
Chapter 166: [Legend of Merlin (2)]

Legend has it that the Magister had three exclusive recipes, a soup made from more than a hundred different materials, and infused with a variety of magic. Even if the dragon drank it, he had to die on the spot!

The two spent a day searching for various medicinal ingredients in the magic union's warehouse. It took another day to prepare the medicine.

In the end, the Magister made three different potions and placed them in front of Merlin with three golden cups.

But then the question came out again ... who drinks first and who drinks later, this is very particular! After all, people who drink first may die first ... dead!

At that time, he was hesitant to see the other person. Merlin was really hot. He sneered and said, "I know you don't dare, so I drink first!"

After speaking, ignore the expression of surprise on the other person's face, and immediately took up a golden cup and drank it!

After drinking, Merlin turned his mouth as if to taste the taste, and then said in a relaxed and cold tone: "The seeds of Bili grass, the seeds of Pygmy grass, the snake scales of the Malay snake, the claws of the owl, plus There are three kinds of curse, um, there is actually a shaman sacrifice method ... Well, there is also a neutralizer to mask the taste, and an orange is used as a primer to make the drug consistent ... This recipe is good, used A lot of thought. "

She talked so coldly, the one next to her. The Magister's face suddenly turned wild! It turned out that after Merlin just tasted, he actually said that his formula was not bad! !!

And Merlin didn't stop, just drank the two cups of medicine in one breath. After drinking all of them, they still drank one side, and quickly tasted the taste, and said that each ingredient of the formula of the medicine was not bad! With this hand, the Byzantine magicians are ashamed! Although she has not seen the effect of the medicine prepared by Meilin, but only by her taste of medicine, this magical pharmacological accomplishment is already supernatural! !!

Even more frightening is that these three legends can even kill dragons on the spot. After the magic decoction, Merlin drank three cups in a row, instead of showing signs of being poisoned, it looked more and more energetic! His eyes were bright and his eyes were bright, and even his pale face was a little more rosy!

At this moment, the Magister was also afraid in his heart, and the other party showed up. However, he easily carried the magic potion he formulated, and even took the detoxifying drug! When it was his turn to "taste" Merlin's magic potion, the magician began to drum.

Meilin's magic potion was strangely scented, and she put it in an ordinary wooden cup. Meilin brought it to the other person with a sneer on her face: "Drink!"

In front of the eyes, the Magister was disturbed, but he had to drink it for honor.

His magic pharmacy accomplishment is really powerful. He also had the ability to recognize medicine originally. Although he can't do the magic of Meilin, he can recognize some of the ingredients in ordinary medicine.

What shocked him was that this cup of medicine prepared by Merlin, he tasted it carefully, but the taste was extremely strange, let alone the complete formula, even the main ingredients, he could not identify!

This one scared him! Is there a magic drug in the world that you do n’t even know about? !! After all, this magic teacher is very important to save his life. After drinking the decoction, he couldn't care about his face. He quickly found out several detoxifying magic potions he brought with him, because he could not identify the ingredients of Meilin's decoction. Unable to choose which type of antidote to eat, he just swung his heart and swallowed several antidote in one go in front of everyone.

After a while, he felt that there was nothing abnormal in his body, and he couldn't help feeling relieved. It seemed that Merlin's magic pharmacy accomplishment was not so terrible.

With a smile, he was about to say a few words to find his face, and suddenly felt a sudden pain in his belly! The pain felt like a knife twist. The magician suddenly sweated on his forehead. Under so many eyes around him, he tolerated and tolerated, and took two antidote, but not only did he not relieve the pain, but the abdominal pain was Still getting stronger! Seeing that the gray-haired wizard couldn't bear it anymore, his body twisted and whistled, and he finally screamed, and flew towards the magical union building near the square.

He actually exhibited the advanced flying magic of the wind system. Like a wind, the figure was drawn into the building. The speed of the body method was even three points faster than when he confronted the masters in the past!

The people in the magic union looked at each other, and a few magicians had already chased into the building to check the news. After a while, the magician came out to report: the wizard was not life-threatening, it was ... diarrhea.

Looking at the surprised eyes around, Meilin sneered: "The ingredients of the medicament I prepared are not complicated at all, and there are no precious and rare magic herbs. In fact, the main ingredient is one that everyone knows-croton! Two more types are added. The simple aroma potion masked the original taste. Hmm, unfortunately, this magic teacher, he can skillfully use more than one hundred rare and precious magic herbs to formulate such a complex poison formula, but even the most I do n’t even know crotons that are familiar! ”

Having said that, Merlin looked at the Byzantine magic unions and sneered: "Your Byzantine magicians have always been like this, always pursuing gorgeous and fancy things, obviously simple things, but like to make so complicated and esoteric, so get mysterious! In fact, the medicines he just formulated are also flashy. Although there are several medicines that are toxic, they conflict with each other, but neutralize and weaken the original toxicity! He blindly pursues those rare and rare magic plant medicines, but forgets fundamental!"

Above the magic union square, Merlin was alone, with sharp words like knives and words like needles, piercing the minds of the magicians of the Byzantine magic union, and everyone said that his face was red and red, but no one could stand up to refute her.

And the poor Magister, although his life is not affected, how many precious magic potions have been studied in his life, but he fell on an ordinary little croton. Although he did not eat, he heard that he was in the magic union. After sitting all afternoon on the toilet in the building, she almost died of dehydration.

In these three competitions, the magic union lost and lost. Although the imperial magic union of the empire was extremely angry, it could not make a group attack. It would be a siege to kill Mei Lin on the spot-if they did If so, then the Byzantine magic union will become the laughingstock of the whole world.

After Merlin's victory, the magic union had to hold its nose to honor the bet, and issued a document in the name of the magic union that the union had never issued a qualification certificate for magicians: Magister!

From the ancient times to the present, the magic union has never issued the qualification documents of the Magister, and Merlin has been the first to suffer. Then Merlin proposed to enter the magic union to learn Byzantine's magic civilization. The magic union could not refuse, but after all, she was reluctant, and deliberately embarrassed Merlin. She was only allowed to enter the magic union to study for one day. I haven't decided on the number of days.

After listening, Merlin just sneered, and the disdainful sneer made everyone in the magical union face red and red, as well as shame and shame, knowing that she was in a bad position.

And Merlin sneered, and then dismissed: "I had no interest in the documents of Byzantine magical civilization hidden by your magical union! These three trials alone are enough to see that your Byzantine magicians have been living for hundreds of years. Come and go the detour, flashy, exaggerated! Everything is pursuing complexity, pretending to be profound, such a theory of magic, I don't disdain to learn! I have only one purpose ... to give me a copy of the old Sierra Fink Ya's notes, other things, you show me, I don't read! "

Upon hearing this, the chairman of the magic union felt relieved, although his face was burning.

Hirafinkya, although a former magic genius of Byzantium, but Hirafinkya's notes on the spell of life have been kept in the magic union for so long, this research has been studied for a long time, and it seems that there is nothing Special secret. However, for the sake of safety, although the chairman of the magical union took out the note of Hirafinkya, he deliberately omitted some content and gave a broken version.

How sophisticated Merlin ’s magical attainments are, just glancing at the magic union chairman ’s practice: "I know you must have hidden a part of it, and I am not asking for it. Do n’t think that I am stabbing you in your magic union These classics ... Hum, let's just say, I just recently read the transcript of the transcript of Hierafinkya's notes, and I have longed for this talented person in my heart, but with admiration, come to see this The handwritten book of the legendary genius is just a chat of admiration! As for the content of these notes ... Huh! What you understand, I already understand! I understand, but you did not understand! "

Having said that, Merlin sat on the floor, and carefully looked at the scroll notes left by Hirafinkya on the square. She looked at her origins and looked ecstatic. There were not many notes, but chat. It's more than thirty pages, and many are still from the early experience of the historical genius of Sierra Finkya. It is not a deep magical secret, but Merlin is extremely obsessed with it. More than thirty pages of content and content It wasn't deep, but she watched it for more than four hours, as if every word in that note was engraved into her eyes!

And finally when she finished watching, it was night time.

Many magicians in the magic union did not leave, but stayed on the square.

Mei Lin stood up, put the note solemnly on the ground with both hands, stepped back two steps, bowed to the note and saluted, stood upright, looked around, and looked at the many magicians in the magic union. Suddenly the legend Witch Yangtian laughed a few times.

"Hirafink had a great reputation at that time, a generation of amazing talent! Unfortunately, he realized the truth of anti-Pakgui, but you, the Byzantine descendants of magicians, are still going round and round! Even if it is difficult to find a genius like Hierafinkiya in the past, you are still considered heretical by yourself! Ridiculous and sad! "

Then she bowed to the note on the ground and sighed, "Such a character, I can't live with you at the same time!"

The voice fell, and the witch laughed, and got up and flew away.

After that time, the magic union was ridiculed by the witch from the enemy country, and it was a gamble. It was a complete loss, and the Byzantine magic union was deeply ashamed. Although the news spread to the mainland, there were many versions. However, the magic union itself did not say anything about it that time. Even the name Merlin has become a taboo among the magic union, and it cannot be mentioned.


"This is Merlin's third legend." Dodoro said here, his face was full of admiration, although he was a Byzantine, and Merlin was a character that the Byzantine magic union regarded as an enemy, but to Dodo For grass-roots magicians such as Luo, and grass-roots magicians like him are often embarrassed by the magic union, so legendary strongmen such as Merlin entered the magic union alone, and powerful magical accomplishments squeezed so many magicians from the magic union. It's better to be ashamed, so graceful, it really makes Dodo's heart yearn for infinitely.

When Xia heard this, she couldn't help but pat her thighs: "Sure enough, he is a super cow fork character! Damn, it's too arrogant! It's just too arrogant! Those in the magical union, their faces were already wonderful at that time. Extremely! This Merlin is really a great person! "

After speaking, he was excited, and suddenly saw the macho big sister who bowed down in front of him, and could not help but have a headache again.

If this Merlin thing is true ... then ...

Ahhh! Even if it is true, what does it have to do with Lao Tzu?

Xia is not a bad person in nature ~ ~ That's right. He occasionally exudes a little compassion, and that's right.

However, he is not great enough to put himself in the happiness of being a man in order to save people.

"You get up first." Charlie stroked her chin and yelled, "Since that's the case, you're pathetic. That ..."

"Sir, did you agree?"

"No!" Xia yelled immediately, waved his hands again and again, and shook his head vigorously: "Even if you are true, I sympathize with you, but what you said is not good!"

The macho big sister raised her eyebrows, and her expression was like a **** of killing: "Why!"

"There is nothing why." Charlie worked hard to straighten her back, and said with confidence: "This kind of thing you like, I have to love each other first, where is the hard way? Now it is your love, I don't want to, I don't want to Marrying a wife, why are there so many ?! "

The macho big sister looked dark: "Are you still abandoning me? If I return to my former appearance in the future, you will definitely change your mind!"

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