
Chapter 434: [Mourning soldiers should not be humiliated] (11,000 words)

(This chapter is too long, writing more than 11,000 words, so it's a bit late ... haha.)

Chapter 434 [Mourning Soldiers Should Not Be Reproached]

Outside the new city, the Red Snow Army's battalion had no movement for two consecutive days.

The army was just outside the new city. When they arrived on the first day, they attacked for a while, but they did not expect to start quietly on the second day. This weirdness made the guards in the city feel awkward.

The Red Snow Army Manninger is so famous that since it went south, it has annihilated the Seventh Corps and wiped out the Corsica Military Region. The reputation of the Chixue Army for its war-fighting, and Manninger's well-thought-out impression, are naturally firmly rooted in the hearts of these defenders.

Suddenly, the Odin did not attack the city ... Was it Manninger's secret idea?

The fire in the city was extinguished all day and night.

The fire in the city seemed to be boiling from the outside, but the control of the fire in the city was extremely tight.

In order to control the fire, Nene ordered early to clear the surrounding streets, and organized hundreds of people to stand by dozens of water wells around the fire.

After all, the new city is a big city and a land rich in land like Siltan County. The traditional grain-producing area has a feature: abundant water resources. There are many rivers around the new city, and the groundwater is plentiful. There are no less than a hundred deep and shallow wells in the city. There are also introduced channels, open channels and underdrain. Even in winter, it snows and is very humid.

Therefore, the fire inside Nei Nei was determined, not afraid of the fire spreading, but burned the city.

Originally it was to set fire to deter the enemy. If the fire spreads accidentally and burns itself, then it is a big joke.

This method of setting fire to deter the enemy was secretly given to Nene before Xia went out of the city. Before that day, Xia Ya's leader whispered something to Nene before leaving the city, which is exactly what was said.

The food and grass in the new city is the lifeblood of Manninger. Burning such a fire just broke Manninger's foundation! Red Snow Army must be morale!

Although it was a pity to burn a mountain of things, it is a pity to know that Charya didn't live a wealthy life. He had a small site and a weak foundation, and it was already very difficult to support more than 20,000 people.

But this fire must be burned!

Nene has also suggested that setting a few empty houses on fire may also confuse the city.

Charlie smiled.

He didn't think that Nene's idea was whimsical, but for an old fox such as Manninger who is war-fighting, this kind of trick is hard to hide from each other.

You have to know that there is a difference in the momentum of burning something and the smoke that rises. Manninger has fought half a lifetime, and this difference can still be seen ... let alone Manninger, some experienced veterans in the army can see the difference!

Just as Manninger saw before that there was a problem with the smoke in the Green Army! If Manninger can see that he is pretending to set fire, I'm afraid that instead of being able to achieve the effect of heart attack, he will enhance Manninger's mood.

These grain supplies are burned, so let's burn them!

However, Nene still calculated that some women's homes, before the arson, still let people move out a small part of the grain to reserve separately.

This fire was set out, but the Red Snow Army outside the city suddenly ceased to move. For two days, it shrank at the camp outside the city. Instead of siege, it did not even attack or harass itself. ——According to common sense, even if the siege party does not intend to launch an offensive immediately, at least they will send someone to swear or drum up in the city to disturb the morale of the defenders.

But in the past two days, there was no shadow of the next Odin in the city, and the two sides looked at each other across the distance, and they actually made a little peace.

Although Nene is not a general in the army, he understands at least some common sense: Chi Xuejun is too strange!

What's more, I just made trouble for myself!

The Chixue Army came out this time to face Green, and it has been sending troops for many days. All along, the grain and grass in the army have been consumed by relying on a steady stream of transport from the base of the new city. But later the new city was copied, and all the way back to the division, it took seven days on the road, to the new city, it was stopped for another two days.

It stands to reason that the food in the Red Snow Army is afraid to bottom out soon!

When the army fights, food is the top priority!

There are tens of thousands of people in the Red Snow Army, and the daily food consumption is tens of thousands of kilograms! !! Ten days is hundreds of thousands of catties!

Historically, soldiers have fought. If an army is dispatched, it is naturally impossible to bring all the food in the army at one time--otherwise, don't fight, the soldiers will run to carry the food!

Historically, the grain reserves in the army are counted as half a month: carrying half a month's spent rations as a reserve, and then the rear transportation is continuously replenished. Otherwise, if a war is going to be fought for several months, it is impossible to bring all the tens of thousands of months of food consumed by the army to the side.

The Chixue Army lost the old nest in the new city, and the supply line was naturally broken. Running back all the way, the time on the road, plus the time now under the city, counts the days. I am afraid that there is not much food in the army!

The problem is that Nene also understood the idea of ​​Charlie, and blatantly set fire to the city's reserves, which will definitely cause morale chaos in the Red Snow Army-who has no food, can't panic?

But now, this quiet one is too weird!

Nene thought for herself. If she stood in Manninger's position, she would have only two options: either she would simply strike into the city and slaughter her enemies. Although all the food was burned, she must at least vent her heart anger.

Either retreat immediately and find another place to eat!

But these two, no matter which way you choose, you must be fast! So exhausting, but the biggest taboo of the military!

What kind of ghost is the Red Snow Army outside the city?


Chi Xuejun really did not make a ghost.

Even though Xia ’s calculations are first, even if it is not stupid, but who can think of, the main backbone of the Red Snow Army, the core leader His Excellency Manninger, actually died at this critical time.

Manninger, as the patriarch and commander, wanted to be majestic and focused, and the tribe was the same.

But the result is ... once he suddenly disappeared, the leader's position was vacated, and he was really headless! Although there are many other clan leaders and elders in the army, none of them have the prestige to overpower everyone.

If you join Morka in the army, you may be able to repress everyone by virtue of his orthodox heir, but the problem is ... Morka was slaughtered by Charlie as early as the battle in the new city!

The commander is dead, and the heir is dead.

Before Manninger was dying, although he had set up Fielding to preside over the situation, but ... after he died, the situation changed!

Manninger was a decisive decision-maker before his death. As a patriarch, he was majestic and no one dared to disobey him. The problem was that Manninger had a problem before his death: too arrogant! Power is in his hands, but no capable deputy has been cultivated. This may be Manninger's deliberate attempt to maintain his rule, but now it has become the biggest fatal disadvantage of the Red Snow Army.

Fielding was, of course, Manninger's own camp. Manninger's pro-battalion is also the strongest of the Red Snow Army battalions, and they are all elite warriors of their tribe.

However, the standard Odin army, such as the Chixue Army, has always had a crude internal military system. It is not as well-organized as the Byzantine army. A legion is often the epitome of a tribe. Whenever there is a battle, the patriarch ascends and shouts. Various tribes have mobilized young soldiers to form an army.

Without a rigorous military system, this kind of corps is actually more of a "joint corps" shelf. The tens of thousands of Red Snow Army are coalition forces from various tribes of the Basak. When Manninger was there, he was the patriarch, plus his pro-camp strength was the strongest in the army. Naturally, he could conquer the whole army, prohibit the execution, say one or two, but once he died ... There are more people!

The Basak tribe is one of the five major tribes of Odin. Such a large tribe has a history of continuous mergers and acquisitions over the years .... Large tribes eat small tribes and expand and grow. .

In countries with such barbaric systems, there is nothing to say.

After the big tribe attacked the small tribe, and then annexed it, the small tribe merged into the big tribe, and the name changed to become the "Bashak tribe".

After Manninger's death, although Fielding was an elder among the tribe, and he was also a true Basak of pure blood, he was not other tribes that had been merged in, but after all he had insufficient prestige.

Although Manninger gave him the pro camp, the problem was ... the battle was fought, but Manninger's pro camp was the most damaged!

The two thousand elites left behind in the new city are the elites of the pro-camps, which were destroyed by Xia.

Thousands of cavalry gathered to pounce on the new city, also pro-camp elites, were also defeated!

His Red Snow Army claimed to be tens of thousands. In fact, Manninger's pro-camp was only less than half of it. Consecutive injuries are already moving! Especially the elite cavalry was swept away!

In addition, there is another situation: In the Red Snow Army, there are only five or six thousand people of the own family in the camp at this moment!

Originally, 15,000 family members of the army were warred. In fact, before this war, Manninger demobilized a group of soldiers and deployed them in various places in Sirtan County.

This was originally just a means of control by Manninger. His family's own camp, loyal and faithless, can naturally rest outside. And bring those who are not of your own kind around, just under the eyelids, and you can rest assured that you have to stare in person!

The problem is, that was when Manninger was alive!

When Manninger was alive, not to mention that he did not bring a large number of pro-camp fighters with him, even if he was alone, with people from other tribes, under the pressure of his historical prestige, no one would dare to disobey any of his orders!

Therefore, during this expedition, Manninger in the army only brought more than 8,000 pro-battlemen of his own family, and the other pro-battlemen were elite. They left Morka in the new city for more than 2,000 and distributed them throughout Syltan County. Some stationed several hundred, some stationed more than a thousand-stationed everywhere, away from the big camp, it is the gesture of the emperor, and there is more oil and water. It is also a "welfare" that Manninger deliberately gave to his own family-run people. benefit".

But things are different now!

More than 8,000 pro-battalion soldiers accompanying the army, after the cavalry was annihilated several thousand, there were only five or six thousand people remaining. The camps of the other tribes had almost no loss.

Strength has gone up and down, plus Manninger and Morka, the father and son, are dead!

There is no suppression on the top, and the minds of the people below are hard to say!

Fielding took command of the pro-camp in accordance with Manninger's decree. Originally, on the day after Manninger's death, he would order the army to return home.

But after the order was issued, Fielding was annoyed ... This order could not be carried out!

Some leaders of other tribes even protested blatantly!

In the Red Snow Army, in terms of status, each battalion represents the power of a tribe among the tribes. The leaders of each tribe also have the status of elders in the tribe. From the standpoint of status, they can completely cooperate with the Philippines. The Aldin Chamber resisted.

Fielding didn't have any prestige in the past, and at this moment some conductors are different from other tribes below.

In these two days, the Red Snow Army did not move, but in the coach's big account, it was already noisy!

Some of the leaders of the tribes are, of course, Basak people, while others are simply other clans that have been merged in the past. At this moment, they all have their own thoughts!

Fielding conveyed that Manninger's will to retreat, but on the spot, more than half of the leaders expressed blatant opposition! !!

The reasons for these people are also different!

Some demands immediately captured the new city, and the reasons seemed plentiful: revenge for the patriarch Manninger and Morka.

Others think that returning from the North is too stupid: there are still tens of thousands of soldiers here. The world is so big, where can't we go? Sirtan County is already eating the fat in his mouth! How can you spit it out casually? Even if there is not enough food, let's go to eat elsewhere, search for food, and rectify the army. This Siltan County is ours!

Others thought that they should turn back immediately and eat Green's army, to boost morale with victory.

In short, no matter what it is said, it is simply an absurd order to go back home.

Although everyone was afraid of Manninger's old Wei, he did not dare to rebuke the death, but some people boldly said that the patriarch was afraid of being seriously ill before his death. We ca n’t be confused. Since we know that this order is a mess, we should not execute it.

There are even those who are irritable, but have hidden ambitions. They just rolled up their sleeves and shouted openly: Although the patriarch is dead, I am still in a language like ...!

Such a scene gave Fielding a headache and was even more frightening!

Not to mention that the claims of the leaders of these tribes are right or wrong. Just by looking at the chaos in front of them, Fielding can at least be sure: the patriarch Manninger's request to return to the north immediately is correct!

There are more than a dozen different voices in an army. There is no powerful commander above, and the dozens of battalions below do not accept each other-how can we fight? !! !! !!

Watching the death of the patriarch, these guys came out one by one, and some roots began to openly command the position of commander ... even the two days of quarreling, the Odin people have always been rough and irritable, almost someone was on the spot It ’s time to pull out a knife!

In such a situation, I am afraid that without waiting for the Byzantines to take action, these people themselves will be stationed here for a few more days, and they will be internally instigated!

Torn apart!

Really torn apart!

So the army, what else is said to stay in Siltan County and continue to fight ... if you don't return home early, I'm afraid that the whole army will be lost here!

In the final analysis, Fielding is really not a commander. Manninger was too strong during his lifetime, and he did not cultivate any assistants. When the boss was too strong, the relatives around him also developed a habit of stubbornness.

Manninger valued Fielding for his support, because Fielding had a relatively calm and cautious temperament, which was superior to other Odins. One more reason is that before Manninger was in a hurry, he couldn't find any better candidate. The general in the dwarf had to choose Fielding.

Fielding was cautious, but his courage was not enough. He couldn't subdue the crowd, but there was no good way. It was only two days in this way. I originally tried to persuade the other leaders. wasted.

Some even saw him weak and contempt in the heart-the Odins always respected the heroes who were so heroic and heroic. Such prudent and stable people were not what Odins liked.

What's more, looking at the weak pro-camps in the army, and the lead Fielding was an unsophisticated person, and even thought of his idea, trying to annex the pro-camps ...

After waiting for two days, and noisy in the big account every day, Fielding finally exhausted his patience!

Although he has no talents, his calm temperament is real. Seeing that these ambitious guys emerged anxiously after the patriarch's death, and daily quarrels, they all wanted to take the position of the coach. It ’s going to be a hot fight ... Where does anyone really care about the clan ’s death?

Every day arguing, pulling a knife, old fists are facing each other ... but where does anyone really care about the situation in the army?

Although Fielding was anxious, he still kept an eye on the situation in the army every time, food consumption, and at the end he would see the bottom, such things he put in his heart!

All these guys were blinded by the position of this patriarch and red-eyed! These idiots! Do you think you can climb to the sky in one step?

Since these guys are desperate to die, I'm not in the field!


At this moment, Fielding was sitting in the big account, and the coach's position was empty. He was sitting at the bottom left of the coach's position. He looked at the big account and yelled and scolded. There were even a few irritable guys who had already scooped Pull the sleeve out of the knife, it will be sturdy posture ...


Fielding roared suddenly!

He roared, full of energy! With a swipe, Fielding had pulled out his knife, chopped it on the case in front of him, and jumped up!

He has always been an honest and steady person, but the honest person has a strong influence when he comes to fire.

Fielding suddenly broke out like this, and the noisy account became quiet instantly, and everyone looked strangely at this cowardly guy ...

Fielding roared and stunned everyone, but it was just an instantaneous thing, calm down, where would anyone really be afraid of him?

"Filding! What's your name? Hum, and pulled out a knife! Do you want to pick your head? I'm not afraid of you!"

"Filding, you really have made yourself a coach! If you want to give orders here, wait until you become the patriarch!"

"Aha! Dare to light up the knife! If you have the courage, you can cut Laozi! I'm standing here! If you frown, it won't be Odin's boy!"

Fielding looked at the cold eyes and ridicules around him, and after these people finished, he took a deep breath, calmed his face, and said coldly: "I Fielding is naturally not a patriarch! Do you treat yourself as a patriarch? Is it! Since Lord Manninger is not there, then the patriarch naturally has an adult second son to take over! I ca n’t tell you what to do, and naturally I ca n’t do it either! ”

However, no one dare to refute these two sentences openly.

The position of the patriarch is naturally the replacement of Manninger's son.

But ... everyone is ambitious. At this moment, Manninger and Morka are both dead and the pro-camp has been greatly weakened. The second son of Manninger, who remains among the nations, is still young and has no prestige! At this moment is the time when "the Lord and the country are in doubt"! Chixue Army's elite are here! If anyone now controls the whole army ... then the position of this patriarch, hum, is really hard to say!

However, although everyone has this kind of thought in their hearts, this kind of thought is not easy to speak up on the table. Therefore, Fielding said these words, but no one was embarrassed to refute them openly, at most it was a cold hum.

"I know you don't want to return to China." Fielding sneered sneer: "I don't fight with you stupid idiots! If you want to be commander in chief, fight for this command, you can't help it! I don't Betrayed! "

Originally, when he said "stupid", someone glared and became angry, but after hearing that, Fielding actually voluntarily gave up the contention, and suddenly there was no idea of ​​getting angry.

Is this a competition? If there is one less opponent, it is naturally a good thing.

Although everyone looks down on Fielding, after all, he still has five or six thousand elite pro camps.

You look at me, I look at you, and suddenly someone can't help but say, "Filding, what do you want?"

"How?" Fielding exclaimed: "You don't follow the patriarch's legacy, but I have to obey it! You can fight here, I will bring someone back home, I won't participate in your fight."

Speaking of this, everyone looks different.

Some people are ashamed, some are relieved, some are confused ...

But there was no objection.

After all ... he Fielding can be considered a powerful force, since he made it clear that he would not participate in the fight ... leave, let's go! At least it's reassuring!

Seeing no one to speak, Fielding took a deep breath: "I took the pro-camp and burial the patriarch's remains back to the country for burial. I will ignore your disputes! But you are not allowed to control me! Otherwise, I am disturbed Even though I am bleeding all the blood of the patriarch, I have to work hard with that person! "

Speaking of which, Fielding stared out.

The others were silent for a while, and someone said, "Okay! Fielding, we don't dare to disturb the patriarch's rest! You bring someone home, we don't care about you, you don't care about us!"

Fielding nodded, his face somber: "I only have one request! If you meet me, I will lead someone in the afternoon! If you don't meet me ... hum ... Everyone will fight for a dead net!"

He said a word, the atmosphere became tense again, and someone suddenly clamored: "Filding, what are you! Dare to threaten me !!!"

There is also a bit more flexible: "Filding, you say, what do you want?"

"I want food!" Fielding said lightly: "I took half of the food in the army! This time I am going north to return home, I will pass through More County along the way, and I will also **** the remains of the patriarch! , My pro-warrior, it's not easy to walk hungry! "

This request was silent.

Fielding said coldly: "I only take half of the food. You stay here, whether you continue to attack the new city, or go elsewhere to rectify the soldiers and horses, it is your business! Sirtan County is so big, you Naturally, there is a way to collect food elsewhere. If I order some food, I will leave here. This sale is not a good deal. You should weigh it yourself! "

Having said that, Fielding held his chest high and held his crossbow in his hand, and walked arrogantly toward the large tent, walked to the door, but suddenly stopped, turning his head coldly: "I'll go back and gather the manpower, in the army I will carry the forages by myself! If you have no objection, I will naturally take things away! If someone stops them, everyone will kill them with a knife! I ’m Fielding, who is also an Odin man. There is courage. "

The words fell, there was a noise, and he left without looking back!

Fielding finally showed a certain determination, and when he returned, he ordered the gathering of people, packing up things, and sending people to get food.

There was not much grain in the army. He wanted to take half of it. He originally thought that there would be opposition, but when it came to the end, it was smooth and smooth, and no tribe blocked it.

A little thought in Fielding's mind, he understood what these people meant.

In the end, these guys were so noisy, but no one dared to take the lead and fight with themselves. After all, they still had the most powerful pro-battlemen in the five or six thousand army. At this moment, everyone wants to compete for the position of leader, but the more so, the more afraid they are to lose their strength! Whoever dares to fight with himself will naturally be greatly injured. Without strength, the first one will win!

What about the second thing ... In the eyes of these idiots, it may be cost-effective to take the initiative to get out with such a strong competitor in order to "get so much" food ... These idiots, after two days, I am afraid they will understand How precious is "so much" food!

Fielding moved very fast. In the afternoon, he had gathered his hands and brought food. With more than 5,000 people in the army, he left the camp and went north.

Manninger's body had been burned, and the bones were packed in an altar and placed on the carriage in the army where he had been alive.

The pro camps are all elites of their own family. They are most loyal to Manninger, and they have no doubt about the execution of the patriarch's death. After Manninger's death, the entire army was ready to go north. Days are already impatient. So once Fielding made up his mind, in fact, he was ready to go.

Thousands of pro-battlemen soldiers headed north, and Fielding was not slow in the army.

It was only when the army went north that it was not far away, and before it was dark, it was stopped!

Sirtan County is flat, and the new city is surrounded by plains. When the army is on the road, it is surrounded by smooth roads, and there is no danger of ambush.

Just before evening, I heard a sound of horseshoes in the distance. From afar, the snow was flying, a cavalry rushed forward, came from the left front, and then inserted directly in front of the team. , Far away blocked the way north!

Thousands of Red Snow Army stood by immediately!

The number of the cavalry that arrived was not too many, and it looked far away, but hundreds of riders, full fights and calculations, will definitely not exceed one thousand!

But on the plains, there were no fortifications, no blockings, and infantry against cavalry. Even if the enemy had only a few hundred horses, it was enough to threaten thousands of their own infantry.

The cavalry did not rush to attack, but stopped in front and stared at his thousands of people ...

Fielding led to obstacles less than half a day after leaving, and he was shocked! I thought that the patriarch's calculations were really good. These Byzantines really have a conspiracy!

He Fielding took a deep breath, turning his thoughts in his heart, but turned to the soldiers behind him and shouted loudly: "There are enemy blocks in front of me! I know our journey back home this time is difficult and dangerous!" However, everyone is deeply impressed by the patriarchs on weekdays! Now we are going to protect the patriarch's bones and return to our country. Even if we kill the last person, we must not let these Byzantines startle the patriarch's bones!

What this said is wonderful!

The morale of the pro-camp has actually been sluggish. If Fielding said anything else to boost morale at this moment, most of it would be of little use, but the reason of "guarding the patriarch's bones" would suddenly make the whole army go up and down. Be energized! !!

Manninger's most personal pro-camp was the most respected, and the elite of these people are the best equipped and most rewarding! In addition to his historical prestige, in the hearts of these pro-camp generals, the patriarch is almost like a god!

At this moment, the patriarch was a little bit distracted, and if the morale of the battle was encouraged now, that would be impossible.

But this phrase "guarding the patriarch's bones" just inspired these **** spirits of Odin's elite!

The morale suddenly jumped! Some Odin warriors yelled, "Let's die! If these dirty Byzantine sheep are shocked by the patriarch's bones, even if they go back alive, they will not face their family!"

"Odin boy, how can these Byzantines be so insulted!"

"Sworn guard !!!"

Seeing that morale was up, Fielding was relieved, he immediately ordered the army to stand in place, but he himself rode a deer and walked slowly! !!

He Fielding has not always been known for his martial arts, but at this moment he was riding alone, and the soldiers behind him looked at him with a little respect.

After Fielding took a few steps slowly, he shouted loudly, "Your Ministry in front! Please come and talk!"

The voice is full of vitality, without any fear!


This blocking cavalry was naturally Charya's tribe.

Xia Ya looked at the thousands of Odin troops on the opposite side, and she was puzzled. She watched the other ride slowly, and asked loudly to take herself out to answer, and his heart was a smile.

A few days ago, the Odin cavalry was annihilated, and he played such a trick himself, tricked the Odin cavalry master to come forward, and then suddenly shot and killed, only to make the Odin crowd dragon headless.

Does the current general of the Odin army also want to play such a hand?

But Uncle Xia, why have you been afraid of these?

With a proud smile, he slowly came out, one person broke away from the brigade, and actually ran dozens of steps directly! Even within the range of the enemy's bow and arrow!

With a look of pride, Charlie arrogantly drank in Odin: "I am the general! The Odin barbarian on the other side, find what I am saying! If you want to surrender, hurry up and don't waste time!"

Fielding looked at Charya from afar and took a deep breath: "Excuse me, your name?"

"Charya thunders!"

A proud voice.

Fielding moved! This name seems to be the commander-in-chief of the Byzantine army ... is this man in front of ...

Fielding groaned and said in a deep voice: "It was His Excellency, I have a word, and you dare to listen!"

As he said, he pointed a direction far off the road: "Dare to interview ?!"

He Fielding himself went slowly in that direction first.

Charya wondered, was this guy out of his mind? Or do you have to make yourself a leader?

He is not the kind of person who plays cards according to common sense. The first thought in his mind is that no matter what kind of ghost you do, your own master will leave the brigade, and Lao Tzu took the opportunity to cover up and kill him!

But take a closer look, the thousands of Odin troops on the opposite side are alert and faintly murderous! This momentum, however, made Xia a little uncertain.

Are these Odins still so imposing? !! This is strange.

How courageous Xia Ya smiled coldly and went up on horseback.

The two generals came together on the side in the middle of the battlefield.

"Master Xia." Fielding looked at the young general in front of him, seeing that Xia was awesome, full of dynamism, and sighed in his heart: it really looks like a hero.

Charya looked indifferent: "Her Lord told me to speak, do you want to play the war, or do you want to fight?"

Fielding groaned a little, but suddenly he raised his hand and saluted him.

With this move, Charlie stopped.

"I heard your name. I saw it today and it really turned out to be a hero. My fielding was the deputy of Lord Manninger, the Patriarch's Patriarch. At this moment, all the pro-people and horses in my department are here to **** Manninger Adults' bones go north to return to the country! I dare to ask Lord Xia to make way for us to **** the remains of the patriarch to your country! Although you and our army have different positions, I would like to come to you with your heroic spirit. Even the bones of your opponents will be slain! If you are willing to make way, my Bashak family will remember today's events! "

These words have been blatantly weak, but after a few soft words, Fielding's face suddenly changed and became embarrassed, and he gritted his words one by one: "If the adult is unwilling, you must link to the legacy of my clan. I did not let go of the bones. I personally managed thousands of elites. The patriarch Ende will surely protect the patriarch's bones and fight to death until the last one! "

Charlie was completely dead! !!

What he stayed was not Fielding's "request" gesture, nor was Fielding's weakness.

But ...

Manninger? !! He, he actually died? !! !!

This old boy is dead? !! !!

With this news, Xia Ya's heart was hit with a heavy hammer, and countless thoughts flashed in an instant! !!

His first immediate response was: Is this a conspiracy of Manninger? To earn your own money?

But if you look closely, although the fielding in front of him is cold and grim, there is no trace of grief in the eyebrows.

And in the distance, this thousands of Odin troops are alert and murderous, and there is a faint sense of sadness ...

If a person is capable of acting, he can hide himself.

But the sad temperament of these thousands of people cannot be faked.

Manninger ... really ... dead? ? !! !!




Before the two armies, the two masters would gather in everything and talk in a low voice, far away. The soldiers on both sides of the two sides could not hear the content of the conversation between the two.

After seeing Xia and Fielding talking for a while, they suddenly got up on their mounts and reached out to pat each other.

Fielding pulled out the knife coldly, pierced his palm, and patted him on the chest, while Xia cut his thumb and smeared a blood stain on his forehead.

This is clearly an oath gesture by the Odins and Byzantines in their respective customs!

I don't know what strange covenants the two generals of the enemy and us made.

Charlie and Fielding both turned around and returned to the team, and here, Charlie, the cavalry suddenly made a whistle, and slowly walked towards the side of the road, running away from the distance, leaving the road, more Is actively retreating to a position beyond a single arrow!

Here in Fielding, the army was slowly moving, all the way north on the road, guarded along the way, just under the watchfulness of hundreds of riders in Charya, slowly away!

Xia's order made the cavalry around him confused.

The cavalry of the whole army stood on the side of the road, and when they did not move, someone could not help but say: "Sir ... we ..."

Charlie suddenly smiled: "Good news, Manninger is dead."

With that said, everyone is discolored, and then hundreds of riders are excited.

Xia Ya pointed at the Odin on the road: "At this moment Manninger's remains are in this army. They escorted Maninger's remains northward and returned to the country ... hehe!"

"Sir! Why not kill! They have no leader, we ate this Odin army ..."

"That's it! Although they have a lot of people, they are all infantry! A few days ago, thousands of cavalry were overwhelmed by us! Not to mention these thousands of infantry!"

"My lord! You take us to kill!"

The people around were excited and excited, but Charlie turned her head and looked solemnly: "Shut up."

Charlie frowned, pointing distantly, coldly; "Although they are only a few thousand people, look carefully! Be alert, the army is silent, and no one is moving. What do you see in the eyes of these Odins? Panic? Indifference and hatred are even more murderous! These guys are different from the Odins we met before! They are determined to die, and have a sense of death in their hearts! Fighting hard with such an opponent ... ,Unwise!"

Actually, did Xia not want to eat these thousands of people?

He certainly wants to!

He wasn't so kind, he really wanted to return Manninger's bones! What kind of heroes are heroes, and the idea of ​​cherishing each other, Tu Yan has no such thoughts at this moment! In his mind, the aggressor is the aggressor! Blood for blood, tooth for tooth, is the truth!

But he is not reckless after all!

If it does, he is confident of defeating the Odin army! However, the morale of the other party is so amazing ... It is conceivable that the beasts struggle with sorrow, and the other party is determined to die, and fights against each other ... so that the enemy will definitely have an amazing fighting power!

Even if I win, I'm afraid there won't be too much damage!

It was even more obvious now that Manninger was dead! Where is Charlie willing to waste her strength here? !!

Furthermore, the content of the conversation between Fielding and himself just now ...

Haha! interesting! It's fun! !! As soon as Manninger died, the Red Snow Army looked like he was inward!

Hahahaha! it is good! Alright! !!

Although Fielding didn't say clearly, a few words in his words suggested that Charlie understood it!

Xia didn't doubt the truth of Fielding's words either, he believed!

The reason hinted by Fielding is clear!

He Fielding returned to the country with his own army, and helped the young master inherit the position of patriarch! And the Red Snow Army, has betrayed! Do not listen to the patriarch's death, those guys have ambitions. For the Basak, these people are traitors!

Since they were traitors, Fielding simply abandoned them! In Fielding's meaning: these people, staying here is a dead end! Died in the hands of Xia, at first, it can be regarded as clearing the rebellion for the tribe. Second, it is also to attract Xia's troops, so that he can calmly cross the border.

Everyone, they can be considered.

Even more deeply, after seeing the faces of the leaders of the battalions, Fielding was reluctant to take these people back home!

These people have all revealed their ambitions. After returning to China, they returned to the tribe. They had soldiers and courage in their hands, but at this moment their elites were damaged a lot, and the young masters were also young ... maybe they were dangerous!

These guys, it ’s all good to die outside!

Just before the two of them vowed blood each other, it was agreed that Fielding would tell the entire situation in the Red Snow Army, and Xia promised that they would never stop the thousands of Fielding returning home along the road!

Even Xia also stated that she could send a small cavalry **** along the road, and even if she arrived in More County, she could guarantee that they would not be blocked by the garrison and let them cross the border safely.

The current situation, instead of risking the loss of strength and the keen desperation of this Red Snow Army, it is better to keep the energy to eat the Red Snow Army's team!

The big picture is important! There are thousands of people in this area ~ ~ It ’s really not important whether you eat or not.

It's not that Xia Ya has no other thoughts, it is really that the troops in his hands are really insufficient.

If he also had thousands of elite soldiers in his hands, where would he waste time and what blood vow to make in Fielding, he would go straight up and destroy the other party!

But now ... Xia Ya, after all, has insufficient troops at all!

This time I can get the situation to where I am now.

Looking at the Odin team going north, Xia sighed softly.

"Mourning soldiers should not be humiliated ... forget it!"


(Yesterday's promise was completed, 11,000 words. Don't ask for any votes, just, reminder votes, don't vote for more than 10,000 ... I see that I can't eat it, I am very depressed to say ~)


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