Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 62: Explosive Killing and Building the Foundation! Shocking the Monsters!


Of course it’s over!

After all, he doesn't have Liu Lin's ability to break away from a half-step foundation-building magic weapon in an instant.

In other words, as long as he is tied up by this thing, it will be equivalent to a turtle in an urn! Completely finished,

"Senior Brother Wei!"

Lin Feng's expression changed drastically!

He stared closely at Senior Brother Wei, a tall and thin man who was tied up, his whole body trembled, his face looked panicked, he seemed to have lost some sense of proportion? But at this time, Liu Lin had no opponent to attack the turtle in the urn.

But actually came towards him to kill him? !

With a hiss,

Liu Lin rushed in front of Lin Feng at an extremely fast speed, and then punched out. Immediately, the spiritual energy of the Five Dragons and the power of the Five Dragons' Transformation burst out from his fist!

Immediately blast it away,


In an instant, Lin Feng felt as if he had been hit by a Mercedes-Benz elephant! The whole person immediately flew out on the spot, and he hit a towering tree not far away!

Then there was a loud roar,

The big tree suddenly broke and fell down,

"Lin, Lin Feng!"

As soon as this scene occurs,

Senior Brother Wei, a tall and lanky man who was tied up with a snake-head rope, his eyes were about to burst at this moment! At this moment, his whole face became ferocious, as if he was extremely angry...

But in fact, of course it is not anger, but panic, or fear,

Because if Lin Feng dies, who will be next? Isn't that him?

So he screamed desperately! shouted madly.

"Stop, stop!"

"You can't kill us! We are all from Chaoyang Palace, and our Chaoyang Palace is a Jindan realm force! If you dare to kill us, you, you, you are finished! We, Chaoyang Palace, will not let you go!"

Chaoyang Palace?

Jindan realm power?

A hint of sarcasm flashed across Liu Lin's lips,

"You are telling me this when you are about to die? What have you been doing?"

"Besides, what about the Jindan realm forces? Are you the Jindan ancestor? You idiot..."

After scolding, Liu Lin instantly raised his hand and turned back. A flash of light rushed straight towards the lanky man, Senior Brother Wei, and at the same time, the power of thunder and fire soared into the sky! It directly swept it away and submerged it...


In an instant, a huge light beam of thunder and fire power erupted completely,

Like a volcano erupting,

completely submerge it,

And at the same time,

Liu Lin pointed at Lin Feng in front of him at the same time. In an instant, the power of the Five Dragon Spins burst out from his fingertips, directly forming a five-color mixed light pillar, which flew out instantly.

Penetrating Lin Feng's body,


The screams appeared hoarsely, but slowly stopped, like the old wind direction, woo woo woo. At this time, Lin Feng was already frozen there, with a look of regret and despair in his eyes! At the same time, his chest was already empty, and a huge hole appeared, pierced by the light pillar of the power of the Five Dragons.


His body slowly fell forward,

at the same time,

The Ziyang Thunder Flame Barrier and Snake Head Rope on the other side also flew up almost at the same time, leaving only a charred corpse kneeling on the spot! It’s as if it’s been dissolved and scorched…

Then he also fell sideways,



Two sounds of falling to the ground,

It sounded almost at the same time,

Then everything fell into silence,

At that time, the five powerful men in the early stage of foundation building came together and wanted to kill him, killing people and stealing goods. But now? In just over ten minutes, everything was suddenly reversed! Everything has changed,

The five strong men in the early stage of foundation building,

A total of three people died! Two ran away,

When this news spreads, I am afraid that even the strong people in the middle stage of foundation building will be shocked, because it is no exaggeration to say that it is hard to say whether they can achieve this.

From this, it is enough to see how strong Liu Lin is now!

It is no exaggeration to say that after this battle, he is not even afraid of the strong ones in the middle stage of foundation building!

Because he really doesn’t believe what he can do to him in the middle stage of foundation building...

"Is it over?" Next, Liu Lin put away the Ziyang Thunder Fire Cover and the snake head rope, and at the same time quickly took out several middle-grade spiritual stones and clasped them in his hands to restore the spiritual energy in his body.

Obviously even with great results!

He is still quite cautious! Because he knows very well that this may not really be the end. After all, the previous Langcang Mountain auction was not just about these early stages of foundation building.

But there are some more powerful mid-stage foundation-building experts!

They are the real biggest mortal threat,

But now, none of these people have shown up, and they don't know if they are planning to give up? Or do you have any other ideas or plans?

In short, the danger is not over yet.

He must be extremely cautious!

And at the same time,

Those two or three middle-stage foundation-building experts in the dark,

They were indeed a little entangled and hesitant at this time...

To them,

Originally, they all really had the mentality of chasing the cicada with the mantis behind, and the oriole behind them.

There is even a disapproving arrogance and sense of superiority,

Because they all feel that no matter what, the one who laughs in the end will definitely be them. After all, they are powerful in the middle stage of foundation building! They are the strongest among these people!

So they are not in a hurry at all,

But now, some of them are stupid,

Because they never expected that this matter would end like this? It’s the early stage of five major foundation building! Five of them fought against one, but three of them were killed in return?

What's going on here?

Even if you kill a pig, you don’t kill it like this, right?

Suddenly there was an ominous feeling,

It all emerged in their hearts,

far away,

Chen Shi'an, the ancestor of the Chen family, stared at Liu Lin with a solemn expression.

"He, his strength, does he really have..."

Of course he can see it with his eyesight! Liu Lin's cultivation level strength is absolutely certain to be the Dzogchen state of Qi training! But the problem is his two magical powers.

its power,

But they are all genuine and are about to reach the threshold of the middle stage of foundation building...

So what is this concept?

Is the Dzogchen state of Qi training comparable to the middle stage of foundation building?

This damn guy won't be cast by illusions.

Are you dreaming?

to him,

This is really a terrible thing! After all, such people are generally called geniuses! Even monsters! And how could a super genius monster of this level have no one behind him?

Even a super genius monster of this level!

General sect forces,

I really can’t take it out…

So, so!

The expression on the face of Chen Shi'an, the ancestor of the Chen family, suddenly changed! Finally, he took another deep look at the willow forest in the distance, and then quickly turned around and left! Obviously, he chose to give up,

And it's not just him! Even another strong person in the middle stage of foundation building who was originally hidden in the dark suddenly made the same choice as him.

Both of them chose to give up...

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