
Chapter 456: [Adrick's Problem] (6000 words)

Xia ’s order also made it clear that all the young and single Chinese characters in the entire army were shining their eyes.

However, Xia Ya left the **** "after all, his army is still out." If the army is now distracted, I am afraid there will be trouble. He simply gave another order to let these girls stand in a separate battalion and send someone to guard outside, no one is allowed to harass!

If you want to pursue a woman, let's go home! Now that the army is stationed outside, no one is allowed to make trouble! Otherwise, military law is engaged.

But in this way, a strange phenomenon came out of the army: the task of shift guarding outside the women's battalion became a hot job. The soldiers all sharpened their heads and asked to be the guards of the women's battalion. task. I heard that several battalions were competing with each other secretly for this. There are only three thousand riders in the army.

The coalition forces that originally belonged to the Besta Military District have already survived in name. After the governor's wife entered the imperial capital, the seven thousand riders on Besta side had separated from Char's army.

Charlie waited here for a few more days, and finally waited for a visit from the city.

The imperial parliament of the empire has completed the formalities of Charity's title. After reviewing His Excellency Xia Leiming's achievements, deeds, wind reviews, and origins, the aristocratic jury officially recognized His Excellency Xia Leiming as the Duke of the Empire.

The legal documents of the duke, the edict, and the signature documents of the noble jury were all sent to Charia.

Since then, Charya has become a duke of an empire! Fontenos County! Proclaimed "Prince Knoz"

Of course, there are many complicated details about the nobility's reward and procedures. For example, Xia must submit the family clan of his Duke's family, the genealogy of the family, etc ...

This is not a simple matter. The clan of an aristocratic family is not something you can just use to draw a symbol! The family of the aristocracy naturally has a pattern and rules. What kind of identity can be used in any pattern are all exquisite, and must not be exceeded! For example, a crown with a motif on the clan can only be used unless it is related to the royal family and has the descent of the royal family. Others are absolutely not allowed. There are also patterns of swords and scepters. "Unless it is in the family genealogy, ancestors have held a certain level of high-ranking military ranks before they can be qualified to use it. As for some flower and grass patterns, some are expressly stipulated, unless the ancestor is ordained Only after a certain level of merit can be used.

These things have their own traditions. It is also called heraldic science.

Where did Charya know what heraldic things were.

One year ago when he was last named the Baron of the Empire, there were already some fat men who had helped him hire some scholars from the Imperial City to make a set of these things. But now he has changed from a baron to a duke. The former clan is now too simple to use.

Fortunately, now the Empire and the Empire are struggling to close this young duke.

Anyway, the formalities of the knighthood have already been completed. As for when your adult Xia Ya is free, you have done a series of things such as clan micro, and sent someone to the imperial noble jury to fill in the formalities.

After waiting for two more days, the Ministry of Military Affairs also issued official documents. The appointment of Xia ’s “General of the Northern Guard District” has completed the procedures of the Ministry of Military Affairs. Yes, in addition to the post of "General of the Northern Guard District", the official document issued by the military also added a title to Xia.

Chief of Staff Staff.

This post has always been the staff of the military, and the staff of the staff is much higher than that of the general staff. The rank of the commissioner is second only to the director and the minister (military affairs). Ministers and deputy ministers are counted as commander-in-chief, heads of various departments of the military are counted as ministers), and commissioners are counted as key members of the military.

In this way, it was considered that Xia had added a vacancy to the Imperial Central Army.

In addition to the local generals, there is one more direct post in the military, which is probably what Adrik meant.

Both the official position and the title of the title have been set, so in accordance with the usual practice, Xia can write to the Ministry of Military Affairs and return the soldier to his jurisdiction.

Xia Ya was ready to personally bring people back into the capital again, went to the military headquarters, handed in his military order to return to the north, and met General Adrik again.

Adrik had a busy military service and the capital was restored. He supported a large military stand in his hand. On the one hand, he had to rectify the army and strengthen control of the Osgiriya region. Mobilize supplies and prepare a major counterattack against the rebels.

The mountain of things awaited him. Adrik was almost so busy that he had no time to eat or sleep.

But even so, he met Charlie in his office.

For Charlie's request to return, Adrik groaned for a moment and then directly rejected it.

"Wait a few more days."

Facing Adrik's words, Charlie showed some difficulties.

It has been many days since he led his own troops. Speaking of which, when he brought soldiers to King Didu Qin, he originally grabbed the throne of the Seal of Time. Before he set off, he swallowed Siltan County. There were still a lot of military affairs at home. Although it occupied Syltan County and Corsica, there is still a lot of work to be done to access such a huge victory.

Xia Ya naturally wanted to go back to the north immediately.

"I know you're in a hurry." Adrik looked at Fuya with a serious tone: "But now you are needed more here! The Landis have said that they will withdraw from Osgilia in batches! But their article is that, In batches, if you stay here, it is a deterrent to them! If you leave, their withdrawal from the capital is planned, I'm afraid they will be deliberately delayed. "

Charlie frowned: "Although I claim to be 10,000 cavalry, in fact, only three thousand riders are mine, and the Bestad takes up seven thousand. Even though I am gone, the Bestad are still here." Enough. "

Adrik shook his head and gazed at Fuya: "Because of this, you can't walk now! Externally, although the Bestad has seven thousand rides, you have only three thousand ... but for the Landis, you Xia Leiming's name is the real deterrence! The Beasts are not seen by the Landis! After all, your Xia Leiming is the one who defeated the Odin Red Snow Army! Don't say you have three thousand Iron riders, even if you only have three hundred riders, stay here, the Landis will not dare to move lightly. "

Charlie smiled bitterly, felt her own tune, and exhaled! "Fuck, is my name so useful?"

"What do you say?", Adrik sneered, "" The prestige of a famous man is piled up with countless lives and blood! Putting your name on Xia means deterrence! Representing the Dead Sea and Blood Sea! How can the Landis not be deterred? !! For an unknown person, who will see it! "

Charlie nodded, and could not help but feel a little proud. Baidu broke the decadent update, but Adrik immediately changed his tone: "" This is the reason! One more reason is internal! Beasts are the new arrivals after all! If you leave, leave them in the imperial capital, I'm afraid they may not be relieved! Hum, the intention is to use the Bestad to restrict you ", but it may not be really reassuring to them! After all, they were still a member of the rebels! If you leave, the Bestad 7,000 cavalry are here, just in case What a mess ... Are you here a deterrent to the Bestas? "

Charya's eyes lit up: "The top ... don't worry about the Bestas?"

Adrik snorted, but took a deep look at Charya: "Have you said to the prime minister, beware of Besta?"


Charlie froze.

He did say this to the Prime Minister, and it was also the governor's wife of Besta who asked for it.

"Yes, I did." Fu Ya nodded.

Adrik frowned and looked at Xia, "then stood up, walked to the door, closed the door, turned to stare at Xia, and said in a deep voice," Why do you say this to the prime minister? "

"..." Xia hesitated, and said slowly: "It is not without reason, after all, the Bestad people are newly arrived, if they are not prepared for them ..."

Adrik smiled slightly: "Do you really think so? "

Xia Ya smiled bitterly: "Well, General Mingcha ... that, isn't it jealous of me? This time I reused the Besta people. From the reward, it is clear that it is to divide my relationship with the Besta people. It ’s all right. Did n’t they just want to make me and Besta into a quarrel? I ’m deliberately saying bad things about Besta people behind them. Let them rest assured. "

"What's your relationship with the Besta?" Adrik asked.

Fu Ya slightly hesitated, and finally did not hide: "The relationship is good, there is cooperation."

Aderick grinned, looking at Charlie, and his smile was a little weird: "It seems that you and the governor's wife have a tacit understanding! You told the prime minister to guard the Bestars, and the governor's wife is said to be in the face When I saw the Prime Minister, I also said that the imperative of the empire now is to restrict the breeding of new warlords! Hehe ... Limit the new warlords! Looking at you, who can be the only new warlords, except for Xia Ya, this title? You Both sides talk bad things about each other behind their backs.

Xia Ya laughed twice, didn't speak, and simply came up with a default.

Adrik waved his hand: "I don't care about these little tricks of yours. But it is also good to let the above be assured to you. As long as you really don't have any ideas you shouldn't have!"

Charlie sighed: At this time, Adrik still didn't forget to beat himself.

"One more thing." Adrik looked a little displeased: "I heard that a few days ago, you received a lot of women? ",Ruined.

Charya's face turned white.

This matter was ignored by Xia Ya, even if it was reported that he was lascivious outside, Xia Ya only thought that someone was farting.

However, Adrik asked about this, but it was a bit difficult!

Anyway, he went to begged somebody, and Adrick was his future father-in-law.

He collected hundreds of "maids" in the city, and spread the word. Before he married his daughter, he found so many women ... Speaking of it, Adrik was afraid that he would be very upset.

Charlie hurriedly explained it again.

After Adrik listened, his expression was only mild, and he nodded: "I know that you should not be that kind of lecherous guy. Well, the war in the north is only over. You have your tens of thousands of troops stationed there. The ratio of men to women is imbalanced. It is only a trick for you to get some women back.

As soon as Xia Ya was in her heart, she hurriedly said what happened to Via. Speaking at the end, he smiled bitterly: "My lord, Miss Via can be quite prejudiced to me, I see ..." The implication is a bit of evasion.

Adrik snorted: "I don't care about you young people. Now that you have asked for a kiss, how to decide my daughter is your problem.

Hum, do men want women, do you want me to teach you to do it? Woman, spend more time and coax, it will always be okay. "

After a pause, probably the old man also knew that his daughter was a little "alternative", a little softer, and whispered: "The relationship between Via and me, when you talk ... oh, I never have time to impress the throne. Going to discipline her, her temperament is really special. You see in my face, tolerate her more. Since I promised her to you, I will always rely on you to take good care of her life. "

Charya thought: Take care of Via's life? I'm afraid she saw me in the face when she saw me ...

Xia's brows wouldn't frown, even if he led his army towards the Odin. But to say that in the face of the great Miss Via, it is really a headache.

"Well, that's it. You don't want to go back for a while, wait a few days outside the city, um ... Besta's rewards and appointments have come down, and when they ask for a return, you will be with them After leaving, I was relieved. It took a few more days. "I'd better put pressure on the Landis to urge them to withdraw sooner. "Aderick directly ordered, and then seemed to think of something again, glanced at Xia:" You sent two hundred horses a few days ago, and you did a good job. " I thank you for the military! But I am too tight at present, and I have not paid you military expenses. "

Xia Ya immediately patted his chest and said, "I don't need the money, so I should respect your old man ..."

Aderick laughed and glanced at Xia: "Since that is the case, you might as well honor some more, Minger, you'll send another two hundred horses."

Charlie's face suddenly suffered.

Send two hundred more? There are four hundred horses before and after! These are all excellent war horses! Four hundred war horses are enough to arm a riding camp!

"What a frown." Adrik smiled. "I know you feel bad. But now the imperial capital is in a tense situation. You are in the northern part of More County, which warhorse is much more convenient than mine ... Hum, sitting on a border trade Channel, do you still care about this cost in the future? "

Xia Ya reluctantly, gritted his teeth: "Well, I will send someone tomorrow ... But sir, this is the last two hundred, if you want it again, I will not have it. I have thousands of cavalry, if not Horse, you ca n’t tell my people to run back to the north. I also brought so many places ... ”

"Goods? Huh, it's the spoils seized from the rebels!" Adrik smiled.

Xia hurriedly cried, "Those things, don't think of any more ideas! My soldiers are desperately trying to kill the seized things. If you want me to turn in, I'm afraid the people below won't accept it. Besides, I also have a few people. Tens of thousands of people eat horse chews, and the cost is huge. I still have to wait to bring them back to raise soldiers. "

"Huh, I didn't say the idea of ​​hitting your spoils." Adrik shook his head: "Apart from the many women you have received these days, those aristocrats have given you a lot of gifts? Not much to say, worth tens of thousands of gold coins There are always. "

Charlie smiled and didn't elaborate.

In fact, there are more than tens of thousands of gold coins. He probably calculated that the gifts and gifts he sent were just worth more than 100,000 gold coins! This has not yet counted the value of those waitresses sent!

Adrik's face was a bit ugly: "At this moment, the war is not over yet, the military is preparing to organize the entire army to counterattack, and the emperor's expenses are tense! I have expressed my majesty and want the nobles to donate some military expenses. Those guys are all Worrying for the sky, one excuse for the left, one excuse for the right, just refused to contribute to the country! These short-sighted guys! Don't you understand that if you can't complete the counter-offensive, you will wipe out the rebel party in one day, and the crisis of the empire will not be eliminated in one day! There is so much money in it, and once again in the future "... hmm, I'm afraid I have no life to spend"

It seems that Adrik has a real headache for military responsibility these days. He has also eaten a lot of maggots in the empire, and his anger has accumulated a lot.

But Charlie had no words.

He sent Adrik a few hundred horses, which was already his affection for Adrik. It would be impossible for him to donate military expenses.

He also has to raise tens of thousands of soldiers!

But ...

Charya rolled her eyes and said, "My lord, military affairs, I have a way."

Adrik's eyes lit up: "Oh? You said! "

Charya said indifferently: "I am in the north, in the war-torn area of ​​County More. Natural resources are in short supply. I only rely on local finances, let alone tens of thousands of soldiers. I was afraid that I could feed thousands of soldiers! Insufficient supplies, it was simply implemented locally ... military management "

"Army?" Adrik changed his face.

"All the materials are concentrated and the rationing system is carried out!" Fu Ya said indifferently: "No matter what the wealthy businessmen are, the big ones are fine. "At that time," there is no way. If there is no money, the city is broken, everyone is finished! At this time, my heart is soft and I am afraid that there is no way out. I am in North More County, in Denzel City, May In Star City, military control and rationing are implemented. All food is handed in, and everyone must make exceptions. Regardless of their status, local nobles, merchants and civilians must hand over all food, and the army must register and build it. Book, after the records are made, according to the human head, the required rations are dispensed daily! As for military expenses, the same must be guaranteed during the war! Only alive can make sense. "

"Isn't this looting?" Adrik shook his head.

"It's not robbing, it's rationing. When supplies are scarce, you have to do it! Speaking of them, the main targets are still rich people! Huh, the army can't eat enough." Those rich people still have grain in their granaries, and there is a gold religion in their treasuries ... Why can I protect them like this? Who do my soldiers fight to fight against the Odin? These banquet people would not even pay military expenses and don't want to contribute food, so I don't have to be kind to them. "

Adrik looked different and frowned.

Charya said indifferently: "Of course, the situation in the north and the capital are different. More County is just a wealthy businessman in some places. The capital is a wealthy family, and it is impossible to forcefully collect their property by the same means. .but……"

Xia Ya lowered his voice and said, "The emperor's capital was previously attacked by the rebels. I heard that there were some noble giants at that time, and they seemed to collude with the rebels ... Adults may wish to make a fuss about it. "

Adrik's eyes brightened! He had fought in his life, but he was not a kind-hearted person. He took a look at Xia Ya, "Your intention ..."

"It really does n’t make sense to be held accountable. When embarrassed, everyone finds a way back for themselves, and they ca n’t really blame them. But ... people always pay a price for what they have done. The enemy is here Just surrender. After the enemy has gone, it ’s not so good to hug your thigh. It ’s better to let go of the wind and say to prepare to check the internal collusion with the rebels, and then let the nobles donate military expenses to the outside ... … Two things at the same time, those aristocrats, but not fools, I promise you that someone will take the lead in donating military expenses. "

Speaking of this, Charlie frowned: "But this matter has a difficult place ... just offend people! These aristocratic giants are deeply entrenched, they have a handle on the throne of the Seal of God for a short time ~ ~ must not No money, but after things have passed, I ’m afraid they will be remembered and hated by them ... So, do n’t do this thing, just find someone in your own right. Do you want me to see it, this is a call to donate military expenses, you may do it As for clarifying the situation of internal collusion with the rebels, may this matter be left to the Prime Minister to deal with it! Hehe ... "

Charlie smiled strangely.

Hum, the prime minister, first made a fuss on his own fief, and sealed himself to the site occupied by Hastings, and made it clear that it was Yin Laozi! Then he deliberately stirred up and asked him to marry Adrik's daughter (speaking that he later had to take the initiative to ask for a marriage, which was also forced by the prime minister!), The old man, impassively, gave himself two condoms. You have to pay him back!

The matter of collecting money let Adrik do it. As for ordering the investigation and convicting the party to offend those nobles, the Prime Minister should worry a lot ... Adrik looked at Charya, hesitated, and sighed: "" Well, it's a very unusual thing. I'll consider your suggestion. "

[Niu Wen without advertising novel dedication]

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