
Chapter 284: [Fencing gun for sale] (11,000 words!)

Let ’s say, “There are dozens of night watchmen on the street who look at things from afar ... As soon as Chuan Qiu reacts, he is rushed to the front and looks at a sharp tomahawk. The heavy weapons of this kind were raised, and the head of the patrol soldier inside was smashed into thin pieces. The rest of them rushed into the night, and before turning around to escape, they were trampled by the cavalry who swarmed after them. mud!

There were torches on the hands of patrolling soldiers. By the light of the fire, you can see these cavalry suddenly descending from the sky, everyone is riding the first feet, stout reindeer with streaks all over the body! And the riders on the horses are all burly and majestic, wearing short jackets, and the weapons in their hands are all heavy guys such as tomahawk machetes and hammers. Only a few people are wearing iron armor, and most of them are Protect from leather


The short killing sound was soon obliterated by the hoof, and the group swept across the garrison station west of the town like a dark cloud.

There is really no fortification at this station, but there is a slightly higher sloping field on the west side of the town. The garrison barely garrisoned here and set up some simple sheds. In order to save trouble, even the wall was not done, only some spokes were used. A horse-drawn carriage surrounds it. Barely it can be regarded as a walled wall. It is conceivable that a battalion station of about 300 people can build a solid fortification?

When the attackers rushed to the station, many soldiers had not yet ran out of the shed, and even the guards at the door were clearly panicked. There was no gate at that gate, but two big tree poles were cut across to make a partition beam. The reindeer came over and the rider lightly controlled the mount. He jumped slightly and jumped over. When he landed, The rider on the reindeer's back dropped the axe, and cut off the head soldier's head lightly.

Finally, when almost half of the brigade had rushed into the station, there was a burst of shouts from the camp.


"Odins! Odins are here!"

This short shout was quickly hustled and was obliterated by the sound of fire and shouting,

A lot of food was originally hoarded in the station. They were all going to be transported from here by the transport team in these two days. Most of the three hundred defenders were killed, and a few of them escaped their lives and fled in all directions. The guys who sneaked in at night did not chase after him, but only after the defenders were defeated, they immediately started to move food.

Most of these foods are already loaded in carts, and only the animals that pull the carts can walk. Hundreds of reindeer cavalry began to retreat with dozens of carts of food. At night, someone could see clearly, but headed for the river.

There is no large army of Corsican Military Command near Roro town. There is a heavy transport battalion less than twenty miles away. The rogue soldiers of Roro town fled there. The news, but where did you dare to rescue, but ordered to keep the camp gate tightly? ”It was night until dawn, seeing that the Odin people did not kill, this reluctantly.

By the afternoon of the next day, a few encyclopedia cavalrymen from a small city 50 miles away came to the rescue, but when they came to Luoluo town, the barracks had been destroyed and the food had been moved. There was no time to move. Those who left also burned.

After local inquiries were found, the opponent was identified as Odin.

They were riding reindeer. All the soldiers were fierce and sturdy, they were all burly, and they were all wearing Odin's leather gowns and leather armor. The weapons in their hands were also heavy weapons used by Odins, not Odin Who else can there be? !!

The most important thing is that at night someone saw these guys retreating in the direction of the river after the robbery was over!

At this moment, the army who came to the rescue knew that it was important, and they dared not make a decision without authorization, and quickly reported the incident.

This military situation, even if it is urgent, will be another day after the report to the Governor's Mansion.

And that night, on the lower bank of the Roro River, a small town called Ryan was also robbed by the Odins.

The news was almost the same.

At night, a group of Odin cavalry did not know what method was used. After opening the gate, the group forcibly stormed into the city. After setting off a few fires in the city, they stormed into the city's government office, not only killing the administrative officer, but also removing all the taxable money this spring stored in the government office.

Five hundred defenders were originally stationed outside the city of Li'an, but these five hundred defenders were all infantry soldiers. By the time the defenders organized their forces to come, these Odins had already snatched their property and left the city. These Odins were very brutal, after leaving the city. Seeing that Lian's garrison was chasing behind. Actually turned around and killed him.

Poor Li'an's garrison was an infantry. When he got the news at night, he hurried to the rescue without any heavy weapons. Field battle again, where is the opponent of the cavalry? They were overthrown in less than a moment. These Odin cavalry were extremely arrogant and chased after the defeated defenders. They ran a full circle around the city of Li'an and only defeated the defenders. The remaining shortcomings of the 100 defenders were gone, and then they left with a big swing. Before leaving, they set off a fire under the gate.

This news was also quickly sent to the Governor's Mansion in the Corsica Military Region, which immediately caused a commotion.


In particular, the governor's second son, Gaia, suddenly became furious. He smashed the table on the spot and yelled: "The Odins are too outrageous! We blindly tolerated them, and also sent Baba a large sum of gold and silver grain. They Insufficient greed, even came to grab us and kill my sergeant !! "

Speaking, he was furious at the elder brother sitting on it: "It's not all your idea. These Odins have to make inroads. We showed weakness a few days ago. Instead, they thought we were bullying. This really grabbed the door. ! "

The governor's eldest son, Cardoso, was also annoyed. But it was even more suffocating, because it was his idea to live in harmony with the Odin, but at this moment the Odin had violated the border and violated it, and suddenly felt as if they were slapped. He was angry, but couldn't be here. The younger brother was weak, and he couldn't afford to make mistakes, but just shut up.

"I'm going to gather the army and take my soldiers to the Roro!" Gaia was about to go out, and Cardoso finally said, "Stop!"

"What?" Gaia turned, with a fierce expression on his face.

"The strategy for peace with the Odins was set by the father. Do you want to disobey his father's claims?" Cardoso replied coldly: "Father is still sick, brother, you must not mess around!"

After a pause, he said, "Send a clever man to Siltan to see the Odin's condemnation. This time, they broke the contract first, and see what they said first."

Although Gaia was angry and dissatisfied with his brother, he was not the Governor after all. Although his father was ill, after all, he was the Lord of Corsica and could only tolerate his anger: "Okay! I will see What can these Odins say! "

Here in the Corsica Military Region, after discussions with Cardozzo and the Governor, they sent two capable men to Syltan County to meet

Manninger looked at an accountable letter written by the old Governor Carlos. He was a little puzzled, but then he thought, only if it was his own soldiers who were stationed on the banks of the Loro.

He is the head of the Basak tribe, and naturally understands the temperament of these children under his control. These days come to invade Byzantium. All the way was too smooth, easily killed the Byzantine Seventh Corps, and also occupied the flower world of two counties, where the land is fertile. The Byzantines were rich again, plagiarizing the homes of many rich households and nobles, and plagiarizing many gold and silver treasures. The whole army has learned a lot, but there is no better bullying target in the world than these Byzantine sheep.

I had the labor supplies from Corsica some days ago, although I also ordered that his Majesty not be allowed to cross the border. However, these guys under his own hands are usually unpretentious, maybe they are the boys along the way. Looking at the rich man in the Corsica Military Region on the other side, with jealousy, it was not surprising to take people across the border to watch such a ticket. The Odins have always been strong and their fists are hard. Whoever has a bright knife will naturally respect whomever.

These guys. These days have been boring for too long, maybe someone below has violated his order, and it is not too accidental to do such a thing.

Manninger knew his spleen nature of his Odin warrior, and he was accustomed to it. Odin was born in the Northland. Even between the same tribe, he occasionally fought. Such a small thing, if placed in the tribe, he would not laugh It's over, and no one will be held accountable. According to Odin's custom, being robbed, you can only blame yourself for being too weak. That's right. No one will sympathize with you and have mercy on you.

If they are weak and backward, they will be beaten. In the eyes of the Odins, they are justified.

The only thing that made Manninger uncomfortable was that these little cubs, since they had done such a vote and got a benefit, actually swallowed it themselves. According to the custom in the tribe, they went out and snatched the loot, but they must think of their contributions Part of it. These guys did such a vote, I was afraid that it was a lot of fat after a bite, but they were actually bored, and they were a bit nonsense.

I thought it was because I had previously issued a military order to not cross the border. The children below were afraid of reporting to myself because of the military order.

Since Manninger felt so determined, all the remaining doubts had been eliminated, but he was thinking about going back and hitting the restless boys below. Robbing is robbing, but you still have to hand in the loot in accordance with the rules, the rules in the tribe can not be broken.

As for the messenger sent by the Corsica Military Region, Manninger only dealt with it at will, only evading that he knew the situation. Moreover, there is no evidence of such a thing.

Speaking of evidence, the people sent by the Corsica Military Region immediately realized that the Odin leader was probably relying on his account.

The attacking Odins were very clean. They always came in the night, grabbed a ticket and ran, and they fought. Even if there is damage, captives are never left.

Not to abandon the companion. As for the evidence, not even one of the opponent's hair was caught. As for witnesses, after all, there is no comment.

Manninger looked at the face of the messenger of the other party, and then he calmed down. I thought that although these boys below were more reckless, they were still doing things cleanly, which made me a lot less numb


Moreover, Manninger is also a mind. As a patriarch, he is naturally short-guarded. Moreover, he originally looked at these Byzantines as weak and deceived. Those who were robbed of them also robbed them, even if they violated their own orders, it was his own. The patriarch closed the door to dispose on his own. Where can I get these weak Byzantines to ask for sin?

At that time, Manninger lowered his face and angered, "Since there is no evidence, why do you say that I was the Odin Warrior? So stubbornly framed, aren't you afraid of breaking the two covenants?"

The other messenger was speechless. Just pinned one: after the war. Naturally someone saw Jiang. The attacker must be an Odin fighter. No doubt not only soldiers from Corsica can testify, but also many ordinary people.

Manninger listened, and smiled coldly: "Since someone has witnessed him, he brought it with me and treated him well!"

This remark also made Corsica's messenger lose his temper. Running in front of the Odin coach, who knew that Manninger was a murderer who did not blink? Thousands of prisoners of war in the Seventh Corps had been slaughtered without blinking. Who dares to confront him in such a fierce person?

"At this sight, the messenger was embarrassed, and Manninger was even more somber and exasperated:" Well, I dare not even confront him. Naturally, you are guilty of guilty, and you do n’t know where the robbers and the like have robbed you. You did n’t have the ability to catch the thieves, but they were planted on our Basak people! I think your Corsican army is also a pussy. For the sake of the two covenants, if you do n’t have the ability to attack the thief yourself, as an ally, I might as well send troops across the river to help you maintain law and order! "

That's the last word. Faintly threatened!

Upon hearing this messenger, Manninger would send troops across the river? Is that ok? I'm afraid that once this Odin army crosses the river, the thief is fake. Land grabbing is real.

Manning's face sank like water. He is also the brain of a tribe. His commander has commanded thousands of troops, and he is also the head coach of the army. Naturally, there is a mighty prestige to kill Corsica's messenger. As if it was nothing, what dare to blame? I could only helplessly swallowed this breath, and wandered back.

Manninger, who had driven the Corsican side, just smiled and said: "Go down and ask, what kind of good thing did the little cub do? Oh, just send someone to scold and say a few words. According to the rules of the tribe, the confiscated things should be turned in. "

The men naturally went down and checked it, but they asked the battalions below, but they didn't ask a doorway. Manninger listened in return. He said he didn't find it, and didn't care, just laughed: "This group is getting more and more cunning. Forget it, probably because I was afraid I punished them for violating the military order, so no one dared to confess it. Tell the people below And do things carefully in the future

He said so casually. To be honest, Manninger was satisfied with his heart at this time, and did not take offense to a Corsican military area as a major event. He knew the whole situation. These Byzantine rebel warlords were absolutely afraid to turn his face at this moment. Moreover, the army of Odin has occupied four counties in northern Byzantium, and more than 100,000 soldiers are at the door of each other's house. Where can they dare to turn their faces? The battle in Osgilia is not over yet, these Byzantines, it's too late for Bachel himself.

Manninger's order was to "do things carefully" without reiterating the "do not plunder across the river." Those guys in the Odin battalions have been sullen for many days. At this moment I heard that a battalion's brothers crossed Going to rob the big fortune, but not yet punished, the patriarch just rebuked so casually.

Suddenly everyone's mind became alive.

Secondly, the patriarch said, "Be careful with things" Is it ridiculous that you can grab it as soon as possible, but you must do it cleanly without leaving the handle?

Although going south. Chi Xuejun has already gained a lot, but who would suspect that such things as money


For a while, everyone was flexing their muscles in secret. "

However, it was said that after the Corsica's messenger returned, he would return his experience in the Manninger camp, and the Corsica's General Confederate Government was also annoyed.

The old governor heard the news on the bed and was almost angry with blood. Cardozo, the eldest son in power, was silent for a long time. In the end he threw the tea cup angrily, but there was nothing he could do.

The Odins were so unmanned, so Cardoso was naturally helpless. But then someone sent a command from his father: No place was allowed to move, in case the Odins used the excuse to start the war.

Another person sent a sentence: "The overall situation is the most important thing. As long as the results of the battle in Osgilia result, it will naturally be afraid of nothing."

In this original sentence, the old governor sent someone to convey to his second son Gaia. It is probably that the old governor knew that his second son had a violent temper, and he sent someone more than one sentence: the army must not move. You have to go through your warrant!

The boss is naturally kind, but he doesn't know his little son, but he thinks otherwise.

It turned out that Gaia took control of the military in the Corsica Military Region. Originally, he relied on his old father to love himself. However, the Governor was sick in bed for many years, and he was in charge of the army outside, but his eldest brother stayed in power. The eldest son, Cardozo, was also a wise man. He served in front of the bed and gradually restored the feelings of the Governor. The eldest son. After all, the second son has led the army for many years and has a certain amount of power in the army. Even if the old governor wanted to cut the second son's military power, he was still a little bit cautious. This has caused this persistent situation to this day.

At this time, the old governor was kind, for he was afraid that his youngest son would arbitrarily move the soldiers and the Odin to cause friction. He said, "For the transfer of the army, a governor's warrant is required." Reaction: Does my father want to take the opportunity to seize my military power and help my brother take the upper position? !!

He pretended to be obedient, but secretly summoned his confidant generals and sent them all down, and ordered everyone to control the army individually without my own order, even if it was my elder brother or the governor's warrant.

These confidantes under his command are the party feathers he has cultivated for many years, and his future has long been tied to him. Knowing that if Gaia loses power, these people will be intolerable by his grandson, and naturally he will take the lead without hesitation.

Some people couldn't help but ask, "Major General, if the Odins come again to challenge, what should we do? Should we stick to the camp? Or"

Gaia was a tough temper, and immediately said, "This is still a question? How do they call, how can we fight back fiercely! Are we Corsicans all shrinking turtles? They were robbed. Do n’t you dare to resist if you kill someone! ”

He also had a thought in his mind: just to take the opportunity to firmly grasp the military power, in case his father and brother do anything.

This is a more sensitive period at this time. Once the battle in Osgilia comes to an end and the Byzantine royal family dies, each family will become an independent kingdom in the future. Although I have control over the military power, I am not the heir of the family after all. I do n’t take the opportunity to gain a firm foothold and firmly control the military power.


It is better to let the father and the older brother see the situation clearly, knowing that the army is in their own hands, it is best for the father to make a choice and abandon the older brother and let him be the heir, once and for all.

In a mountain forest upstream of the Luoluo River, in the dense woods, there are hidden whistle on the treetops at the edge of the woods. In the woods, Xia is surrounded by a group of horse thieves, and a Kosi is spread on the ground. On the map of Jiahe and Sultan County, Xia took a tree branch and drew on it for a while, and laughed, "We have had two games, and both sides can bear it. It seems that the tempest is not enough, Do another big vote. "

After a pause, there was a cavalry leader next to him who laughed: "Aunt", Master Xia, these Corsican troops are too pustular. Since it is difficult for them to pose as Odin and hit them, they dare not fight back. It ’s better to avenge the Odins than to sneak on the Odins. Those Odins are hot-tempered. It ’s easy to get rid of them. It ’s not easier than to provoke these timid Corsicans.

Xia Ya shook her head when she heard the words: "The Corsicans are weak. We went to attack them, and they did not dare to chase them too much. After all, we were alone, but only a few hundred people. In the event of traces, I am afraid everyone will bury their bones. Out. The danger of exposing Odin is too great. And "there is no good chance. "

After a pause, he explained: "The system of the Odins is loose and rude. We pretend to attack the Corsicans by posing as Odins. Even if the Odins know the news, they will be confused and confused for a while. In the end who did it, I was afraid that I really thought it was one of my own people. It was the loose system inside the Odin people that caught us, and we were so good at finding fish. Corsica is different if we Corsica people attacked Odin's army by surprise. As soon as the news came out, Corsica's army was built according to the Byzantine military system. The upper and lower levels were clear, and it could be found by careful inspection. At that time, we could expose it. La."

The crowd was lurking in the forest for two more days. Anyway, they grabbed a lot of food back a few days ago, and the food was not absent.

After hiding for two days, scouts scattered outside came back to report the news, which immediately pleased Xia Ya!

It turned out that the Corsicans did not retaliate, but it was the Odin who moved!

It turned out that the Odin had long wanted to cross the river to get rich, and had been patient under Manninger's military order. However, some days ago, Xia and others attacked the Corsican army on the other side by posing as Odin. Odin was confused inside, and I do n’t know which hero in his tribe did it. ... who suffered from the command of the patriarch, and none of them took the lead ...

At last, someone took the lead in doing this, and the patriarch did not have any strict internal investigations and punishments because of short guards, but it only stimulated everyone's thoughts.

Less than three days. There were also three Odin squads stationed on the banks of the Roro River. They crossed the river at night and sneaked into the villages and towns of Corsica, grabbing many loot.

There was also a group of people who acted unscrupulously, but a team with less than 100 people surrounded a village, blocked them at both ends, and then checked the property from door to door. As a result, it was a whole night, when it was dawn, nearby The Corsican army finally sent troops, but the group of Odins was not afraid. Less than a hundred people, they confronted the Corsican army of the two battalions, only thinking that these Corsicans. Weak as other Byzantines.

Unexpectedly, the Corsican troops of these two battalions came from Gaia's lineage, and Gaia's order was already obtained. If the Odins invade again, they will fight back fiercely!

As a result, the two sides really fought!

Although the Odins were sturdy and fierce, they "wrestled less than one hundred." The other side was two battalions. A fierce battle. The Zhaoding people were more than half dead and injured on the spot, but they ran back only five or six. Everyone is injured.

This time, the entire Red Snow Army was immediately sensational!

With Odin's temperament, I can grab you. Don't you dare to kill my people!

Suddenly all the troops rioted. Although Manninger knew it was his fault, but now he is in the limelight. Where can he be soft? Suddenly, a large army gathered on the banks of the Luoluo River, posing a posture to cross the river.

In fact, although Manninger made a fierce posture, he also knew that the overall situation was the most important and he could not really start a war with the Corsica Military Region. It's just that they frighten the other side by doing something. As long as the other party is subdued, someone is sent to send a generous fortune, and a few scapegoats are introduced, and he will step down.

The problem is that Corsican's internals are not unified!

In the meaning of the old governor and Cardoso. Naturally he did not want to start a war with the Odins. Just as Manninger thought, he would send a fortune and push out a few scapegoats.

The problem is, it's okay to send a batch of property. But this scapegoat cannot be pushed out!

This leader and the Odin fought fiercely, it was Gaia's relationship! Gaia is based in the Corsica Military Region. He is a young child. According to the Byzantine tradition, he did not have the right of inheritance. He relied on the support of these generals in the army. If at this time, you give up your relationship as a scapegoat, "isn't that chilling your own hearts? In this way, who will follow you faithfully in the future?

Gaia naturally did not budge. He even left the governor's office and moved to the barracks of his own army, showing a resolutely uncooperative attitude.

The Governor wants to send someone to arrest someone directly in the army. There is also no way. Gaia has long ordered that, except his warrant, even the order of the old governor can be disobeyed!

Although the old governor also had control of some of the units, but after all, he couldn't do anything about letting his own units go against the youngest son's forces. At this time, it was foolish to start a civil war. It can be seen that although the old man is seriously ill, he has not yet lost his head.

This time, they did not wait for the Odins to come over. Corsica's interior was chaotic first.

The old governor vomited two bowls of blood on the bed. He did not expect that he was getting old, but was overpowered by his son.

The old governor was so angry that his oldest son, Cardoso, was so scared!

It seems that the military power is under the control of his younger brother. If his younger brother takes advantage of the mobile coup, wouldn't he be able to kill himself?

After all, my father still has a father-son relationship with his brother. Even if the brother is in a coup, he will never kill his father's life. But he ’s different. ”If the brother moves, the first one to be killed must be himself!

What's more, when it comes to making choices, although my father still has a bit of military power, he won't really tear his face for his own brother! Cardoso knows that although his father is ill, he is not faint. For the sake of the family, when it is necessary to make a choice, he would rather sacrifice himself than to see the family split and fight the civil war.

At this time, an aide gave a suggestion to Cardoso: "Master, the current situation is nothing more than the persecution of Odin's army. What little boy inside us is holding the military power?" After all, he is not the governor. The Governor must also be dissatisfied. As long as the Odin retreat outside, the little boy will have no excuse to continue holding the military power. In the current situation, we must fight for time. As long as the Odins can temporarily retreat, our internals can naturally be slowly rectified. The Governor must also be dissatisfied with the little boy.

Just because the Odins forced it, at this moment they have to support the little boy, once the Odins retired. "

Cardo's eyes flashed, he weighed for a moment, and finally made up his mind: "It seems that I must go in person to retire the Odin! I, as the eldest son of the Governor, went to see Manninger in person, and It was given the Odin's great face, and the Odin didn't mean to really tear our face with us. As long as I went in person, Manninger had the steps and naturally retreated. "

The men around him were shocked: "You go in person? That won't work! I heard that these Odins are fierce and brutal, and that Manninger is a murderer who does not blink. If you go like this, what if you miss

Cardoso gritted his teeth: "The situation is urgent now. If I don't go, I'm afraid it's a dead end! It's better to fight hard! As long as I can convince Manninger to withdraw, the senior officials in the Governor's House will look at me high. At a glance! Even Gaia. There is nothing to say! Whether you will be rich or a prisoner in the future, it depends on this! "

After a pause, he instructed his confidants: "I go quietly, don't spread the news, go around the road, don't walk in the defense zone of the Gaia commander. Lest someone hurt me"

This Cardozo is also a decisive role. After the decision was made and arranged properly, when Cardozo met the old governor that night, he took a hundred guards and went quietly on the road.

"Aunt, aunt !!"

In the woods, Xia Ya was holding a grilled rabbit on the fire and grilling on the fire, with a smile in his mouth: "This barbecue is about a fire. When I was in the mountain, what kind of meat has not been roasted?" A few horse thieves, Xia Ya was bragging about how she played the glorious history of tigers and leopards in the mountains when she was talking about her. She heard a horse thief ran in and shouted. Xia Ya looked pale and annoyed: "What are you shouting about? !! What auntie! "

"Well, the horse thief, adult, laughed and lowered his voice:" Business is coming! A small group of people came over the path east of Lin Zi! More than a dozen big cars have very deep wheel marks. It seems that there are many things! We are all familiar with this way. The car is heavy and light, and we glance at it a few hundred steps. You can guess it. This group of people is a fat sheep! "

Charya rolled her eyes and pointed at this guy with a smile and cursed: "Fuck, you guys, have you forgotten your identity? Now you are not horse thieves, you are Byzantine officers. Why do you think of doing this robbery? It's up! "

The horse thief grinned: "Those carts. I have looked carefully. They have the marks of the Corsican army. They seem to be transport vehicles." I didn't know what to transport. In the back of a luxurious carriage, many guards are crowded, want to be a big man! "

As soon as Charya's eyes lighted up, she threw the barbecue in her hand, clapping her hands, rubbing the black ash of the barbecue on her face, wiping her blush like a grimace, and whistling with a laugh:

"Brothers, the business is here! Guns for business!"

Three days and more than ten thousand, request monthly check

Ah (to be continued)

It was 10,000 for two consecutive days. I have no word of promise! I hope everyone will vote a lot 嗖)

Chapter 284 Fencing a Gun to Do Business

The Corsica Military Region is close to Syltan County, and about eighty years ago, it was converted from the original imperial district to the Tema Military Region. The first governor of the military region, Juan Carlos, was once a well-known empire of the empire. After two wars with the Odins, he has outstanding achievements.

At that time, the Tema Military District System had not been established for many years, and the system had not yet collapsed. The Empire and the whole considered this to be a good strategy to resist the invasion of the Odins. Wanted to close the military zone in the northern part of the empire.

General Juan Carlos accumulated meritorious deeds, was named governor, and commanded the Corsica Military Region.

Since then, Corsica County has become a military area, and it is no longer owned by the imperial family. It has been over 80 years.

To this day, the Carlos family has occupied the Corsica military region for three generations, and the first military district governor, Juan Carlos, has long since died. The current Governor, Sisinio Carlos, is 41 years old, when he was young and strong, but suffered a serious illness ten years ago. He collapsed, and stayed in bed for many years. Both were towered by his two sons. The eldest son Cardoso is in power and the second son Gaia is in charge.

The former military commander's family. This is actually the actual warlord. Naturally, he attaches the greatest importance to military power. The Carros family, however, is controlled by the second son. Naturally, there is a hidden danger of expropriation. The governor of Hessinho loved the second son over the eldest son. He gave the military power to the younger son in the early years. The eldest son was helpless. To this day, he has become a young and strong. Even the old governor cannot change this. Situation.

The Corsica Military Region is close to Siltan County, which was originally stationed by the Seventh Corps. The empire set up this central standing corps here, one is to defend the northern territory of the empire, and the other is to monitor the movement of the surrounding Tema military area on the spot.

With the Odin invasion. After annihilating the Seventh Corps and occupying Siltan County, the Corsica Military Region was naturally free of constraints. As early as the start of the war in Osgilia, the Corsica Military Region was among the first to respond to the announcement.

The Corsica Military Region is also a backbone member of the "Red Round Table", the entire Corsica Military Region. With a population of hundreds of thousands, and close to the northern grain-producing areas, it has a standing force of more than 20,000. One. The size of the full formation. When the war broke out, the Governor's second son, Gaia, issued a mobilization order and summoned another corps in one breath, with a total strength of more than 40,000.

The original eldest son, Cardoso, was not very happy, but the 7th Corps was wiped out by the Odins, and the Red Snow Army of the Odins showed such amazing fighting power! And these fierce guys, the rebels are in neighboring counties. Tens of thousands of Odins knelt in front of their homes, which also made the Carros family feel a little uneasy. After all, although there are secret covenants, the Odins are inherently fierce and outrageous. Who can guarantee that these red-eyed Odin robbers will not be greedy and the army will come across the border?

The governor's second son, Gaia, is quite a bit of heroic, and strongly advocates Chen Bing's border to prevent the Odin. However, the old governor and the eldest son strongly advocated that Huai Piao believed that at this time, there should be no excessive reaction, and instead annoyed the Odins and gave them excuses to violate.

Although Gaia was dissatisfied, although he was in charge of the army, he was only a second son after all. The Governor had been sick for many years. He still had a little influence and could not disobey his father's intentions.

After the Red Governor and the eldest son Cardoso had defeated the Seventh Corps, they sent two groups of people to Siltan County to meet with the Red Snow Army commander Manninger. They also sent a large number of cattle and sheep forage. In the name of the Lauding Army, he tried to appease these fierce Odin robbers in such a gentle way.

Manninger had just settled Siltan County at that time. Although he was also greedy for the wealth of the Byzantines, he was unable to do so during the rainy season. And after all, the two sides still have a covenant, so they happily accepted these generous gifts.

For a while, the tension between the two sides was greatly eased, and quite a bit of the brothers and relatives stood up.

The Luoluo River is a river that runs through the Corsica Military Region and Siltan County. The upper town of Luoluo is exactly the border between the two regions. The original population of Luoluo was not large, only less than 2,000. Of the inhabitants, relying on the fertile land of the river plain, agriculture.

After the war broke out, the Corsica Military Region originally set up two flag regiments on the border with Siltan to maintain pressure on the Seventh Corps. As a result, after the seventh regiment was annihilated, it was to "take care of the overall situation" and to win the trust. The Odins, on the contrary, drew back the two flags.

Due to the importance of geographical location, Luoluo Town is located in the upper plains of the river and the surrounding radiation-producing areas. It is also the end of spring plowing. In order to ensure that food production is not unexpected, the Corsica Military Region has left a battalion here. The troops are stationed, and there is also a heavy transport team stationed nearby within twenty miles.

Originally, after receiving the labor supplies from Corsica, the Odins also relaxed the defense of the borders on both sides. Manninger also regarded credit, restrained the soldiers in the tribe, and strictly prohibited his people from entering the river. Corsica Military Region to avoid accidents and friction.

Over the past month, the two sides had nothing to do with each other, and gradually everyone was relaxed. Even when the garrison in Luoluo town patrolled along the river, the Odin soldiers fetching water across the river and across the river waved. Even when the weather is fine, the two sides send people to cross the river and trade in barter.

That night, it was a little special. The rainy season was clearly over, but from the afternoon onwards, a large cloud came to the north. The sky quickly darkened, and the weather was hot and humid, but the rain never fell, but the cloud seemed to be getting lower and lower, and it was especially early at night ~ ~ after dinner. The sky was completely dark, and the dark clouds blocked the starlight and moonlight of the sky. If it was outside the house, if you did n’t light it, you would not reach your fingers.

The army station at the west end of Luoluo Town has already rested early. In addition to the night soldiers patrolling the town, only a few winds were heard, passing through the street of the town, blowing some people on both sides of the street. The curtain of the door crackled.

In the middle of the night, the garrison was already slack and tired, but suddenly heard a loud noise from the east of the town, the sound came from a distance, as if mixed with the movement of Jin Ge's assassination, and faint screams.

Soon, in the dark, the rushing hoofs swept across the streets of the town like a wind. The residents in the town were awakened, bolder, and quietly opened the window to peep out, but they saw the night, a group of people running down from the town under the cover of the night, in the darkness, I don't know how many there are. I just feel that these guys' horses are running, the hoof sound is dull, and the shadow silhouettes that fall in their eyes are not like horses. Those mounts have long horns on their heads.

These people rushed into the town in an unrestrained manner, and did not stay in the town, and killed directly at the garrison in the west.

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