Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 438 Return to Hong Kong Island

Link didn't care about the rumors on the Internet.

He is now a multi-billionaire, a world-class superstar, the owner of Lionsgate Pictures and Link Music. At his level, ordinary gossip has minimal impact on him.

In addition, continuing to retain the 'playboy' label will also have some benefits for him, such as more exposure, he will be envied and worshiped by more fans, and it will also make his public image more three-dimensional and distinct.

At the same time, he also took MJ as a lesson and did not want to be an idol without flaws.

By proactively giving the media and public opinion targets that can be attacked, they will not try every means to make breakthroughs on him or create other black material in order to earn traffic and eyeballs.

So what he told Adele and Lady Gaga that he was a good man was true.

Others become scumbags because they are immature in their thinking. His main purpose of being a scumbag is to protect himself.

As a top figure in the entertainment industry, there are dozens of cameras pointed at him overtly and covertly every day, monitoring his every move, waiting for him to make a mistake and then become the target of the media.

As long as you are a bad person, you don't have to think about how to maintain your positive image all the time. That would be too tiring and not free enough.


Bang bang bang!

While the media continued to hype his affair with Jennifer, Link stayed at the Muscle Beach training ground to practice boxing.

After more than two months of hard training, his weight has returned to more than 80 kilograms, about 82.5 kilograms.

His body became stronger, and every muscle seemed to have been scientifically measured, looking well-proportioned and strong.

De La Hoya often sarcastically said that with a figure like his, he doesn't actually need to be a boxer to compete. He only needs to hook up with a few more rich women every year to earn over 100 million a year.

Link knew he was jealous and ignored him.

The WBA light heavyweight competition was about to begin. Five days before July, he took his boxing training team on a flight to Hong Kong Island.

Except for Coach Brooks, Ms. Anna, and Bob Wallace, the people traveling with him were there.

There are also three non-staff members, De La Hoya and Morales, and Dino Dua.

Morales went to watch the game live to gain experience in the competition, while De La Hoya and Dino Duva just went to join in the fun.

"Mr. Baker, thank you, I like you so much!"

"You're welcome, Jack!"

In the cabin, Link handed the signed poster to a fan named Jack, who took the poster and left happily.

"How many fans are there?"

Dino yawned on the opposite side and asked Hoya.

"Forty-two or forty-three."

"There were only over 160 crew members on the plane, and a quarter of them came to ask for Link's autograph. Link is really becoming more and more popular."

"As long as Mr. Captain doesn't come over, that's fine."

Hahaha! Everyone laughed.

"Don't you think it's strange that Link is such a scumbag, why do so many people like him? Especially when there are many little girls here, why would they like a scumbag idol? Isn't it a good idea to pursue an idol with a healthy image?"

De La Hoya folded his arms and leaned on the seat. He saw two more female fans coming over to ask for Link's autograph. And he, the former world boxing champion and the golden boy in the boxing world, had been sitting here for a long time, and no one came to sign. No.

He also had to lament that boxing is a sport that sometimes depends on appearance, and handsome people are indeed more popular among boxing fans.

"Is it normal to like Link? Link is not only a world boxing champion, but also a pop star, a billionaire, and a movie star. With so many halos combined, no idol can compare to him, just like Anne Hathaway. "Would you like her more if she was a pop music queen, a tennis champion, and had a super hot figure?"

Dino Duvall is holding a movie magazine with Anne Hathaway in a white dress on the cover.

"I prefer Jessica Alba."

De La Hoya shrugged.

"I heard Link had an affair with Jessica Alba."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Link added unhappily, Jessica Alba is a married woman, and spreading scandals with her would be bad for both parties' reputations. It is best to cut off the source of such scandals as soon as they first appear.

"Yes, Alba is a good woman, she will not fool around with a scumbag like Link."

Hoya insulted Link secretly.

Link shook his head indifferently, quickly signed a poster and handed it to the fan.

"Link, don't you get bored of signing autographs for fans like this?"

Dino asked, yawning.

"How can it be boring to sign autographs for people who like you? Besides, there are many boxing fans on this flight who flew to Hong Kong specifically to support me. It doesn't matter if I just sign autographs for them."

Link shrugged.

"Look! Hoya, this is the basic quality of being an idol. You should learn from Link."

Dino pointed at Link and smiled.

"Hmph, before I retired, I treated my fans better than Link. He should learn from me."

Hoya said with his arms crossed.

"Yes, there were reports in the news that you often sleep with powder and like older people. So is this how you got the title of Women's Friend?"

"Fake! Dino, shut up!"

Hoya was furious, his face flushed, and the muscles in his arms bulged.


Next to him, Morales covered his thick lips with force, but still couldn't hold it in. He laughed out loud. The 180-meter tall man laughed like a child.

"Okay, okay, I won't say it anymore, but I didn't frame you. There are a lot of these news on Google. You can find them with a casual search, so you don't need to be too angry."

Dino waved his hand and said.

De La Hoya glared at him in embarrassment, and his flushed cheeks gradually cooled down and turned dark. He said with a sullen face: "I don't have any sleeping powder. We only slept together after a normal relationship. It's the media without professional ethics who are hyping it up." , pouring dirty water on me."

"You chat with your fans for a few words and then sleep together. Aren't you a sleeping fan? Don't tell me that you always fall in love with your fans for several months before sleeping together."

Dino teased.

"Hoya, this is indeed sleeping powder, you can't wash it off."

Morales persuaded.

Hoya's bronze cheeks glowed red again. He turned back and glared at Morales, telling him to shut up. His eyes turned to Link.

"It's very common to fall in love with fans. We are celebrities and idols, and most of the people who are willing to date us are fans who like to admire us. Is it because they are fans that we don't date them?

If you don’t believe me, ask Link. Most of his girlfriends around the world are his fans. When it comes to sleeping powder, Link is the real expert. Compared with him, I am really nothing. "

De La Hoya seemed to have found a shield, and his expression and tone became more relaxed when he spoke.

Link smiled and said: "It's okay if you want to change the subject, but it's a pity that you have found the wrong person. All my rumored girlfriends are celebrities, and there are no ordinary fans. They and I also met at work. Strictly speaking, they are colleagues in the same industry. , not considered a fan.”

"Link is right. All his girlfriends have entries on Google and can be searched. None of them are ordinary people. When Link sleeps with them, he just appreciates each other instead of using his own influence. Come to seduce fans, Hoya, you and Link are really different on this matter.”

Dino said with a wicked smile.

"Yes, a lot of media said last year that Link was a scumbag, but not a single report said that he slept with fans. Hoya, you better stop making excuses. We are all men. If you admit that you sleep with fans, no one will laugh at you. "

Morales smiled with bright white teeth.

Hoya was so angry that he gritted his teeth, his face turned black and white, he glared at Dino, stood up and kicked Morales in the calf, left his seat angrily and went to the bathroom.

Dino and Morales slapped their seats and laughed, and the coaching staff couldn't help laughing either.

Link shook his head. He was right to sit outside and sign autographs for fans. Sitting inside would only be chatting and spanking with them, and it would be a boring voyage.

"Anna, does anyone else want to sign?"

Link asked as he saw off a fan.

Because there were many fans on the plane, it would be easy to get into trouble if they all came to ask for autographs, so Wallace and Bob stood in the business class aisle to guide the fans and let them come one by one.

"Boss, no more for now. There is a Chinese singer who heard that you are here and wants to come over to say hello. Do you want to meet him?"

Anna asked.

"Okay, invite the other party to come over and have a chat."

Link put down his signature pen, unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of water.

Soon I saw Anna leading a male singer over. He was not tall, about 172 centimeters tall, wearing a sweatshirt and baggy jeans, with droopy mouth corners and a cocky look.

It is Jerry Zhou Tianwang from China.

Last year, Link came to Asia for a tour and also extended an invitation to the other party.

However, Jerry Chow was on the ‘Super Era World Tour’ at that time and had no time to participate.

Jerry Zhou has also been active in North America recently.

In February, the Hollywood blockbuster "The Green Hornet" starring him was released in North America with a production cost of 120 million U.S. dollars, a North American box office of 85.74 million U.S. dollars, and a global box office of 223 million U.S. dollars. Based on the production and publicity costs, the producer and distributor lost about 20,000 U.S. dollars. thirty million.

However, Jerry Zhou can star in a Hollywood A-level production, and his global popularity and influence have increased a lot.

In March, Time Magazine ranked Jerry third among the "Top 100 Most Influential People in the World".

In June, he was nominated for the American MTV Movie and Television Award for Best Newcomer for his role as 'Kato' in "The Green Hornet". This trip to the United States is probably to attend the award ceremony.

"Hi, Mr. Zhou, please use Situ Mi oil!"

Link stood up and shook hands with Zhou Tianwang, inviting him to sit down and chat.

Jerry spoke good English and said hello to him, saying that he liked his songs and his boxing matches. This time he came to Hong Kong Island and planned to watch his boxing match live.

Link thanked the other party and asked him if he had any tickets. He had some VIP tickets given by the organizer and could give him two.

The news said that all 15,000 tickets for his boxing match had been sold out.

At present, the price of ordinary tickets on the black market has tripled, and the price of VIP tickets has more than quintupled. One ticket costs tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars. I heard that many celebrities and celebrities will attend, and it is difficult to get a ticket. VIP tickets are even harder to get.

Jerry didn't refuse, and after receiving the ticket, he asked him to sign the VIP ticket.

The two chatted for a few words and took a group photo before Jerry left with satisfaction.


"Jielun, how are you? Have you seen Link?"

In the first class cabin, Fang Wensan with a mustache saw Jerry coming back and rushed over to ask.

"Humph, I went out in person, how could I not see him? He also gave me two tickets to the game."

Jerry took out two tickets and waved them.

"Wow, it's a ticket for the VIP area, and there's a signature on it. Jerry, you're awesome."

Fang Wensan shouted excitedly.

"Only two tickets? But there are three of us."

Another partner Huang Jun said.

"You don't know anything about boxing, so why are you going to the event? This time Jielun and I will go, and you can go home and watch TV."

Fang Wensan held the ticket and laughed.

"How is this possible? I also want to watch it live. This is Link's boxing match. Watching it live is completely different from watching it in front of the TV. How about we have a boxing match and whoever wins gets to go?"

Huang Jun grabbed Wen San's shoulders and shouted.

"No! These are my and Jerry's tickets. If you want to see it, go buy a ticket on the black market for a few thousand Hong Kong dollars. It's not like you don't have money."

Fang Wensan waved his hands and smiled.


Jerry coughed twice, took back two tickets from Fang Wensan, and looked at Wensan apologetically.

"Wen San, A Jun, I have already given this ticket to someone else. How about you go to the black market and buy two tickets and I will pay for it."

Fang Wensan looked at his empty hands. The smile that he had not had time to put away suddenly froze on his face, and the mustache at the corner of his mouth trembled.

In the past, he wrote good songs and would sing them all to Jielun. He thought that the two of them were good brothers and good partners who shared difficulties and shared blessings. But now Jielun has two tickets for the Link game, but not one. Give it to him and ask him to buy it on the black market.

Wen San felt a chill in his heart.

"Haha, Wen San, are you stupid? Jielun has two tickets. Of course he has to leave one for his little girlfriend. Why are you fighting with his little girlfriend?"

Huang Jun laughed.

"I value sex over friends, huh!"

Wen San rolled his eyes at Jie Lun, folded his arms and turned to look out the cabin window.

Jerry rubbed his nose and regretted showing off the tickets.

Now that the situation was like this, he had no choice but to promise his two partners that after flying to Hong Kong Island, he would find a way to get two VIP tickets for them, and then the four of them would go in and watch together.

Wen San calmed down a little after hearing his assurance.

The plane floated in the sky all night and slowly landed at the Hong Kong Island International Airport at around 10 o'clock in the morning.

Link led the coaching team through customs security and walked out of the airport terminal.

"Link, welcome to Hong Kong Island!"

When I walked out of the airport, there were many fans and media reporters in the square. It was a bustling place. At a glance, there were two to three thousand people.

In the middle of the fan queue was a colorful banner that said in English, 'Welcome Link to Hong Kong Island to compete.' Hundreds of fans were holding his boxing posters and standing signs, shouting his name loudly.

Link waved and, protected by bodyguards and on-site security, walked to the front, shook hands with several fans, and stood among the fans to take a few group photos.

"Mr. Baker, this is your second time coming to Hong Kong Island. What is your impression of Hong Kong Island?"

The "Global Times" reporter took the microphone and asked in fluent English.

"Very good. Hong Kong Island is a beautiful city. It is very modern and has local characteristics. I like the environment here and the food. There is a food called sweet and sour pork, right? I ate it last time and it was great. This time I’m going to try some more Hong Kong delicacies. ”

Link praised.

"Mr. Baker, this match is your first match when you are promoted to light heavyweight. Your opponent is the WBA world boxing champion Beirut Shumenov, known as the dark horse of Kazakhstan. Are you confident about this match? ?”

Phoenix Chinese Channel reporter shouted.

"Yes, I have never lacked confidence in boxing matches. I have said this many times and I have never let boxing fans down. Believe me, I will lift the gold belt again on Hong Kong Island."

Link said while clenching his fists.

"Mr. Baker, according to news from the United States, at this Cannes Film Festival, you bought the North American rights of two Chinese films and distributed them in North America, both of which achieved good box office results.

There is news that after joining Lionsgate Pictures, you will increase your cooperation with China Films. Is this news true? What plans does Lionsgate have in terms of cooperation with China Films? Can you disclose some? "

asked a reporter from wireless pay TV station TVB.

TVB was also a partner of this match and should have been more considerate during the interview. However, the question asked by the other party had nothing to do with the boxing match and he did not want to answer it.

"Yes, the Chinese film market has great potential, and Chinese films are also good. We have considered this, but the specific method of cooperation is still under investigation. We will talk about this issue again when we have the opportunity in the future. Today is a boxing match During the interview, please ask questions related to the boxing match.”

Link said politely.

"Mr. Baker, among the Chinese boxers, who do you think has the potential to become a world boxing champion? Who do you think you are most optimistic about?"

a reporter yelled.

Link thought for a while and said that Chinese boxers are all good, but they lack experience in international competitions. For example, Zou Shiming and Xiong Chaozhong may have good development after entering the world professional boxing ring in the future.

After answering a few questions, Link left the scene with the coaching team and got into the business motorcade arranged by the organizer.

Fans and reporters followed him for more than ten meters before waving away.

"Link is so awesome and he has so many fans on Hong Kong Island."

In another business car, Fang Wensan was lying on the car window, looking at the thousands of Link fans in the square and exclaiming in admiration.

"Brother is not bad either. If he goes down now, he will definitely cause traffic jam on Airport Avenue."

Jerry said, pushing up his sunglasses.

"Stop bragging. Last night you posted a photo of you and Link on Weibo. Link's fans know he's on this flight, and your fans should also know the time you'll arrive in Hong Kong Island. Why are there only Link's fans waiting for you at the Plaza, and not yours?"

Fang Wensan teased.

Jerry frowned and was about to retort when Huang Jun pointed to the side and shouted, "Look over there, those people seem to be fans of Jie Lun."

Jerry's eyes lit up, he pushed up his sunglasses and looked out the window, and saw a team of four or five hundred people holding Jerry's posters, staring at the airport exit eagerly.

The group of people just now was there too.

It's just that they were closer to Link's fan group, and when Link came out, they also shouted and asked Link for an autograph, and took photos with Link, looking like fans of Link.

Jerry originally thought they were fans of Link, but he didn't expect them to be his.

"Jie Lun, do you want to meet him?"

The agent turned around and asked in the front seat.

"Forget it, I'm tired after sitting on the plane all night."

Jerry put on his sunglasses, crossed his legs and dozed off on the seat.

The business car slowly left the Hong Kong International Airport and merged into the bustling and crowded Hong Kong street market.

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