Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 452 Two women chatting face to face

"Link, the time for the next boxing match has been set."

Link had just put down his phone when Franco Duva called again to inform him about the next match.

After the WBA light heavyweight challenge in Hong Kong Island, Franco Duva began to discuss with the brokerage companies behind the other three world boxing champions in the four major organizations.

Proposed a world boxing title unification match.

First, two-on-two fights, and the two winners will fight in the final. The winner will become the new overlord in the light heavyweight field?

This proposal was rejected by the three brokerage companies. The world boxing title unification match sounds cool, but it is actually very cruel.

Because they are all world boxing champions, the difference in strength between each other is not big, to be precise, it is just a few punches.

No one has enough confidence to defeat the other.

Those who have confidence have already issued a challenge to the other party, trying to defeat the opponent, snatch all the gold belts, and become the overlord in this field.

There is no need to wait for Link to propose.

It is precisely because there is not much confidence that the world boxing champions do not invade each other and live in peace.

Train peacefully every year, participate in one or two gold belt defense matches, as long as you can successfully defend the title for several consecutive years, you can become a boxing star and make money steadily.

The most feared boxer in the boxing world is Link, who is ambitious, powerful, and has the momentum to kill gods and Buddhas.

Just like Tyson in the mid-to-late 1980s, Roy Jones Jr. in the 1990s, and Mayweather in the 2000s.

When encountering such boxers, either choose to accept the challenge or choose to escape. No one is willing to be a stepping stone for others.

Escape means giving up the gold belt, vacating the boxing champion position, and waiting for others to compete. Doing so seems shameful, but it is very useful.

Because boxing is a test of a boxer's psychological quality. A boxer who has never been defeated or KOed will have a good mentality and full of confidence during the game.

And people who have been defeated will have a shadow in their hearts during the game.

Avoiding war is also considered a tactic in the boxing world.

For example, Lewis successfully KOed his opponent ‘Razor’ Ruddock in the boxing champion challenge match and obtained the mandatory challenge qualification for the WBC heavyweight champion.

Riddick Bowe, the then WBC champion, voluntarily gave up the WBC gold belt in order to avoid fighting with Lennox Lewis.

In 1995/1996, WBC champion Lewis faced Tyson’s sparring partner McCall and was defeated by ‘Atomic Bull’ McCall. McCall was later defeated by British boxing champion ‘King Kong’ Frank Bruno and lost the gold belt. Bruno was then KOed by Tyson, and Tyson became the WBC heavyweight champion again in 1996.

Lewis once again obtained the qualification to challenge the champion in the boxing champion challenger match, and this qualification was mandatory.

At that time, Tyson was preparing to have a unified boxing title match with WBA champion Bruce Selden. In order to avoid fighting with Lewis, Tyson voluntarily paid 4 million to give way and postponed the match.

After Tyson defeated his opponent in the title unification match and won the WBA heavyweight gold belt, when he faced Lewis' challenge again, Tyson chose to give up the WBC gold belt and vacate the throne.

Lewis became the WBC heavyweight champion again after defeating his old rival McCall.

The match between Lewis and Tyson took place in 2002, and Lewis KO'd Tyson in the eighth round.

The situation faced by the three light heavyweight champions now is similar to that of Tyson, Riddick Bowe and others when they met Lewis, or even worse than when they met Lewis.

Because Link has not failed so far, not only has he not failed, but in his past 23 professional matches, except for the one with Tyson, all other matches ended within the first three rounds.

Fighting with Link means getting beaten and becoming a stepping stone for Link.

But not fighting with Link means giving up the world boxing title and losing a large amount of prize money.

Fighting or not fighting has also become the dilemma faced by the three current boxing champions and their agencies.

After repeated negotiations by the agency, WBC champion Bernard Hopkins of Golden Boy Promotions agreed to accept the challenge on the condition that the prize money would be split 70% and the winner would get the majority, while the loser would get 30%.

The time is October 15th, and the location is Seoul, South Korea.

The agencies of the other two champions still did not respond. Franco suggested that Link participate in the WBO light heavyweight champion challenge held in September to obtain the mandatory competition qualification. The IBF challenge has been held and needs to wait until next year.

Including these two games, Link has five games this year, so there is no need to be too anxious.

Link accepted Franco's proposal.

However, Franco asked him to be careful. According to his information, there is a saying in the boxing world that if you want to defeat Link, you must do whatever it takes in the game. It is best to use foul tactics to anger him and break his rhythm, so that you have a chance to turn defeat into victory.

There is a more radical saying that to deal with Link, you must exchange blood for blood, fight tooth for tooth, and use the most cruel means to fight him.

From these rumors, we can feel everyone's fear of him, and we can also see that his opponents will become more and more crazy in the future, and the competition will become more and more cruel. It will become difficult for Link to continue to win.

"Okay, I understand."

Link responded, hung up the phone, and was about to change clothes and go to the training room to exercise, when he saw Evaka coming out with a small shoulder bag.

She was wearing a round-neck sleeveless patchwork skirt, hem to the knee, flesh-colored stockings, and champagne-colored high heels of the same style as the skirt. She had a curvy figure, delicate makeup on her beautiful face, a platinum necklace, and a fragrant body.

Link remembered the clothes she had changed into just two hours ago.

"Honey, where are you going?"


Ivaca put on her sunglasses and raised the corners of her lips slightly.

"Tyler agreed to meet?"


"How about I take you there?"

"No, Taylor said it bothers you, and I happen to be too."

Ivaca slapped his hand away, kissed him on the face, drove the red Ferrari F60, and left the villa with a rumble.

Link touched his chin, stood on the side of the straightway for a while, and returned to the villa training room to exercise.

He could have gone to the Muscle Beach Club to exercise, but this weekend, he wanted to stay at home with Ivaca, so he put the training venue in the villa.

The villa's gym also has barbells, pear-shaped balls, and sandbags, which are very convenient for training. What it lacks compared to the training ground is the atmosphere and sparring partners.

In addition, by staying at home to train, he can also give the club's boxers a break and relieve some psychological pressure.

Some time ago, the group of people trained with him for more than six hours every day. After a month, one suffered serious muscle damage due to overtraining, six suffered minor injuries, and another group developed psychological shadows and developed aversion to boxing training.

For this reason, De La Hoya proposed to build him an independent training ground and isolate his training area.

Link agrees.

The independent training ground will probably be built next week, and he can train there in the future.

To this end, he invested one million in Muscle Beach and became one of the shareholders of the club.


"Hey, didn't you invite Link?"

On Rodeo Drive, in the Alfred Cafe, Leonardo walked into the cafe and looked at several of his friends here, including Tobey Maguire, Woody Harrelson, James Franco, and Tom Harrelson. Di and others, and their female companions.

This was the first time Leonardo attended a friend's party after returning to Los Angeles after filming "Django Unchained", and he was accompanied by his new girlfriend Emma Miller.

"No, he just came back from China. I thought he would stay at home these days, so I didn't harass him."

Tobey Maguire laughed.

"You really think about him. I saw the gossip about him dating Miss Daddario this morning. Why does a playboy like him need a rest?"

Leonardo took out his phone and sent a message to Link, but received no response.

A few people started playing cards, Texas Hold'em, for a small amount of dozens of dollars. Playing cards and gambling is also one of the most common ways of socializing among Hollywood stars.

According to an investigative report by the Los Angeles Times last year, there are 32 well-known poker clubs in the Hollywood entertainment industry.

Club entry qualifications vary from high to low, some require letters of introduction from more than two formal members, and some require annual fees of more than $10,000.

In addition to poker clubs, there are also wine clubs, cigar clubs, golf clubs, marijuana clubs, horse racing clubs, and more hidden ones, including same-sex dating clubs, swinging clubs, etc., all kinds of different.

The existence of these clubs is not only for leisure and entertainment, but also a platform for exchanging information and exchanging resources. Some people can't get roles in the audition office, but they can do so here.

Tobey Maguire, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Matthew Perry, etc. are all poker masters.

Ben Affleck defeated more than 90 masters in the 2004 California Poker Championship and received a bonus of 356,000. In 2007, he was banned from the Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas for life for allegedly counting cards.

Tobey Maguire has also been a gambler for many years. He participated in the Poker Championship in 2004, but lost to Ben Affleck. At the beginning of the year, he won more than 300,000 US dollars in chips in a private poker game in Hollywood, and was later bought by a group of investors. Go to court because the money was stolen.

Other clubs also have their own ways of playing. Almost all stars in Hollywood are members of these clubs.

Leonardo is a member of more than fifty clubs, so many that he can hardly remember them all, but today's card game has nothing to do with club activities. It's just that a few men were bored after filming and sat down to play cards and chat.

"Did Link join any clubs?"

Leonardo suddenly asked while looking at the cards.

"Muscle Beach Club, I heard he trains there a lot."

James Franco said.

"Is it a health club?"

"It's a professional boxing training ground, I practiced there."

Tom Hardy said that he trained there for a month while filming "The Fighter" last year, but Link was on tour in Asia at that time and did not meet him.

"Link doesn't smoke, drink, or play cards. He seems to have no other hobbies except boxing."

James Franco laughed.

"Beauty, this is definitely his favorite."

Leonardo reminded.

Everyone laughed.

"Leon, you can introduce Link to your model club. Link should like it there."

Tobey Maguire laughed.

The Model Club is a club that introduces female partners to Hollywood stars. Leonardo is a senior member and has two partners who met through the club's channels.

"Let me try."

Leonardo said casually that he actually did not plan to introduce Link to the club because the guy was too competitive. If he were to join, all the good girls in the club would be seduced by Link. He would never want to see such a thing. occur.


Tobey Maguire looked at the aisle in the middle of the coffee shop and said with some surprise, "It's Miss Thompson. Will Link come here to drink coffee too?"

"Toby! Don't try to cheat, I won't look back."

Leonardo glanced at the trump card in his hand, raised his head and stared at Tobey Maguire on the opposite side and said.

When Tobey Maguire spoke, everyone else in the booth turned to look over and nodded and said it was indeed Miss Thompson. They tried to keep their voices down as much as possible while speaking, and would not say anything excessive, nor would they say anything to Eva. Cards are critical.

On the one hand, I have a good relationship with Link and it’s not suitable for me to talk nonsense.

On the other hand, Ivaca is the chairman of Lionsgate Pictures and a powerful figure in the film industry. I heard that she is a hundred times harder to deal with than Link. It is more appropriate to treat a person like her and show some respect in public.

Leonardo saw everyone looking solemnly towards the outside of the coffee shop. He couldn't help but look back and saw Miss Ivaca walking in with an assistant. Sit down in a more secluded booth outside.

She wore her sunglasses and didn't take them off until she sat down. The expression on her fair cheeks was cold, and she looked like she was repelling others.

After she came in, the voices in the coffee shop dropped by more than ten decibels, and the originally bustling coffee shop suddenly seemed a little deserted.

"Well, it's indeed Iwaka, not Link."

Leonardo shrugged his shoulders and tapped the table with his fingers, "Toby, open the cards quickly!"

In this round, everyone else on the table has folded, leaving only Tobey Maguire and Leonardo. The five public cards are K of Spades, 4 of Diamonds, 3 of Spades, Q of Hearts, and J of Hearts.

Toby turned over two hole cards, the Ace of Spades and the Ten of Hearts.

The highest card combined with the community cards is straight A, K, Q, J, 10

"Impossible! How could you happen to be Shunzi?"

Leonardo turned over the cards with a dark face. His hole cards were two queens. The highest card was three of a kind with two miscellaneous cards, which was smaller than a straight.

"Leon, I'm lucky, you don't have to be jealous."

Tobey Maguire laughed and reached out to grab the banknotes in the pool. Although it was not much, it felt wonderful to win money.

Leonardo threw the cards into the pool unhappily. His trump card was two queens and he failed to win. He was really unlucky.

The model girlfriend brought by James Franco reshuffled the cards and dealt them to the second round. Tobey Maguire looked at the door and suddenly let out another sigh.

"Ms. Taylor Swift? Why is she here too?"


Leonardo glanced up at him, and no matter who came this time, he would not look back.

Several other people stopped looking at the cards when they heard this. They looked over curiously and found that it was indeed Taylor. Taylor walked into the cafe alone without an assistant.

Wearing a Zuhair Murad garden floral dress, with a golden ponytail, fresh bangs, and light makeup, she looks fresh and beautiful, and has the artistic temperament of a country singer. She walks quickly and looks natural and free.

When several people saw Taylor walking straight towards Ivaca's position, they couldn't help but make a sound of surprise.

Many people know that there is a song "Devil in Love" in Taylor's third album that is said to be written to Ivaca. There is also news that the real cause of the breakdown of Link and Taylor's relationship was not the private video, but Iva Ka. Take love with a knife.

Now the two of them were sitting together drinking coffee.

This melon is edible.

"What are you looking at?"

Leonardo asked unhappily.

"Link's current girlfriend and his ex-girlfriend are dating."

Tobey Maguire whispered as he stared at the cards on the table.

Leonardo scratched his chin and couldn't help but look back.


"Sorry, I'm late."

In the booth next door, Taylor was holding a small satchel and said to Ivaca in the aisle.

"It's okay, I just arrived too."

Ivaca put down the magazine in her hand, looked up at Taylor with exquisite makeup, smiled slightly, and extended her hand to invite her to sit down.

Taylor sat down opposite and crossed his knees to look at Ivaca opposite.

Ivaca didn't put on too much makeup, and she didn't have many accessories on her body. Her medium-length blond hair was simply draped over her shoulders, which looked very casual. It was just her cold face, with plump breasts, big butt, and slender face. Beautiful legs give people a very sexy feeling.

Taylor wrinkled the bridge of her nose, feeling that Evaka paid too much attention to the male vision in dressing up, and her beauty was not natural enough or arbitrary enough, but from a man's point of view, she was indeed extremely beautiful.

"Why are you meeting here?"

Taylor looked at his surroundings and unexpectedly saw a few familiar faces.

"There are more people here than usual today. If you find it inconvenient, you can chat somewhere else."

Ivaca said nonchalantly.

"It doesn't matter, it's not bad here."

Taylor said.

Ivaca stirred the coffee with a silver spoon and asked, "Have you thought of a way to deal with the child?"

Taylor blinked her blue fox eyes and remembered the answer she had not gotten on the phone before, so she asked the question again. What was Ivaca's purpose and why did she ask for help? She didn't think Ivaca would be bored. Random hair with good intentions.

Iwaka shook her head slightly and said: "I have only one purpose, for Link. He is too busy with work, training boxing, promoting movies, recording and writing songs, preparing new roles, and other things for several companies. He too busy.

Something like that happened in February, and he was attacked by the media for more than half a month. If he didn't handle the matter well this time, the scolding would fall on him again. After he became a scumbag, he actually didn't care about his reputation. Just now he was When chatting, he also intends to take all the responsibility, as long as you and the child are safe.

Although he can do this and has reasons to take responsibility for his mistakes, I cannot watch him suffer these inexplicable stigmas and let his reputation be hit again.

I want to do something, do something together, not only to help you and your children, but also to help Link and ourselves. Do you understand? "

"What about yourself, would you do something that doesn't benefit you at all?"

Taylor asked calmly.

Ivaca also looked at her and smiled: "Taylor, we are two different types of women. You dare to fight, you are talented and courageous, and you are a woman who is not inferior to men. I admire women like you very much.

And I am a woman both inside and outside. A woman like me needs to find a man to accompany him and help him succeed. When he succeeds, that means I succeed. When I help Link, I am also helping myself. For Lin Ke, I am also helping myself. Whatever is good for me is good for me. "

Taylor blinked, surprised by her honesty.

"You are too humble. Everyone knows that you are a business expert, the backbone of Link Music, and the real helmsman of Lionsgate Pictures. Many people think that Link relies on you to become famous. Without you, Link would not be what he is now. Success, it’s too modest for you to say that you rely on Link to achieve success.”

"Here's the truth, I wouldn't be in music without Link, and I wouldn't be in Hollywood without him making the decision to buy Lionsgate.

Whether it is music or movies, he was the first to pave the way, and then I followed him into this field and handled some chores for him.

If he failed to gain a foothold in the music and film industry, I would not be able to play a role in these two fields, so whether it is Link Music or Lionsgate Pictures, he will always be the real soul. "

Ivaca said solemnly.

Taylor thought for a while, and it seemed that this was indeed the case. Whether in music or movies, Link charged forward, and Ivaca followed behind to help him clean up the mess. The cooperation mode of the two was more like the warriors and warriors in the game. mage.

"Eva, is it worth doing this? The news is right. With your ability, appearance, and family background, you could have found a better man with more prospects. Why did you choose Link, a playboy?"

Ivaca curved her lips and said softly: "Is there a better man than Link in the world? If Link was just an annoying playboy, you wouldn't still love him now."

"I don't."

Taylor hummed.

Ivaca did not argue with her, and brought up the coffee and asked her to try the Brazilian Aracabi coffee here. Although there was a slight sour taste in the mouth, it had a mellow taste and a long aftertaste, which was worth tasting.

Taylor didn't refuse and took a sip of the coffee. The taste was too sour and had an obvious bitter taste, which she didn't like very much.

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