
Chapter 305: 【gap! 】

Xia Ya snorted and took a few steps at will, but stood in the woods, pulled out the fire fork, and waved in her hand.

The fire fork flipped up and down in his hands, and it was exactly a set of "killing thousands of troops", but in Xia's mind, these tricks naturally turned into "chopping firewood", "pullfire" and the like He hit the name for a while, and when he finally closed it, a flash of red light flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, a red mang came out from the fork, a click, and a large tree in the distance broke off! As Charlie stood, many large branches suddenly fell from the surrounding trees, and the breaks of each branch were extremely flat.

Xia Ya looked around, and she was quite proud of herself. She insisted on practicing every day, and did not dare to slack off even during the march. This crimson murderous force combined with the destruction of thousands of troops, and it really increased in power. And it's true that my strength has really grown over the years.

After he closed his hand, he suddenly heard a sneer next to him and looked up, but now Hastings has sat up with a smile on his face, looking at himself, thinking of the set of "Blasting Thousands Thousands Thousands" just practiced by him The entire process of "Army" was seen by this guy.

Hasting looked at Xia, his eyes swept from Xia's face to Xia's hand, and after a while, he retracted his eyes, but suddenly closed his eyes and sighed softly.

Xia Ya snorted: "Even if Lao Tzu's strength is not as good as you, what I practice is naturally unbearable in your eyes. You don't have to look down on people so much!"

Hastings opened his eyes and looked at Xia, but his eyes softened surprisingly, and he slowly guided for a while) Then he said softly, "I sigh." It is not to underestimate your ability. "Destroy the Thousands of Armies" I have learned that many years have never seen anyone use it. Suddenly I saw you practicing, but I remembered the scene when I watched my teacher teach me martial arts ... "

Hasting was originally a cold person, but these few words spoke out at this moment, but it showed a little warmth.

He looked at Xia Ya, watched it for a long time, and finally whispered: "Nothing ... in the teacher's affection. Xia Ya, after all, you are a teacher's successor ... as long as you agree to me, betrayed the Byzantine Empire, mention Come to Odin, play with me, never fight against me, and help me get revenge ... I will naturally cultivate you well. Your talent is also very good, I will ask you well, ten years later, You may be able to reach my current state. As for the prophecy that the teacher said ... as long as you work with me and work with me, I don't think there will be any more r, ten ... he has not finished, Charya's face sank, looking at Hastings, sneering "No! "

"what did you say?"

Xia Haha laughed and pointed to his mouth: "Look at Lao Tzu's mouth ... no!

Hasting's expression suddenly gloomed: "I just watched you practice and just got a little bit of my old thoughts, so that I can really bypass you! As long as you nod, I will naturally treat you like a brother in the future! No more Any killing! I just opened my mouth with a soft heart! If you wait until tomorrow, even if you kneel down and ask me, I won't agree again! "

"Lao Tzu is not too rare." Xia snorted, with the fork in his hand, and tapped gently, and hummed, Xia sneered: "I see Odin as a deadly enemy! Just as you hate Byzantium! Lao Tzu can't fight now You just have to go all the way! Let me vote for Odin ... you might as well kill me now! I have already sworn an oath in my life, and I am against Odin! "

Hastings sat there, looking at Fu Ya's face with absolute determination, and seeing that Xia rejected himself, she should be annoyed in her heart ... But suddenly, in her eyes, there was a stun in front of this Xia, a young face, a face Perseverance, holding a torch in his hand, standing proudly ...

This look, and his own art under the teacher at that time, is also a vengeful revenge, if he swears in this life, he will swear against Byzantium ...

Looking at the proud young man in front of me, it looks like himself many years ago ...

There was a little annoyance in my heart, but it faded away instantly. Looking at Xia in front of him, Hastings just felt that it was really hard for him to bring up an annoyance and murderous approach. Shen stood up for a while, and suddenly he stood up, carrying a triangular rifle, and slowly stepped in front of Xia Ya, looking at Xia Ya, and said lightly: "You can't do this alone.

The combination of crimson murderous forces and the destruction of thousands of troops is a killing tactic. If it is not actual combat, no amount of training will have any effect. "

Then he smirked in his hand, and sneered, "Come on me!"

Xia Ya froze and looked at Hastings: "You wouldn't have been rejected by me just now, annoyed in your heart, want to take the opportunity to kill me?"

Hastings laughed loudly: "If I want to kill you, I can do it at any time! Don't talk nonsense! Today I have a rare intention to ask you for a moment, and I will be quite a while, even if you ask me.

Xia Ya moved: "Since it is dueling, then ...

Where Hastings didn't know about Charlie's ghostly thoughts, sneer: "You can rest assured, I can only defend! Ji Ji came to fight, if you have the ability to hurt me, you are considered terrible!"

Xia Ya sneered, but stepped back two steps before, and quickly calmed down, holding a fork in his hand, quickly pulled out the crystal and set it on the handle of the fork, staring at Hei Jinting, soon, A red light burst from him.

Seeing that Xia got her own promise, she was not anxious to attack, but stepped back and watched herself carefully, looking for a fighter. A hint of admiration flashed in Hastings eyes: Although this boy likes to talk nonsense, when he is really fighting, he is calm enough, not anxious and impatient!

At last, Charlie drank, a red light on the fork, a bang, and a red gas swept up like a flame!

Hastings stood there without moving, just waiting for the red flame to roll in, and the triangular rifle in his hand swayed gently, dancing like a wheel, and a black air wall suddenly formed in front of him. The red murderous blast blasted on the gas wall, and immediately rolled back.

Xia Ya was not afraid, and she had already made three big strides in succession. She flew a little, and instantly, a little red starlight burst out from the fork, and a thin red light like a silk thread shot instantly!

Dragon Spike! !!

This bit of dragon stabbed the light, and almost penetrated the black gas shield of the Hastings triangular rifle! Hasting's eyes lighted, and his body suddenly moved as if ...

I saw the starlight of that thorn, although it penetrated the black air shield, as if it was only a few inches away from Hastings's door, but it seemed to be instantaneous as Hastings swayed in place. Pulled this distance to an infinite extension!

Under the action of Crimson Murder, Xia Ya had increased his mental strength by several times. In the sight, various reactions were sharpened several times. Even the actions of the enemy became slower under his sight.

But this black body shaking gently by the body is not any ordinary dodge action, but the standard "strong" ability! Easily distort the rules of the throne of time and the seal of time!

In Xia ’s eyes, I just felt that Hastings had moved so much into his eyes, but it was so awkward, as if all of a sudden, his various sensing moments could not capture Hastings, and his heart was distraught. Almost a spit of blood!

Just watching Hastings suddenly move his hand! He withdrew the Triangle war rifle, and clicked three times in an instant!

These three taps, each of them, seemed to use the tip of a gun over the red rays of light that had hit the dragon thorn!

Immediately, Charlie's head seemed to hear a crisp and crackling sound!

Looking at the eyes, the power of the dragon thorn and the red silk thread were broken into several pieces! !!

She suddenly opened her mouth and stayed on the spot! Light ... can I cut it off? !! !! !! !!

With a "wave", Hastings re-inserted the spear into the ground, looking at Xia Ya, his eyes were a little surprised: "You did a great job just now! It doesn't seem to be the teacher's strategy to kill the army! "

Xia Ya just saw that Black Jin Ting could even cut off the light. This skill made him still shocked, but then the side effects of crimson murder and dragon thorns back swallowed up, and he suddenly screamed, his hand was loose, and the fire fork was dropped On the ground, the body knelt down on the spot, the whole body trembled, and the muscles of the whole body spasmed, and a face became red instantly, and then the blood color faded away.

Hastings stood there, watching Shaya's changes, but remained motionless, but stared at Shaya, after a while, seeing that Shaya's tremor gradually subsided, and He Jinting nodded and sighed softly : "Well, I see. The killing move you did a great deal just now seems to be too much of a burden on the body. After use, it will hurt not only the enemy but also yourself."

He watched Charya gradually recovering his consciousness, and said positively, "You remember a truth! This kind of counterattack is too powerful, although it is powerful, but it is not the right way! If you want a greater breakthrough in strength, so blindly It's not easy to be a coincidence. "

Xia Ya was lying there. After a spasm just now, her whole body strength was emptied. She just felt her mouth crooked and listened to Hasting's words. Although she wanted to refute, she couldn't say a word. She thought: Lao Tzu The reason why this dragon thorn stabbed so much is because it is a trick of the dragon knight. The dragon knight has a mounted dragon to share this kind of counterattack. Naturally nothing is wrong, but I have to bear it alone. Damn ... didn't I just set up a life-sharing relationship with Damandras? This kind of anti-bite effect, it should also help me to take some right?

But if you think about it, using Dragon Spike now has a much smaller effect on backwashing than before.

It's just ... still doesn't seem to reach the normal level? If the ancient dragon knight, with every move, there is a mount to share these burdens, and it will hurt like yourself ... How can this fight? !!

Lying for a while, Charlie felt that Aikido had gradually recovered, and reluctantly stood up and picked up the fire fork. But suddenly he heard Hastings coldly: "Is enough rest? Then come again!

Come again? !!

Charlie froze.

But Hastings frowned: "The way to cultivate is to hone your body and will! The more extreme you are, the more you have to grit your teeth and persist to achieve a breakthrough! Otherwise, even if you practice hard enough, It just stays there. "

As he said, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Don't use your powerful killing trick, just use crimson murder and destroy thousands of troops! Let me see at what level your true strength level is."

Xia originally thought that Hastings had tortured herself, but suddenly she heard "the more extreme you have to bite your teeth and persist in order to achieve a breakthrough! Otherwise, even if you practice hard enough, you are just walking on the spot." When I say this, my heart is moving!

Although I also maintained cultivation in weekdays, after all, I didn't work as hard as when I was in the mountains. At least, when he was in the mountains, the old guy said he would not teach himself, but when he was really practicing, he watched. When he was exhausted and wanted to rest, the old guy would be free. Pick up a stick and beat yourself, forcing yourself to practice the last hour.

Now I want to ... I thought I was an old guy deliberately bullying myself, but now it seems ... I'm afraid that this is the real on-demand oneself!

And after I came out of the mountain, there was no supervision from the old guy. Although I practiced every day, I ended up resting after being tired ...

Although it can be considered hard work, but after all, there is no such degree under the supervision of the old guy.

"Don't sit there pretending to be dead!" Hasting sneered: "In our case, the teacher must have strengthened the body from a young age! Presumably you have been soaked with a potion prepared by your teacher since you were young, huh, you This idiot, I really do n’t understand the hard work of the teacher! Our body has been soaked with that special medicine for more than ten years. The strength of the body has long been many times better than that of ordinary people! Ordinary people have practiced martial arts to a certain degree. We have reached the limit. But our body has been strengthened, and the original limit is much stronger than ordinary people. It is already a great advantage in practice! You do n’t know to cherish this opportunity! Huh! You are eighteen years old Are you still 19 years old? You know, when I was 18 years old, my cultivation was much stronger than you are now! "Charlie was stimulated by Hasting's last sentence, and he yelled. , Hold the fire fork and rushed up!

Although the backstab of Dragon Spike has just disappeared, and his strength is far from being restored, but when he was so angry, with a bang, the crimson murderous spirit burst out again.

This time, he did not use Dragon Spike anymore (it was just used once, and it ca n’t be used continuously in the throne of God Seal for a short time). He only used the crimson murderous power and the trick to kill the army, and his brain turned black. Sting greeted him.

Suddenly, a red light was seen, and the shadow of the fire fork was connected under the red light, covering Hastings like a tide!

Hastings also talked, but just waved the triangular rifle. A dark "brilliant" black flame was attached to the war gun. It did not fight back. It was just a defense. The war gun was like the wind. Left Covering the right block, but easily took Xia's offensive like a storm!

Xia only felt that his own body was exhausted, and even waving his fire fork, his arms were painful, but he just showed his crimson murderousness and cooperated with the destruction of the Qianjun, so he made a furious attack, obviously he should have passed. Limit, but the original sluggish body, but the movement becomes a little bit smoother! In the original set of martial arts, some awkward places are also more familiar and familiar ...

After playing for a while like this, the fierce attack like tide water, the lighter the hands and feet became, the more it seemed that the fire fork was in my hand, and it was more handy!

Unfortunately, no matter how Xia attacked, the offensive was as fierce as a thunder, but it was in Hastings' hands, but the triangular rifle swayed at will, and it was gently resolved.

Unconsciously, after Xia ’s “Destroy the Thousands of Armies” went back and forth more than ten times before they finally felt dizzy, a vertical split was blocked by Hasting with a spear, and Xia went Taking a few steps back, all of a sudden his legs softened and he sat on the ground.

At this time, you can't even hook your fingers because you are so tired!

However, this fatigue is different from the previous back phasing after the dragon thorn. It does not have the kind of violent pain in the whole body, but it seems that the body is emptied, exhausted to the extreme, and even the eyelids cannot be lifted.

However, the spirit is still clear. Take a breath, listen to your banging heart, close your eyes, and be amazed. Your various senses capture the external acuity, which seems to be three points stronger than usual. !!

But ... I have obviously put away the crimson murder! Why is there such a keen sense? !!

After another quarter of an hour ~ ~, the wonderful and sensitive feeling gradually blurred again, and returned to the normal state.

But in Xia Ya's heart, there was a strange feeling faintly: As if, he really had such a breakthrough! Although this breakthrough seems very small ...

Faintly, it seems that he has caught a trick! !!

Hastings gently and deliberately inserted the triangular rifle around him, looked at Xia, and nodded:

"Yes, this time you have reached the real limit! So far today, you don't need to practice anymore, if you practice again, it will hurt your body."

After a pause, he frowned: "However, I looked at your strength before. This attack you just made is your true level of strength. In my opinion, it is only a seventh-level samurai. , Barely counted as reaching the eighth level. However, the powerful killing move you used before, can instantly make your lethality reach the top level of the ninth level. Hmm ... I still advise you, that kind of It ’s useless to kill more tricks! The use of the Sigil Throne in a short period of time will use up your strength in a short time, but your body will not be fully trained! "

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