
Chapter 205: [Imperial Prime Minister]

Salenbonelli Solom stared in front of the bronze vase on the table. A fake flower stem and leaves were made of pure gold, and the flower was made of beautiful The silver leaves of the women's winter coat m were dyed with bright red rose juice. The master used the best technology to color it, while the flower core was inlaid with red gems.

"Very beautiful Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m ... The beautiful Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m is fake but it is really beautiful."

After Salon Bonelli gently picked up a magnifying glass, his eyes seemed extraordinarily large. He walked around the table and carefully observed the artwork in front of him from all angles. Then he dropped the magnifying glass. It was easy to look, "Well what price do I want?"

A fat man standing in the room was obviously somewhat restrained. Although he was the owner of the largest jewellery store in the Imperial City, at this moment he looked full of respect and bowed his head with his hand down in the heart. "Oh, my esteemed lord, it really is your eyesight! This is a good thing I got from the East last year! Look at the patterns on this bronze. This is one of the ancient ones that has become extinct. The totem of the ancient dynasty. I have found several heraldic experts to identify the history of this thing for at least four thousand years and the pattern of the totem fully shows that the first owner of this vase is an ancient king with noble blood. And based on reading a lot of literature, I can have sufficient evidence that the owners of this vase have been rich or expensive ...

Speaking of which, the fat jeweller wiped the sweat from his forehead carefully. "The only flaw is that there is a small gap in the left ear of the bottle. But please don't mind this gap but it proves to some extent that it is ancient. History and value. You see such a good thing "

"Offer your price." Salenbonelli's expression was indifferent. He wiped the magnifying glass with a silk scarf and frowned. "You should know that my time is very precious, so don't waste it!"

"Ten thousand coins." The jeweler reported a number.

Salem Bonelli's brow tightened even more. There was a mocking smile in his eyes. "Ten thousand coins? Sir, I think you should be very clear that the real value of this thing is five times the number you quoted. Above. Do you want to pay me a bribe? "

The sweat on the forehead of the jeweler's forehead increased the fat on his smile-filled face and huddled together. "I don't dare to think like that, lord.

But you know that the real good stuff should be in the hands of the people who know the goods. This is the truth of the collection world. "

"Again, my time, the Seal of the Seal of God is precious." Salem Bonelli screamed.

"" The jewel **** finally didn't dare to go around the corner anymore. "Yes, I opened a jewellery shop last month, but Lord Randolph ordered a diamond necklace from me. My stupid servant came out. Some mistakes ... Anyway, I ca n’t deliver the necklace on schedule. The Count Earl seems to be very dissatisfied with his compensation plan. He asked me to take 30% of the stock in the shop as compensation. I think this price is for a diamond necklace. It's too high, so "

"So you come to ask for my help? Use this bronze vase?" Salem Bonelli smiled scornfully. "But the version of the story I heard seems to be a little different. I heard that the countess gave you some materials, so please make a custom one." The necklace gave you a precious water blue diamond. The blue diamond is a gift from a magician to the countess. You lost that thing? Oh, or you did n’t lose it. Was swallowed "

The jewellery merchant coughed twice, "Master, I'm a credible businessman, one of my **** servants, and I lost something, that guy, I've punished him severely, but Lord Earl refused to forgive me ..."

"Okay." Salem Bonelli sighed. "I don't want to know the true version of the story. Count Lendorf I'll go and talk to him .... He said he took the vase carefully in his hand. After looking at it for a while, I suddenly smiled. "I want this vase, just according to the ten thousand gold coins you said. By the way, do you accept the installment payment? You know, I'm not a corrupt official. My salary is limited. "

All collectors know your noble character. "The jewellery merchant quickly praised" the installment is of course no problem! " "

He immediately took a few documents out of his arms and placed them on the table soil in a respectful manner. "Here are some documents. Any expert who has identified this vase signed their name below to prove the value of the thing and finally This is your file. As long as you sign your name below, you can legally own this collection. "

The jewelry merchant didn't even mention the details of the payment.

A new name was quickly signed on the document-of course it would not be Salem Bonelli himself but his housekeeper's name.

The jeweler seemed relieved and took a long breath and then said goodbye. When the servant brought the coat and hat, the jeweler grabbed the hat and gestured to bend over his chest. "Thank you very much. You also praise your vision. Prime Minister. You are an excellent collector. Family."

After this businessman left

Prime Minister

That's right Salenboni Lisorom is the current Prime Minister of the Byzantine Empire.

The imperial prime minister just passed his sixty-third birthday yesterday.

He was born under the name "Sorome". The surname is also a first-class giant in the Byzantine Empire. He is the sixth in the history of the family.

It is a pity that Salenbonelli may also be the most embarrassing of the six prime ministers in the history of the Solom family.

Not even looking at the history of the Byzantine Empire, his prime minister has a certain taste.

"Redundant Sabo" is a joke from the people to the empire prime minister. In fact, the Prime Minister himself is very aware of his nickname and knows that many nobles always like to use this nickname to refer to themselves when they mention themselves behind.

The adjective "redundant" very accurately describes the situation of the prime minister.

Everyone knows that the current Emperor of the Empire, Cantors, is a tough and very stubborn guy. The most important thing is that His Majesty's early career as a horse is a favored emperor who has never been close to civilians. Therefore, among the upper bureaucrats of the empire, those young generals or officers of the hawk army are more likely to be appreciated.

Of course ... but this is not the most important reason.

An empire's prime minister often needs to make up for the emperor's life and contribute wisdom under the shoes to help the emperor govern the empire, but it is clear that someone besides the emperor Cantos has taken over these tasks on his behalf.

That guy is obviously a white ding with no official position and no title, but he has more trust from the emperor than any prime minister in history. Almost every major decision about the empire has that figure in it.

It was almost that the power of the prime minister was snatched away, but the real prime minister, Saran Bonelli, could do nothing about it.

Because that person is a guy in the whole emperor who no one dares to provoke.

Cavill Hill!

With the existence of the emperor's most trusted man, the prime minister of Salenbonelli seemed more than enough.

Although the emperor didn't hate him, he couldn't talk about trust. The emperor will not ask his opinions and opinions when facing major problems. Everyone knows that it is about the country's major decision-making. The Lord Salembonelli seems to have no involvement. All decisions were made directly in the little study in the palace, after being discussed by Her Majesty and Cavill Hill.

The only role of Salem Bonelli's existence is to make appearances with the title of Prime Minister at some major ceremonies.

As for the daily master, the emperor will give him the decisions that have been discussed with Cavill Hill. He has no decision-making power or even the power of advice. He only needs to be an obedient responder and treat everything well. That's it.

It can be imagined that such a prime minister is undoubtedly very shameful and shameless.

No one in the history of the empire has been more cowardly and weaker than Salem Bonelli.

He is the prime minister of the empire, but in fact the ministers of various ministries actually don't put this guy on the surface and respect and contempt.

For so many years, Salenbonelli has calmly spent his life in this strange situation. He has never fought for himself and never tried to regain his own authority. He seems very satisfied with the "principal". The title serves as one of the Empire's most famous mascots.

Of course, the strange thing in all the contempt is that the only one who has shown sufficient respect to Salen Bonelli for many years is one that is real respect and not the kind of masquerade that is both yin and yin. The man who showed such respect to him should be Cavi Hill, Salenbonelli's biggest enemy!

Cavill Hill once said that Salem Bonelli was the wisest of the people he knew among the officials of the entire empire.

We can understand this sentence as a kind of compassionate praise from the winner to the loser. But is this really the case?

Perhaps there is a detail that everyone has overlooked!

Salen Bonelli is sixty-three years old! But in fact he has been in this position of prime minister for 22 years! !!

Became Prime Minister for 22 years!

This time, the throne of the Seal of God is the longest when the six Prime Ministers in the history of the Solom family reigned!

Even into the history of the Byzantine Empire! As the Prime Minister for 22 years, this world can also be ranked second when all the Prime Ministers of the empire have reigned! !!

Ranked first is the reign of an ancient prime minister for 25 years.

However, we can believe that with the age of Lord Salenbonelli and his current state of health plus his continued lack of desire, he may have a chance to break this record in the future.

What's even more amazing is that he never had a contradiction with Cavie Hill in the past 22 years! He never expressed any apparent hostility to the guy who robbed him of all his powers.

No, he certainly wasn't friends with Cavill Hill.

A guy like Caviehill has no friends.

However, the Prime Minister expressed a posture of no resistance to the various actions of Cavill Hill within a long time.

In fact, after the death of the previous prime minister 22 years ago, the emperor chose Saran Bonelli, who was only 41 years old at the time, as the new prime minister for three reasons.

The first one is from the background and qualifications of the Solom family.

The second reason is that the Solom family has always heard that the Imperial Army and the Imperial Army are not tolerant of loyalty to Tsarron Bonelli.

The third reason is simpler and more obvious.

Because ... he's obedient!

The emperor is a tough guy and his modesty will only be shown in front of Cavill Hill so the emperor does not need a prime minister and a "real prime minister."

Then the obedient Salembonelli is the most suitable person.

In fact, he has played the role of this mascot very well for the past 22 years. At any major state conference, he generally does not make any suggestions or compete for attention.

His greatest hobby in life is to collect all kinds of cultural relics and antiques.

Because of his "obedience" and cooperation with the emperor, although he did not rely enough on him and trust him, he gave him enough pampering and tolerance. So Salenbonelli occasionally used his identity to collect some oil and water or accept some bribes. The emperor hardly had any accusations against him.

On the one hand, the emperor does not rely on him, he just needs to play the role of prime minister. On the other hand, in addition to major state resolutions, the emperor almost required him to show pampering in other small matters ...

The hobby of collecting antiques and long objects is expensive.

The big jeweler Saran Bonnelli, who was called in for help, put on a comfortable loose robe under the servant's service. Then his butler sent a gift list to an old servant who had followed him for forty years.

This is the gift that the Prime Minister received when he celebrated his birthday yesterday.

"It's ironic, my dear housekeeper, isn't it?" Salem Bonelli took the gift slip and looked at the accompanying letter of congratulation. Each letter was filled with enthusiastic words ~ God knows to write these Believers behind the nobles call themselves "superfluous" prime ministers.

The steward did not speak, but silently handed the letter one by one to the prime minister. According to Prime Minister Qi Yi, he would select some of these congratulatory letters from those he thinks are important and deserve his own attention. It is an important etiquette among higher nobles.

"The irony that I said without my housekeeper is not what these guys say about me." Salem Bonelli poked his lips in spite of being sixty-three years old but his teeth were still intact and he smiled weirdly "I know these I know everything about the guys talking about me. Huh "Oh the extra guy" Oh the prime minister who can't talk "Ah the prime minister who can only earn money and only sits at home to mediate the dispute between the jewelry merchant and the little noble Do you think I don't know? But I don't care about my dear housekeepers. "

The prime minister said that he took out one of the letters and his eyes changed slightly. He saw a weird smile on the corner of the signature on the envelope. "I said that the irony is that an old man like me has a birthday. Not something to celebrate.

Isn't it? I'm sixty-three years old, my birthday was the last time I was one year older, and I was one step closer to death. One day, I know why everyone thinks this is something to celebrate. Congratulations? Celebrate yourself one step closer to death? Or celebrate one's life for another year? "

But the Lord Prime Minister still laughed when he said, "Look at someone who understands what I mean. Look at what is written in this letter. It is not a boring congratulation or a mockery of pretend respect. I feel very sad in my life. I know it is a frustrating thing to see the throne of the Seal of Life in the passage of time, but I hope you will have a good time in the future. Haha! What a wonderful congratulation. It seems that this world is not without smart people. "

The Prime Minister, holding the letter, the smile on his face gradually deepened. The signature below is oh, respectful Mr. Carvey Hill ~ ~ ha! "

The prime minister seemed to be in a good mood. He immediately picked up a pen to write down a letter of thanks to the village. The content of the letter was also short and ... as weird and out of date.

"Dear Mr. Cavill, thank you for your letter

What I want to say is that I still don't like you guy! "

After signing his own name, the prime minister gave the letter to the housekeeper, "Send someone to send it over now and immediately."

The steward did not raise any questions. In fact, his personality, like the prime minister, never seemed to argue.

The servant from the house sent the letter and brought back Carvey Hill's reply within an hour.

The answer from Cavie Hill's reply is simpler and simpler, with only one sentence

"Dear Prime Minister, me too."

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