
Chapter 438: [Wolf Ben Baotu]

With this "protection," the southward journey, the Besta Military Region can be said to have really taken out the family.

Tens of thousands of cavalry were out, and the cost of supplies has reached an extremely alarming level.

If the cavalry is on a long march, tens of thousands of cavalry will definitely have more than 10,000 horses. Otherwise, "run to the place, the war horse is exhausted long ago, where is the strength of the battle?"

The cavalry troops march with prepared horses and stable horses. During the march, a small number of elite horses are prepared for transfers. Even so, it is not too expensive to have all the troops equipped with prepared horses. The only way is to carry a certain amount of horses or carriages, which is specially responsible for loading heavy armor equipment and forage and grain to reduce the load on the cavalry and save horsepower.

It can be said that a tens of thousands of cavalry expeditions and expendable supplies can be converted into tens of thousands of infantry.

Although the Besta Military District is known as a strong army and strong, and under the years of operation of the legendary Governor's wife, he also saved a lot of money, but this time the trip to the King King South, the Besta Military District is really bleeding.

This behavior can also be said to show the determination of the Governor's wife.

Is this unusual, as it relates to the future destiny of the Besta Military Region? !!

Marching all the way south, the army left the Besta Military District, and went south along Esria County. Esria County has been annexed by the Besta Military District. There are also supplies in this way, but after a few days, you leave Ethiopia. Shire County, even if it completely entered the enemy area.

However, the situation has changed at this moment. Tens of thousands of cavalry marched and blatantly played the banner of King Guoqin. "Just going south and passing along the way, even if it was the rebel forces in the local military area, I didn't dare to stop Oss Gillia's news has been spread. The rebels lost and lost. The remaining forces in the local area have only kept their minds. Where can they fight the enemy in transit?

Fu Ya and the governor's wife also have a good understanding. "It's just that the Southward Army, the towns along the way, all go around the city, never stay entangled, even if they occasionally stop repairing or replenishing supplies and fresh water, They do not clash with the remnants of the local forces.

There was even such an interesting thing along the way: when passing through some cities, the army rarely stayed "when replenishing horsepower and freshwater" "the rebels in the city are closed to the city gates, never go out to meet the enemy" or even some The "Rebel Army" found out that the cavalry outside the city just stopped replenishing supplies, and sent people to drop some water and food from the city wall to give each other one by one, and quickly sent these plague gods early. The defense zone is just fine.

The morale of the rebel forces has been reduced to this. "It was a bit of a surprise to Xia. When he wanted to come, even though he had suffered some losses in Osgilia, after all, there were dozens of military areas in the Red Round Table, which controlled Byzantine. Over half of the empire's territory, there are hundreds of thousands of armor, and a population of tens of millions ... Even if such a huge force loses a battle in Osgilia, it will not immediately collapse. If you want to level the Quartet and resume the decree, I am afraid that there will be several years of civil war to fight.

But I did not expect to pass by. "The rebels in these places are not half-minded, even seeing these places." In some smaller towns, the rebels have even put down their arms. " Showing a little siege, maybe the opponent really opened the door and surrendered.

Such a situation "called Xia Ya's heart with a bitter smile and helplessness.

It was the governor's wife, but his face became more and more gloomy!

There is no reason ... if the rebels have been decadent and fallen into this state "then their own surrender, for the empire, the weight will be less and less! In case the rebels surrender first, then their own credit How much weight can there be in the emperor's heart?

With such anxious thoughts in mind, the Governor's wife even stepped up to urge Xia to march along the way, and must be able to rush to Oscaria as soon as possible.

She is a fragile woman who follows the army in this cavalry army. She has already suffered a lot along the way. The army is out, and naturally there are no luxurious and comfortable carriages for her to ride. Her gorgeous, excessive carriage is naturally not. May be with the army, just an ordinary marching carriage, and the "bone of the early man's bones have almost fallen apart," the governor's wife obviously never had such hardships. The army walked for seven or eight days, and she lost weight. In a circle, there was a lot of haze in the look, and it looked a lot worse.

There is also an interesting thing, but that is General Lear who accompanied the trip south.

In previous dealings, Xia knew that Lear was definitely a cunning and smart guy. In the Besta Military District, the governor's wife was already powerful, and General Lear was supported by a few old courtiers as heirs. " It was really a stab in the eyes of the Governor's wife. This time the Governor's wife named him to go south with the army. The general Lear was also well-behaved. After receiving the order, he did not dare to strap and hesitate. Word processing) Obediently led the army southward.

He was accompanied by only fifty riders, a squad of troops, from his own team.

It stands to reason that General Lear can be supported by some old courtiers to fight against the Governor's wife in the Besta Military District. He also has a little military power in his hands. Speaking of which, his force is definitely more than just a few dozen riders. If you really want to mobilize people and horses, you can do it with five or six hundred fine riders. But he only brought so many people one by one. If you change someone else, in order to protect your own safety, naturally you ca n’t wait for all the elite. Bring them with you, but this Lear's approach actually made Charya look at him higher!

The reason is simple! All seven thousand riders in the army are close relatives of the Governor's wife! Even if he took all his close cavalry with him, how big a wave would he be surrounded by the seven thousand cavalry of the Governor's wife? If the Governor's wife really wanted to kill him, it would be useless even if he took more people with Lear!

In this case, it is better to simply make a few bachelors and only take dozens of riding guards to show generosity.

Moreover, if you have more soldiers, maybe the governor's wife thought of an excuse, and sent his men and horses as cannon fodder, such as the Jinjin current death squad.

But he just took dozens of rides. If he was a little bit like this, even if the governor's wife wanted to make things worse and let his people be cannon fodder, there was no excuse.

Dozens of rides, when Vanessa has this reluctance, not to mention what other rules to perform? If she really ridiculed the lady pointing at a city and let Lear's dozens of cavalry go up to take a lead than this naked framed boat, under the eyes of the army, the governor's wife would not be able to do it.

This act of Lear showed his courage and shrewdness, and at the same time he had a deeper meaning: he saved his strength!

And this Lear ’s smarter move is, “On the road, whether it ’s marching or staying for dinner and trimming, he always stays with Charya! Charya can look at General Lear every day. He smiled dangling in front of himself "I will never go out of my sight!

This is also a way to seek protection. Well, even if Mrs. Governor came to kill this threat, she would be embarrassed to raise a butcher knife in front of Charia.

In that case, eating pictures would be too ugly and detractive.

On this way, General Lear and Charlie are inseparable ", but Charlie is a lot of fun, this Lear is really a wonderful person, with a moment of opportunity, you can chat and laugh with Charlie, he can also be considered erudite People, and Xia Ya casually chat about some martial arts military strategy and the like, but also make long-distance loneliness less.

Even the guards around Charlie had a good opinion of this passionate General Lear.

Seeing that Xia Ya and Lear are inseparable from each other, as if increasingly speculative, the Governor's wife looks in her eyes, as if she has only seen nothing. It was only occasionally that those glamorous eyes "will flash a faint flash of brilliance" and I didn't know what the savvy woman was turning again.

When the army walked to the eleventh day and entered the Armenian military area, Xia finally felt some pressure!

The Armenian military area is the nest of Hughes "and the backbone of the rebel alliance.

"After entering the Armenian military area," it was only a day before they encountered a small scout cavalry in the Armenian military area.

The front vanguard and the Armenian scout squad fought two small battles. "Armenia's scout was not low. After hurting some people, they hurried away." But then, the army went south and finally encountered some resistance.

First, in the towns and villages that passed by, the Armenian garrison put on a stern posture, closed the gate, and the garrison above the city walls were inseparable. come out.

Seeing such a posture, if the cavalry of Xia Ya still wanted to replenish supplies or stop and rest as before, he would never think again.

Looking at the hostile look of these defenders in the Armenian military region, Xia was sure that if he was slack and slack, the other party would surely kill the attack without hesitation.

As for the rebel garrison in some places along the way, they have also actively "contributed" to the issue of fresh materials, food and grain, and naturally they will never be born here again.

Armed cavalry entered the country, and the Armenian side immediately made a strict alert.

After the second day of the Xia Ya army ’s entry, it became more difficult to replenish supplies and fresh water along the way. There was news from the surrounding scouts that a small group of Armenian cavalry had been hanging far around the sides or behind the army. Although the number is very small, it is not a threat to this tens of thousands of cavalry, but this attitude finally made Charya feel a little "normal".

Right, this is like a posture between the enemy and us.

As the scouts heard, more and more Armenian garrisons have been assembled. Thousands of Armenian rebels have even assembled on the road to the city of Merika, Armenian military district, ready to intercept the cavalry at any time.

The Armenian military region has always been known for its elite armor. The heavy infantry equipment of the military region is the first in the empire.

Although there are tens of thousands of cavalry, they really fight, they will not be really afraid of the thousands of Armenian troops, but after all, Charya is thousands of miles away from the mainland, and he was fighting to the front of each other on the territory of others. Move.

Moreover, the posture of the Armenian army is also very clear: defend the city of Merika.

Xia also had no interest in attacking Merika, so he just grinned and ordered the army to detour the road, bypass the road leading to Merika, and head straight for Osgilia.

The Armenian army learned that the other side was detouring, and the entire army did not chase after it, but instead quietly relieved.

After the city of Merika, the speed increased, within two days, the army went out of the border of the Armenian military area! Entered the Central Territory of the Empire!

The central administrative region of the empire, also known as the Imperial Capital Administrative Region, entered here, and in a broad sense, even reached Oscilia.

The area of ​​this district is about half the size of the Empire's administrative county, including a large area of ​​the capital of Oscaria, the four Acropolises, and the surrounding small towns.

After the army entered this place, they immediately felt the depression brought by the war.

The rebels besieged the emperor for nearly a year. The Seal of the Seal of Thousands, under hundreds of thousands of rebels, Chen Bingcheng, around the entire Oregon administrative region, small towns, and the four Acropolises, also fell into the hands of the rebels. The villages and towns that were passed by were all empty and empty. The closer you were to Osgilia, the more the place became barren! In some places, the villages and towns were burned and the woods Destroyed.

Hundreds of thousands of rebels have been trapped in this area for more than half a year. Except for transportation from the rear, they must be collected locally. Many villages and towns, even city walls and buildings have been demolished. They were transported to the city of Osgilia for military use, and many of the local residents were forced to be recruited as young people.

In some small villages and towns, even the rebel logistic forces stayed behind, guarding the way forward, the vanguard's cavalry had already fought with some of the rebels, and they fought a few games.

Fortunately, most of the rebels did not have a war-fighting heart. "Seeing that the brigade had been killed, with the exception of a few brave people resisting," most of them were gone, leaving the villages and towns that had been destroyed.

Within a day, six villages and towns were connected. "Six wars and six vicissitudes, and the restoration of six small towns ..." The report of this pioneer passed down, and Xia sneered after reading it.

In his view, this kind of "good news" is a bit too pediatric.

But the governor's wife seemed to attach great importance to this kind of children's drama. The officers in the serious army were recorded. In Mu Zhuzhu, these are the "war merit ..." This time, I came here to call Chengpi, but my achievements are all capital.

Now that it has entered the "battle of war ...", the march can no longer make aggressive progress as before, and Xia ordered the troops to gather up, proceed slowly, and be alert. To prevent encounters with rebel squadrons at any time.

This evening, in a town less than two hundred miles away, Osmania stopped to renovate. According to Xia ’s intention, the army is best to be repaired here for two days, and it has enough mental energy, and it will not be able to fight until it is under the city of Osgiriya.

But the governor's wife insisted on rushing as soon as possible. After the two discussed, Xia made a slight concession and just let the army rest here for one night.

Since he was already in the war zone, Xia had put on full vigilance that night, and the patrol whistle and the dark whistle were spread out. The whole army was waiting for it. Xia himself even ordered his cavalry to sleep in uniform, and his weapons must not be left!

In the middle of the night, Charlie suddenly woke up in her sleep, only to feel that there was an inexplicable agitation in her heart. After he jumped up, his eyes were full of light, and he suddenly stepped out of the house, looking at the south direction, and then took a deep breath, and shouted loudly, "It's all up! The battle has started!"

He shouted, beside him were those elites who fought with him for the Red Snow Army. He immediately heard the sound and jumped out one by one. Where was there half-sleepiness on his face? One after another held up their weapons.

Xia Haha smiled: "Prepare the horse! We are going to fight!",

At this time, there was a rushing horseshoe sound from far away from the town, and several guard scouts came flying to ride, passing by, the cavalry resting in the town awakened, under the cries of the officers , Already in line!

"Get ready! Get ready!",

Such whistling and drinking "spread throughout the town at night.

Those scout scouts rushed to places such as Xia Ya in the middle of the town, turned over and dismounted, and the cavalry was already sweating. "Just looking but excited, before they ran to them, they said loudly:" General !! The military situation is urgent! , "

Xia Wu laughed and strode up: "Speak! !! "

The cavalry Aung yelled, "There is movement coming from the direction of Osgilia! The emperor attacked the rebel coalition camp at night! coming!"

Upon hearing this, Xia Ya's eyes flashed and a flash of faintness flashed! He immediately shouted without hesitation: "The whole army assembled !!!! Trumpet! Zhenkou meets the enemy!",

Originally in the war zone, although everyone was resting, they would naturally not sleep too hard. Under this rally, the entire army immediately acted. The 10,000 cavalry were elite, and the more than 2,000 cavalry of Charia were even more elite. The elite among them moved by the news, but for a moment, the throne of the Seal of God, Char ’s cavalry had gathered in the town. "It is the cavalry of the Besta Military District, who are still preparing for the horse in a panic.

Charlie sneered "No longer waiting for the people of the Besta Military Region." Seeing that her cavalry had already lined up the team and set off to face the challenge, Charya turned over to Malay, was about to speak, and heard a loud voice around her. "Where does the general go?"

Looking back, it was Lier. This guy was already fully armed, wearing an armor, and led his warhorse to Xia's side. There were dozens of rides behind him, all of whom were close relatives.

"Naturally, we are up against it.

"Xia Yadan said indifferently:" The fighter should not be missed. I led my men to go up and kill first. You go and notify your governor's wife, and ask your cavalry to come and respond. ",

Lear listened, smiled slightly, and pointed at a guard who was beside him: "Go and sue the Governor's wife." Then he turned himself on and came to Xia's side, and laughed: "The fighter plane is fleeting" Li I am willing to slay with the general. If it is a small matter, I will give it to my men to do it well ... "

Fu Ya glanced at Lear, knowing that this guy did not dare to stay alone in the woman's eyelids, and did not pierce the other side, but just smiled slightly. "He nodded, and then grabbed the spear. Shouted: "Rhoderia! Meet the enemy with me! forward! forward! !! "


Thousands of majestic voices suddenly shouted in unison, Fu Ya has rushed out!

Behind the "spear like forest" trampled by the iron hoof, the dust was flying!

Again and again

More than two thousand cavalrymen from Xia rushed out of the town and headed south. It took only a quarter of an hour to mark the throne of the Seal of God, rushing over a high slope, and already heard a tide-like shout and scream!

Fu Ya rushed up the high slope, sitting on the horse's back and looking away, she suddenly took a breath! !!

Half defeated!

What a big crash! !!

Looking at it, under the wilderness in front of you, there are mountains and fields, all of which are raging rebel coalitions! If you lose your helmet and armor, the wolf rushes into a sudden, and you cannot break into the army!

Looking at it, this wave of defeat seems to spread on the earth at night, boundless! Looking at the starlight and moonlight, it seems as if the entire earth is filled with waves of defeat ...


The rebels are really defeated! !!

Running all the way ~ ~ Crying father and crying, running and crying and wailing, I don't know how many weapons and armor flags were laid down on the road, so the tide came so rolling and it was amazing!

Only in the distance, in the direction of the end of this wave of rout, there seems to be a faint sound of killing, but the sound has become weaker and weaker, more screams of sorrow ...

Seeing the scene in front of her, Xia Ya breathed into her chest and spit it out for a long time. She was also shocked to watch this huge torrent of rout in front of her!

It was just that momentary dying, and then disappeared, Xia Ya immediately swelled out and screamed, "Breaking the enemy is tonight! Rush with me! Blow the charge! Forward !!!",

Behind the cavalry, the bugler blew the cavalry's charge horn, and the bright and sharp horn pierced the night sky. Hearing the powerful roar of Fu Ya, he immediately descended from the high slope, and the cavalry behind him also It turned into a black billowing torrent and poured down, and swooped down fiercely towards that rout!

"It's tiring, I'm struggling hard, I'm exhausted, oh ...

[Niu Wen without advertising novel dedication]

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