At the party, Link also noticed Harvey's expression, but he didn't care. The two parties were not friends in the first place. There was no need to pretend to be friends and stab him in the back. He was not used to this kind of communication.

So when he saw Harvey's face turn ugly, he was relieved, which meant that he had done a good job on something, and Harvey only turned black when he was annoyed.

Seeing Harvey's black face, Link was not interested in staying at the party anymore. He greeted Cassie and Quentin and several acquaintances, and took Jennifer out of Weinstein's villa.

Driving on the streets of Beverly Hills, the April sunshine made him feel comfortable.

Thinking of Harvey's attitude, Link called Broadbent Productions and asked him what the company could do if Weinstein Films did not allocate funds for the follow-up production of "Silver Linings Playbook" Counterattack?

Producer Bente said it was not a big problem.

After signing a filming contract last year, Palm Beach Pictures and Weinstein Pictures each hold 50% of the film's rights.

If Weinstein Pictures does not allocate funds on time, according to the terms of the contract, when multiple film companies jointly invest in a film project, when one of the companies has funding problems, other investors have priority to get the remaining investment shares. . ’

In other words, you can spend money to buy 50% of the film copyrights from Weinstein Pictures for independent production and distribution.

There is also a stipulated time limit in the contract. Depending on the specific circumstances, the investor has 120 to 180 days to raise funds. If it is unable to pay the funds by the deadline, one party can be judged to have breached the contract after arbitration by the arbitration committee.

Although half a year is not much, for many indebted film companies, this time difference can bring down a company.

But that doesn’t include Palm Beach Pictures.

Palm Beach Pictures made more than 48 million on the "Scandal Project" project last year, plus the 30 million reserve funds he had allocated, and it has sufficient funds to film "Bridesmaids", "The Help" and "Silver Linings Playbook". Three projects later, there is still something left.

So no matter what tricks Weinstein Pictures plans to play, Palm Beach Pictures has enough capital to do it.

Link asked again about "The Hunger Games".

Bente's producer said that progress is not going well. Lionsgate Pictures is cooperating with Color Force Pictures to develop this project. There is no shortage of funds for the time being, but Jennifer Lawrence's audition went well.

Because she is young, just 21 years old, she fits the role of a heroine. In addition, she has shown strong and brave qualities in "The Burning Plain" and "Winter's Bone", and her acting skills are also good. Producer Nina Directors Jackson and Gary Ross were very fond of her.

After hearing the news, Link thought for a while. Jennifer Lawrence could continue to be the heroine, and Palm Beach Pictures could not participate in the investment. It would just make a few hundred million less, and this loss could be recovered in the stock market.

He told Bent Productions that since Lionsgate didn't need the investment, forget it.

He called Ms. Mandy again and asked the agency to continue paying attention to the "Hunger Games" project and strive to get Jennifer the role of the heroine Katniss.

Ms. Mandy understood.

While he was on the phone, Jennifer Lawrence sat in the passenger seat, blinking blue-grey eyes and looking at him silently.

Her expression became a little complicated when she heard Link say that he would help her get the heroine of "The Hunger Games".

The reason why I joined Palm Bay Brokerage Company in the first place was mainly because Link was well-known, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and had some resources at his disposal.

By becoming an artist under his banner, you can get more film and television resources. For example, he can help you get the second female role in Fox Pictures' "X-Men" with just one phone call. There is also the relatively successful "Scandal Project" produced by his company. , has some strength.

Joining such a brokerage company will be more helpful to your career than working at IMG.

As for sleeping with Link.

Before last year, because she knew that Link was a playboy and had many girlfriends, she didn't intend to invest much affection in him. She liked having sex with him more than loving him as a person.

But after getting along with him for more than half a year, she found that Link was a very good man. He was strong, hard-working, smart, upright, kind, enterprising, and had healthy living habits. Apart from a little playfulness, he had almost no flaws.

In terms of being a playboy, Jennifer also discovered that he was just a playboy, not sentimental, nor was he a scumbag who fell in love with everyone and liked to play with women's emotions.

He is very serious about each of his girlfriends, giving his true feelings and exchanging heart for heart.

No matter in work or life, they also give them great care and are very considerate.

As for Link, she only wanted to use him as a springboard and shield before, but kicked him after he became famous.

After getting along for a long time, Jennifer discovered that he was not only a lover with strong kidney function, but also a very considerate and gentle friend, a rare man.

He can satisfy almost all a woman's fantasies about a man, as well as her physical, material, and reputational needs.

The longer she spent with him, the more Jennifer found herself unable to leave him and reluctant to leave.

She couldn't tell whether it was love or whether it was the right thing to do, so she felt a little complicated.

"Jenny, I heard that you did well when you auditioned for "The Hunger Games"?"

Link put down the phone and asked

"well enough."

Jennifer Lawrence shrugged and smiled, "During the audition, they asked me to perform a scene where Katniss replaces her sister in the Hunger Games. I did what they said. Director Gary Ross thought I performed well and was very suitable for the role.

But the actors who auditioned this time are very strong. I saw Emma Roberts, Saoirse Ronan, Shailene Woodley, and Chloë Grace Moretz on the scene. They also look very good. Before the producers announce the final candidates, I am not sure if I can get this role."

"It doesn't matter. You did a good job. The rest of the work is left to the company. What you need to do is to prepare for this role with peace of mind. This play is about a heroine. Performing well will be of great help to your career."

Link said while driving.

"I see."

Jennifer Lawrence looked at him, took his left hand and said with a smile, "I'm going to the crew to film tomorrow, I have time in the afternoon and evening, do you want to stay at my place, I can make fried chicken for you."

"It sounds great, do people in Kentucky know how to make fried chicken?"

Link remembered a joke, Kentucky is the hometown of KFC, so Kentucky people who can't make fried chicken are all drags, just like people in Florida who have never seen an alligator, haven't been tanned by the sun, and haven't been to Orlando Disneyland are also drags.

"I don't know, we have a lot of chicken farms there, most housewives know how to make fried chicken, with unique ingredients and methods, and the taste is better than KFC and McDonald's."

Jennifer said excitedly.

"Listening to me, I'm starting to drool."

Link smiled, and according to Jennifer's instructions, went to Costco supermarket to buy two fresh white chickens.

In addition to domestic turkeys, the common chickens on American tables include white rock, Polson, Konnibaklin, butter chicken and other varieties. Some lay eggs, some eat meat, and their tastes and functions are different.

Jennifer's skill in making fried chicken is also good. Except for the first pot that was a bit burnt, the other pots tasted good, golden in color, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

It is rare that a star is willing to cook, and Link enjoys this atmosphere.

"Link, it's ready to eat."

Jennifer came to the living room with a plate of good-looking fried chicken.

Link opened the refrigerator, took out two cans of cold beer, and sat on the balcony to enjoy lunch.


When Link was enjoying beer fried chicken at Jennifer's house, the Weinstein brothers launched the first round of attacks on him.

First, use the media to spread the news that Link supports the Republican Party.

The method is very simple. Reprint and publish a tofu block news article titled Link followed Mr. Thompson to a private party on the New York Daily News in a prominent position in the Los Angeles Times, the Hollywood Reporter and other media, and publicize it.

By introducing the identities of Mr. Thompson and several guests in the photo, the media described this gathering as a gathering of Republicans, and also said that Link might be a Republican funder or was preparing to run for election.

Because California is an immigrant city with a mixture of various races, the Democratic Party has a more tolerant attitude towards immigrants, which has also led to California gradually becoming the territory of the Democratic Party since the 1990s.

In addition, a large part of the box office in the Hollywood film market comes from foreign immigrants.

Hollywood actors need the support of these immigrants, so they need to publicly disclose their political inclinations. Most actors will express their support for the Democratic Party to win the support of immigrant fans, and the same is true for the music industry.

Even if many singers are psychologically biased towards the Republican Party, which cuts taxes on high-income groups, they will not express their political inclinations in public to avoid offending their fans.

Now Bob uses this trick to deal with Link. Although it will not cause a serious blow to Link's reputation, it will have a certain impact on his movie box office and album sales.

After the news spread, as a representative of the Democrats in Hollywood, Harvey conveyed his dissatisfaction with Link to the outside world through people around him.

It is said that Link is a descendant of fishermen who climbed up from the bottom. His grandfather was an Italian immigrant, and he is also a descendant of immigrants. People like him should be natural Democrats.

But after success, he supported the Republican Party and called Link a "traitor to the Democratic Party."

It also mentioned the old news that Link criticized the new black president in 2009 to prove that Link is a stubborn Republican.

Bob also contacted Kunas Jr., P. Diddy, Jay-Z and others to express his dissatisfaction with Link, and the two sides reached a consensus on the matter against Link.

Finally, Harvey found out through his connections that the new movie "Bridesmaids" of Palm Beach Pictures would be released in early May.

In order to hit Link at the box office, he temporarily adjusted the schedule of two of his films and decided to kill "Bridesmaids" in May to teach Link a lesson.

In addition, he also contacted the presidents and producers of many film companies and talked about his views on Link.

Mostly negative views, such as Link is a Republican, a racist, and a playboy, and revealed that it is Washington's view of Link, hoping that everyone will be more cautious when cooperating with Link and Palm Beach Studios.

As for whether these people will give him face, Harvey doesn't know, but it is certain that these people will hesitate again and again when cooperating with Link.

As long as more people hesitate, it will evolve into a ban on Link.


Harvey hung up the phone, rubbed the woman under him, and smiled coldly.

"Link, why do you fight me."

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