Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 55: Looting a large amount of goods! Flying magic weapon!

"one hundred thirty!"

"I'll pay you one hundred and fifty!"

"two hundred!"

"Two hundred and two!"

Soon, the price skyrocketed.

Obviously, this foundation-building magic weapon is still very attractive.

You must know that the Foundation Establishment Magic Weapon. The Foundation Establishment Magic Weapon, as the name suggests, is definitely a complete Foundation Establishment realm weapon. Once you can get it, it will not be 1+1 equals 2, it will be that simple!

Even if it is just a monk in the early stage of foundation building, after getting a foundation building magic weapon, his strength will immediately increase dramatically! Comparable to a strong person in the middle stage of foundation building! So this is definitely an improvement in hard power.

Great value!


Let alone anyone else,

Even Liu Lin is a little excited now...

"Should I buy one and try it too?"

Liu Lin murmured, but he was also a little confused because he didn't know whether he could use the foundation-building magic weapon now! Moreover, the requirements for using the foundation-building magic weapon should also be different from those in the Qi training realm.

more importantly,

He has also heard a saying before, that is, the most important difference between foundation-building magic weapons and other ordinary magic weapons, as well as the best magic weapons, is the control of divine consciousness!

Ordinary magic weapon, top quality magic weapon,

All this requires is simple practice of Qi Realm Dispelling Object Technique.

But the foundation-building magic weapon doesn’t work.

This thing requires the power of spiritual consciousness to control it, and this is the biggest problem. He is only in the realm of Qi training, so he doesn't have the power of spiritual consciousness at all yet...

So he shook his head and murmured.

"Forget it, let's take a look first..."

“And this thing doesn’t suit me very well either!

"If there is something else that suits me better later, let's talk about it..."

at the same time,

The price of this foundation-building magic weapon mace,

The looting has already reached an astonishing level!

"Five hundred and sixty pieces of medium-grade spirit stones!" A guy wearing a large brown robe, and who was obviously a strong man in the foundation building realm, gritted his teeth and shouted out the price!


This should be his limit,


The reality is not perfect,

"Six hundred!"

A faint voice came from somewhere on the second floor,

Directly kill the whole situation! With the final word, it seemed that no one could compete with him.

Six hundred pieces of middle-grade spiritual stones are equivalent to seven to eight million low-grade spiritual stones. This is absolutely an astronomical number, even for the vast majority of foundation-building experts! They can only look forward to it and sigh,

Seeing no one to continue,

Master Langcang smiled, then looked at somewhere on the second floor, and said with a smile! "I didn't expect that Brother Chen is here. Congratulations, this mace is yours!"


Master Langcang seems to know the other person,

"Old Lang Cang, I have to say that the things you have here are really expensive!"

"If I hadn't been well prepared this time, I would have overturned!" A rough voice came, and a strong middle-aged man wearing coarse cloth and animal skins stood up and said coldly,

more importantly,

This seems to be a mid-stage Foundation Establishment? !

"It turns out to be Chen Shi'an, the ancestor of the Chen family. He is a strong man in the middle stage of foundation building! No wonder..."

Someone seemed to recognize the other person,


"Brother Chen, what you said is wrong. If you add a mace to your strength, it will definitely be even more powerful. I am afraid that even I will not be your opponent. This is not a gap that a few hundred middle-grade spiritual stones can make up for. …”

"Isn't it? Haha..."

Master Langcang smiled and said,

Then the next round of bidding started,

And next,

It’s not a foundation-building magic weapon anymore…

But the treasures of heaven and earth,

"The Silver Frost Secret Flower, a treasure of foundation-building realm. This is a very rare treasure of ice. It is said that it seems to be one of the raw materials for the Ice Spirit Pill. The bidding price is not high. It only costs ten pieces of medium-grade spirit." stone!"

"Start now!"

As soon as this scene appeared, Liu Lin suddenly became energetic,

"Elixir material?"

Although he didn't recognize this thing, since he was here,

It must be the principle that you can buy by mistake and don’t miss it.

It turns out that he is not short of money either.

So he directly shouted out a top price!


In an instant, everyone fell silent,

Fifty pieces of middle-grade spiritual stones?

Are you serious?

But when everyone sees it,

When the bidder came from the third floor... but he kept silent, because this is the most intuitive sense of cliff brought about by different floors, or different levels of wealth.

And a sense of oppression!

They have no money and are reluctant to part with it, but others have it.

After all, it must be the third floor!

Soon, no one followed the price.

This secret silver frost flower was successfully collected by Liu Lin!

And then, it seemed that he had arrived at Liulin's home court, with the appearance of one treasure after another, and many of the elixir materials were forcefully bought by him! Got it in the bag,


Anyway, everything was exposed, and he didn't bother to worry about it.

If you buy something, buy more. In short, the main thing is to be prepared and not short of money!

After so and so,

Time also began to pass quickly,

Soon it was more than a day later...

After more than a day of fierce fighting,

His consumption has also successfully reached several thousand mid-grade spiritual stones!

He has collected a large number of natural treasures, alchemy materials, and things he is interested in. It can be said that he has really gained a lot from this Langcang Mountain auction!

It directly fills the pockets.

The drums are very good!

"Then, do you want to leave?"

Liu Lin had some thoughts of leaving.

For him, he has bought everything he needs to buy, so staying a little longer will be an extra risk. After all, he went too far this time. He made too many moves and spent too much money. I am afraid he has already become a target in front of everyone. The focus is on...


It's a huge style,

So it’s definitely right to run early, before the auction is over and those people haven’t reacted.

But at this moment,

Suddenly, Master Langcang's narration came to his ears,

"Everyone, please listen carefully to what is coming next. This is definitely one of the highlights of this auction, because this is a flying magic weapon!"

Flying magic weapon?

In a split second,

Liu Lin's footsteps seemed to have been cast on a body-fixing technique.

I stopped for a moment and couldn't move forward.

His eyes looked towards the auction house outside the window,

There, in front of the Langcang Mountain people, there was a fist-sized flying car. Although this object was slightly different from what he had seen before, its outward appearance was different.

But it's obviously the same thing.

That is the flying magic weapon of the foundation-building realm,

This is a foundation-building speedster!

"As for the thing, it's very simple. It's the Yunlin Speeder produced by the behemoth Haoran Sect in the north. It's a relatively top-notch foundation-building speeder! There's nothing else to say, so let's just get started."

Master Langcang smiled and said,

Then he changed the subject and said proudly! "Everyone, if you miss this thing, it really doesn't exist anymore! If you are interested, then be ready, haha, next! "

"The starting price is 100 medium-grade spiritual stones! Let's start immediately!"

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