Conquering the Multiverse From Pirates

Chapter 115: Don't you think you can beat me?

Yes, Kuzan decided to let everyone present except Rowe.

He absolutely cannot go.

Not only because he injured the ghost spider, but also because he liberated slaves and made a scene in the Chambord Islands. If he didn't catch him, the navy would not only lose face.

will be under enormous pressure.

The pressure from the Holy Land Mary Joa and the countries that joined the world government.

As an admiral, he absolutely cannot let this happen, so he can let other people go, but only Rowe, the culprit, can't let go.

Good mind, Kuzan.

Luo Wei looked at the admiral with a smile. He originally thought that the other party was just a martial artist.

He actually jumped out of the trap he dug and caught the matter of defeating the ghost spider.

Hmm, interesting.

He was not surprised that Kuzan, the green pheasant, knew his name. After all, he made a scene in the Chambord Archipelago just now, breaking through the illegal zone of the island, and did not deliberately hide his name.

Now his name is known not only to the rescued slaves, but also to the people of the Chambord Islands.

The entire Chambord Archipelago knows that today a fierce man named Rowe has come and almost destroyed the slave industry of the Chambord Archipelago.

The navy stationed here has no reason not to know. Since they all know it, it is not surprising that Kuzan knows.

"So, you plan to take me back."

"That's right." As Kuzan spoke, ice began to form under his feet and spread toward Rowe. The temperature in the air dropped wildly, and Rowe was frozen into ice cubes in an instant.

"Loveen people." The little giant Harley turned pale in shock, and hurriedly stepped forward to rescue Loewy.

But at this moment...


A crisp voice came, and the little giant Harley stopped involuntarily, looking at Luo Wei who was frozen into ice cubes in disbelief.

I saw the cracks on it spread wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye, but in an instant, the ice cubes shattered.

Luo Wei shook his body and commented: "The temperature is okay, you must have never turned on the air conditioner in summer, General Aokiji."

Kuzan's eyes lit up and his face became serious, "Can we fight in another place? I believe you don't want to involve innocent passers-by around you."

He had used half of his strength in the blow just now, but Rowe easily broke free.

This made him realize that the person in front of him was not easy to deal with, and he had to take it seriously.

But in this way, all the people around will be involved.

Once they were involved in the aftermath of the battle between themselves and Rowe, very few were able to survive.

So Kuzan wanted another place.

"No, no." Rowe waved his hand and rejected Kuzan's proposal.

Kuzan's face turned gloomy, "Don't you care about the lives of these people at all, it was you who worked so hard to save them."

Rowe looked at Kuzan in surprise, "You seem to have misunderstood something, Kuzan?"

"Huh?" Kuzan looked at Rowe in surprise.

Luo Wei still put on a serious look and said, "I said before that I am a righteous person who has eaten the fruit of justice. When I am executing justice, I am invincible."

"This general, don't you think you can beat me?"

Kuzan: ...

Good guy, Kuzan called out the good guy in his heart.

He has never seen such a brazen guy before, what is the fruit of justice, what is it, don't you think you can beat me?

This guy is too confident.

Who gave him the courage to say such words in front of the general?

Could this guy be a lunatic?

Ku sighed in admiration, his hands turned into ice, the coldness overflowed frantically, and snowflakes floated in the sky.

"It looks like I can only use..."

"Don't blink, General Aokiji."

Before he could finish speaking, Luo Wei interrupted him.

Luo Wei said softly: "Concentrate all your energy, General Qingzhi, to enhance your domineering to the extreme, it is best to be able to predict the future."

"Protect your body with your armed arrogance to avoid injury."

"Because the outcome is over in an instant."


Kuzan hadn't regained his senses when he suddenly felt that he was flying backwards, flying backwards at a super fast speed, everything around him began to change, and the Chambord Islands turned into a black spot in an instant.

When he reacted, there was a loud bang.

He felt as if his back was hitting a hard wall.

The huge impact made his internal organs suffer an indescribable impact. At this moment, he felt as if he had been hit head-on by a big mountain.

No, he should have hit a big mountain by himself.

Unprecedented pain spread through every nerve in his body in an instant.

His bones, muscles, and even his brain were severely damaged.

Luo Wei released his hand from Kuzan's chest, looked at Kuzan embedded in the huge wall of Marine Fando of the Navy Headquarters, smiled and said, "That's it for Kuzan."

"Next time, don't stand in the face of justice, because I am invincible who enforces justice."

After dropping this sentence, Rowe took advantage of the fact that the people in the navy headquarters didn't respond and flew away from the navy headquarters.

Kuzan looked at Rowe's back as he left, his eyelids drooping, and finally fainted.

When the people in the navy headquarters heard the movement and drove out from the inside, they were all shocked.

There is no one to match, the general of the Navy Headquarters was forcibly embedded in the city wall of the Navy Headquarters.

This is too incredible.

This incident quickly shook the entire Marine Headquarters Marine Fando.

When Marshal Warring States heard the news, he hurried to the scene, turned into a huge Buddha statue, and carefully detained the Qingzhi Dajing from the city wall and sent it to the hospital of the Navy headquarters.

At the same time, Lieutenant General He also issued a gag order, not allowing anyone to discuss this matter.

But Rao is like this, and there is still an endless stream of people discussing this matter in private.

Many navies were outraged when they heard about this.

Because they felt that the person who defeated Kuzan built Kuzan on the city wall of the naval headquarters, the purpose was very simple.

It is to provoke the navy.

I don't know how many people are clamoring to find this person and go back with ruthless revenge.

But unfortunately, they were all suppressed by the Marshal Warring States.

Before Kuzan didn't wake up and understood what was going on, he wouldn't act rashly.

As the marshal of the navy, regardless of reason and responsibility, he told him that he must not raise troops out of anger.

This is undoubtedly an irrational behavior, and it will only put yourself and the Navy at greater risk.


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