Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 384: Talking with Taylor

The meeting with Harvey lasted about half an hour. From the meeting to the separation, the atmosphere was better than Link had imagined, which made him even more confused about Harvey's plan.

He could only tell producer Bent that he must be careful when calculating the cost of the film. He also mentioned that he and Harvey were a little dirty and their relationship was not as harmonious as it seemed.

Producer Bent said he understood.

After three days of statistics and consultations, the budget of the project "Silver Linings Playbook" was 22 million US dollars, nearly half of the 40 million Harvey said at the beginning. The two companies jointly produced it and invested 11 million US dollars each.

Since this film was discovered by Weinstein Films and has the dominant power, Weinstein Films has the right to take an additional 5% share of the North American box office and overseas box office.

After discussing with Catherine, producer Bent, producer Herrick and others, Link had no opinion, but in order to share the risk, he took the initiative to contact David Ellison and asked him if he was interested in this project?

After reading the script, David Ellison thought it was good and expressed great interest.

After Link and David Ellison discussed, they split the 11 million investment share into two parts, with Palm Beach Pictures accounting for 60% and Skydance accounting for 40%. The two parties invested together and shared the box office and risks afterwards.

Since this part of the change was an internal transaction of Palm Beach Pictures and had nothing to do with Weinstein Pictures, no matter how many parts he split the investment share into, it would not affect the operation of the entire project, so the cooperation was reached smoothly.

After finalizing "Silver Linings Playbook", Link also completed a task and could rest assured to shoot movies and train boxing in the crew.

After coming to Los Angeles, he went to the Beverly Hills villa to visit Taylor many times. He was turned away the first few times. Later, under the persuasion of Mrs. Andrea, he met Taylor.

After meeting, Taylor did not give him a good face, often turned his back to him and said nothing.

Link did not care. When he had time, he would chat with Taylor in the sunny yard and talk about his recent work.

He also mentioned that he had recently written a new song "Say Something" and planned to put it in his fourth album, and asked her if she wanted to listen to it.

Taylor hummed softly, lowered her head to look at the magazine, and ignored him.

Link smiled, sat on the balcony with a guitar in his arms, and sang by himself.

This song was released by the Great World Band in 2014. It became popular because of the attention of the queen Christina Aguilera. It was ranked in the top ten of the US Billboard and topped the charts in the UK, Belgium, Canada and other countries.

It is a very nice sad song, and later the singer Zhang Shaohan sang a Chinese version.

Say something I'm giving up on you

Aren't you going to keep me? I'm on the road to separation from you

I'll be the one if you want me to

Even though, I will turn back as soon as you wave

Anywhere I would've followed you

Even though, I have been following you, around you

Say something I'm giving up on you

Aren't you going to keep me? I'm on the road to separation from you

And I am feeling so small

I am getting smaller and smaller in your world

It was over my head

Your coldness and hardness are all around me

know nothing at all

It makes me feel helpless

Hearing Link's melancholy, low and sad voice, Taylor couldn't help but look up at him, blinking his curved eyelashes again and again, looking more and more surprised, and then his face was a little annoyed, and his snow-white fists were clenched tightly again.

Every song written by this bastard is so affectionate, as if he is a great lover, but in fact, he cheats on his wife, has girlfriends everywhere, and is recognized as a scumbag by the world.

This song is absolutely ruined for him to sing.

But he sang so well, so affectionate, devoted, and infectious.

Taylor felt helpless and powerless, just like facing a murderer, but he couldn't catch him and send him to prison.

Link sang it once, looked at Taylor and smiled: "How do you feel?"


Taylor continued to look down at the magazine.

"This song is suitable for a male and female duet. I can't express myself enough when I sing alone. Are you interested in collaborating? The effect will definitely be very good if we sing together."

"No, don't disturb me while I'm reading."

Taylor brushed the long hair beside her ear and said.

Link shrugged his shoulders and didn't force it. He sat on the balcony covered with sunshine, with his feet on the iron railing, and tilted his head to look at Taylor, who had a ruddy face and a plump figure. She seemed to be more beautiful after pregnancy.

"How have you been recently? It should be good, right? I heard from Selena that you have parties every day, get together with a few sisters, go shopping, and I heard that you went to the ranch for vacation last time. It's really enviable."

Link said.

Taylor blinked and ignored him.

"But I'm not doing well. Both work and life are a mess. It seems that things have gone wrong after breaking up with you. I'm like a train that has deviated from the original track and is running wild in the wilderness. I don't know where the road is or where the end is."

Link rested his arms on his head, looking at the blue sky and white clouds in the Beverly Hills. Occasionally a few birds flew by, and he suddenly felt a little tired.

Taylor glanced at him and saw his handsome side face, with melancholy and melancholy between his eyebrows. Her heart seemed to be pulled by something, itching and hurting. She took a deep breath, picked up the magazine and threw it at him. on the body.

"Don't say it to me if you feel bad. I'm not a trash can for negative emotions. Besides, didn't you choose this kind of life for yourself? You attend high-society parties every day, and the people you associate with are billionaires from all walks of life. Elite tycoon.

And now that you are rich, you can raise women all over the world, pick up whomever you want, and no one will care about you. Doesn’t this just fit your wish? Everything is your choice. Why are you pouring bitter words on me here? "

Taylor sneered.

Link shook his head and looked at the sky and the ivy hanging down from the balcony on the second floor, dappled with sunlight.

"Andrea said that you liked to eat desserts when you were a child. She was worried that you would get cavities and turn into a chubby girl, so she wouldn't let you. She would secretly eat them if you couldn't eat them. Later, you made money and realized the freedom of desserts. You eat as much as you want, but at this moment you suddenly don’t want to eat anymore.

I'm the same as you. I used to be under your control, and I always felt that the women outside were delicious and couldn't help but want to taste them. Now that no one is in charge and I have free snacks, I realize that everything is not as good as I imagined. But this time I We have deviated too far from the correct course and cannot look back. We can only close our eyes and rush forward blindly. "

Link pointed at the plane flying across the horizon, turned around and smiled, "But one thing is strange. No matter how bored and confused I am, every time I sit next to you, I feel like I'm back on the original track. , very relaxed and comfortable, isn’t it strange?”

Taylor blinked her blue eyes, flipped through the magazine and said, "You should tell Ivaca this kind of thing, she is your girlfriend."

Link said: "My biggest confusion about life comes from her. She is so smart that I don't understand her at all. I don't know what she is thinking, what she wants to do, how she feels about me, and whether she really likes me." Me? She's nice to me, but I'm not sure there's an element of love here.

And I once said that we come from different backgrounds, have very different living habits, and have very different thoughts and concepts. She likes to ask chefs to cook, but likes to cook herself. She likes to live in a luxury apartment hundreds of meters high. inside.

And I like to keep my feet on the ground, like to put my feet in the beach, feel the temperature of the sand, and other things. These differences make me very uncomfortable with my current life. I feel like I am floating in the air all day long. "

"You asked for it. No one forced you to be with her."

Taylor said.

"It sounds like this, but during the time we were dating, she didn't do anything wrong. Everything was centered on me, like my partner and comrade in life and career. If I break up with her, I will be hurt more. A person, a good woman, okay, I am too greedy, this is still my problem. "

Link stood up and stretched, stood on the balcony and looked at the sky, the blue sea in the distance, and the bustling downtown Los Angeles.

Seeing the sun setting in the west, he didn't want to disturb Taylor and Mrs. Andrea anymore, so he took the initiative to say goodbye.

Looking at his car and villa, Taylor returned to the house and saw the guitar he had placed on the balcony. He was silent, plucked the strings with his delicate fingers, and sang softly the song he had just sung.

Say something I'm giving up on you

Don't you plan to keep me? I'm on a separate road from you

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you

Sorry, I still can't stop your flowing eyes

Anywhere I would've followed you

Although, I have been following you

Say something I'm giving up on you

Don't you plan to keep me? I'm on a separate road from you

And I will swallow my pride

At this time, I swallowed my anger

You're the one that I love

I love you clearly in my heart

And I'm saying goodbye

But he said goodbye

While Taylor was singing, Mrs. Andrea came over with a stack of documents, stood at the door and listened for a while. When Taylor finished singing, she asked, "Is this a new song you wrote? It sounds very good."

"No, it was written by that bastard Link."

Tyler said angrily.

"Speak nicely, why are you scolding him?"

Lady Andrea persuaded.

"He deserves to be scolded. Even after we broke up, he still refuses to let me go. He comes to me every day to pretend to be a lover. He wants to use this method to continue to dominate me. Humph, don't let him come next time. I feel very angry when I see him now. bother."

Taylor smoothed his hair and went upstairs with his guitar.

Mrs. Andrea shook her head. She still felt that the two of them were the best match. Although Link was a little flirtatious, he was still young and was not hopeless. As long as he worked patiently, he might not be unable to achieve a perfect relationship.

Suddenly she remembered the document in her hand and shouted to Taylor, "The document sent from Nashville Hospital requires your signature. Are you sure you want to do this?"


Taylor said firmly.

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