Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 5 Master Qingfeng, the Five Spirits Moving Technique!


The senior sister said softly, and then walked over immediately!

"Old man, what are you doing? I'm back. Come out and welcome me!"

"Welcome shit!"

Unexpectedly, a sound of cursing came from the attic, and then suddenly there was a flash of light, and a flying sword came and landed in front of them, shocking Liu Lin!

"Who is this little baby? Why, you went back and you gave birth to a baby? Isn't it right? It's only been a few years? It shouldn't be so soon, right?"

"Why are you having a baby? You stinky old man, don't talk nonsense. If you can't speak, just shut up! This is our new disciple of Wulong Sect. I thought he was pitiful, so I brought him back, and I will keep him here to guard him from now on. Medicine garden?"

"Poor? Why are you so pitiful?"

With a buzzing sound, the sword energy circulated on the edge of the sword, and finally turned into a villain.

This scene made Liu Lin stunned...

"This, what is this?"

"Are you a human?"

"Bullshit! Can you, little kid, talk? What am I if I'm not a human being? The brat deserves to be beaten!" The villain stood up, then raised his hand and waved, and the sword actually flew up.

Hit Liu Lin hard on the head,

With a bang,

It hit him hard.

Suddenly, Liu Lin covered her head with fear on her face,

Don't dare to speak anymore,

"The smelly old man knows how to bully children, you are really..." Lin Shang complained, and then said to Liu Lin.

"Xiao Linzi, this is my master, Master Qingfeng. Don't look at him as crazy, but he is a real foundation-building expert! And he is also an alchemist."

"If you kid can please him, you might even be able to get him to teach you a few moves. That would make a lot of money!"

After finishing speaking, she immediately said to the villain in front of her! "Master, I'm going to start seclusion and break through. This little guy will be left to you. I think he's quite pitiful. Don't bully him!"

"Just leave him here as a handyman disciple, taking care of the medicine garden!"

After saying that, she jumped into the air and flew towards the attic not far away...

At the same time, the villain also walked around the willow forest, and then asked with a wink! "Little doll, what's wrong with you? Are you pitiful? Why don't I see how pitiful you are?"

"Could it be that you are really the illegitimate son of that girl Lin Shang? Otherwise, why would he care so much about you? Tell me?!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Lin also had a wry smile on his face, but he was also very nervous.

Because, he has not forgotten the words Lin Shang said before, a strong foundation builder,

The little man in front of me is actually the legendary foundation-building expert! ?

So he took a deep breath, then quickly stood up, bowed and said!

"Hello, Senior Qingfeng, I am Liu Lin, the new disciple who just started today. I, Senior Sister Lin and I really have nothing to do with each other. It's just because I am a first-grade useless spirit aperture, so..."

Before he finished speaking, the other party suddenly became surprised.

"First-grade useless spirit aperture?!"


Master Qingfeng's villain looked around Liu Lin several times, then slowly stopped, looked at Liu Lin with a strange expression and said! "Then you are indeed quite pitiful!"

Suddenly Liu Lin's face twitched, wasn't it, as for that?

But he didn't dare to refute, he could only smile bitterly in his heart,

At this moment, Master Qingfeng suddenly said. "Forget it, let's just go with the first-grade useless spirit aperture. I don't expect you to do anything anyway, so just kneel down!"

Liu Lin was stunned for a moment.

Then he immediately knelt down,

He kowtowed to Master Qingfeng more than ten times in a row!

boom! boom! boom! boom……

"Disciple Liu Lin, do you want to meet the master?"

"Master? Shut up, you have no right to call me master! You're just a handyman disciple, wait until one day you make me happy! Remember, don't talk nonsense in the future, or see how I deal with you!"

Master Qingfeng glared and said,

After he finished speaking, he suddenly threw a black object out. If you look carefully, you can see that it is a book.

"This is a basic medicine book,"

"I will give you a month to read and study the above content! From now on, you will take good care of the spiritual herbs in the medicine garden, but you can only start with the low-level medicine garden at the edge! Remember, if something goes wrong What's the problem? Don't blame me for falling out!"

"Teacher, teacher..."

Liu Lin quickly wanted to agree, but got stuck.

Then he stuttered!

"Senior, don't worry, I, I will study seriously!"

"Come with me!"

Master Qingfeng turned around and flew towards a medicine garden next to the attic. After a short time, a neat medicine field appeared in front of him.

There, many kinds of spiritual herbs stand in the forest, filled with the fragrance of herbs! Moreover, Liu Lin looked closely and saw a lot of familiar things, the spirit grass! There are actually hundreds of them, which looks amazing.

"From now on, it is your job to water and fertilize every day, to repel insects and to ward off spirits. Spiritual herbs are very delicate, so you must not be careless! In addition, the medicine book also records all the spiritual herbs, Remember the characteristics of the elixir, planting and maintenance matters, etc. You must not make any mistakes, otherwise, I will treat you like a medicine and turn it into ashes. Do you believe it?"

Master Qingfeng said viciously!

Liu Lin suddenly felt excited all over and nodded quickly!

"Don't worry, senior. I will be careful and nothing will go wrong!"

Then Master Qingfeng threw him a token.

"Take this thing. With it, everyone will know that you are mine. It can be regarded as giving you an identity. Okay, do you have any questions? If you have anything, please tell me!"

Liu Lin hesitated for a moment,

Then he said with courage!

"Senior, what about my cultivation method? Can I still cultivate in the future?"

"Cultivate? Hahaha, you stinky boy, you are just a useless spiritual orifice, and you still want to cultivate?"

"Don't make me laugh to death..."

Master Qingfeng laughed, but soon stopped. At the same time, he glanced at Liu Lin, and then there was another flash of light, and a tattered book appeared in front of him out of thin air.

"Forget it, take it!"

"What a blockhead! You won't give up until you reach the Yellow River? Then you try it..."

"This is the "Five Spirits Moving Technique"! It is not the traditional practice method of our Wulongmen. However, you are a five-element waste spirit, so this thing should be more suitable for you. Take it and practice, but remember it!"

"If you have any problems, solve them yourself! Don't ask me, I don't know!"

"Do you understand? Humph!"

With a cold snort, Qingfeng Shangren turned into a flash of light and sank into the long sword, then flew into the sky and returned to the attic.

Not only that,

At the same time, a porcelain pill bottle actually fell from the sky. It fell in front of him.

"By the way, there are some Qi-gathering pills in the bottle, which can help you speed up the efficiency of Qi training and Qi gathering! Improve the speed of cultivation,"

"Before you reach the fourth level of Qi training, these little things can be of some use, so you can use them. When you break through to the fourth level, come back to me!"

Liu Lin was completely excited and knelt down to thank him excitedly.

"Thank you, Master, thank you, I won't let you down..."

And this time, Master Qingfeng didn't refute, or he had walked away and didn't hear it?

And this time, Liu Lin really realized that although the other party was not forgiving, he was really a good person. Otherwise, how could a powerful foundation-building master need to be so good to him, a little kid?

This is a cultivation method and a pill.

It's really a great favor!

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