
Chapter 265: [No choice]


Manninger suddenly stood up, the last ray of hope in his heart suddenly extinguished, and he shook, and then barely stood still, and said, "What's going on!"

"Morca took us to raise food in situ, but it triggered a rebound in the wildfire town. They organized manpower all night and stole us. Lord Elka and his subordinates are feeding the city with wildfire and sending me to report to you, please ... "

"Stupid! Stupid !!! Stupid bad thing!"

Manninger finally sat on the ground with one buttock, struggling twice, trying to stand up twice, and Shi felt powerless.

His face was gloomy, and he pressed his anger in his heart. His eyes forced a sharp look, and his voice was hoarse: "What the **** is going on! Wildfire feeds no guards, how can you get 5,000 of you out ?!"

The two Odin fighters who came to the news also seemed to know that the matter was important, and in their expressions, they were even frightened and frustrated. One of them stuttered before finally telling the story ...

Morca is 28 years old. As a warrior in the Basak tribe, he is the youngest and most powerful, and has the courage to fight against the peak. As the eldest son of Patriarch Manninger, Morka has always been famous among the clans for his bravery. This time, Manninger emerged from the tribe, bringing out the best of the tribe to the south, and several others of his own. Neither son brought, but only the eldest son of Morka, and Morka knew naturally how deep his father expected him.

As the eldest son of the patriarch, he is naturally the hottest candidate for the heirs of future patriarchs. Although the Basak tribe is not the Odin royal family, the choice of heirs has always been the same as that of other tribes of Odin. The identity of the eldest son will not give him any advantages. The only advantage is that he will follow the father for a longer time, and the possibility of getting support from other leaders in the tribe is also greater.

The Odins stood for martial arts, and Morca was young enough to spawn tigers and leopards, naturally a famous warrior in the tribe. But as Manninger was a rare hero in the Odin Empire, he understood that if he just wanted to be a "qualified" patriarch, his eldest son would be enough, but if he wanted to be an "excellent" patriarch It is not enough just to be brave. Manninger was in his current life, and the Odin Empire reigned under the recognition of the strongest **** Star Hannigan in generations. Manninger himself was also an excellent patriarch of the Basak tribe, only slightly better than previous generations. My ancestors, I wanted to make the Basak tribe in their own hands. Although there was no ambition to replace the royal ambitions, they wanted to make the Basak tribe the second strongest in the Odin empire besides the royals. Tribe.

Therefore, he gave his full support to the great Emperor Odin, and used the trust of Emperor Odin to establish a deep relationship with the royal family. He also formed the eldest son of the Emperor and married them with a tribe. The layout is far-reaching! In his mind, he planned that if successful, the Basak tribe would be at least brilliant for three generations.1 To achieve such a standard, it would not be enough to rely on only one generation of Manninger. For his future successor, Selection, of course, is also excellence.

Therefore, his expectations for his eldest son, Morka, are naturally higher. This expedition brought Morka, and in the meantime, he hoped that he would do more and build prestige among the clans. Secondly, I also hope that he will be more honed by the baptism of war and able to make more progress.

Morca knew that his father had high expectations for himself, and hoped that he would do his best to show his best, so as to strengthen his position in his father's heart.

Therefore, when Manninger ordered him to take 5,000 people to stay in Yehuo Town to collect food and supplies on site, Morka could be said to be doing his best.

The problem was that he was too anxious and too eager to fulfill his father's orders.

Just as Manninger left the town of Wildfire with his army, Morka took his five thousand Odin soldiers and dispersed the food in the Wildfire lock.

The so-called on-site food levy is, to put it bluntly, just one word "grab!

Morka is also a bit entrusted. He thinks he has brought 5,000 soldiers. How many people are there in this wildfire town, and is a well-known sans territories. Without local guards and forces, his 5,000 soldiers. Spread, who can resist?

Under his order, the five thousand Odin soldiers were divided into dozens of teams, and the wildfire was fed on the streets, and the shop was closed, door-to-door knocking for food. These Odin fighters are all barbaric guys, and they are not on the territory of their tribe. How polite?

This time, you can knock the horse honeycomb!

Where is Wildfire Feed? Famous San Regal Zone! It can be described as a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. I don't know how many fugitives on the Big 6 are hiding here. I don't know how many recluse masters among the reckless people live here.

It can be said that I am afraid that any tailor shop does needlework, maybe it is a thief who has been famous all over the world! Maybe the chefs in any restaurant can use their kitchen knives to cut their grudges!

The wildfire feed is indeed a three-no matter place. No matter what forces come to occupy this place, the local residents don't care much. As long as the forces occupying this place are not too much, the taxes should be paid by the locals and they will not find them. What trouble, but if the people occupying it are too much, what extraordinary things do they do, hum ...

The first fire to light the clothing was a side street not far from Heijie. A team of Odin fighters rushed into a restaurant and tried to forcibly remove the food and wine from the restaurant. Such a **** naturally caused a rebound.

These Odin people care about so many where they raise their hands, and cut with a knife! As a result, the old man did it! Too bullying! Is there anyone who feeds so wild in the wildfire? !! At that time, the old-looking old man looked like an Odin warrior who wanted to cut him, and flew directly through the wall to the street.

The other Odin soldiers who were alarmed swarmed up, but I did not expect that the boss was a fierce robber in the past. Although he only had a broom in his hand, he would besiege his more than ten Odin soldiers. The legs were knocked. When Morka heard the news, he didn't think much about it, and directly transferred the two teams to the past, and finally hacked the reclusive thief to the chaos.

But the soldiers of Odin also wounded more than 20 people, and were angered by Morka. In order to relieve their anger, they ordered the restaurant to be set on fire, and this made them angry!

There were originally a team of 过 ars crossing the road in the rooms of the restaurant. , Originally did not want to cause trouble, but the Odin people actually want to light the house? Is that ok?

The puppet soldiers rushed out quickly, and they did not know how to conflict with the soldiers of Odin.

Morka was furious. He just wanted to use thunder to deter people here, and he ordered the street to be blocked, and then he was ready to slaughter these resistance guys.

But I didn't expect that all of a sudden the people in Jiantiao Street suddenly became turbulent. In the darkness, there were more than ten shops on this street, what chaimi shop, decoration shop, tailor shop, tavern and the like. Come out of twenty or thirty people!

These people have cornices, walking walls, and a wood-splitting knife in their hands, but they can shine with vigour. What's more scary is that the owner of a medicinal shop rushed to the street and faced the kill His two Odin mercenaries actually uttered two spells of fire magic! !!

Although Morka has laid out more than two hundred Odin bitters on this street, who couldn't think of a moment's effort, he was chopped up by these messy guys like chopping melon and vegetables! !!

Then these guys rushed out of the street, if it was not Morka's bravery, I'd be afraid to be killed.

These people shouted in the middle of the night, and some even gave out the whistle of Qige. The wildfire town in the middle of the night was awakened!

In the dark night, the response sounds in all directions. These guys are obviously the residents who feed the wildfire there. There is a driver, a shop owner, a mercenary, and even a beggar! Each one has extraordinary skills and ambitions!

Seeing that Morka's people were defeated by the opponent, he was anxious and ordered the entire army to be concentrated. The army finally concentrated on the square in the gate of the wildfire, and thousands of Odin's elite soldiers formed an array. Only then finally stood firm and resisted the opponent's assault.

Although the wildfire feeds a lot of strange and strangers, and there are many fierce mercenaries and warriors, but once thousands of Odin elite warriors form an array, if you compete, you can't compete with these casual soldiers. Once the two sides swear to each other, I am afraid that both sides will suffer severe injuries.

Morka himself was also a brave Odin elite warrior. At that time, his heart was angry and he was about to order the army to come forward to kill him. In his heart, he paid attention to "Even if he fights for both defeats, he will slaughter this baby!"

But when Morka was ready to order, a middle-aged woman who looked bloated and swollen came out of the "mob" opposite ...

"What are you? When did the Odins get this stuff?"

"Huh, look at you as a kid." "Oh? Are you Basak? Huh, is Manninger's old thing dead?

"Ah, you are his son? In the face of your Lao Tzu, I will let you die.

Get out of here! It's so stupid at young age! Even if the old thing of Hannigan is standing here, it will give me three points of face! What do you count.

Listening to the news in front of the Odin warrior, these words were repeated, and Manninger's face suddenly became suspicious, his brows froze: "That woman, really said that?"

"It's not bad at all!" The Odin looked up, weeping, "Patriarch ..."

Manninger waved his hand to stop the other's complaints and Shen Shen asked: "Then what? Thousands of you can't beat these mobs?"

"Patriarch, Lord Morka also wants ... but we are not as good as the mob, not even that woman.

The news of the Odins in this report showed a little panic: "The woman is strong, I have never seen it in my life! Master Morka wanted to do it, but she rushed into our team alone, but it was just a blink of an eye. Dozens of our warriors fell! Lord Morka fell to the ground with a slight poke of her. "

"What about the results? I asked the results!"

The Odin warrior's face was even more fearful, and he felt the anger that Manninger had forcibly suppressed: "We ... we, we fight hard, but the woman is like a ghost. I was in the team and I heard the brothers. Roaring again and again, and then falling down in pieces ... when the woman stopped, we had at least 600 brothers, all of whom had been knocked to the ground by her. But, but ... "

"But what?"

"However, she did not kill any of them. More than 600 brothers, each of them broke a leg. She also said that in the face of the deceased, she did not kill your subordinates, and broke one leg. It was a little punishment. . Also said, let's quickly get out of the wildfire feed and dare another person step in and she will kill a thousand first! "

Manninger was so angry that he yelled and pulled out his long sword: "Where is the man, indifferently to my warriors of the Basak tribe!"

Although he was angry, his heart was also frightened. Listening to the description of this man, the other party knocked down more than six hundred soldiers in the holy holy moment. Did he not hurt the other one? Such a skill, I'm afraid that it has caused some extra-terrestrial people reclusive living in the locks of wildfire?

However, as the dignified Basak patriarch and commander of the Chixue Army Corps, at this moment he was annoyed that he had to send someone to lead a wild fire to feed him to kill, but then he was moved again, Shen said: "Wait ... What did the woman say? She said she was an old man with me? "

The Odin soldier with sweat all over the news hurriedly said, "Yes, the original words she said to Lord Morka was' You sent someone to tell Manninger, and I said I had played in Odin's palace that year. He's ass! When you say that, he naturally understands. "Well, that's the sentence. "

As soon as this was said, Manninger listened, and his face became very exciting.

The monstrous anger on the face suddenly became stiff and stagnation, and then became awkward and weird, j! Then, a little bit of fear and fear gradually came out. His eyes flickered, as if he was hesitant to weigh the balance. In the end, he stood there for a while, then suddenly took a long breath, stomped his feet, and dropped the hand holding the knife. There was some frustration and helplessness in the look. The original anger turned into a helpless tone: "You ... you ... you go back immediately and let Morka take people out of the wildfire lock. Without my order, you can't step into the wildfire again. Baby step! "

Although the Odin soldiers in this report were strange, but where did they dare to ask more, they hurried down. However, Manninger's order made the other Basak leaders around him very dissatisfied, and someone yelled, "Patriarch, what do you mean! Someone is so insulting my Basak warrior. What is her origin, even if she is an influential role of seclusion, I am tens of thousands of soldiers, are you afraid of this kind of casual soldiers! You took me a thousand people, and I immediately flattened the town! "

There were other people who responded, and everyone's face was full of anger.

Manninger listened, but did not speak, but just quietly listened to the shouts of these people. After a while, when everyone became quiet and daylight was facing him, Manninger slowly shook his head and whispered. "Do you think I'm afraid!"

"..." Everyone hesitated, and finally yelled in unison; "Dare to ..."

"Don't be afraid." Manninger smiled bitterly: "I'll tell the truth, I'm really scared, afraid of this woman, there is nothing to hide, I can't say the identity of this person, but by no means can we mess with It ’s affordable, hum, it ’s not difficult to send someone to level out the town, but it annoys this woman, for fear that it will cause a big mess! A strong woman at this level really wants to pull down her identity to make a mess. The army can't stop her. Moreover, this person has a special status. Even if Her Majesty the Emperor is here, she will tolerate her a little. "

The people who spoke these words looked at each other, and for a while the Seal of the Throne of God was a little sluggish, and Manninger immediately lowered his face and drank, "I only say so much, this matter is forbidden to be told or asked again!"

He is the patriarch and has great prestige. Since strict orders have been issued, everyone is afraid to say anything even though they are full of doubts.

Manninger looked weird, and sank for a while, and sighed: "It seems that the gods are not good, but why did I encounter this person ... 遇到 ...

He stomped a little harder, his face even more worried.

The food in Yehuozhen is no longer to be expected ... if there is that woman, don't say anything about collecting food, it is a blessing to not provoke the other party to fight for your own trouble.

But there is no food supplemented by wildfire. My tens of thousands of soldiers will start to be hungry tomorrow ... Looking up at the walls of Denzel City that can not be seen far away, although I am very unwilling, I know that if I !! If you clenches your teeth, it will take up to one or two days to seal the throne of the Seal of God.

What good would it be to capture this city? The death guards of the city's defenders are already known. Even if the warriors really endure hunger and thirst, they will attack the city. If the city's defenders finally set fire to the city before the sky finally burns the food stored in the city ... ... then it's futile.

With the fierce strength of the defenders in the city, Manninger had no doubt that he really pushed the other side to an extreme. The guy in the city called Xia Leiming really dare to do that!

"Orders ..."

After groaning for a long time, Manninger's eyes finally flashed a fascination: "... Kill the deer and eat! Let the cavalry kill the head of the reindeer first, supplemented with deer blood to drink, to fill the military food !!"

There is no objection to this order. Anyway, everyone is eating livestock, cattle, and sheep in the tribe. Since the food is out of here, there is no choice but to kill the mount.

But Manninger's second order made everyone dissatisfied!

"Order, rectify the whole army. Tomorrow we will not attack the city, leave here and go straight south!"

As soon as this was said, there was a lot of opposition, and some people shouted on the spot: "Patriarch, we have injured many warriors today. This city is not broken, and my heart is angry! Since the horse reindeer has been slaughtered and venison has been killed Do n’t be afraid to go hungry, there will be two days to seal the throne of God, and I am afraid that this small town will not be broken!

"Huh!" Manninger slowly said, "Two days later, even if we broke the city, the venison was eaten, then what should we do? Go hungry south?"

After a moment of pause, a flash of anxiety flashed in his eyes: "If the Byzantines, like those here, scorched the soil by themselves, what should we do? Such a small town is useless for the purpose of attacking Tone, let our tens of thousands of children take risks? Fighting for a sigh of relief is small, and the day of our south expedition is the big thing! "

He is the patriarch, and this statement also makes sense, so although the people below are still a little bit unconvinced, they can only do it silently.

Manninger's eyes gradually sharpened, and he sneered suddenly: "Huh! The Charming Thunder in this city is a cunning guy! I want to come now, he's afraid that we have already calculated that we dare not delay too much here The seal of time is the throne of time! But I clearly know that it was his pawn, but this prank, I also had to go. This man is dangerous, and he must be our enemy. I must kill him! "

He squinted his eyes for a moment, then laughed slowly: "This guy really is a bit capable, but I look at the siege this day, the defenders in his city are weak, but we rely on our lack of favorable siege equipment, In order to barely hold it, there must be a small number of troops in the city! Huh ... Although I ca n’t continue to consume him here with the army, I cannot easily let him go! "

He immediately yelled: "The order, let Morka's people come here immediately, I will leave a thousand reindeer cavalry to him! Let Morka here give me a dead trap in this city, leaving him a The thousand reindeer cavalry i1 can kill deer and feed! One thousand deer, slowly slaughtered, enough to support for more than twenty days !! I bring my own army to the south to conquer, as long as my southward army collects food, I will send someone to send him Come, when the time ... pj thousand soldiers guard, can not run away!

, Xiang, this small lonely city, put it here, and there was Morka's count again. Manninger is indeed an Yingjie, and he said, "The other party is not afraid of our siege. There is no watercourse in this city. I want to come to the city. There are many water wells! Since there are water wells, there must be dark water underground in this area! People will dig deep wells immediately on the spot, and will definitely find water! Although there may not be enough water for us to drink so much, but if only The team from Morca stayed behind, with a smaller number and barely enough. "

When it's dark, Xia. As Ya overlooked the movement of the Odin from a distance above the city wall, he saw that the Odin was slaughtering deer to take meat, and he was very happy. Then in the morning, countless cooking smoke rose behind the Odin army. After these Odins killed some of the mounts, they replenished some food, and immediately started the army and drove south.

Charlie watched the Odins' tens of thousands of troops start from the city heading south, finally relieved in his heart.

At this moment, Green was also standing side by side with him on the city tower. Xia saw that the Odins really abandoned the city and did not attack, and restrained Green's shoulders excitedly: "Hah! Your calculations are really good. Odins are short of food and dare not Here with us, kill the Seal of Throne! "

Green was also slightly relaxed, but he was waiting for the army to leave, but there were thousands of reindeer cavalry left in place, and even some tents were set up. Many Odins were still busy digging in the camp. well……

Charlie and Green glanced at each other, both of them a little disturbed.

Then at noon, on the north side of the road, I saw another army of Odins coming, and thousands of people came down to the city and joined the remaining thousand Odin reindeer cavalry together. Send people to search for woods, plants, and water sources, with great fanfare, posing a long-term confrontation ...

"*." Charlie's face was a little ugly: "Although Manninger was fooled, he was only halfway! Although his army was gone, he left thousands of people and wanted to trap us!"

Green also frowned deeply: "We have less than a thousand defenders in our city, and ... weak, definitely not as elite as these Odins. Manninger obviously also sees through our virtual reality, these thousands of people put Here, although they are also unable to attack the city, it is enough to trap us! Huh, this Manninger is really a bit cunning. "

Both of them are standing on the wall and thinking hard, but after all, their strength is too limited. How can you come up with any good way based on this cost?

The city's garrisons are seven or seven and eight. All the mobilizers add up to just a thousand. The battle of the garrison the previous day also damaged one or two hundred, and the remaining people are also some local guards. Taxes Soldiers or prisoners, such as black soldiers, go out of town to destroy the enemy, that is no need to think about it ...

Hundreds of miscellaneous servicemen want to defeat Minqian Odin's elite, and the opponent has the strongest cavalry in the field ... Although Sia is sturdy, he also understands his own bravery in the battle against Minqian The effect is really small. He himself is not a strong player ...

After thinking about it for a long time, they couldn't help it. Xia Ya simply stunned her heart and laughed: "Anyway, Manning Gnan can't come back for a while, and we slowly figure out what to do."

He and Green came down from the tower and were going back to the guard house, but then they went down. Suddenly, a noise came from the distance, and they saw a group of city guards holding swords, crowded together, and faintly returned. There was a shout, as if something like "catch the spy" was called 嚷.

As soon as Xia Ya heard it ~ ~, she sneered, "There is a spy? Ha! It just happened that there was no place to spit out fire! I'll go and see!"

With that said, he hurried forward and approached, and heard a few screams of pain in the crowd, but the garrison in this group kept backing and spreading.

Charya was dissatisfied, and heard the voice of a cold young woman inside.

"I'm not a spy, and I don't want to hurt people! I just want to leave the city! If you don't give way, I will kill people!

As soon as Xia Ya heard this voice, she felt a bit familiar, and when she pushed the person in front of it, she saw a woman standing inside, holding the neck of a defender, and the neck of the defender's small head. It was his own knife that lay sideways.

And this woman, with a purple head, a tall stature, and a black robe, had a half iron face on that face, and a strange large bow on her back! Looking closely, the half of the face that was exposed had pale skin, but the face was delicate and exquisite, especially clear, and it also contained a bit of cool and glamorous taste!

When Charya looked at the woman, she didn't recognize it? Standing there _ stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud: "Ah? Is it you ?!

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