Nuoqigao's magnetic magnetic fruit has been developed to a very high level, and it is really convenient to use it to make production lines.

No matter how delicate the instrument is, under the action of the magnetic fruit, it can be built in minutes.

In just one hour, Nuoqigao has produced several production lines.

But soon, Rowe discovered a problem.

There is not enough material for the manufacturing line.

So Rowe took Nokigo to Punk Hazard.

There are actually three research institutes on this island, two of which were involved in an explosion made by Caesar a few years ago and turned into ruins.

Only one research institute was intact, but Luo Wei moved it to the empty island.

Now, Luo Wei took Nuoqigao to find the two ruined research institutes.

There is no doubt that these two research institutes are completely unusable, but the residual steel can be recycled and reused by Nuoqi high-waste, and it is not a problem to form several production lines.

Later, Luo Wei and Nuoqigao moved these production lines back to the air island.

After a busy morning, Nuoqigao produced a total of ten production lines.

It can meet thousands of people working at the same time.

If SAD manages enough, at least 300 to 500 artificial devil fruits can be produced in a month.

In a year, at least a capable army of 3,000 to 5,000 people can be formed.

In the original plot, Kaido, two years later, only had hundreds of abilities.

This is the difference.

And the reason for this gap is none other than the technology used by Rowe and Doflamingo.

Although Doflamingo's factory for making Devil Fruits has sufficient SAD supply, the technology for making artificial Devil Fruits is quite backward.

It can even be said to be backward.

Most of the artificial devil fruits produced by his factory do not even have patterns on the surface of the fruit.

It can be said that it is a complete inferior product.

Naturally, this kind of defective product cannot be traded with Kaido, so it can only be discarded.

Even those finished products have powerful side effects. Some people who ate the finished products not only did not become devil fruit power users, but became hilarious people.

The so-called hilarious fighters are warriors who eat artificial devil fruits and fail to acquire the ability to become only laughing.

From this, it can be seen that the devil fruit produced by Doflamingo is so dreadful.

On the other hand, Rowe stood on the bodies of Caesar Courant and Vega Punk, integrated the technologies of the two, successfully upgraded and iterated, and mastered the new artificial devil fruit technology.

Although the fruit he produces is not as powerful as the original Devil Fruit.

But it will not fail.

Anyone who eats an artificial devil fruit can successfully gain power. This is the biggest difference between the two.

And this proves once again that science and technology are the primary productive forces.

After the problem of the production line is solved, the next thing to be solved is the problem of the workers.

Rowe needs a lot of workers to help him make Devil Fruits.

And the best source of these workers is slaves.

The Chambord Archipelago has a large number of population auction houses, and each auction house has a large number of human beings who have become slaves for various reasons.

And these people are the workers that Rowe likes.

bell bell bell...

Just when Luo Wei got up and was about to go to the Chambord Islands to save the slaves, a phone call suddenly came.

Luo Wei took out the phone bug and glanced at it, and the phone bug appeared to be Rayleigh.

"Rayleigh, do you have anything to do with me?"

Rowe answered the phone and asked.

Rayleigh said hesitantly, "I encountered a little trouble."

"What's the matter."

"It's Nami." Rayleigh's words became choppy and awkward.

"What happened to Nami?" Rowe asked patiently.

"She was petrified by Hancock."

"Huh?" Rowe almost thought he heard it wrong, "What did you just say?"

Rayleigh sighed and said, "Nami was petrified by Boya Hancock's ability."

Rowe tilted his head and said incredulously, "You are kidding me, how could Nami be petrified by Boya Hancock."

Reilly said, "It's true, why don't you come over?"

Rowe rubbed his temples, Nami was petrified by Boya Hancock, what an international joke.

You must know that the current Nami is Shazam.

Who is Shazam? Is the owner of the power of the six gods.

He has the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the endurance of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury.

As a result, such a superhero was petrified by Boya Hancock's Devil Fruit.

Sweet fruit, does it have such power?

Or, it's because Nami shared part of her power with her sister Nokigo, which caused such a consequence.

But Nami should be able to defeat Boya Hancock even if she sends out some of her power.

Luo Wei was puzzled, but quickly made a decision.

"I'm going to Nine Snake Island now."

After Luo Wei hung up the phone, he left the empty island with a swish, and rushed into the windless zone in just a few seconds.

Although he didn't have a permanent pointer to Nine Snake, fortunately, the windless belt was not big, Luo Wei turned around in the windless belt and found the location of Nine Snake Island.


A burst of sound came, and Luo Wei instantly disappeared in place, spanning a distance of tens of thousands of meters, and arrived at Nine Snake Island.

Nine Snake Island, Amazon Lily Kingdom.

Inside the palace.

"Hancock, don't make trouble, quickly unlock Nami's petrification, otherwise things won't end well when Luo Wei comes."

Reilly kept persuading Boya Hancock.

The mother-in-law on the side is also persuading: "Yes, Hancock, if that Luo Wei is really as powerful as Rayleigh said, you will definitely bring disaster to Nine Snake Island."

But Boya Hancock completely ignored Reilly and Granny Zha, and said casually: "Concubine, don't listen to your nonsense here, no one in this world can hurt Concubine, because Concubine is too... Beautiful!"

"So, no matter what the concubine does, she will be forgiven."

"That's why I said, there must be something wrong with this woman's head."

Suddenly, a voice resounded in the empty palace hall.

Everyone was startled, and involuntarily looked in the direction from which the voice came.

I don't know when, a man in casual clothes appeared beside Shihua Nami.

"Who are you? You dare to insult your concubine." Boya Hancock was angry on the outside, but she was extremely surprised, because she did not capture when Luo Wei came to the palace.

Rowe ignored Boya Hancock, and instead looked at Nami who was petrified.

"It was actually petrified, which is too shameful for Shazam."

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