! Ta-ta-ta, tap-ta-ta... Huge pressure swept over them, causing sweat to appear on their faces! His face became serious,

They all looked towards the door,

In the smoke and dust, two figures, a man and a woman, slowly appeared... At this moment, they all felt heavy pressure in their hearts, the pressure was huge! Come on head on!

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