Copying natural treasures, cultivating immortality is not difficult

Chapter 35 An undercover agent from the Blood Spirit Sect?

As for junior brother? Of course he knew when he reacted that he was no longer qualified to be called junior brother now.

To him, the mysterious, rich and powerful Liulin!

It’s already out of reach!

So he has to be sensible!

But at this moment, Liu Lin spoke again and said lightly! "I won't say anything else, but I think you'd better go."


Wei Ruomin was stunned for a moment.

Then he said immediately! "Senior Brother Liu, I..."

"Listen to me."

But Liu Lin interrupted him and continued! "Except for those mortals, there are only two of us here now. To be honest, you are not much more than me. You can't help me if you stay here, so you might as well leave!"

"Just find a place to hide for a few years, and then go back when the mission is over. I won't report you anyway, and there won't be any consequences! What do you think?"

That's right,

He wants to drive people away,

Why is this so?

First of all, he doesn't want to be a burden here.

After all, if any big trouble comes, it would be safest for him to stay here alone. He can move forward and retreat freely, and no one can do anything to him.


His current cultivation level has improved so fast. It only took half a year to go from the seventh heaven to the ninth heaven.

And the next breakthrough in cultivation will probably be like this,

Although he was not sure whether the other party could discover this,

But to be on the safe side,

Taking the person away is the best option.

But his selfishness,

It is a great gift to fall into Wei Ruomin's ears.

"Senior Brother Liu, I, I..." Wei Ruomin's face was full of excitement, let's go? To be honest, he really wanted to leave, it was too dangerous! But he really didn't expect Liu Lin to be really willing to let him go.

This to him,

It's really unbelievable,

"Okay, stop talking and leave quickly. I still have something to do, so that's it!" Liu Lin shook his head, stood up and left. He had already given him the opportunity, so that's all.

"Senior Brother Liu,"

"Thank you, thank you!"

Looking at Liu Lin's back as he left, Wei Ruomin's eyes were a little red, and he whispered, and then immediately looked stern! He immediately walked out quickly and quickly left Ningping Peak.

Shortly thereafter,

Liu Lin also started the third large-scale elixir refining and medicine hoarding...

But at the same time, somewhere outside the northern border of Xuanchen Kingdom, which is still some distance away from here, such a scene is also happening.

South of Cangzhou, in a city in the southern part of the Cavalry Kingdom, Senior Brother Wang, who had disappeared in Ningping Peak, had already appeared here.

And his current aura of dressing up,

However, it is no longer the same low-key as before.

At this time, he was wearing a black robe embroidered with dark red lines. His hair was rising upwards, like needle felt, in a dim blood red color, and there was even a trace of blood-colored smoke that was constantly filling the air. It was particularly magical.

What's even more frightening is that

His cultivation realm at this time was actually not the seventh level of Qi training, but the eleventh level of Qi training! ?

In other words, he actually hid his strength,


Who is he? ?

Isn't he a disciple of Wulongmen, but if so, why is he here?

"Hey, isn't this Junior Brother Wang back? I've been here for so long, I thought you died over there? How about it, have you brought anything back? Don't tell me the mission failed?"

"That would be very embarrassing for Wang Cheng, what do you think?"

At this moment, a mocking voice came,

Then I saw at the end of the corridor in front, a woman in floral clothes... Oh no, it should be a man in floral clothes, standing there with eyes full of mockery, looking at him with a half-smile,

And this person,

There is only one feeling for people, and that is gorgeous, coquettish, or, in other words, feminine,

His aura and appearance are all reflected in three words: femininity.

His appearance is really too beautiful and feminine, which has a great impact on both men and women. If it weren't for the extremely obvious male characteristics in him, such as Adam's apple, he would definitely be considered a woman, and he is still a woman. A big beauty,

But even so,

This person's strength is also extraordinary.

Because, this is a Dzogchen monk who has practiced Qi in the Twelve Heavens! This is even a higher level than the royal city that has hidden its own strength. You can imagine what this concept is.

But apart from him,

But there is a third person here,

It was a woman wearing a purple dress,

Her curvy figure gives people a majestic vision and a hot figure! And her beautiful and dazzling appearance is also extremely outstanding, making it unforgettable at first glance.

But what is unexpected is that, relatively speaking, the aura of the three people present is the most powerful, but it is not the charming man who has perfected the 12th level of Qi training, nor is he the 11th level of Qi training. the royal city,

But she...

She glanced at the charming man coldly, and then spoke. Said lightly! "I'm not here to listen to your quarrel. If you have anything to say, please wait until I leave and say it slowly. Do you understand me?"

"Of course, of course..."

The charming man smiled and said!

"Of course we all have to listen to Senior Sister Yue's words! Then I'll shut up, haha..."

After saying this, he turned and walked into the entrance gate.

At the same time, Senior Sister Yue spoke again, looking at Wang Cheng and said. "Come over, Wang Cheng."

"Yes!" Wang Cheng nodded, walked over, and then found a random seat and sat down. At the same time, he spoke again, saying lightly! "I came here for two things this time,"

"First, the situation has changed, and the Black Iron Gold Soul may have been taken by someone else!"

"What did you say!?"

The charming man's face changed, and he couldn't help but said coldly!

"Wang Cheng, are you kidding us?"

However, Wang Cheng ignored him,

but continued to speak,

even revealing some blood-red light in his eyes...

"There is a man named Liu Lin from Ningping Peak. That guy is very strange. He seems to be only at the seventh level of Qi training, but his actual combat power is not so..."

"I even feel that his strength should be comparable to ours,"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the two people in the room immediately changed again,

with surprise on their faces,

"The seventh level of Qi training is comparable to our strength?"

"Wang Cheng, do you know what you are talking about?"

Senior Sister Yue stared at him,

"Of course it shouldn't be the real seventh level of Qi training..."

Wang Cheng shook his head and said solemnly! "At that time, I saw with my own eyes that he had four top-grade magic weapons in his hand, and even one of them had the power of the foundation-building realm..."

"In addition, he should have a lot of mid-grade spirit stones in his hand, so I suspect that he should also be like me, hiding his true strength of the realm through some means!"

Senior Sister Yue was silent for a while, and then asked back!

"You mean, he took the Black Iron Gold Soul?"

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