Chapter 55

The potion named "Soul Torture Potion" was forcibly poured into Li Nuo's mouth by Pim.

The bitter taste instantly exploded in Li Nuo's mouth.

A gust of cold air rose from his mouth and rushed straight to his forehead, as if he had swallowed a whole bottle of Huoxiang Zhengqi water.

A system message appeared in Li Nuo's mind.

【warn! You were forced to take a "soul torture potion". 】

【You got a negative effect:】

[Soul torture, the duration is 1 minute. 】

[During the duration of this effect, you will involuntarily and truthfully answer all the questions of the inquirer, and you will not be able to retain the memory of the period when the potion was in effect. 】

[System Reminder: The "Soul Shield" you have mastered can effectively resist the effects of the "Soul Torture Potion". As long as you use the "soul shield" to protect yourself, you can change to answer the other party's questions with wrong answers during the duration of the shield, and you will not lose the memory related to the content of the conversation. 】

Only Li Nuo knew how violent his inner ups and downs were just now.

Just hearing the words "torture potion", Li Nuo's heart trembled suddenly, thinking that it was something similar to the truth-telling potion.

But think carefully about the name of the potion.

Isn't the "soul" torture potion specially for the soul!

Then the skill "Soul Shield" is just the professional counterpart!

Sure enough, the system message confirmed Li Nuo's guess.

At this moment, the burden on Li Nuo's heart was completely gone.

In his mind, a backup plan that he had thought up a long time ago emerged.

Just when Li Nuo recalled the details of the plan, the "Soul Torture Potion" came into effect.

Li Nuo felt his body was floating, as if he was suspended in the air.

His head was in a daze, with all kinds of thoughts racing around in his head.

He is eager to express all his innermost feelings, but he doesn't know where to start, and urgently needs someone to create a topic for him.

Pim's voice rang in his ears:

"Criminal Soldier No. 888, tell me honestly, what happened between you and Pig?"

Li Nuo managed to retain his last sobriety under the condition of a blurred mind.

He quickly outlined the spell blueprint of "Soul Shield" in his mind, and completed the spellcasting preparation within 1 second.

[System message: You consumed 0.1 soul strength and 1 energy point to cast the "soul shield". In the next 30 seconds, the effect of "Soul Torture Potion" will be offset by the shield, and you can answer the question with a false answer. 】

"Soul Shield" has no external performance, no magic animation, and no light and shadow, and it can only offset the effect of telling the truth, and it will not dissipate the confused look on Li Nuo's face and the drowsiness in his mind.

Therefore, Li Nuo's expression and facial movements were still the same as when the medicine took effect.

Pim didn't know from the beginning to the end that the "soul torture potion" he took out had been cracked by the criminal soldiers in front of him.

Li Nuo was delighted, but he didn't get carried away, but calmed down and thought about countermeasures.

Pim, an insidious guy, has bullied himself several times by relying on his military rank and status. He must be killed as soon as possible without hesitation, otherwise troubles will continue.

At the moment when he has never mastered great strength, borrowing the knife shark is the only means.

As a person who has already seen through part of the truth, Li Nuo quickly thought of a good plan to eliminate Sergeant Pim with the help of Captain Murphy.

Here I have to thank Old Iron Pim for the potion.

Li Nuo's lies will surely convince Pim.

Under his guidance, Pim will step into a deadly trap step by step.

jie jie jie~

Li Nuo thought for a while before speaking.

His voice was hoarse, his eyes were absent-minded, and he looked completely delirious, and his speech was intermittent, like a person who drank shards.

"Pig pulled me into the pile of undead, but strangely, we were not attacked by the undead.

"Pig said it was the amulet in his hand that protected us.

"Pig seduced me with money, cigarettes, alcohol, and women, trying to make me an eyeliner for the imperial army.

"He said, if it weren't for me, a criminal soldier, who got involved in MI4's secret mission, I would never have been accused of death. He advised me not to be ignorant, and quickly agreed to cooperate with the death society, otherwise I would be charged with death. I threw it into the pile of undead."

Pim raised his hands, pulled down the cuffs rolled up to the elbows, and buttoned the cuff buttons.

He returned to the desk, and while arranging the bottles and cans on the table, he listened to Li Nuo's dictation.

"What happened next? Go on, Sin Bing No. 888."

"I rejected Sergeant Pig. Although I am only a criminal soldier, I will never become a traitor. The empire is my mother, and I will not betray her. I will protect the empire like I love my mother..."

Seeing that Li Nuo was going off track, Pim stopped what he was doing and let out a low growl:

"Don't talk nonsense! I'm asking you, how did Sergeant Pigg die. Where did the amulet in his hand go?"

Li Nuo continued to speak in a slurred tone:

"Pigger was furious and wanted to push me into the pile of undead. But a strange mysterious person suddenly appeared beside us."

The glass bottle slipped from Pim's palm and rolled on the table.

Just when the glass bottle was about to slip off the table, Pim came back to his senses and pressed it hastily.

Pim's breathing became short, as if what Li Nuo said hit his heart directly.

"Speak clearly to me, Criminal Soldier No. 888. What kind of mysterious man? What does he look like, what kind of clothes does he wear, what is his tone of voice and habits. Tell me quickly."

Li Nuo pondered for a while...

The so-called mysterious person is the person he imagined.

If he was forced to describe the mysterious person, then this person should be wearing black clothes without a logo, right?

Only such clothes can make people invisible, and it is not easy to show traces in an environment like the third underground floor.

Li Nuo said:

"The mysterious man was dressed in black, and I couldn't see his face and figure clearly.

"He snatched the amulet from Sergeant Pig, gave me a 'silent' gesture, and kicked Sergeant Pig to the body of the big skull. Then, Sergeant Pig was killed by the big skull. Killed with a hammer."

For some reason, Pim's body trembled, as if he had heard something terrible.

With slightly trembling hands, he picked up the tray on the table, and put the tray into the drawer with the crisp sound of glass bottles colliding.

He leaned on the armrests and sat down, leaned on the back of the chair, rested his forehead with one hand, and muttered to himself with his head down, completely missing the previous look of winning and calm.

"Oops... This is really bad... So the information is true... The Emperor is indeed secretly forming a new MI2. Their first task is to secretly investigate the infiltration of our death squad into the existing MI2 degree…"

Li Nuo still had that half-dream and half-awake look on his face, but he was obviously taken aback in his heart.

Formation of a new MI2? !

What's the meaning?

After the East Factory is not enough to believe, you plan to build another West Factory?

This MI2, to what extent will the death of the defendant be infiltrated?

After savoring it carefully, a bright lightning flashed in Li Nuo's mind!

He connected all the things together at once, and instantly understood what a huge plan he was involved in!

As we all know, the targets of assassination and murder are all important figures who are loyal to the empire.

on the other hand:

Only imperial sergeants who are truly loyal to the empire and never bow to the death council will become the targets of the death council's assassination and murder.

Suicide is like a giant sieve.

Whoever it targets is tantamount to labeling this person as absolutely loyal to the empire.

This amounts to a very brutal personnel screening process.

Those who are loyal to the empire will undoubtedly die under the attack of the Death Council. For example, Second Lieutenant Gretel who was fighting in the third underground floor at this time.

But if an external force intervenes, Second Lieutenant Great is secretly rescued, and the illusion that Second Lieutenant Great and the enemy will perish together is created.

So, wouldn't this sergeant who was loyal to the empire naturally become the shadow of the empire?

Such a person is far more worthy of the Emperor's trust than the existing MI2.

Li Nuoming understood.

Martha Murphy, the captain who possessed great strength but never showed his face, must have been killed in name by the assassination of the Death Council, so she couldn't appear in front of the imperial soldiers to personally command the battle.

In addition, another question that Li Nuo discovered before has a clear answer at this moment.

After Second Lieutenant Great is rescued by Captain Murphy, will he return to the basement floor to preside over the overall situation?

The answer is clear.

He will not appear on the basement level, nor will he replace Pym as the acting commander of Alvin's army.

In all likelihood, Captain Murphy was on the third basement level at this time, revealing to Second Lieutenant Gretel the plan to form a new MI2, transforming Gretel into a shadow agent.

From now on, Second Lieutenant Great, like Captain Murphy, will become a new member of MI2 who walks in the dark and, as a transparent person, secretly investigates the degree of penetration of MI2 defendant's death.

This is the reason why Second Lieutenant Great will not return to the basement level even if he survives the evil crypt spider.

If Pim rushed over now, he would definitely break the secret and be silenced by Murphy.

This just met Li Nuo's needs, and created an opportunity for him to borrow the knife shark.

"Sin Bing No. 888, tell me, what is the strength of that mysterious man?"

Pim took a few deep breaths and managed to maintain his composure.

He came in front of Li Nuo, his eyes fixed on the other person's face, and there was fear and fierceness swimming in his eyes.

Although Li Nuo was dizzy, his reaction was not slow.

He already felt the killing intent in Pim's heart.

Pim definitely had the idea of ​​going to the third underground floor to kill the mysterious man and forcibly recovering the amulet.

If he didn't do this, it would be tantamount to handing over his handle to the people of the new MI2.

This is the fatal point that can kill him at any time.

With this in mind, Li Nuo was fully prepared.

"I don't know if the mysterious man is powerful or not, but I feel that he is very ordinary, just like an imperial soldier. When he saw Pigg being crushed to death by a bone hammer, he pushed away the skeleton soldier and ran away. I don't know where he went."

Pim stared at Li Nuo's face for a few seconds.

The crooked mouth, dilated pupils, dull eyes, slurred speech, and drooling from the corners of the mouth are indeed symptoms of drug attacks.

Therefore, what Sin Bing No. 888 said is true.

Pym was absolutely convinced of this.

The "Soul Torture Potion", a specialty of the Death Club, has never been missed!

With his hands behind his back, Pim walked slowly around Li Nuo, his brows were tightly knit together, and he muttered to himself:

"The emperor actually let ordinary people serve as investigators for the new MI2...

"It's no wonder that we haven't investigated which lieutenants and non-commissioned officers participated in the plan to form the new MI2. It turns out that our investigation has been in the wrong direction. The active members of the new MI2 are not the lieutenants and non-commissioned officers we expected , but ordinary soldiers.

"...No, no, no, they may not even be soldiers, just ordinary people who have received professional training. Only in this way can they completely stay out of the sight of the current MI2.

"The strength of that mysterious man is really not that great. He probably isn't even an Extraordinary. He just relied on some means to walk unimpeded among the undead. Since his strength is very poor, don't blame me for silence..."

Pim stopped in front of Li Nuo, looked at Li Nuo's crooked eyes, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"Very good, Criminal Soldier No. 888, I am very satisfied with the information you provided. Next time if there is such important news, I hope you will tell me honestly. Oh, sorry, I forgot that the effect of the medicine has not faded, you You can’t remember what I said. Forget it. When I interrogate you next time, I’ll use torture tools to help you recall your memories.”

Pim took out his pocket watch, counted silently against the second hand, then took a glass jar from the table, and forcibly poured the clear water in the jar into Li Nuo's mouth.

Seeing that Li Nuo's eyes became clear, and the expression on his face changed from confusion to thought, and then from thought to panic and fear, Pim smiled with satisfaction.

"What did I say, what did I say..."

Li Nuo's eyes were dull, and he was indescribably anxious and frightened:

"I said something... I can't remember anything..."

"Criminal Soldier No. 888, I already know everything I want to know. Just wait and see the result. Before long, you will succumb to me. I hope that by then, you will still be able to speak freely in front of me." talk."

After speaking, Pim didn't give Li Nuo a chance to ask, and directly raised his head and shouted:

"Guard, come in!"

The guard lifted the curtain, stepped into the tent, and raised his hand to salute:

"Reporting to you, sir."

Pim patted Li Nuo on the shoulder, and said kindly:

"I have already interrogated. Although Soldier No. 888 has a loose attitude and bears sins, his nature is not bad, and he maintains absolute loyalty to the empire and the emperor. You can send him to the tent of the Mars team now."

"Yes, sir." The guards unfastened Li Nuo's ankles, handcuffs and the magnetic device around his neck, lifted him from the chair, and escorted him away.

Li Nuo lowered his head, covered his face with his hair, and looked devastated.

But in fact, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Jie Jie Jie!


rest in peace!

Thanks to Hunzi Achuner, Miaosheng Zhenren, and the hero in the tragedy for the monthly tickets!

Thank you for the 100 points rewarded by the Drunken Lantern Vendor Sword!

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