Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 80: Temporary retreat! The conflict escalates! It gets worse!


It was not until the latter reacted that he suddenly discovered! At this time, there was actually an extra gray-white airflow in front of him, as thick as an arm...

The airflow in front of him was suspended in the air,

emitting a faint buzzing sound,

and at this time, Wei Hengyuan himself, who was close at hand!

But his face had turned pale, and he was even sweating! Boom! Boom! Boom...During this period of time, his heartbeat accelerated a lot! His face was also blue and purple!

It seemed that he was a little scared, and also a little embarrassed! Or both!

So, after a long while,

he could not help but grit his teeth and look at An Yixuan!

He said viciously!

"An! Yi! Xuan!"

"What on earth do you want to do?!"

"I warn you for the last time, think about the other people in your Wuji Sect! Don't seek death! Don't force me!" An Yixuan's face suddenly sank! There was a gleam in his eyes, but he still endured it...

Because there was no way,

he really had to consider other people!

Then he glanced at Wei Hengyuan and said coldly!

"I said, we don't have the person you are looking for in Wujimen! So, please! And you listen to me clearly, Wei Hengyuan!"

"You want me to think clearly? I advise you to think clearly too! Don't force me, otherwise, with just a few of you, "

"You can't get out of our Wujimen, understand?!"

"An Yixuan! Are you threatening me, old man?!"

Wei Hengyuan's face became ferocious. He didn't expect it to be like this.

He was really angry! Why?

Why did a mere Wujimen dare to reject them, even if An Yixuan in front of him was in the late stage of foundation building, but this was not allowed! Even if he was, he didn't have the qualifications!

What on earth did he have? !

At this moment,

a raging fire burned in his heart! Burning madly! If it weren't for the fact that he still had reason, he knew that he was no match for An Yixuan, and he even wanted to kill now!

But fortunately, Wei Xueling on the other side,

she is still very calm now...

"Old senior An Yixuan..."

Wei Xueling stared at An Yixuan with flashing eyes!

Then suddenly laughed coldly!


"In that case, we won't bother you anymore!"

"Since you said he's not here! Then we believe you! Let's go! However, you have to know that Senior An, killing someone means paying for his life, this matter will have a result no matter what!"

"You can protect him for a while..."

"Can you protect him for a lifetime? Hehe... How ridiculous!"

"Oh, by the way, please tell him for us! Next, we will wait for him outside the gate of Wujimen Mountain, so he'd better not come out in this life, otherwise..."

"He will know what the end will be! Humph!"

"We'll wait and see!"

After that,

she turned around and left! Without hesitation!

"Let's go, let's go!"

Seeing this scene,


Including Wei Hengyuan! They all had sneers on their faces, or mocking faces, or glared at An Yixuan fiercely for several times, then turned around and left without saying a word...


But just as they said,

Did they really leave? Of course not!

They just ran to the gate of Wujimen to guard!

It's nothing more than a turtle in a jar!

Just as they didn't dare to mess around in front of An Yixuan,

Similarly, they were also very confident and confident! Even though An Yixuan was a late foundation building expert, he certainly didn't dare to touch them at all! So they didn't have anything to worry about at all!

Just block it here!

See who can outlast whom! And more importantly, they also need to pass on everything that happened here and the attitude of old man An Yixuan! Tell the peak master!

They are not qualified to make a decision about the attitude of Wujimen! But they all believe that

The peak master Shangxuan Zhenren will definitely make the most correct choice!

After all, their Chaoyang Palace is not made of clay,

killing people pay with their lives!

This is a matter of course!


Seeing them leave recklessly,

A trace of cold light flashed through the depths of An Yixuan's eyes! He was very angry in his heart! But he was helpless, because he also understood the other party's confidence and confidence, which was indeed correct!

Although he was provoked like this...

He still didn't dare to do it!


The situation is stronger than the person! ,

The other party is Chaoyang Palace after all!

He really can't afford to offend!

So, there is no way...

"Ancestor, what should we do next?"

A voice came,

It was Jiang Shian who flew over!

And, he said with some meaning! His face was not very good! "If this continues, I'm worried that the disciples' worries and pressure, even panic! I'm afraid they can't be suppressed!"

An Yixuan glanced at him,

Obviously understood that the other party's words were meaningful...But he could understand, after all, he suffered such an unprovoked disaster for no reason! It is natural that he cannot accept the resentment in his heart.

And strictly speaking,

it is true that he has neglected the pressure and thoughts within Wujimen...

So in this matter,

he is also wrong!

So he shook his head and apologized on the spot! "Shi'an, I'm sorry! I was wrong about this matter! But now that things have come to this, it can only be like this for now, but don't worry, give me another three or four months, that's enough!"

"After time passes, he will leave our Wuji Sect! At that time, this matter has nothing to do with us! So before that, Shi'an, I have to trouble you to work hard!"

"The emotional pressure on the disciples,"

"It depends on you, too, work hard..."

Three or four months?

Jiang Shi'an opened his mouth, his face was stiff, full of bitterness,

He even suspected that he had heard it wrong? ! !

Three or four months? Are you kidding? !

You know, those people from the Wei family have already blocked outside their Wuji Sect. What does this mean? Let alone three or four months, even three or four days are like years!

That would definitely be very uncomfortable,

I can't stand it at all!

And more importantly,

He didn't dare to be sure! The people from the Wei family came aggressively,

clearly with a firm attitude! What if this is what Chaoyang Palace meant? If that person leaves Wujimen, will Chaoyang Palace really not vent their anger on them?

Only God knows, right?

In any case, this is probably a big trouble...

But even so, An Yixuan's attitude is still firm!

Jiang Shian looked at An Yixuan's old face, his face twitched, and he almost wanted to tear it apart! Because, this is really a person who is neither inside nor outside, and it is really infuriating!

But having said that,

he still had no choice but to accept it,

because the situation is stronger than people!

Unless he plans to leave Wujimen, otherwise, he can't refuse,

"Hey..." With a sigh, Jiang Shian turned around and left, looking extremely depressed!


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