
Chapter 117: [Curse of Life]

After staying for a few more days in Merika, finally the news came on the road

The snow is melting and the climate is warming.The road to Emperor Osirijana has been urgently dispatched.

Fang Nongbing got through.

The group immediately set off and left Merika for the imperial capital. And this time one

Those who got on the road joined Afrecat and his Mace Warrior.

Afrecat's strength is nothing but an intermediate samurai.

What a real strong man. But with Xia, this samurai has a special feature

Other qualities

Compared to most warriors of the same level, Afrikat has a wealth of practical experience.

This experience is not a group battle technique in the army, but a battle technique between duels of samurai.

After all, he has participated in several athletic competitions in Osgilia, and on weekdays he and his samurai

The regiment is to make a living by martial arts and to compete with other warriors as often as usual.

Accumulated a lot of practical experience.

Although Xia Ya is very good now, when it comes to really fighting against people, the experience is really

Less pitiful. On the battlefield of the army, the main exercise is courage and group battle experience, but this kind of

The personal duel between warriors was not by the commander-in-chief of the army, and the soil was also old.

The guys who walked into the rivers and lakes only rarely used hands after they died.

The test is really poor.

In the discussion with Afrecat, Afrecat held this man not too deep.

Shiya ’s problems were all unreserved, but Xili could think that this “big

"Master" is actually stealing.

The second day after leaving Merika, they have reached the border of the Armenian military area.

According to Afrecat's introduction, he crossed over a forest and walked through an abandoned ancient city.

Even if the wall is out of the jurisdiction of the Armenian Military Region, it enters the center of the capital of Oscar.

The imperial capital is also known as the Central Region by the Byzantine Empire.

Pedestrian team and horse team walk slowly, Afrecat's Mace Warrior is good

Everyone has a horse to know that in the Byzantine Empire, traveling can ride horses.

For the rich.

Sure enough, there is an old saying that is poor and rich. These Samurai regiments seem quite capable.

At noon, a group of people had just arrived in the woods at the border of the Armenian military area.

I was about to stop and rest for a while, and suddenly I heard a whistle coming from the forest, and then ten

More horses came out of the forest! Everyone guessing right away, wearing soft armor, holding a long measurement and quickly blocking it.

In the middle of the road

And there are several horse teams running around from the forest on both sides and left and right.

However, there were hundreds of people who suddenly guessed that Charya and his group were surrounded in the middle 1

The more than ten warriors who guessed the horse in front of them, surrounded by a middle-aged warrior wearing silver

The knight's armor looks free and easy, with a silver Shiyu carved chest around his waist.

The armor has carved patterns and there is a faint flow of light. At first glance, it is a rare magic blessing.


And in this Samurai ’s body measurement immediately sat an old man wearing a black cloak.

The wrapper's head only showed this gray head. The old man held ten reins in his hands.

There are rings of different colors on the fingers. Those rings are red, green and blue.

The stones seemed to linger on a layer of black radon, and the old man's face seemed

Also hiding in the shadow under the cape, just wearing a silver badge on his chest, but he was identified

identity of

A magician and a good intermediate wizard!

The middle-aged silver armor warrior sat on the horse and looked sneer at Xia and others, his eyes were just

A short spin on Xia and others fell on the body of Afreka, who was next to Xia

Do you still recognize me when Afrika Carter, who drank the fangs with a cruel voice? !! "

As soon as these roadblock warriors appeared, Afrikat's face changed suddenly. These

The guys are much better equipped than those in Afreka's Mace, at least every one

Warriors on horses are wearing good-quality iron armor, not cheap leather armor.

They all wear long steel scrapes that look like the military system, and they also wear shields they find. More importantly,

Among them, there are actually a few archers quietly staying outside the trap.

The archer of a magician melee warrior long-range attack is so fully equipped and also

Obviously higher than Afrikart's Mace

Afrikat looked at the silver warrior in front of him and bit his teeth. "Philip, it's you

This tea mean snake, you stopped someone here, do you want to ambush me? "

The silver armored warrior smiled coldly, looking at Afrecate's eyes without hiding the hatred and

You have cut my brother's finger in the last contest. You should understand that.

A samurai ca n’t hold you without his fingers and turn him into a pawn.

I thought of having today's spoon "

The joke "Affle Carter is angry" On the competition stage, I am the winner

If you do n’t do your best, will your brother spare my life? It ’s fair to live and die.

Aren't you afraid of ridicule when ordering you to ambush halfway like this? !! One

The silver armored warrior Philip just sneered, his eyes indifferent.

Afrikat sighed, knowing that he can't be good today, he glanced beside him.

The side of Xia Yefu ’s face was bland and did n’t say anything.

Well, aren't you going to get revenge? Come on! These buses are only related to the business groups I pass. I and my people stay. You let these people

Go "

Stupid Afrikat. "Philip laughed." Since I chose to be in this place

Fang ambush, naturally you won't let the news leak out. 1 these guys, even if they are stunned

Who made them make friends like you? "

The man laughed more and more arrogantly. Doodor, who was hiding behind Charlie, couldn't help but breathe.

This guy is dead.

Sure enough, Afrecate had to speak, Charlie had stopped him, and he also held down

The fat man Guluo who was talking said, "Hey, I say you, hey you! Ambush merchants halfway

Are you afraid of being punished by imperial law? "

Afrecat whispered Master Xia, this person measured Philip, the Silver Python Warrior

This guy ’s nickname is Fang Tooth. He is most wicked.

His python warrior regiment has always been known for his wealth and wealth. I used to abolish his

My younger brother is afraid he will not give up "

With a smile, Philip Lang smiled in his smile, and he looked a little bit upright.

Ya where did you come from, hum, since you are walking with the people

Can you say that you are out of luck? Remember that if you have a future life, please brighten your eyes before making friends! "

Philip lowered his head slightly and whispered to the magician beside him, "Master, one

I will also ask you to take a shot. "

The magician seemed very proud, nodding slightly, and he didn't speak, just snorted.


Philip felt confident in his heart that the other party was no longer talking.

The sword swore loudly in the air and said Zhang Gong shot! "

With an order, more than a dozen silver python warriors under the siege opened their bows, and a wave of arrows rained towards

In the middle Xia and others spilled over.

xTiss warriors have already surrounded Guro and their brains, and shielded them.

Those in the Spike Warrior Regiment have more actual combat experience, and the samurai immediately erected a shield.

At the same time, the queue was quickly dispersed and people made various dodge actions immediately.

Duoduo had already jumped off the horse in the throne of Shenyin as soon as possible, and quickly got into the carriage.

After the first wave of rain fell, the wheels were seen, and more than ten shields were nailed to the carriage.

Only two or two samurai were accidentally injured by arrows, and Philip roared around the silver.

The python warriors screamed and rushed over on horseback.

The silver python warriors in all directions are like several iron currents coming up.

Ray Carter yelled that the Warrior Warriors were not intimidated by his imperial leadership.

His hand rushed forward and bumped into the opposite Philip's queue. Afrecate

The intention is obviously to try first to downplay Philip once he can kill him as a leader

Then victory is expected.

Philip straddles Mercedes and the visitor Afrikat straddles her and can't help but stretch

Guessing, licking his lips, his face full of speculation, the magician on the side was reading quickly

Two spells, one addition magic fell on Philip's body and Philip burst out

A ray of magic. This guy yelled excitedly and burst into his body while bursting.

There is a silver fighting spirit. This guy's fighting spirit has actually reached the high-level seven.

Level of

The two sides slammed into each other and hit each other severely, and immediately they were raised, and five or six of the current military

After the taxi turned over and landed in the first wave of collision, he jumped up infrequently.

Come hold a weapon and stab at the nearest enemy fiercely.

The Spike Warrior is obviously more sturdy, but Philip's number occupies the absolute

The advantage was quickly dispersed to the Spikes. The silver python warrior relied on a large number of horses.

One interspersed the Warrior Warrior, but at this time, the Tees

Retired and occupied several carriages as defensive fortifications, the front row of people set aside long-term defenses, and the back row of people

Take out a bow and arrow to fight back.

Philippe, who met Afrecat in the front, immediately fought after two scrapes.

Carter is obviously a little bit vindictive. After all, his sword is not as aggressive as Philip's silver.

The power was quickly smashed a bit, and his ability no longer faced a hard battle.

Fighting immediately limited the advantages of his light movement. Philip seemed to be ready and had

After the blessing degree of magic, the action is also more sharp and fast, one sword and one sword is fiercely directed towards Aph

Ray Carter greeted Afre Carter who was busy parrying, but didn't even get off the horse.

A scream stabbed Philip and stabbed the shoulder of the black armored warrior.

The black shoulder armor of Afrecat's shoulders flew directly, with a blood rain, Afrecat's

After turning over and landing, he tolerated the pain and hurried to the side, Philip smiled and jumped at Emperor.

Dismounted and chased up, the silver fight in his hand danced into a ball, and immediately enveloped Afrecate in

Out of it.

He was far less agile than Afrikat, but after magic addition

It is comparable to Afrikat's Black Armored Samurai, who has endured severe pain and managed to parry a few attempts.

Use the degree to get rid of the other party, but once the shadow scraping technique loses the advantage in the degree, it will immediately stop fighting.

After a few discounts after fighting a few swords, it was stabbed by Philip on the thigh this time.

The vindictiveness directly blasted a piece of flesh on the thigh of the Black Armor Warrior Africart and screamed.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and he suddenly guessed before turning down, and the long test in his hand turned into a

Each light shot at the Philip Silver Python Warrior was proud, and saw a tea lightning strike

Suddenly in my heart, I suddenly laughed at the sword and waved a block in front of me to hear a card.

The light was cut in half by his sword, but half Dai Feifeng still passed by his cheek.

Philip screamed a tea arrow on his face, and even the helmet was picked directly.

Go back and forth and take a few steps to wipe your face, and the left cheek has been cut with a deep tea

He was so addicted that even his face was scraped off. Philip was shocked, and his whole body was shocked.

With a cold sweat Afrikat Bo just hit himself if he can't hide or

Without blessing magic, I am afraid that I have already dialed a headshot.

At this moment the horror broke out in anger, and Philip roared and caught up.

When I went to Fengjian, I fell off towards Afrecate's head. The black armored warrior lost his weapon.

The blow dries up the whole body's vindictiveness, and he can only shut his eyes and wait for death!

Philip fell into his heart with an ecstasy, as if he had foreseen a slashing of the wild head.


At this moment, a tea-red light suddenly shot over and Philip felt his hand.

There was a fierce oscillating whistle in his hand.


When Afrecate escaped after a hijack, he chilled out.

Feed me that killing is illegal. "A serious voice in Philip's body

From the side, a strong Philip was ridiculed by Charlie.

A flash of murderous gas flashed in the eyes of a fire fork!

As a high-level samurai, Philip would not have been so vulnerable, but Charlie was at the moment

The red murderous gas urged out and the sharpness of the fire fork was all right! Philip holding half-wear

After breaking the sword three times, I heard three clear sounds and waited for it to be pulled back, leaving a light in my hand.

Bald hilt

He couldn't help but lost his courage, and threw the hilt towards Xia Ya.

Go and yell, Master "

Xia still had to go up and kill, and suddenly she heard Dora's anxious voice deep in her head:

What the **** are you staring at this warrior before killing that magician 11 "

The sound of a magician singing a cold spell had been heard behind him, and the magician had been riding far away.

Horses were surrounded by four silver python warriors beside the battle.

The magician raised his hands full of rings. I do n’t know when there will be more in his right hand.

After a magic trick brought a light of magic, a few black lights suddenly shot at Charya.

Come over

Charlie lowered her head and flashed on the spot, but after the black lights were emptied, she flew to half.

It was empty but it was lucky to come and shoot at Charya's back, Charya suddenly felt scalp, feeling

Feeling a sense of coldness in the dark light made him extremely distressed, he yelled

With a single foot on the ground, he kicked people and hurried out, two ups and downs, it was worthy

Rushed to the magician

The four silver python warriors immediately set aside a long shave, and the magician turned around and ran

After all, the magician is not close.

Charlie stabbed two silver python warriors in two strokes, but the magician had re-emerged.

The second magic came out with two black lights!

This time the black light behind and the black light in front arrive at the same time.

Lived with a silver python warrior and let the opponent's long sword stab a bit in his chest anyway

He had a dragon python protector, but he flew into the other's arms and shook his arms slightly.

Smashed the opponent's neck directly

Black Light came to Charya to turn around and block the enemy's body, and suddenly felt black gas.

He was thrown away madly, and when he saw the corpse in the middle of the air, he "k" turned away!

The whole body is instantly flesh-and-blood like ice and snow, and becomes white


Xia Ya's horrifying glare in his heart saw two more black lights hit him.

Up the magician

The magician was also shocked after the third spell was finished

A round light sphere magic shield came to Charia, and it suddenly seemed to hit a wall.

The black light behind his upper body hit Charya's back, and Charya felt as if she had been bucketed.

The cold water poured from scratch and hit two chills in an instant

Suddenly, the clothes of Charya ’s whole body, the original Chinese robes were corroded and generalized.

It was made into pieces and then dried up and turned into a flutter, and turned into powder in the air.

No matter whether the clothes on his body are outerwear or underwear, even the original

Gui's soft armor outside was also eroded

But finally, the dragon scales that he was wearing closely counted his life. The black light fell to the dragon scales.

At that time, a little dragon soul mark was touched in Char ’s body, and suddenly a warmth came from the dragon python

Stimulated, offsetting the black cold, even so, after all, Char ’s Dragon Soul Mark

The weak magic level is much worse than that of an intermediate wizard.

Seeing the dragon scales behind it just blocked it, and the warmth was also broken.

Rolled on the spot and quickly tore the old scales behind him and tossed them out

The dragon scales that had blasted out had been penetrated in mid-air, and the middle part seemed to be burned by fire.

Burning like a burning cave

(Good domineering magic,) Xia ’s heart was horrified if it was n’t for the dragon scales.

Give yourself time to take the throne of the Seal of God and take off the dragon python. I was afraid that it would slow down a bit, and I was penetrated by the black light.


The magician moved a few magics in a row, and couldn't help feeling a little tired, and he wanted to read it again.

The curse weakened.

Charya ’s entire body was corroded and her upper body was naked, while her lower body was left alone.

Seeing the magician in the bottom half of the torn panties, Char ’s going to move the magic.


Let him remember that this overbearing black light has no dragon scales to stop him!

He yelled and slammed his body against the magic shield. The magic shield suddenly hit the light. Xia Yaju

The fire fork was severely chopped down with a crimson and murderous light. The fire fork cut the magic light a few times.

Divide but just split it a little bit and you can no longer move forward

The magician was already horrified, and even half of the spell was beaten.

Breaking his magic shield is enough for a short time to block the high-level vindictiveness in the Seal of Throne, but this enemy

It was such a powerful spoon that almost cut off the magic shield.

Does this guy's martial arts reach the eighth level,

Xia Ya had already made a decision in an instant, and he took a step back and held it with both hands.

The fire roared again.


Each thin red light came out from the tip of the fire fork, and Charya held the fire in both hands and fiercely.

Stuck into the magical light, the flame was originally blocked, but with the red light of the dragon thorn

The original magic light of the line was instantly broken!

The red light penetrated the magical light and hit the magician directly. Magic

When the teacher grew up, the heart of his mouth was penetrated by light, and blood was poured out of his mouth.

Go down and planted immediately.

As soon as the dragon stabs, Xia Ya suddenly suffers from the whole body drama. He knows that he will be bitten by the power immediately.

The attacked side resisted the severe pain and strode forward. The hairy hair on the arm was covered up.

A torn muscle almost gave Charya a sense of halo

He barely rushed to the side of the magician's body with his hands crossed, and carved the magician's head.

Come down and yell in your hand, the magician killed Lao Tzu! Want to die despite



Philip watched this terrible guy actually carry the attack of the magician without dying, and

It forced the magician's defense magic forcibly, and the sword cost himself a great deal 骋

The heads of the sorcerers who had been invited were torn down.

Seeing this scene, Philip was shocked to a certain point, and there was still a little bit of bravery in the evil.

Qikou this guy even so easily killed the magician and thought that he was just under the opponent's hands.

The courage was lost in the defeated heart and Philip was still entangled in courage.


Seeing Cheyenne's murderous eyes had aimed at himself, he shook his body and shouted.

Retreat retreat "

He swiftly cut a side of a mace warrior beside him, ran to the side and rolled over to a horse.

Kicked the horse's belly twice to run away.

The silver python warriors under his eyes saw that they were leading, and naturally they would not love fighting, and whistled.

The sound was scattered and Mercedes fled.

The original number of Wolffang Warriors was too small to chase, and they could only watch the other side escape.

The number of people who had taken off the engraving was already only half of them with injuries and blood, and finally fell to the ground.

At this moment the battlefield was lying on the ground in a mess: the tusks of more than ten corpses

The samurai regiment died more than ten times, and less than ten were killed, and the warrior of Landis was also wounded.

The other bodies of June 7 are all silver python warriors.

The enemies retreated, Guru Lisi whistled, and the Landis warriors took their bows and guessed.

After a round of bows and arrows, the silver python warrior who had escaped was shot down and several Malays waited for the other party to finally

After fleeing far, everyone finally put down their arms. Everyone was guessing and panting.

Doodor had already ran out of the carriage and flew to Charya's side.

How are you, Master Xia? Charlie ’s whole-body drama was almost unsteady, and the weight of his body was pressed against Dodoro ’s body.

He gasped and threw away the head of the magician and laughed three times finally

His eyes rolled over Doodor's back.

Soyet was also injured a bit. After all, he is a follower of the bald man Sylvan or will be a little bit martial.

I have been fighting side by side with the Landis just now without much damage.

He threw swordsmanship and ran over, and Dodoro left and Xia Ai aside and sat down, Xia

Ya finally got back a little bit of gas to endure the pain, looked around and determined that the crisis had passed

He just shook his head and cursed

I, the magician are really not easy to deal with. I almost confessed here

Every magician in the world should be killed. "

Although hearing this, it was annoyed that Totoro could not help shrinking his neck.

A group of people began to save the wounded Landis and the surviving Mace Warrior began cleaning.

The black armored warrior Afrikat was also injured and was lying there with a bandaged wound.

Dodoro was the most cunning. His first reaction was to drag the dead magician's body.

Come over and pick up all the guessing rings on the magician's fingers one by one

Totoro choked on the ring face with excitement ~ ~ couldn't help but whisper to Charya

Master Tao has given us all these good things, "

Charya raised her eyelids. "

Totoro forcing excitement is certainly a good thing, Master 1 these things, if in your hands

There ’s no value in it for a little bit more money, but it can become

What a great good thing? "

Oh spoon "

Totoro swallowed and spit and lowered his voice, "Master, I just saw this.

The magician you killed and cultivated is an extremely rare curse of life in the magic world

This type of magic is extremely rare even in the magic world. "

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