
Chapter 486: [You will know soon] (7000 words)


When Duffini woke up, the room was already dark, raised his eyelids and looked out the window, and it was already dark outside, and the time had come to night.

The eyes still felt a little sour and swollen. After crying a lot, I fell asleep asleep, and my eyes were a little bit sour. Waking up from a dream, Deffeney was still a little confused, took a deep breath, and was a little awake, so she had to sit up subconsciously.

But as soon as I moved, I immediately realized that my arms were still tightly holding something ...

Looking back again, this time, Dafini almost exclaimed.

Fortunately, the exclaimed voice only rushed to her mouth, and was forced down by her forcibly, but it was only dark, and that pretty face was instantly red.

At this moment, his posture is really too shameful.

Lying on the bed myself, but curled up into a ball, leaning tightly against the side of the bed facing outwards, holding the arms tightly, but it was the Charya ’s arm, the thick arm was in his arms There seems to be a faint feeling of security and reliance.

The body, even its own body, is next to each other tightly.

What made Diffany's blushing face even more was that her own head was even leaning on Charlie's thigh.

My heart jumped up and down quickly. Defeny just felt that her throat was a little dry, and for a moment, she was a little dazed. She didn't know if she was dreaming ... But whether she was awake or dreaming, she was like this It's extremely wrong to have such a close contact with that person.

Fortunately, Stephanie took a deep look at Charya, and although she woke up, the guy still closed her eyes. Charya ’s breathing was very even, and her body was leaning on the chair. ”Her mouth was still slightly open, as if she was still stroking lightly. It was a little uncomfortable to look at the sitting posture: the body leaned on the back of the chair, You ca n’t rest on your feet, you have to stretch out your arms to hold yourself. Such an awkward posture “I want to come to sleep very uncomfortably.

He ... He just slept like this for a day, staying with me here, looking after me? In this uncomfortable posture, in order to let me hold his arm, I endured so long ...)

For a moment, my heart suddenly flew out of such a thought, making Defeny anxious and softened.

She tried to release Char ’s arm, but the posture of the two was too close. ”Dafini was worried that if she moved, she was afraid she would wake up ......... Such a shameful posture, did not fall asleep It's fine to know, but if they wake up like this, then they really can't be a person in the future. I'm afraid that in front of this Charya, they can't even lift their heads.

What made Defeny's face burn was that she felt it very clearly, because she held Char ’s arm in her arms, so tightly that she could feel the softness and fullness of her chest. , Right on the arm of the opponent ...

This kind of taste made Defeni feel dizzy for a while. "This is something she has never experienced in her life!"

Suddenly a bold thought came to my mind: if ......... if ......... if I continued to close my eyes to sleep, then this posture can continue to be maintained ... so that I feel safe and reliable ...

The thought that suddenly came out of her heart frightened Definy herself. Then she reminded herself fiercely that she was ashamed of the idea.

Duffini! What are you thinking about! Remember your identity! You are a queen, you are a husband! Every move you make affects the honor of the Minas family, how can you come up with such shameless thoughts! Don't forget, this man "He's your fiance's fiance! He ... he's not your man! No!

However, this feeling "really comfortable, such a strong arm" in my arms, as if to have a support, there is such a strong person, guarding himself around, even when he is asleep, he will It feels so safe ...

Somehow, I suddenly remembered that day, when Xia Ya returned triumphantly, under the gates of Denzel, with such a spirit and arrogance, she held Adelin in her arms, and then used Such a bold voice, as if to declare to the world: she is my woman! !!

Never ... never a man who has done all this to himself, never ... no ...

Heart-to-man battle, Defeni didn't know if he should let go of his hand, but it was subconscious, as if it were an instinctual subconscious action, and the arms he held were tightened.

Finally, just as Duffini's heart was almost out of her throat, a voice that nearly choked her sounded in the darkness.

"What's wrong? Have a nightmare?"

This is Charya's voice!

At the sound of this voice, Defeni immediately screamed and quickly dropped Charya's arm, and her heartbeat almost stopped at this moment.

Charlie retracted her arm and touched her chin awkwardly.

In fact, he didn't sleep deeply. Based on his cultivation, even if he was asleep, as long as there was a little abandonment around him, he woke up long ago.

It wasn't long before Dafini woke up, and Charlie felt it, and the native spirit was a little embarrassed. Even though he was such a carefree man, he also knew that such a gesture was not appropriate.

But Duffini was holding her arm tighter and tighter, but Charlie felt it. He knew that the woman had woke up, but in this case, let the girl in the family talk about the pressure and loss of responsibility first. To the woman, this moment is not Charya's style, so he chose to take the initiative to speak.

"No, no ..." After Diffany screamed, he hurried to speak, but unfortunately said it too fast, or because he was too nervous, he almost got choked by his own saliva, and coughed desperately covering his chest.

Xia didn't say anything, but stood up, took a glass of water, walked to the bed and handed it over: "Don't worry, take a sip, drink slowly. Free high-speed reading, all in \" \ ""

Hesitating for a moment, taking the cup, Defeni filled a large random. "Then it quieted down.

"Hungry?" Charlie's voice sounded extra tender in the dark room. This might be a hallucination of Defeny's heart, but she really felt it at the moment.

Duffini didn't answer, Charlie smiled bitterly: "You didn't eat anything during the day, and I heard that after a big cry," you will be very hungry. If you sleep for so long, you must be hungry. . "

Then Charlie turned and left the room.

Watching Xia ’s departure, the room was empty. "... At this time, Defeni suddenly felt a panic, as if the man was leaving, his heart seemed to become empty suddenly," ...

Fortunately, this panic didn't last long, and soon Duffini heard the footsteps that reassured her.

Charlie walked in again from the door, holding a candle in one hand and a plate in the other, with a few snacks in it.

"It's too late. There's no light in the kitchen. I just made a few snacks. You can eat some." Xia put the candle on the table. "Then she walked to the bed, and naturally stretched out her hands, her arms copied. Behind Dafini, she lifted her in this half-hugging position.

Charlie was purely habitual. He also treated this woman as a state of weakness after daytime poisoning. ”But after falling asleep, Deffeney had already recovered a lot of strength, but she only took her hands. At that time, Defeny's heart couldn't give up the thought of resisting in any way "as if it was so silly, obedient, let this man hold himself up and sit up, and then let his body rest on his shoulders , Most of his body seems to rely on each other's arms.

The snack was delivered to his mouth, and the man heard a gentle voice: "Take a bite, slow down."

"My mind is blank," Dafini obediently opened her mouth, biting gently.

The dim sum is cool "and the taste is average.

But Defeny felt that all the snacks he had eaten in his life all add up. "The cold and dry snack without a mouth is sweet!

Just such a small sip, unknowingly, a few snacks on the plate went into Defeny's belly. Until all the food was eaten, Dafini didn't move, and Charlie had to smile: "Sorry ... no, I didn't expect you could eat so much."

"Ah!" Dafini then woke up, her face flushed again: "Me, how much do I eat?"

"Well, a lot." Xia Haha smiled. "Will you continue to sleep? It's too early to dawn, you can't eat too much, eat too much to sleep, and your stomach will hurt."

If usually, a beautiful girl like Defeny attaches great importance to her appearance and body, she naturally knows that she cannot eat before going to bed, otherwise, it is more than simple stomach pain? That will cause the falling meat on the lower abdomen!

Girls look at their body and appearance more than life. If it is normal, Defeny will not eat any food for an hour before going to bed.

But today, in the arms of Xia, "let alone a few snacks brought by Xia, even if Xia brings another big plate, she will obediently eat all of them.

"I ..." I don't want to sleep anymore. "Diffany whispered. But even she felt that she was mumbling.

"Well, don't want to sleep, just talk, just" ..., don't cry anymore. " Xia Ya smiled: "Now the black lights are blind, everyone is asleep, only the vigil guard is outside, if you cry here, others heard it, thought I was bullying you in your room in the middle of the night, ha ha ... ... ""

Dafenni's face was burned like this. Fortunately, the candlelight in this room was dim. She should not be able to see clearly if she wanted to come. "She so comforted herself.

I took a few deep breaths and forced my heart's worries and thoughts down. Then Duffini whispered as hard as he could in his calmest tone: "Charya ... today's things, you can" ... "

"Today? What's the matter today?" Charlie looked blank.

"Jinjin," I cried in front of you ... only Defeni's head almost fell to his chest.

"Ahaha ..." Charlie scratched her head and said, "Relax, I won't say anything."

"You better forget." Deffeney made a cold tone deliberately.

"Forget it ..." Xia Ya thought for a moment, then shook her head: "No, no, you must not forget."

"You!" Definy was anxious.

"What are you doing?" Xia Yazheng said: "You are my friend, you have so much suffering and so much trouble, how can I turn a blind eye, and I really forget it after hearing it? That ’s too No sense of anger. In short, I will not ignore this matter. "

"You ..., ... what do you plan to do ?!" Definy was annoyed.

First ... Charlie just looked at Daphne and didn't speak.

Suddenly, Duffini didn't know where the evil fire came from, and he said loudly, "Don't you plan to keep me in Jingzer City forever ?! Or do you look at me like that Hughes?" Want to own me? !! "

Only then did Defini regret it.

She didn't understand what happened to her. On weekdays, I can keep calm and calm, and make a look of grace and nobility, but I do n’t know why tonight. In the presence of this man, his mind cannot be calmed down, and a few words or two will provoke "I'm emotional."

"Actually ... Charlie wasn't actually angry, but instead sat down, sitting on a chair by the bed, looking down at Defeny. The tone is soft: you are a beautiful woman, you are smart, you have a good temper Very kind, if it was n’t for those unlucky things you encountered ... well, "It can only be said that you are out of luck, it cannot be said that this must be your destiny. Hmm ... I believe that there will be many, many men in this world who will truly love you and want to take you as their own, "Hehe."

"What about you? Do you want it too!"

Another word without thinking.

The words are out. Defeni almost waited to get down to the bed.

Xia Ya was not embarrassed at all, and smiled frankly: "I am also a normal man." A normal man, whoever sees you will think so. At this point, he paused: "If it weren't for me having a poor worm, maybe I would really, hahahaha. "

The words are bold, but the tone is calm, but instead makes Defeny feel the openness of the other party. This guy really didn't have any evil thoughts about his son.

"You ... love Adelin" right? "

"That's for sure!" Charlie nodded immediately. "In this world, she is my favorite person!"

"I know." Duffini faintly said, "You do it for her." Throw everything and go to Wildfire to chase her back, and for her again. "Even dare to face Emperor Odin ..."

Diffany's heart suddenly gave birth to a kind of jealousy that scared her!

The thought scared her.

"In short, you can rest assured that the things you are afraid of will not be born." Xia Ya's tone was very serious, with a strong self-confidence: "Although I am not good at mixing now, but I can still protect myself by asking myself Do it. You can rest assured here with me. The little emperor does not dare to treat you. And you can rest assured that even if he does send someone to pick you up, I dare to call back all the people he sent. Sigiriya. "

"I believe your current forces can do this." Defeny said quietly, "You are General Wei Wei, you have land and population in several counties, and tens of thousands of troops. You can even say whether his throne can Sitting firmly depends on your face. But, but "

"But what?" Xia smiled.

But do you just do it out of pity for me? !! )

Diffany sighed so secretly, but he didn't dare to say it.

Yeah, mercy, it should just be mercy.

Or can it be for the well? He, he loves Adeline, the "poor worm" he said in his mouth, when he mentioned Adeline's name, his eyes would be bright!

What am I? At best, I was just a miserable woman who looked at him. He was in pity and helped me ...

"My family ..." Defeni wanted to persist.

"Go to the **** family." Xia Yadan said indifferently: "What is a family? The meaning of family should be mutual love and mutual support, so that the members of the family can live better! Stop accepting the tragic fate, let the **** family you said go to hell! "Charlie looked at Diffany's face:" I know your brother, Roddy is a good person, I believe In the case of him, he will not be willing to let you take on this. "

Looking at Defeny's face was a little hesitant, Charlie smiled: "And, the situation is different. In the past your family needed to marry the royal family to protect it" but now ... hum, the royal family itself is difficult to protect, I thought for myself, even if you don't go back, the emperor would not dare to treat your father and brother. He is now "who is alone" the most feared is the influence of General Adrik in the army. In order to balance, maybe he has to treat your father with more respect, and use the power of the father in the military. So you don't have to worry about your family being affected. "

At this point, Erya frowned, "But this is also a puzzling thing to me. It stands to reason that the situation of the emperor now" should be more powerful to win over your family, but why did he insist on you Deadly "........."

Then, he looked up at Duffini: "I saw you for the first time. At that hunting convention, the person who assassinated you by the lake should be ..."

"Yes. It's someone he sent." Defeni didn't mean to hide at this time.

"Why?" Xia smiled bitterly: "Even if he doesn't like you, he likes men, but ... why do you have to die? It's not bad for him to keep you by your side ... ... "

"Because of me ..." Definy's face was suddenly ashamed and flushed, but he gritted his teeth bitterly: "Because, I ... I saw some of his ugly things! He ..., his most ugly look was I saw "the most unsightly thing I know. He, although he looks very stable, in fact, his temperament is extreme, so he must kill me. I will live for a day, he will Worried that I will spread his scandalous scandals, so as his identity and status, it will become a laughing stock for everyone! He is an emperor "Nature will not allow me to continue to exist in this world!"

"Ugly? What ugly?" Xia was curious.

"You ... Don't ask. Anyway, it's ... very" very uncommon things ... "Diffany flushed and seemed to mention the topic." It's disgusting, but it's more of a kind. Shy.

Xia Ya faintly understood: "Is it because of what male pet he is with ..., you hit him ..."

Defeny gritted her teeth, and after being forced by Charlie, she had to confess a little: "You ... you should add a word."

"What word?"

"Us." Duffini whispered, "Male ghosts ... uh ..."

I say!

The soil spit up fiercely. Spit.

Male pet ... guys? !!

Does this rabbit not only like men, but also herds? Just imagine that a bunch of men were undressed and tangled together ......... Xia almost spit out even the supper.

"that's it?"

"And ..." and everything else ... "Diffany's face was hard to tell," Don't you ask anymore? I, I think of those scenes, was disgusting. "

Isn't it just a group ... there are other more popular?

Charlie shook her head. The little emperor seemed to have a heavy taste ... "...

The two just talked for a while but didn't match each other. After all, Diffany was still a little weak. After speaking for a long time, her spirit was a little tired, and her eyelids began to fight, but she refused to go to sleep, and didn't show tiredness. Deep down, there was a hard time Thought: If he falls asleep now, he will leave!

After all, he can't stay here all the time, and if he reveals drowsiness, he will definitely leave!

She left unwillingly, and Stephanie forcibly supported her spirit, but she was tired, and her body was too weak. How could she not support it? After a while, her consciousness finally became blurred and unknowingly. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

This sleep is extremely sweet.

Dafenni didn't wake up until the next day. She opened her eyes and saw that the room was already very bright. She immediately panicked, and looked around, looking for Charya.

Sure enough, as expected, where is the man in the room?

For a moment, Defeni could not help but be fooled, empty of heart, as if something was missing.

Looking at the sky board, the woman's heart did not know what was thinking at the moment.

Well, last night, he seemed to have spoken a word to me, how did that sentence come to ......... Well, gone, what he said was to live for himself. Yes, he told me to live for myself and stop thinking about the other "... to live for myself ..."

Live for yourself?


In fact, Charlie left much later than Defeni thought.

He also left the room after it was almost bright. After going out, he didn't leave Definy's house immediately, but took a round around with the guards, and ate something again.

By daybreak, Charlie had decided that she could not let Defeny stay here. For safety, she had to take her to the garrison house. After all, her garrison house was much safer. .

After a lot of work, I had time to rest and rest, and Dora's intentional weird laugh came.

"Hey, hey, hey ... Buchanan, you can't see it, you really have two hits! Hahahaha ..."

"Hmm, what's the right thing to say, don't be so yin and yang, what are you doing this mother dragon?"

"Yi? Didn't you notice it yourself?" Dora's voice was a little surprised, and then the female dragon Yinyin smiled: "boy, you're causing a lot of trouble, don't you know it yourself?"

"Trouble? What trouble? Lao Tzu has a lot of trouble. He is already worried about debt."

"Hahahaha ... you will know soon, my cute little earth owl ........., you will soon know ... I tell you, woman, is the biggest and biggest trouble in this world ... you You'll know soon! "


Defeni was escorted to the garrison house in Charlie, where she happened to be with Adeline.

Adeline was nervous about Definy's assassination and showed great concern for her good sister.

But Defeny's attitude towards the poor worm was a lot colder than before. "... or, she had a faint heart, as if she didn't know what attitude she should face the good sister.

Did she tell her that she had thoughts about her men?

God! Am I really an evil bad woman? )

Poor Worm didn't pay too much attention to the sudden indifference of Duffini, probably to her, it was just the abnormal behavior of Duffini's assassination.

But all this, for the time being has nothing to do with Xia.

Charlie started a cleaning operation in Denzel!

The Hawk member took office as an officer of the Security Department of Denzel City. Although he did not do things carefully enough, this guy had a strong momentum. After only two or three days in office, he took the soldiers of the Security Department into the city , Sure enough, they seized many spies and spies from various forces.

In fact, this matter is not as difficult as imagined. After all, Denzel City is a small city. The original population was not large. It is not difficult to find out those spurious foreign strange faces.

After a little interrogation, Xia Ya was really eye-opening. Obviously, as a big 6 emerging character, he has been eyed by various forces.

What made Xia crying and laughing was ~ ~. Of the spies caught, there were actually those from the Besta Military District.

In the face of the beautiful governor's wife, Charlie dropped all the spies in the Besta Military District and sent them back. By the way, I wrote a letter to the governor's wife, which revealed a little bit of dissatisfaction and threat. Well, if the governor's wife didn't want to offend herself deeply, she should do something in the future.

A few days later, there was a pinch in Limang.

The backyard door was finally opened.

Apparently, Merlin's torture of poor Dodoro had finally come to an end.

Our Master Dodoruo finally stood up in Merlin's hands with a tenacious vitality comparable to that of a cockroach, and appeared in front of Xia with a new look!


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