In September, when East Asia gradually enters autumn, the sun in Los Angeles is still as bright as midsummer, and the clear blue sky is cloudless.

Link stood at the airport and looked up at the sky. Amidst the huge rumble, a Boeing 747 plane almost brushed the roof of the terminal and flew to the east.

Perhaps it was because his body had adapted to the environment in Los Angeles. When he stepped off the plane and set foot on this land, he felt a little more relaxed, and the hard work of the past few days was somewhat relieved.

When he put on his sunglasses and walked out of the terminal with his work team, Ms. Mandy came to greet him in advance and told him that many reporters wanted to interview him and asked about the world tour, and asked him if he wanted to accept it?

Link thought for a moment and didn't refuse.

As a public figure, there is no media publicity, no traffic, and no market.

Even if dealing with the media is time-consuming and laborious, he must treat it as a priority.

When we arrived at the square in front of the airport, we were greeted by a group of media reporters. There were forty or fifty people, including many photographers.

"Mr. Baker, welcome back to Los Angeles. What did you gain from this world tour in Asia? Can you tell us about it?"

The Los Angeles Times reporter shouted with a voice recorder.

"There are many rewards. The biggest reward is of course that I have gained many lovely fans. Although we have different languages ​​and cultures, music has no borders. We are very happy that they like my songs, which will also become my motivation for creation. Secondly, I got to see many Asian cities, beautiful landscapes, and various kinds of food.”

Link spoke eloquently to reporters, starting from fans and talking about Asian humanities and culture, Asian music and singers, etc.

"Mr. Baker, shouldn't your biggest achievement be meeting many Asian beauties?"

Suddenly a reporter shouted loudly from the crowd.


Immediately the reporters burst into laughter.

Link looked at this group of strange reporters and shook his head helplessly. Regardless of the fatigue of the journey, he patiently answered their questions, but what he got in return was teasing and ridicule. These reporters were too unruly.

"Mr. Baker, according to Asian media reports, every time you go to a region, there will be scandals with popular actresses in the region. How did you do it?"

shouted a reporter from "American Express".

"Everyone, let me explain one last time. During the Asian tour, due to the tight tour schedule, I stayed in many cities for less than two days, and scandals would still break out afterwards. This is obviously the media creating fake news to gain profits. Attention, not worthy of comment.

In addition, fellow reporters, the weather is hot and my time is limited. Please focus the interview on the tour and I will not answer other questions. "

Link warned seriously.

"Mr. Baker, it was previously reported by South Korea's KBS TV station that popular Korean movie star Jun Ji-hyun broke up with her boyfriend, which was believed to be related to you. Just yesterday, Jun Ji-hyun's boyfriend also claimed in an interview with the media that they broke up not only because of work but also because of you. Relationship, how are you going to explain this?”

shouted an Asian man wearing a sign saying ‘Korea Yonhap News Agency’ correspondent in the United States.

Link didn't explain, nor did he want to.

After the trip to China, he led the team to South Korea for a concert. But what he didn't expect was that before he arrived in South Korea, the scandal between him and Jun Ji-hyun was already spreading in the land, saying that the two were in China. During the filming, they fell in love because of the drama, and they had a close relationship, and it was suspected that they were living together.

Later, someone broke the news that he learned Korean from Jun Ji-hyun. This is true. When asked this question by the host in an interview on a KBS program, Link gave an affirmative answer and explained that he only learned Korean from Jun Ji-hyun during filming. Learning Korean.

Later, a KBS reporter interviewed Jun Ji-hyun. Jun Ji-hyun praised him for his great language talent and fast learning, and said that he was very happy to be his Korean teacher.

The reporter asked her if the two were still in contact. When Link held a concert in South Korea, would she invite him to taste Korean food?

Jun Ji-hyun answered in the affirmative, saying that the two were friends and it was appropriate to invite him to dinner.

After the two explained, there were less scandals in the media, but just three days later, news broke in the media that Jun Ji-hyun had broken up with her boyfriend.

It was originally just a simple news about a celebrity breaking up, but in order to attract more attention and attract more attention, the Korean media did not follow martial ethics and seduced Link, who was holding a concert, and adapted the breakup scene into The bloody love triangle with a cross-border love affair caused a stir.

When Link held concerts across South Korea, he would be asked this question every time he was interviewed by the media. Although he explained it many times, the media still clung to his conspicuous bag and refused to let go.

He stopped his Korean concert and returned to the United States early because he wanted to avoid the limelight, but he didn't expect to be asked this question as soon as he got off the plane.

When asked by reporters, he could only emphasize once again that he and Ms. Jun Ji-hyun are just friends and there are absolutely no other problems.

Miss Jun Ji-hyun's breakup with her boyfriend has nothing to do with her. This is also the last time she publicly explains the matter, and she will never answer such questions again.

Seeing that these reporters were very uncooperative, he had no intention of continuing the interview and asked Ms. Mandy to stop the reporters and announce that the interview was over.

"Mr. Baker, the media broke the news that Ms. Taylor Swift is suspected of being pregnant. You are the father of the child. Will you get back together because of this?"


Link was about to leave, but stopped in surprise when he heard this question.

"Is this true?"

"When did it happen?"

In the moving business car, Link looked at Ms. Mandy and asked.

Ms. Mandy took out a newspaper and handed it to him. It was a copy of The Hollywood Reporter. Today's front-page headline was "Country music queen Taylor Swift suspected of being pregnant". There was a side photo of Taylor in the news.

She wore sunglasses, a loose polka-dot long skirt, and a bag. She entered a recording studio under the escort of bodyguards and assistants.

From her figure, her back was plumper than before, and she walked slower, looking like a pregnant woman.

There were also media reports that during the release of her third album, Taylor would wear loose clothes for every public event, instead of the previous standard T-shirt + jeans. The Hollywood Reporter posted twelve photos of Taylor's recent outfits in the news, eight of which were wearing skirts, and the remaining four were also loose at the waist.

In addition, The Hollywood Reporter also posted a piece of evidence that during the promotion of her third album, her number of public activities was significantly less than that of her second album, and the time she appeared each time was also very limited.

Finally, The Hollywood Reporter came to a conclusion that Taylor was pregnant.

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