Haidong New District is the financial and trade zone of Donghai City and one of the most prosperous neighborhoods in this international metropolis.

It is adjacent to the Huangbu River and surrounded by skyscrapers.

There is the Ocean Center Building, the second tallest building in the world, the World Financial Center, the fifth tallest building in the world, and the tallest restaurant in the world certified by the Guinness Book of World Records.

The fifth-tallest building in the new district is Jianghai Tower, which is 327 meters high and is currently the most expensive apartment building.

At present, the price of each square meter is more than 50,000 yuan, and the price of each apartment is more than 10 million yuan. When purchasing, identity checks and interviews are required. Buyers with money, power and fame will be given priority. Buyers like coal bosses who only have People with money often lose out.

Link owns two apartments in Jianghai Building, both with an area of ​​more than 500 square meters. This is also his foothold in Dahai City.

But the person living here at this time is not him, but his two Japanese teachers Yui Shinheng and Nozomi Sasaki.

"Ogasan, I'm very happy here in China. My dormitory is in a high-rise apartment, which is higher than Ginza in Tokyo. It's very prosperous outside."

Yui-chan was wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, kneeling on the leather sofa. She called her mother Erika, who was far away in Okinawa Prefecture, and explained to her mother that the purpose of her visit to China this time was a business trip to teach a very important person Japanese. It probably took You can return home in half a month.

She also asked about her father's situation. Has he been released?

The mother said that the father had left the prosecutor's office and could return to work at the county office after a week's rest.

Yui-chan breathed a sigh of relief and said 'Yogada'.

Erika was worried about her and asked her to try not to go out when she was working in China. Chinese people didn't like Japanese people. She also asked her who the big shot in teaching Japanese was and would she be bullied?

Yui-chan explained that she was an American, a true American, very polite and a true gentleman, and he never did anything excessive to her.

Erika felt relieved when she heard that he was from America and told her to teach the other party Japanese seriously and not to act like a daughter.

Yui-chan quickly said no, asked Ogasan to rest assured, and said she would bring her a gift.

After hanging up the phone, Yui-chan slumped down on the sofa, her knees clasped inward, her feet pointed outward, and she reached out to brush her bangs from her forehead.

After thinking about it, she called her boyfriend Nishikido Ryo again. To be precise, he was not her boyfriend, but they had a crush on each other and the relationship had just been established.

Both of them are artists signed by Johnny \u0026 Associates. After six months of contact, they felt that they were good friends, and they decided in private that they were boyfriend and girlfriend.

However, the agency prohibits artists from falling in love during the contract period. When the two of them see each other in the company, they just look into each other's eyes and say to each other, "Wow!"

If I miss the other person, I quietly call and send messages. It has been more than two months since we established the relationship, and we haven’t even held hands twice.

This time she came to China on a business trip to work as a Japanese teacher for the world's most famous playboy. She was not willing to do so, and her boyfriend Ryo Nishikido didn't agree either, and she even went to the company's upper management to protest.

At first, because she had done well in the past two years and was very popular on the island, Johnny's Office also wanted to protect her and help her turn down this job.

But later, for some unknown reason, the agency changed its tune and announced the suspension of all her public activities, requiring her to take over the job.

Yui-chan was very sad and wanted to go on a hunger strike to protest. Her boyfriend Nishikido Ryo also encouraged her. If she persisted, the company would definitely make concessions.

But at this time, her father, who worked as a clerk at the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Department of the Okinawa Prefectural Government Office, was exposed to have embezzled stolen money, offered and accepted bribes, and the evidence was conclusive.

If you are prosecuted by the prosecutor's office, you will not only lose your civil servant job and reputation, but you will also be sentenced to more than five years in prison.

At that time, Yui-chan was protesting in an apartment in Tokyo. When she heard the news on the phone, she felt like the sky was falling.

His father, Xin Hengzhi, is also 47 years old. Although he is only an ordinary civil servant in the district county government office, his rank is only equivalent to that of a village chief.

But civil servants are a pretty respectable job in Japan. They have stable work, good benefits, and are respected by people around them. Even the civil servants’ families feel very dignified.

His father is the backbone of the Xinheng family and a great man. But now he has been exposed for embezzling stolen money and will be jailed next.

Regardless of whether his father is corrupt or not, in Yui-chan's heart, he is still the best father.

In order to help her father, she called an acquaintance for help and expressed her willingness to use all her savings to help her father pay the fine. She only hoped that the Supervision Office could reduce her father's sentence during the trial and let him go home early.

It's a pity that her connections are all in the entertainment industry and have nothing to do with politics. After searching around, there was no way.

At that time, Yui-chan felt very powerless. Although she was a star, she was still a very insignificant person.

When she was about to despair, someone from the firm brought Mr. Yasue Tahara to see her.

He said that he could help her handle Xinheng Zhiye's case, so that he could avoid prosecution and maybe continue to work as a civil servant.

The premise is that she has to sign a confidentiality agreement and volunteer to be a Japanese teacher for that playboy.

After hearing what Mr. Tahara said, Yui-chan agreed without thinking.

Being a Japanese teacher for a playboy instead of a slave girl is not a difficult task as long as you handle it properly and stick to the bottom line.

After Mr. Yasue Tahara left, Yui-chan thought that she had been protesting for several days, but in the end she still had to go to China to work as a Japanese teacher for that playboy. She felt like a failure.

An idea flashed in her mind, and she seemed to understand everything.

Perhaps it was Yasue Tahara and the firm who prosecuted my father for embezzling stolen money, and their purpose was to get me to take the job.

How abominable!

Although she understood these things, Yui-chan did not relax at all, but became more nervous.

She knew about the playboy Linkbeck very early. This guy was originally a boxer. It is said that no one can beat him. Even the former famous boxing champion Tyson was defeated by him in a few rounds. He is very powerful.

Later, he entered the music scene and became a pop king in the European and American music scene with only three albums. His songs are also very popular in Japan.

Eight songs including "unstoppable", "see you again", "legends never die", "all of me" and "Everything You Need" have successively topped the Japanese Billboard singles chart. His three albums have sold more than 4 million copies in Japan, which is better than the albums of Japanese first-line singers.

What is more popular than his albums is his photo album.

Link has published two photo albums in Japan. The first photo album was released in August 2009 with his second album "Go Forward", and sold more than 1.2 million copies.

The second photo album was released in April this year, and has sold more than 5 million copies so far, ranking first among men's photo albums.

"Women's Self" magazine claims that almost every modern urban woman in Tokyo has a photo album of Link.

Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, it is not too far-fetched.

Link is very handsome, with beautiful muscle lines, a very sexy figure, and a masculine temperament. The photos he took in his underwear are very sexy. It is said that many mamas fantasize about his photo album every day.

Yui-chan also collected one, but she didn't know at that time that she would have an intersection with him.

After being forced to be Link's Japanese teacher, her favorability towards Link dropped by 5%.

At the same time, Link is also a movie star, and he has a very successful record company under him. He is worth more than 150 billion yen and is a millionaire.

Despite his greatness, Link is just a relatively famous rich man. His fame in the United States is a little less than that of MJ, Madonna, Britney, etc.

Yui-chan doesn't quite understand why the agency would force a popular star like her to be his Japanese teacher for such a person?

Especially since the government departments are involved in this matter, they can easily find out the problem of the father and can easily calm it down.

This makes Yui-chan very nervous, and feels that the matter is more serious than she thought.

After deciding to take the job, because of the confidentiality agreement, when she notified her boyfriend Ryo Nishikido, she did not mention that Yasue Tahara helped her solve her father's case, but only said that she volunteered to be Link's Japanese teacher.

Her boyfriend was very angry when he heard her decision, blaming her for not persisting, and said that she would be deceived by the playboy into bed.

Yui-chan promised not to, saying that she would give him her innocent body and would not have any relationship with the playboy. If the playboy dared to force her, she would fight to the death.

After hearing her promise, her boyfriend Ryo Nishikido forgave her again. He called her every day to inquire about the situation and asked if Playboy had done anything excessive to her.

Yui-chan said no, Playboy was filming recently and only came to the apartment to learn Japanese for two hours a day. He would say hello to her when he came and when he left, and he was very polite.

Her boyfriend told her not to let her guard down, because this might be Playboy's disguise. When she let her guard down, Playboy would pounce on her without hesitation, bully her, and release his animal nature on her, saying that all men are like this.

Yui-chan felt that it was unlikely.

When I saw Link's photo album before, I felt that he was very handsome, a very handsome Playboy, but after seeing him in person, I felt that he was even more handsome.

Black exquisite short hair, blue crystal-like eyes, a high and straight nose, and the contours of his face looked like a work of art carved by an ancient Greek sculptor.

He was tall and straight, with very strong and sexy muscle lines, and people could feel the contours of his body even when he was wearing clothes.

In addition, he has a gentle and polite personality. He does not have the Japanese male chauvinism, nor does he look down on women. He has a very good temper. Even if he is treated coldly, he will not get angry. Instead, she feels very rude and ashamed afterwards.

In addition, Link is knowledgeable and has read many books, including famous works by writers and philosophers such as Hemingway, Amedeo, Buñuel, and Dali. He has also read Japanese writers Haruki Murakami's "Norwegian Wood" and "Kafka on the Shore", Kawabata Yasunari's "Snow Country" and "The Old Capital", Akutagawa Ryunosuke's "Rashomon" and "In the Bamboo Grove", etc.

Every time she chats with him, Yui-chan will be ashamed of her shallow knowledge and experience.

At the same time, she is also ashamed of looking at him with contempt for playboys in the past. How could such a handsome, elegant and knowledgeable man be a playboy who likes to play with women's bodies?

So when she heard her boyfriend say that Link would release his animal nature on her, she felt that her boyfriend was like her former self. She had a one-sided understanding of Link from the media and took his words out of context to think that he was a scumbag, but in fact, Link was not like that.

Yui-chan did not explain for Link, but just told her boyfriend that she would pay attention, and firmly told her boyfriend that the person she loved was still him, and asked him not to worry about her changing his mind.

Her boyfriend, Ryo Nishikido, reluctantly said that he would wait for her to come back.

After hanging up the phone, Yui-chan was in a daze holding her phone.

Originally, I wanted to recall my boyfriend to express my longing for him.

But for some reason, now whenever I think of a man, the first thing that pops up is Link's image, with deep and bright eyes, a clean and sunny smile, and his every move shows his masculine charm, which makes people can't help but like him.

"Ah! Why do I think of him again?"

Yui-chan patted her forehead, opened the album on her phone and pulled out a photo of Ryo Nishikido, ready to use her boyfriend's photo to drive Link away.

It's just that her boyfriend looks a bit ordinary, with long bangs and a nose ring. I used to think he was cool, but compared to Link, he feels so far away.

One is like a luxury product displayed in the Chanel flagship store, and the other is a half-price product in a discount store.

Yui-chan shook her head, feeling ashamed of this idea, and kept reminding herself in her heart that she likes her boyfriend's inner beauty, not his appearance, and inner beauty is a hundred times more important than outer beauty.


While she was struggling with her thoughts, her cell phone suddenly rang. Yui-chan's hands trembled and she almost dropped the phone on the ground. She hurriedly picked up the phone from the sofa, and the caller ID showed "Tahara Yasue".

In fact, she had only met Tahara Yasue twice, once to sign a confidentiality agreement, and the second time when he brought her to Link, and then she was like a missing person.

She had also asked her seniors in the agency about Tahara Yasue's identity. The seniors told her that Tahara Yasue was a big shot in the entertainment industry and also worked for big shots. If she could make friends with him and get his approval, she would not lack resources in the entertainment industry.

Yui-chan answered the phone carefully and greeted Mr. Tahara politely.

Mr. Tahara's attitude was also very good, and he asked her about Mr. Baker's progress in learning Japanese.

Yui-chan told him that Mr. Baker was very serious about learning Japanese and made rapid progress. Now he can understand some Japanese conversations, knows more than 100 Japanese words, and has made rapid progress in oral pronunciation, and can speak more than 50 daily expressions.

Mr. Tahara said it was good, and then asked her if Mr. Baker had done anything to her, such as kissing, touching, or having sex?

Yui-chan's cheeks were flushed when she heard this, and she said "nai nai" several times, saying that Mr. Baker was very polite and had not even touched her and Nozomi Sasaki's hands. He was a very decent person.

The other side of the microphone fell into silence.

"Mr. Tahara? Are you still there?"

Yui-chan asked in a low voice.

Tahara Yasue responded that he was, and then said that there was an important task for her.

If she could complete it, her father's position in the prefectural government office would be promoted two to three levels, becoming a department director or group leader of the prefectural government office.

Yui-chan was surprised to hear this.

In Japan, civil servants are a very decent job, with high income and good benefits. It is precisely because of this that there is fierce competition for civil servant positions and it is difficult to get promoted.

My father is very capable at work, but because he is not smooth enough in dealing with things, there is no big shot to promote him, which resulted in him not being promoted after working in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries for more than ten years.

If he could be promoted two or three levels, he could become an official of the prefectural government, and his annual income would increase from 5.6 million yen to more than 8 million yen. In addition, the Shintsune family would become a prestigious family in Okinawa Prefecture.

This kind of reputation is more glorious and respectable than having a celebrity daughter in the family.

Tahara Yasue continued to say that he could also help her brother, who was an auxiliary police officer, to become a regular police officer.

Yui-chan covered her mouth in surprise, and her dark pupils trembled in her eye sockets.

Becoming a regular police officer is her brother's dream, but the competition for police positions is also fierce. Her brother has been an auxiliary police officer for five years and still has not been able to become a regular police officer. It would be great if he could become a real police officer.

But Yui-chan also understands that every gift has a price tag in advance.

Mr. Tahara gave such good conditions, and his task must be equally difficult, and he may need to sacrifice his life to complete it.

Yui-chan asked in a low voice what task?

Mr. Tahara said that he hoped she could attract Mr. Baker and become his lover, and if she could get pregnant with his child.

Regardless of whether she is a man or a woman, her father will be promoted three levels or more, and if she wants to continue to be an actor, she will also get S-level resources.

Yui-chan opened her mouth and was surprised for a long time. Just now, she thought that Mr. Tahara would let her do a lot of things.

For example, taking nude photos of Link, stealing Link's new song manuscripts, spying on Link's business secrets, giving Link laxatives before he participated in a boxing match, and even thought about being used as an assassin to assassinate Link.

But she never thought that Mr. Tahara's task was to make her Link's lover and get pregnant with his child.

Yui-chan asked curiously why, she is a popular actress in the Japanese entertainment industry, not only in China, but also in Asia. She is now arranged to be Link's lover and surrogate mother?

She doesn't understand the purpose of such arrangements by Yasue Tahara and government departments.

Mr. Tahara told her that Japanese women are currently well received internationally and have a positive image. They are more recognized than women in other Asian countries, and this progress is the result of the sacrifices of countless Japanese women, including Yoko Ono, Marcia Aoki, and Riko Shibata.

Yui said that these people are the wives of celebrities, not their lovers, and that they are in free love, not arranged.

Yasue Tahara said that this is just an appearance, and asked her what she thinks of Link?

Yui thought for a while and said that he is a very handsome and strong boy.

Tanahara Yasue told her that Link was considered one of the best and most powerful men in the world. His strength, speed and talent all proved that he was one of the best human races.

If his genes could be brought into the Japanese gene pool, it would play an important role in improving the overall quality of the Japanese.

Mr. Tahara also said that this was not an isolated incident. In recent years, the mixed-race people active in various circles in Japan have proved that this plan is feasible.

Yui-chan gradually understood what Mr. Tahara meant, and felt ashamed and angry. Now it is a new era. Why do some people still have such Nazi ideas? Japanese genes are not bad, so why do they need to borrow from others?

And a big star like her has become a pathetic surrogacy tool.

Finally, Tahara Yasue said that the starting point of this matter was not for his personal interests, nor for the interests of a certain company, but for the interests of all of Japan and future generations of Japan.

Whether the Great Unity Nation can continue to stand among the nations of the world and become one of the world's leaders in the future depends on her performance. I hope she will seriously consider it.

Yui-chan was very angry when she heard this. Before, Yasue Tahara had used the bait of getting her father promoted and her brother a full-time employee, but now she has elevated this task to the level of the nation, as if she would be a sinner of the nation if she didn't accept it.

Yui-chan wanted to refuse outright, but when she thought of her father's promotion, she hesitated and said that she needed to think about it seriously.

Yasue Tahara said yes, and told her that Nozomi Sasaki had accepted the task. If she didn't accept it, she could choose to quit at any time. This task was entirely voluntary and would never be forced. She was also asked to keep it confidential.


The phone was hung up, and Yui-chan heard the busy tone in the microphone, and her mind was a little confused.

Should I accept this strange task?

Is it true that Nozomi Sasaki accepted this task?

Yui-chan couldn't figure it out, threw away her phone, lay on the sofa with her legs spread out, and stared at the ceiling with lifeless eyes.

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