Conquer America, Start with a Boxing Champion

Chapter 376 The Final Grand Prize

In the lobby of the Nokia Theater, Taylor was wearing a loose red dress with golden curls. She walked in from the aisle. Her long legs were still moving very fast. If you don't look at the slightly rounded cheeks and slightly raised waist, , and it is impossible to tell that she is a pregnant woman.

Behind her is Selena, who has a round face. Her first album sold well, and several of her single MVs were also very exciting. She received two nominations at this year's MTV.

Originally, Link wanted to walk the red carpet with her, but she let him go midway.

Selena followed Taylor, holding her with one hand, and kept shouting to slow down and watch her stomach.

Seeing Taylor coming, Link stood up and prepared to greet her, but the people around him moved faster than him. In the blink of an eye, they surrounded Taylor, asking questions and asking questions, and more people were watching the excitement.

From early September to now, Taylor's pregnancy news has remained extremely hot.

The reason is simple. Taylor is the queen of country music. She topped the album sales list in the United States last year and is one of the most popular singers in the music industry. Her pregnancy itself is big news.

The person who got her pregnant is considered to be Link, another king of today's music scene.

One is a king and the other is a queen. The two fell in love first and then broke up. Almost half a year after the breakup, it was revealed that they had a child. The story between the two is more exciting than the plots of many Hollywood movies. People who are keen on eating melons have no reason to let this big melon go.

These celebrities in the industry are also fans. Seeing Taylor's arrival, they all came close to the scene to eat. As a result, Link, the leading actor, didn't even have a chance to get close to Taylor.

"Please, please, stop hanging around here. Tyler needs some fresh air."

Selena shouted crisply.

The onlookers at the scene gradually dispersed, leaving only Link and Taylor in the aisle, looking at each other from a distance more than ten meters apart in the seating area.


The front row auditorium suddenly became quiet. Lady Gaga and others sat quietly in their seats, watching the two people with interest, as if they were watching a stage play.

"Hey Taylor, how're you doing?"

Link walked over and greeted.

"Why do you ask Link like this? Don't they usually call?"

Qian Po Kesha said softly.

"Selena said that Taylor blocked all Link's contact information and she became the microphone."

Miley Cyrus said, covering her mouth.

"I thought they would still be friends after they broke up."

Lady Gaga said.

"It's too difficult to be friends with Link. He's so charming. If you continue to be friends with him, sooner or later he will trick you into sleeping with him again. It's better not to break up."

Katy Perry said.


Taylor blinked his blue eyes, glanced at him, and said to Selena next to him, "Where are our seats?"

"Link, where are our seats?"

Selena supported Tyler and winked at him, asking him to behave well.


Link pointed to the seat next to him.

Taylor said thank you, straightened his skirt and sat down. Link also sat down next to him.

This seat was arranged by the MTV organizer. When he and Taylor were dating last year, MTV made them sit separately. Now that they broke up, they sit together.

This arrangement can indeed increase the ratings of this party.

Taylor and Selena were the last guests to enter, and shortly after they sat down, the MTV Video Awards began.

Justin Bieber is the opening performer of this evening party, and singers such as Lana Del Rey, Mars, Selena, and Drake who performed well in the first half of the year will also take the stage to sing their popular songs.

"how have you been?"

Link asked softly while watching the performance on the stage.

"I've gained sixteen pounds and gained five inches around my waist. What do you think of me?"

Taylor hummed.

"This is my fault. I know it's too late to say sorry now, but I still hope I have the chance to make it up to you."

"To make up for it? I am 21 years old and I am on the rise in my career. I never thought about getting pregnant and having a baby at this time. But because of you, everything has changed. You almost destroyed me. Now you tell me that you want to make up for me? How to make up for it? "U.S. dollars, I don't care."

Taylor held his white fists and glanced at him angrily.

With the camera watching from the front, Link couldn't give her a hug. He spread his hands and said, "I'm sorry. It's mainly because I love you too much and don't want to break up with you, so I did that."

"Love me? Do you think I will believe it? If you love me, you won't mess around outside. If you love me, you won't hurt me in such a despicable way. If you really love me, you will let go decisively.

You do not love me.

You do this for one purpose.

You don't want to lose!

You are a competitive person and have always been. Whether in boxing or music, you have never lost and don't want to lose. The same is true in love. You hope to always be the winner.

So when I refused to forgive you and insisted on leaving you, you felt frustrated and angered, so you used such despicable methods to treat me and try to turn defeat into victory, right Mr. Tactics Master? "

Taylor pursed her lips and said coldly.

"I am indeed competitive and I don't like losing, but when I'm dating you, I never think about winning or losing. Just like when we usually play around, guess guessing, do housework, and play tennis and volleyball, you always win.

And you are always better than me in songwriting. I never care about these things. I am not always competitive. At least, I have never thought about winning you. "

"Humph, I admit that you often let me win in sports, but it is definitely not because you lose in rock-paper-scissors and do housework. It is because your fingers are clumsy and you can't beat me at all."

"How about a competition?"

Link stretched out his palm.

Taylor looked at him, clenched his white fist and said, "Don't try to change the subject. You may not care about winning or losing in such a small game, but you will definitely not care about winning or losing in boxing, music and love. In order to win the game, you can even use some despicable means. Am I right?"

Link shook his head, "Dear, don't think of me so badly, okay? I tried to make you pregnant because I love you. After you found out that you were pregnant, you decided to keep the child because you still love me. So this child is the fruit of our love, not the product of a conspiracy, right? Anyway, the child is innocent, and I don't want you to pass on your resentment towards me to the child. "

Taylor took a deep breath, "Is this your plan? When I give birth to the child, you can use the child to lock me up?"

"No, after the child is born, if you are willing to raise him, you can keep him. If you are not willing, give him to me. I will try to be a good father."

"Don't even think about it! This is my child. Why should I give it to you? I said that I would never let you see the child. I mean what I said."

Taylor snorted, and when Bruno Mars and the performance team left the stage, there was a burst of warm applause. Taylor also clapped his hands, moved his lips and said softly, "No one can win forever, and you are the same. "

It's a pity that the applause around was so enthusiastic that Link didn't hear the words clearly.


After several opening programs, the MTV awards ceremony officially began.

The first award was the Best New Artist of the Year. There were five nominees, Kesha, Lana Del Rey, Mars, Jason Derulo, and Justin Bieber.

In the end, Justin Bieber won the Best New Artist Award for his hit song "Baby" and sang the song on stage.

The second award was the Best Female Video. Although the nominees for the award included Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Kesha, and Beyonce, they were ultimately defeated by Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance".

This was also the first award Lady Gaga won.

The third award was the Best Rap Video.

Link and Wiz Khalifa were also nominated for the award for "See You Again" released in August last year.

But the final winner was Eminem's "Not Afraid", a very hardcore rap song, is also one of the main singles of Eminem's new album "Recovery", which won the singles chart champion.

The next six technical awards, including Best Photography, Best Director, Best Editing, Best Special Effects, and Most Breakthrough Video, Link missed all of them, while Lady Gaga won three out of six and was the first to get four Astronaut trophies.

"Hey, Link, you're probably going to be empty-handed today, do you want me to give you one? ”

Lady Gaga wore a scary "fresh meat" dress, holding several astronaut trophies and smiled.

Link did not refuse, and took one, saying that he would give it to fans for a lottery. Last year, there were too many lotteries, and all the gold belts and gold medals were given away, resulting in nothing to give away this year.

Lady Gaga didn't mind when she heard that he took it for a lottery, and generously gave him another one.

Link said that if he won the award later, he would return it to her.

Lady Gaga and Katy Perry said that he had little chance of winning the award.

The reason was that during the final award judging stage of MTV, he happened to be cyberbullied. At that time, the media was full of negative comments about him, calling him a scumbag and an irresponsible man.

Most of the judges of the MTV Awards are adults with families and children. Influenced by public opinion, they should vote for others.

The next two awards also confirmed this statement.

The tenth award is the Best Male Singer Video Award. Before the awards ceremony, the media believed that this award must belong to Link, because his nominated song "Legends never die", is the only single record with sales of more than 10 million copies in the United States this year.

The idea and theme of this song are very positive and inspiring. It is about the American's favorite football sport.

As well as Link's performance level, the quality of the song MV and the number of views, it ranks first among the singles released this year.

The only better than this song is "See you again" and Lady Gaga's "Bad romance", but these two songs were released last year and are not comparable.

The final winner of the best male singer is Eminem's "Not Afraid".

Eminem was a little surprised to hear that he won the award. He stood up and bumped fists with Link before going on stage.

"You don't like to lose, why did you lose this time?"

Taylor clapped his hands with a smile on his lips.

"Are you happy to see me lose?"

"A little bit!"

"If you are happy, my loss is also valuable."

"Huh, that's because you can't win."

Taylor said.

"I have never thought that I have to win in everything. In your heart, am I a person who only cares about winning and losing?"

"Isn't it?"

Taylor turned her head and looked at his profile.

“I used to box for myself, and after joining the boxing gym, every time I won a match, the people in the gym were very happy.

After I become a professional boxer, the boxing fans who support me will be happy when they see me win. After I join the music industry, everyone at Link Music Company and all the fans who support me, including you, will be happy when they see me win. happy.

I also hope that all the people who support me will be happy because I win, so I will work harder, train, create, and strive to continue winning. But I never thought that one day, my desire to win would become the reason for you to hate me. "

Link said helplessly.

"Don't make yourself feel so wronged. No matter who you tried to win to make me happy, that time you did that to me before I regained consciousness and made me pregnant. You were definitely the only one who was happy in this matter. "

Taylor said in a hushed voice.

"The child should also be happy. After he is born, he will be giggling non-stop."

"Shut up! Don't talk about the child."

Taylor said, rubbing her belly.

While the two were talking, there was a camera in the audience, always pointed at the two, motionless.

Link shook his head.

On the stage, Eminem and Rihanna, who has dyed red hair, sang their popular song "Love the Way You Lie". Taylor said she loved this song and that all scumbags should listen to it.

Link didn't respond.

After Best Male Singer, the awards for Best Rock Video, Best Group, Best Dance Video, and Best Pop Video continued.

Link scored zero out of four picks, and Lady Gaga scored two out of four picks.

Among the four nominations, the MV for the rock song "Legends Never Die" and the MV for the pop song "Girls like you" were very popular on the Internet before the awards ceremony, but the MTV jury still refused to award him.

By this time, people who were close to him looked at him with helplessness and sympathy, while those who were hostile to him looked at him with ridicule.

"Are you happy to see that I didn't win the award?"

"Yes, so what?"

"Smile for me?"


Of course Taylor didn't smile and rolled her eyes at him.

"Okay, no joke, I plan not to attend any music award ceremonies starting from the second half of next year. Will you be happier?"

"Are you serious?"

Taylor asked, frowning.

"Yes, when the time comes, you come to the award ceremony, and I will take care of the children. We will watch you on TV."

"Don't think about it, I won't let you take care of the child."

Taylor hummed softly, stroking his belly and leaning towards Selena.

The awards ceremony is coming to an end, and Beyoncé, the winner of the last MTV Awards, took the stage to present the last award, 'Video of the Year'.

There are five song MVs shortlisted for this award, Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance", Florence + The Machine's "Dog Days Are Over", Thirty Seconds to Mars' "Kings and Queens", BoB Jr.'s "Airplanes", and Link's "legends never die".

"Winning Video of the Year is"

Beyoncé glanced at the nomination card and smiled charmingly, "Scumbag, oh, sorry, Mr. Linkback's "Legends never die""

The people present were stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

Kanye West and others smacked their thighs, whistled, and laughed. They thought it was so cool that Beyoncé publicly called Link a scumbag, and did not give Link any face.

Link shook his head, hugged Taylor, Selena, and Lana Del Rey, and walked onto the podium from the crowd.

After taking the stage, Beyoncé hugged him in public before handing the trophy to him.

Link held the shiny Astros trophy and walked to the microphone. Before he started speaking, a burst of warm applause and cheers erupted from the audience, and many acquaintances stood up and applauded.

Link smiled softly, held up the trophy, and bowed to thank everyone.


When the applause ended, Link took the microphone and said, "Seeing so many friends applauding, I feel that I am still far away from betraying my relatives."

Everyone laughed, knowing that he was joking about the fact that the "Hollywood Reporter" commented that he had deserted his family some time ago.

"In the past year, I have experienced a lot. I originally had an enviable relationship, but because I didn't cherish it, I accidentally lost her. I also had many honors and was a very decent idol. But because of my laissez-faire, I gradually turned into the scumbag everyone calls Beyoncé. I originally predicted that I would win 11 trophies at this year’s MTV Awards, but now I have only won one. Ms. Gaga, it’s because you are so awesome. ?"

Link asked looking at Lady Gaga in the audience.

Lady Gaga covered her mouth and laughed, shaking her head repeatedly.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh. At first, everyone thought he was repenting, which sounded quite sentimental, but then he changed the topic to winning trophies. He said he predicted he would win 11 trophies, which was obviously a joke.

"Thank you! Thank you to the MTV judges for awarding this important award to me. Previously in the audience, Taylor and Selena said that the judges were right not to award me the award because they are all good people with high moral character and will not Award goes to a person who is dogged by bad press.

Now that you award this award to me, it is not only recognition of "Legends Never Die", but also recognition of my personal character. You think I am a good man, right? Thanks, I think so too. "


Everyone laughed, and some complained about his thick skin.

"I would also like to thank Graeme, David Kahn, Ali, Mars, and all the staff at Link Music Studio. When I received the invitation from the organizer of the Super Bowl, it was on Christmas Eve, and it was only more than a month before the start of the Super Bowl. In order to complete this song in advance, we all spent the New Year in the music studio last month. This trophy also belongs to you.

I would also like to thank all my fans, family and friends who have supported me. You have never given up and supported me as always, making me better. I will continue to work hard and write more good songs. Legends never die! "

Link said as he raised the trophy.

Bang bang bang!

There was a burst of warm applause from the audience, and many people stood up and clapped and cheered.

"Strange! Isn't Link a scumbag? Why do so many people like him?"

Actor Jesse Eisenberg looked into the audience in surprise.

"Of course it's because he's handsome enough, talented enough, and worth more than one billion. What woman wouldn't like a man like him."

actor Andrew Garfield said enviously.

"You're right. If you are an Olympic champion, ten women will like you. If you are a world boxing champion, there will be a hundred girls who want to marry you. If you are a world superstar, there will be at least a thousand girls. Women are willing to bear children for you. If you are worth more than one billion at the age of 21, there will be at least 10,000 women falling for you, and Link has them all.”

exclaimed actor Chris Pine.

"He is indeed a very powerful guy."

Not long after Link left, he took the performance team back to the stage and passionately sang "Legends Never Die", bringing the atmosphere to a climax.

Legends never die

The legend never goes out

When the world is calling you

The world is calling you

Can you hear them screaming out your name

I can hear you calling your name

Legends never die! !

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