
Chapter 576: [Bright Heart]

"This dax, the courage is getting bigger and bigger!"

Sophie quietly read the top-secret emergency document in her hand, and could not help sighing.

This is an urgent confidential message from Yanjing, which was transferred back to the north through the secret intelligence channel of the Chamber of Commerce established by Dax.

At present, the big boss of Xia is not at home, and the affairs in the north are basically responsible for Sophie and Mad Dog Green. Sophie has been officially transferred from Chief of Staff to Chief of Government, while Green naturally continues to be in charge of military affairs.

This information was sent to the commander's office for the first time, and naturally fell into Sophie's hands.

What kind of character is the best female disciple of Cavill Hill, but after reading the report of Dax, I knew what the former Landis intelligence elite was thinking.

"The courage is too big!" Sophie couldn't help but pat the table lightly, but then, a weird smile appeared on the corner of the girl's mouth: "But ... this kind of thing, the courage to magnify, it is not a bad thing. . "

Standing in front of Sophie, there was a middle-aged general with a calm face, which was General Juncker.

Juncker looked at Sophie and frowned, "Master, what the **** is it ..."

"Master Junker, I have one thing here that needs your help."

"I?" Junker thought for a while, and smiled bitterly: "Master, I am now in charge of the security forces, and is under the direct control of Deputy Commander-in-Chief Green. If you need anything to cooperate with me, you must have Master Green's military order Only. "

Sophie glanced at Junker with a slight smile: "General Junker, you and I are both very knowledgeable. I might as well tell you that the matter at hand right now is too big for me! But it is not good to let Greene first The lieutenant general knew. "

"Oh?" Juncker's eyes flashed.

"In the Northern Army, it is inevitable that there are some old Adriks." Sophie shook her head. "If this thing works, I'm afraid Adrick will be uncomfortable. So ..."

"What the **** is that?" Juncker frowned, looking at Sophie, hesitated: "Master, Marshal Charya didn't leave a message when he left. If there is something particularly important, you can ask Mrs. Adeline to come to arbitration ,and so……"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Sufi suddenly burst out laughing, she glanced at Juncker, and then threw this secret document in front of Juncker: "What a wonderful thing here! Is this the best thing? Just don't know it to our wife! At least ... I'll explain it to my wife after waiting for the dad to come back! Hahahaha ... "

Juncker picked up the file and looked at it for a while. The more he looked at the expression, the more wonderful his expression was. After putting down the file, Junker could not help but exhale a long, strange expression.

"Our boss is really daring!"

After waiting for Junker to sigh, Sophie immediately converged the smile on her face, and said positively: "General Junker, I asked you to discuss this matter, the intention is very clear: you were once the leader of the royal night forest! This kind of thing is always more experienced, so ... "

Juncker smiled bitterly and nodded, indicating that he understood.

Dark Night Royal Forest has always been a private secret arm of the royal family, and it also deals with some unsightly private affairs for the royal family. Juncker has been the leader of Dark Night Royal Forest for many years. Naturally, he does not know how many royal secrets he has participated in, and how many unsightly things he has handled.

This kind of dirty work is tiring. He is indeed more professional than ordinary people.

"Dax was very brave, and he dared to take over such things," Sophie said slowly. "But, adults use him for exactly this reason. He is the one who came from Landis and started Things will not be tied up, this time, if this thing can work well, it will be a big contribution. "

"But ... what are you going to do about this?" Junker put down the document.

Sophie took it, took a look at the candlelight beside him, and quickly burned the secret piece to ashes.

The girl's face was very solemn.

"Ducks mean, I can already guess, this guy's heart is big enough and hard! But ... it fits my temper."

After a pause, she looked at Junker, and slowly said, "My idea with Dax is quite tacit: The identity of the queen's tummy has a lot to do!"

As she said, she asked, "General Juncker, you said, we have so many people gathered next to Xia, standing under the banner of the Northern Army, what are you finally asking for?"

Juncker hesitated: "Always for some ideas ... I don't know what everyone thinks, but most people, the ultimate goal is to hope that the forces of the Northern Army will eventually reach the top! This empire looks at No, at the moment, it seems that it is just a reenactment of the Warring States era before the founding of Byzantium! At the moment, it seems that the strongest and most powerful are us, so ... if our boss can finally reach the top, we will be north Even if the army is successful. "

"Well, you're right, I can be sure that most people in the Northern Army think so now-even the guy from Green, although he was a bit disheartened before, but now his thoughts have gradually turned. "Sophie smiled lightly." But what if our boss doesn't have the intention of being an emperor himself? "

Junker smiled lightly: "How is it possible-but, even if that day really doesn't have such a mind, the people below will push him to sit in that position, because the Northern Army and him, all glory and glory, one If it hurts, he represents the interests of the entire group, so let him not sit! "

"That's right." Sophie nodded. "But now Dax, and I ... one of the plans I thought was: Our boss, don't be emperor!"

No, don't be emperor?

Juncker frowned.

As he said, the situation is getting clearer now. Most people in the Northern Army are up and down!

Since the Byzantine Empire was not completed, it naturally reverted to the Warring States era before the founding of the People's Republic. At that time, nothing more than a war of unity!

Xia, even though he is not an emperor, is at least the most competitive candidate currently recognized.

Who doesn't want to be the founding father?

And what Sophie said surprised Junker: She didn't want to let Emperor Xia Adam?

"Don't worry about it. I'll ask you first. Based on what you know about our boss, his surname, would you like to be emperor?"

Junker thought about it and shook his head, "I like it, I don't know ... but at least being an emperor is by no means his pursuit. I see that our boss ... is actually a man who lives in peace. He came to today and said They were also forced step by step. If it were not for the Odin's southward invasion war, our boss would not have become a powerful local. "

"That's it." Sophie nodded. "He doesn't necessarily like to be emperor ... but the entire Northern Army wants him to be emperor. Now this child is an opportunity."

"What do you mean?" Juncker suddenly moved, he guessed Sophie's idea.

"The identity of the child, the son of Xia, the heir of the Northern Army. At the same time, he is also the grandson of the Duke of Minas and naturally has the right to inherit the Minas family. If the two would like, they can work together and then in this child In this generation, the two have become one-what else to fight, anyway, in a few decades, that child will become two common bosses. "

Sophie said here, deliberately paused: "But this child has another identity: he is the son of the queen! Although he is wearing a green hat to the emperor, if ... the emperor can recognize the child, then this The child has the identity of a prince-but that is the crown prince of the Byzantine Empire. "

She looked at Junker: "Openly fighting and overthrowing an empire with one shot ... Although we can do it, it will cost a lot of money. And our Northern Army has always been loyal to the empire. Doing things to usurp the country will inevitably be criticized by history books. Then now is the best opportunity ... no need to openly usurp the country! As long as the idea pushes the child in the queen's belly to the position of heir-throne The position of the heir! Then ... the next United War, with the righteousness, will be much less difficult. "

Junker thought about it, "Master Xia ..."

"Xia Ya certainly has no opinion." Sophie smiled wryly: "I know the boss's name very well. He has never been interested in being an improper emperor. That child is his, so if he gives the throne to his own child, he is absolutely Without any problems. "

"But ... how could His Majesty Garcia emperor tolerate ..."

No normal man would agree to make his wife steal the wild seed as his heir.

"It's very simple." The smile on the corner of Sophie's mouth was a hint!

Juncker suddenly jumped in his heart and lost his voice: "You want to ..."

"Once and for all." Sophie said lightly: "The fate of His Majesty the Emperor has already been determined. We don't need him to speak and approve ... Just make up a will, and then make the Emperor speechless. All right."

Then Sophie sighed: "Even if I don't do this ... Dax will do it! Dax will not do it, Duke Minas will do it! Since this child exists, then two The future benefits are pinned on this child. In order to make this child high, the Garcia emperor is the biggest stumbling block and will inevitably be eliminated! "

Juncker looked grim: "Master, please order."

"General Juncker, you are the leader of Yulin of the Night. You are most familiar with Yanjing, the Royal Palace, and the Royal Family, and this matter ... I can only leave it to experts like you." Sophie's expression also became abnormal. Seriously: "But I think you should understand one day ... no matter what the circumstances of our conversation today, I will not admit that it happened! And this command will not appear in any documentation! No matter When will I not admit this kind of thing! This matter is very difficult. No matter what you do, whether it is successful or not, the truth will never be announced! Even if you succeed, you will not get official rewards and promotions. If you fail ... we won't admit it. "

"Of course I understand." Juncker smiled bitterly, and he thought for a moment: "I'm leaving for Yanjing ... I don't need to bring too many people, I'll just bring some good friends."

"That Nigul is the nephew of the late City Guard General Span. He is also very familiar with the situation in Yanjing, but he can take it to help you."

Junker didn't speak, and turned away from the room after saluting.

Sophie walked out from behind the desk, walked to the window sill, and opened the window gently. The outside brought warm spring air into the room. Sophie took a deep breath, and the cold expression on her face finally slowly dispersed go with.

"It's really hard. Teacher ..." Sophie whispered softly: "It's not a simple thing to assist my last wish you gave me. After doing so many things, just Even my own heart is getting dark. "

... "There is light in the heart, and light everywhere."

Solhanigan stood under the stars and smiled slightly at Charya: "If your heart is dark, then it is dark everywhere. The point is ... what is your heart."

Xia Ya squinted her eyes and pondered for a moment: "The heart is the world, the heart is the world, the heart is the world ..."

"Wrong, the heart is not this world, the heart is your own world." Sol Zhengzhengzheng said: "Jump out of this world, jump out of this book. The heart is your own, your own, can make any world, any Rules. Whatever you want, this is how! "

"Always have this world first." Xia Ya smiled bitterly: "I haven't, so why not jump out?"

"Then go and have it." Solhanigan smiled suddenly, pointing at the outline of the mountain at the far end of the wilderness: "The mountain is there. What if you asked it to be moved over?"

"... Mountain will not move ~ ~ Xia Ya shook his head. He lowered his head and thought for a moment, suddenly his eyes brightened, and raised his head and smiled:" Since the hill is there, since the hill cannot come to me, let me Go for it. "

Saul took a deep look at Charya and finally nodded slowly: "You've got it!"

"The world is the world. I am in this world, and the world is in me ... The world is me, and I am the world." Charlie sighed.

Then he suddenly held the fork, and flicked his fingers.

There was a crisp sound, and a beautiful light shone on the fork.

This light is no longer a red flame like crimson murderous, but changed from red to orange, from orange to yellow, then to green, and then blue ... red orange yellow green blue blue purple, the color is ever-changing, no stickiness!

Charya looked at the light on the fork in her hand and murmured, "Power is power, no longer a surname!"

(To be continued)

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